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Ivy's Dragon: Dragons of Telera (Book 7)

Page 11

by Lisa Daniels

  He looked down at her. Slowly his face moved down to hers. Gently his lips touched hers. Ivy closed her eyes and pressed her body into his. Running a hand through his hair, she pulled him to her. Suddenly she was off of her feet, and on the bed. Augustin’s body ran the length of her own. One of his hands was slowly unbuttoning her shirt. Ivy wrapped a leg around his and kissed his forehead. He ran a hand under the shirt, brushing her breast as he gently removed the thin covering.

  Ivy’s hands moved to his pants, and began to unfasten them. Slipping her hands around his back, she pushed them down as her feet helped to work them off. He was still a little distance from her, but with the pants out of the way, she felt him brush up against her leg. Her hips pushed up into him, so that he hardened a little more between her body and his. Augustin buried his head in her neck as he moaned at the feel of her body. Ivy quickly worked his shirt off and stared at the perfect body that it had kept hidden. Momentarily she forgot about everything else as her eyes took in the perfect form in front of her. A dragon tattoo ran along his muscles as if it were restless. Ivy ran her hands along his body, and she had to admit that Augustin was incredibly controlled given how she was touching him.

  Her eyes moved from his body to his eyes. His self-control was very admirable given what they were begging for at that moment. Ivy pulled his face down to hers, kissing him as if he was the only air she needed.

  It was all the permission he needed. Sliding her legs apart, he moved into her with a speed and grace that forced her to let out a surprised gasp.

  “Oh gods,” she said, her head tilting back. He began to kiss her neck as his hands repositioned her body so that he could slide further into her. “Oh gods, gods. Gods! Ah-ah!” Ivy felt her body orgasm several times in rapid succession. The last time she clung to his hair, kissing the top of his head as he continued to penetrate her. She felt her body preparing to peak again. “Gods, you don’t disappoint!” She moaned as her body tensed again.

  Later, she was running her hands through Augustin’s hair as he kissed one of her nipples. She had needed to beg him to give her a break because he was far more enthusiastic and energetic than anyone she had ever encountered.

  “Has it been a while since you were with anyone?” Her voice was low as she asked.

  “Was it that bad?” He looked up at her.

  “Not even a little. I can’t say that I’ve ever enjoyed anyone that much, but I’ve never met anyone so… eager before.”

  “It has been a while.”

  “A couple of decades?”


  “You what?” She pulled back from him a little to see if he was serious. “Are you telling me that you haven’t – in centuries?”

  He gave her a confused look. “Is that bad?”

  She pushed him down and straddled him. “I think it is your turn to be selfish.” Ivy knew that she didn’t have quite the same stamina as Augustin, but she wasn’t about to let him do everything. Grabbing his arms, she held them over his head as she slipped over him. She smiled at the look on his face as he closed his eyes. “Just be selfish for a little while,” she murmured near his ear.

  She moved her body against his, finding it difficult to focus on him because Augustin was well-built in every possible way. As she felt her body begin to tense, Ivy began working her inner muscles. He immediately sat up and gripped her, moving her up and down on him as she orgasmed. Pulling his head against her chest, she slid him all the way into her. She felt him release inside of her, and a smile spread across her face for a moment.

  Suddenly, she was on her back, looking up into his marble eyes. Realizing that his orgasm did not do anything to soften him, Ivy’s eyes widened. He held onto her, gently sliding in and out of her as her body began to move against his. A fleeting reminder of what Noely had said passed through her mind, and suddenly Ivy not only fully appreciated what the young woman had meant, she knew that there would be no way she would ever find satisfaction or pleasure with anyone else again. She giggled as she rubbed her face against Augustin’s hair. He looked up at her and she began to kiss him. He responded by sliding his tongue into her mouth as he moved so that just his tip was inside of her. Ivy moaned as she felt him slowly tease her.

  His gentle voice murmured in her ear a few seconds later, “For giggling.” She did it again, but it quickly changed to a gasp as he thrust into her.

  The next morning, Ivy woke with an arm wrapped around her. She pulled the hand to her mouth and kissed it. “I love you, Augustin, so please don’t threaten to leave me again.”

  He responded by pulling her closer to him. “I couldn’t now.”

  “Good, so you can help me,” she rolled over so that she could look at his gorgeous eyes, “and I can help you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly. “Sounds fair.”

  His hands explored her body as she stroked his hair. “Would it be alright if I ask a few questions?”

  “Anything.” He kissed her nipple, causing her to momentarily lose track of her thoughts.

  “What kind-what kind of… uuhh.” Her body arched up as his mouth covered her nipple and began to suck. “Cheater. What kind of shifter – oh gods – shifter are you?” She gave him a semi-triumphant look as his eyes went up to meet hers.

