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World in Chains- The Complete Series

Page 127

by Ryan W. Mueller

  "You don't want to kill us," Kara said. "I'd like to think we became friends on the road together. Whatever control he has over you, it doesn't matter."

  Warrick's face twisted. "Run. I'm fighting against his compulsion, but it won't last. Get far away from here. Please."

  They all sprinted toward the door, but they found it closed. No matter how hard they pushed against it, it wouldn't open.

  "Krinir's sealed us in!" Rik said, glancing wildly from side to side.

  "Then we'll have to hide somewhere else in the fortress," Eliza said. They took off running, listening to Warrick grunting with exertion as he fought against Krinir's control. They couldn't head toward the place where Danica had gone, not without running into Krinir first. Not to mention, Warrick would surely return to Terra through the portal as well.

  But where could they go in this fortress? Where could they hide?

  * * * * *

  Danica connected with the machine as she had so many times before. This time, she was prepared to die, prepared to end this game. After all, it didn't matter how much she resisted. Krinir would have his way in the end. She closed her eyes as the power thrummed through her.

  The connection felt different this time. It felt right.

  When she opened her eyes, she was staring at a sight she hadn't expected. Instead of brilliant sun and green plants, she saw a ruined city lit by greenish magical light. Was this still part of the Shadowed Land? She had hoped to see the beauty of her home world again, but perhaps it was not meant to be.

  "I knew you could do it," Krinir said.

  "I don't understand. That still looks like the Shadowed Land." Then she took a closer look at what she was seeing, and realized the truth.

  She was looking at the Underground City.

  "I see you've realized what you're seeing," Krinir said. "Yes, it is the Underground City. You may or may not know this, but it is the easiest access point between the Shadowed Land and Terra. It's where I expected to go. Thank you."

  "I'm not doing it for you." I'm going to keep this portal open as long as I can, she added silently. Give the others a chance to get home.

  "I know, but the result's the same." He stepped toward the portal, his eyes alive with excitement. "Wait for Warrick. Then you'll let the portal die. And then—"

  "And then I'll die."

  "Yes." Krinir stepped forward through the portal.

  * * * * *

  Kara, Rik, and Eliza raced through the corridors of Krinir's fortress. Warrick wasn't right behind them, and he was probably still fighting against Krinir's control. But how long could he resist? How could they avoid him and still find their way home?

  Kara could not accept that they'd be stuck here forever.

  Footsteps sounded behind them. She turned to see Warrick racing toward them. Had he already lost his battle? His dark eyes were full of determination. He pointed a finger at them, but then he hesitated, as if still fighting his battle.

  The lightning that surged from his fingertips was not as strong as it could have been. Rik raised his staff, conjuring a shield around them. The lightning fizzled when it struck that shield, and Warrick remained where he was, his expression twitching.

  "We have to run," Eliza said, and they took off again, pushing through a nearby door.

  The room beyond was unlike any place Kara had ever seen. All kinds of lamps filled the room, glowing with light that reminded her of the sun. It was so warm and inviting that she almost forgot she was in the Shadowed Land.

  Warrick entered the room, moving with jerky motions. He was still fighting, but it looked like his control was weakening.

  As Kara stood beneath the strange lamps in this room, she felt something stirring within her. It was the same feeling she'd experienced after going through the Nexus. Magic. She felt suddenly as if she could feel colors within her, as if she could weave these colors together. It made no sense, but that was how she felt.

  Warrick was about to cast another spell, but then he stopped. "Kara, I can feel that strange magic within you. It's more powerful now."

  She took a hesitant step toward him. "I feel it, too, but I don't know how it works."

  Rik tugged at her arm. "Shouldn't we get going?"

  "No." She pulled away from his grip, stepping toward Warrick again. "Are you in control, or should we keep running from you?"

  He grimaced, as if still fighting his battle. "Krinir has gone to Terra. His hold on me has grown weaker. It's still there, but I can fight it." He shook his head. "But I have to return to Terra, where I'll be back under his control. While he's been controlling me, his ability to create dark strands has been weakened."

  Kara frowned at him. "What do you mean?"

  "I've seen the path to victory over Krinir, or at least bits and pieces of it. For it to work, I must return to Terra and submit myself to Krinir's control. You must return as well." He grimaced again, still fighting. "Remember what I told you about my secret code. It's the only way I'll know that I can trust you. In the end, though, it will come down to Tylen."

  "Tylen?" Kara said.

  "I can't see clearly enough. There are still too many dark strands. But Tylen has the power to bring me back to myself, to set me free from Krinir's control once and for all. You and Tylen have to stay close to me." His expression twitched. "Do you understand?"

  "I understand," Kara said.

  "We need to get through Danica's portal before it closes," Warrick said. "I'm not sure how much longer I can fight. Sensing your magic brought me back to myself, but only for the moment. When we return to Terra, you should keep your distance at first. Come to me later."

  "I will," Kara said. She couldn't stand to see Warrick like this. In the time she'd spent with him, she'd come to care about him. She'd never expected that, but now she saw that he was not evil. He'd been controlled by Krinir for most of his life.

  Krinir was the true evil in this world.

  "Follow me," Warrick said, and they raced through the corridors again. Soon they reached a room filled with strange machines. Danica sat on the stone floor, trembling, struggling to keep her eyes open. In front of her was the image of a ruined city illuminated by green light.

  Tears trickled down her face. "It's going to kill me."

  "I'm sorry," Warrick said. "But your sacrifice will matter."

  "Are you out from under his control?" she asked, trembling more fiercely.

  "For now. But it won't last long."

  Danica fixed her gaze on all four of them. "Please, kill Krinir for me."

  Kara fell to a squat beside Danica. "I'll do everything I can."

  "We all will," Eliza said.

  "Good," Danica said. "Now step through the portal. I can't keep it going much longer."

  Warrick entered the portal first, vanishing as soon as he made contact with it. Rik and Eliza followed, leaving Kara alone with Danica.

  "Don't waste any time," Danica said.

  "Can't you follow us through?"

  "It doesn't work that way. It has to kill me. That's the price I have to pay." Danica fixed her determined gaze on Kara. "But you have a chance to return home, a chance to change the world. If I have to die to give you that chance, then I accept my fate."

  Kara didn't know Danica well, but still had tears in her eyes. It was hard to watch anybody sacrifice themselves like this. Kara wished she could do something, but she couldn't. Not now. Her path stretched ahead of her—a path leading to Krinir's defeat.

  She had to follow that path, had to make Danica's sacrifice worth it.

  So many had died to bring her to this point. She couldn't fail them.

  With a deep breath, she entered the portal.

  * * * * *

  As soon as Kara stepped through the portal, Danica let it die. Cold permeated every part of her body, and she felt so weak she couldn't move at all. Her vision grew blurry, then dark.

  Then she knew nothing more.

  Chapter 52: The Battle of Bradenton

t and Cyrus returned to the place where Gram was waiting for them, staring uneasily at the statue that had blocked their progress earlier. Cyrus handled the statue easily with his magic, and then they returned to the entrance chamber of the building. The Silver Wisps were not around for the moment.

  Cyrus led Garet and Gram to a door at the left side of the chamber. When they stepped through it, Gram's eyes widened. "A teleportation chamber," he said. "Didn't expect that."

  As Garet stepped onto the platform, he said, "Where are we going?"

  "With the barrier down," Cyrus said, "we can teleport anywhere in the world. In fact, now we can do that from any teleportation chamber."

  Gram nodded. "Then we should return to Bradenton. After all, I can get us into the teleportation chamber there if we need to go somewhere else." He smiled. "I've always wanted to see the world beyond the Empire."

  Cyrus's expression became grave. "You may not find it to your liking."

  Gram shrugged. "We'll see."

  Raising his right hand into the air, Cyrus said, "Bradenton, market district."

  A moment later, Garet's feet left the floor. The world blurred, then darkened as it spun around him. After a few moments of disorientation, his feet hit solid ground again. When he opened his eyes, he stood in bright midday sunlight on Bradenton's cobblestone streets.