  He pulled away from her and looked down at her without answering.

  She rose up on her elbows. “It has to be something big because I heard you running to get Ester.”

  He climbed over her and got off of the bed. For the first time, Ivy began to really look around and she noticed that the room was enormous. Her eyes moved to his figure, hypnotized by his movements.

  When he reached the middle of the room, Augustin turned to look at her, her eyes automatically moving up and down his body as he asked, “How would you like to use the swing again?”

  Ivy gave him a confused look. “What do you mean? What does-”

  As she watched, he began to shift. Augustin’s body continued to grow and elongate, his skin changing to a sandy color that nearly matched his hair. When he was done, there was very little empty space in the room. Ivy blinked a couple of times as she realized that the man she loved was not only an incredibly good-looking man, by nature he was a dragon.

  “That explains a lot,” she murmured, sliding out of bed. She approached him and began to touch his body. Some places were hard like a rock, others were soft. A couple of places had small patches of moss. “A ground dragon?”

  “Would you like to swing again?”

  “And you can still talk?” She looked at him as he lowered a wing and picked her up.

  “I’m one of the few types that can, yes. It’s not terribly common, but our vocal chords are nearly unchanged because of how rigid our bodies are.”

  Ivy settled onto the tail, a little uncertain that she wouldn’t fall off. “You moved me around on your tail while I was blind?”

  “You were always safe with me.”

  “I know, it’s just. Wow. That’s – I don’t even know what to say to that. I didn’t think it would be possible to love you more, but ye gods, you have always done far too much for me. I thought you were furniture.”

  Augustin moved his tail slowly. “You are worth it, and it makes me happy to see you smiling.”

  “This is nice, I mean really nice, but right now, I really, really want to feel your arms.” She heard the familiar sound, and before she knew it, she fell into the arms of Augustin. “You shift faster back to-”

  He kissed her before she could finish speaking. Ivy jumped up and wrapped her legs around him. Augustin didn’t even bother to return to the bed. He placed her back against the wall and began to kiss her neck as she pressed her hips into his.

  Ivy had no idea how much time had passed when they were both finally too tired to keep going. Still her mind was not ready to stop quite yet. “You distracted me from my questions.”

  Augustin pulled her against him and stroked her hair as he murmured, “I will answer almost
anything you ask.”

  “What am I?”

  He sighed. “Ah, one of the questions I really cannot answer for you. I can help you discover that, but I cannot just tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “It is best to come to it on your own. When I was young, I was left near a town, on my own, because I was too small. They did not expect me to live. Instinctively, I kept a human form, and I had no recollection of my first few years when I was young. Someone told me that I was a dragon shifter. That first shift nearly made me lose my mind. You have to discover who you are, you cannot be told.”

  “Can you give me a hint?”

  He sighed, but Augustin was smiling when he looked at her. “As a dragon, I love soft things.” He began to rub her lower back.

  “As much as I want to, I don’t think I’m ready quite yet, young man.”

  He chuckled. “Focus on what I’m stroking.”

  “I am, and it is turning me on. Oh, fine, if you-”

  His mouth covered hers, forcing Ivy to stop talking. Augustin’s hand continued to stroke her back. With her mouth hushed, Ivy realized that his hand was actually moving down her back and away from her legs, not toward them. She pulled back, her eyes going wide. “What is that?” Her hand moved around and touched something soft and furry. She pulled it around and saw a tail the color of her hair. Holding it up to Augustin, she exclaimed, “It’s a tail!”

  He grinned and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “No, no, no, you don’t get off with that. I have a tail!”

  “So do I.”

  “Only when you are shifted. Can I hide this?”

  “I should think the answer to that is pretty obvious.”

  “Are you saying I’ve always had this?”

  His eyes sparkled as he looked at her, his eyes moving down to her mouth.

  “Focus, Augustin.”

  “I am.” He leaned forward and kissed her. “You said fine.”

  Ivy pulled away. “That was before I knew that I had a tail. Why do I have a tail? What kind of – oh gods.” It dawned on her what kind of creature had tails and looked human. There weren’t many. She leaned forward and whispered, “I’m part kitsune?”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Does that mean I have more than one tail?”

  “Not right now, but you may later. It is difficult to know since you aren’t full-blooded kitsune.”

  “But I thought that kitsune were these wise, dignified creatures that made lives better.”

  “Clearly you have not known many. Only the older ones tend to be like that. Young kitsune are incredibly mischievous and difficult to deal with.”

  “How do I hide my tail?” Ivy couldn’t seem to get her mind off the strange attachment that she was now aware was part of her.

  “That I cannot say because I have no ability to hide part of my body. I am willing to close up in a room with you every night until you figure it out.”

  Ivy gave him a playful slap. “As enjoyable as that sounds, I think that we have more pressing problems.”