  A few people were outside, looking at the sky.

  "It's not dark anymore," said one woman. People all around raced from building to building, informing everyone that the darkness had passed.

  "Looks like it worked," Garet said, feeling as if a weight had left his chest.

  But then that weight returned a moment later when he saw Imperial Guards marching toward them. Had the Imperial Guards seen them appear in the street? Did they recognize who they were? Now that they'd handled the immediate threat, they were enemies again.

  An Imperial Guard commander stepped forward from the group. "You have returned, I see, but where is High Commander Adams?"

  "He died in the Underground City," Cyrus said.

  "You killed him, didn't you?"

  "We did nothing of the sort," Garet said. "We have honor, unlike you." But he wasn't so sure about that when he considered what Cyrus had told him. Had Cyrus intended for Commander Adams to die all along?

  "I don't believe you," said the commander. "There will be a reckoning for this." He turned on his heel and marched away, his men trailing behind him. Garet didn't know how to feel about the man's reaction. Did he know something Garet didn't? After all, he could have attacked them right now. But perhaps he didn't like his chances against Cyrus.

  Yes, that had to be the answer.

  "I'm going to rejoin my comrades," Gram said. He marched toward Bradenton's Imperial Guard garrison.

  "We should head to Liam's inn," Garet said. Cyrus nodded his agreement, and they made their way to the inn. Outside the wooden building, they found Dave, Mara, Captain Davis, and Liam. They were still staring at the sky as if they couldn't believe it.

  "You must've succeeded," said Captain Davis.

  Garet nodded. "How'd everything go here?"

  "There were some monsters," Dave said, "but nothing we couldn't handle."

  "A few townspeople died, though," Mara said. There was pain in her eyes, and Garet couldn't blame her. As one of the Hunters, she had dedicated her life to protecting people. He understood that desire well enough, though he'd always been more of a loner.

  They enjoyed a good meal in the inn, during which they recounted everything they'd been through. Even more enjoyable for Garet was the chance to rest. He fell asleep almost immediately and didn't wake up until shortly after dawn the next morning. Though he'd always been an adventurer, a man accustomed to less-than-comfortable accommodations, he wouldn't say no to a soft bed every now and then.

  He found the rest of his comrades down in the common room, enjoying a warm breakfast. Liam stood behind the counter, wiping it down with a rag as usual. Everyone ate in silence, their expressions grave.

  "Everything all right?" Garet asked as he took a seat in a wooden chair.

  "I've looked into the Webs of Fate," Cyrus said. "And what I have seen troubles me deeply. Warrick has returned from the Shadowed Land, and with him is Krinir, the god of Destruction, a being more powerful than Warrick by far."

  Garet's stomach felt unsettled. "And what does that mean for us?"

  "They're coming here," Cyrus said. "I think they intend to destroy the city and kill me."

  "Then leave," Garet said.

  Cyrus shook his head. "They'll try to kill me wherever I go. No, I should remain here and protect the people the best I can. If that means I die, then so be it. I've lived a long life."

  "It's your choice," Garet said.

  Cyrus nodded. "You also have the choice to leave."

  "Not gonna happen," said Captain Davis. "I fled Crayden when I had the chance to save more people. I'm not gonna do that again."

  "And we'll protect the people however we can," Dave said. Mara nodded her agreement.

  "We may all die, then," Cyrus said.

  "I've accepted that possibility," said Captain Davis.

  Garet had to decide if he truly wanted to be part of this. He'd always considered himself a brave man, but how could he hope to stand against the powers of Warrick and a god? In the end, though, he couldn't bring himself to abandon people who needed him. He would protect the people of Bradenton, even if it meant his own death.

  After all, he'd joined the Order, and those in the Order swore an oath to protect the people of the Empire. Garet could not stomach the thought of being an oath-breaker.

  "I'll do everything I can," he said.

  The attack came around midday. Garet was standing at the edge of the open-air market when more Imperial Guards than he'd ever seen appeared in an instant. A commander shouted orders, and they attacked the nearby vendors. Some people ran for their lives, but most could not escape the Imperial Guards' swords, or the fireballs they launched.

  Garet wanted to fight, but he couldn't stand against such odds. He ran away, hating himself for his cowardice. Soon he found his comrades and informed them of what he'd seen. They all jumped to action.

  Cyrus pursued the Imperial Guards. They were still gathered in a large mass. He pointed his fingers at them, and lightning burst from his fingertips. When it struck the Imperial Guards, they fell and twitched on the ground, screaming in agony.

  Now the Imperial Guards scattered. A couple of them raced toward Garet. He launched into action, taking one of them by surprise with a sweep of his blade. The sharp blade sliced through the man's neck in one quick motion.

  The other Imperial Guard turned to face Garet, eyes wide. This man was skilled, and they danced back and forth, their swords clinking and clanking. Garet knew he was more talented, but he had to wait for the right opportunity. However, he couldn't wait too long, not with the battle raging around him.

  As if sensing his thoughts, somebody cast a fireball at him. Searing heat blasted against his back, and he hit the ground, rolling to extinguish the flames. The distraction gave his opponent a chance to attack him. The man kicked hard at Garet's head. Garet blocked the kick with his hands and grabbed the man's leg, throwing him down to the ground.

  Now Garet stood above his opponent, pinning him to the ground with his weight. With a quick motion, Garet thrust his sword straight through the man's neck. Blood fountained from the wound, and the man made horrible gurgling sounds as he died.

  Garet turned just in time to find another Imperial Guard racing toward him, prepared to strike a killing blow. Just as the man came within range, Garet sidestepped his attack. Garet tried to score a hit on the man's neck, but the man raised his sword, parrying the blow.

  They continued in a back-and-forth dance. Garet lost himself in the rhythm of the battle. He had to remain alert, though. At any second, somebody could attack him from behind.

  Garet ducked a blow of the Imperial Guard's sword, then threw all his we
ight against the man, knocking him to the ground. Once his opponent was down, Garet drove his sword through the man's neck. Then he turned to find another opponent.

  Chaos had erupted all around him. Many of Bradenton's buildings were on fire, smoke towering into the air above. Townspeople raced through the streets, carrying screaming children. Everyone looked around in panic as they dashed toward the edge of the city.

  Shouts rang in the air. Swords clinked and clanked. Dead people lay all around: Imperial Guards and ordinary people alike. Garet searched for his next opponent, then decided he had a more important mission. He had to protect the people of Bradenton, had to get them out of the city. But how could he get them past the Imperial Guards?

  They were swarming everywhere, setting fire to everything.

  And then it became much worse.

  Two people appeared nearby in the market district. Garet recognized one of them immediately. Warrick. The other had an unremarkable appearance, but he exuded power in the way he stood. That had to be Krinir.

  Krinir made a quick arm gesture, and a great wall of flame appeared in front of him. It slammed against some of the buildings that had not yet burned, setting them ablaze. Garet jumped out of the way, narrowly dodging the flames. Still, he felt their searing heat.

  He sheltered in an alley, knowing he stood no chance against Warrick and Krinir.

  From his right, Cyrus appeared. He strode determinedly toward Warrick.

  Warrick's smile was cold. "Ah, we meet again, Cyrus. I'm afraid you won't survive this time. You see, I have Krinir on my side."

  Cyrus didn't wait. He sent a massive burst of lightning at Warrick and Krinir. But they cast shields, and the lightning fizzled to nothing.

  Krinir barked a laugh. "Is that the best you have?"

  He advanced on Cyrus, unleashing his own lightning. It glowed much more brilliantly than anything Garet had ever seen. Cyrus raised his arms, trying to conjure a shield, but Garet knew it would be no use. Cyrus's eyes grew wide moments before the lightning struck him.

  He screamed and twitched, hitting the ground. Garet wanted to rush to his side, but there was nothing he could do. After a few more seconds of screaming, Cyrus fell still.


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