  Augustin flopped back on the bed. “Yes, you are right. Fortunately, everyone appears to have made it out of their trials and tribulations intact, although it was a really close call for them. I have some incredibly reckless friends. I will have words with Cyprian about how much he hurt Noely with that last stunt.”

  “What exactly were you to Noely?”

  Augustin turned his head and his eyes twinkled as he looked at Ivy. “She was my charge.” He shifted and looked up at the ceiling. “Her real parents died when she was very small, so I found a new set of parents for her. They also died when she was young, but not so young that I could put her in another home and act like I was just a teacher. I took her somewhere safe and raised her until I was duped by the demons. I worried about her every day for years.”

  “You did a great job with her. She is quite an amazing young woman.”

  He turned to look at her, a sad smile on his face. “She was always amazing, I have nothing to do with it.”

  “Not true, and I’m certain she will say the same. You are magnificent and you don’t give yourself enough credit.”

  “She had a crush on me for a while. It made things a little uncomfortable because I knew, I just knew what was going to happen when she met Cyprian. If he thought that she was interested in another man – gods, I know that I couldn’t beat him.”

  “Seriously? You don’t think you could take him? He is so much smaller in dragon form.”

  “He beats up the kraken for sport. I have no doubt that he would best me with very little effort.”

  “I think it is just because you would not want to hurt a friend. He seems a little less tied to such principles.”

  “Don’t be hard on him. Humans have killed almost his entire family, and they’ve killed Noely several times. He wasn’t always like this, but give him time and you will see that he is actually one of the best friends you could ask for.”

  “I like you better.” She leaned forward and kissed him. Pulling back, her brows furrowed. “Why was the prison metal?”

  “Because I am a ground type. As long as I am touching the ground, I am virtually impossible to harm. The metal kept me from accessing the solid ground and rock. It slowly poisoned me, which was why the demons brought in Ester. Neither of us was happy about that. I preferred to die than to continue to be used. She preferred not to heal such a dangerous creature. Still, we both have very strong feelings about life and living, so she fixed me and I allowed it.”

  “I am incredibly grateful she did.”

  Augustin rose up on his elbows. “As am I.” He leaned forward and gently kissed Ivy. His hand stroked her tail as she pulled him down on top of her.

  The End

  Guardians of Lunar Wasteland 7 Book Collection

  In the Lunar Wastes, there is a mystery waiting to be solved. A deadly enemy that seems to originate from the cold plains. A guardian race that routinely sacrifices all to stop the Shadows from swarming and destroying everything they touch. And a small group of heroes, who seek to solve the mysterys, and end the threat once and for all… boosted by a little love. You’ll get plenty of werewolves and magic, and heroines more than capable of using their skills to the best of their abilities, working together to defeat an enemy that threatens to destroy their world.

  Book one: Kain’s Rescue

  Alyssa Malgrave is searching for her brother. He’s been missing for four years, and she’s been trying to pick up his trail – which leads to the Lunar Wastes. She’s not a bad fighter, but she’s ill equipped to handle the wastelands. When betrayed and left for dead, she’s rescued and taken into a strange tribe of people… people who can shapeshift into wolves.

  Book two: Linther’s Rescue

  Raine Lancer is a witch. An enchantment witch with a big secret. The secret itself means she’s unlikely to ever leave the inn she runs – but the werewolves of Lunehill are searching for witches, and know of her existence here. However, the powerful enchantments Raine can make, paints a target on her head. One that results in trouble coming to her inn…

  Book three: Vrin’s Rescue

  Yarrow of the Dreadwood clan is a lightning witch. She’s part of the tentative call to arms from the werewolves of Lunehill, under the leadership of Erlandur Malgrave, a strange knight encased in Shadow armor. She’s watched over by a Lunehill werewolf, Vrin, and all the gathered werewolves and witches set out to travel to the Fractured Spine clan’s abode. Though she’s a proud and strong Dreadwood witch, there are some fights that may be too much for her to handle…

  Book four: Erlander’s Rescue

  Faith of Ghost Lake has never been beaten in battle. She fights with swords, and bears the uncanny gift of a combat witch – someone who fights with intuition on their side, always knowing when to dodge and when to strike. When she joins Erlandur Malgrave’s scouting party over the mountains, to encounter the mysterious Fractured City, origin place of the Shadows for the first t
ime – something goes terribly wrong. Though she does everything she can to save herself and Erlandur, the mountains are an unforgiving place to survive in…

  Book five: Nox’s Rescue

  Echo is a Shadow of the underbelly who has full access to her humanity. She doesn’t know how or why, but unless she casts her magic often, she’s prone to losing it. Her ability to split her soul in two, to create her Shadow self known as Monster, is a versatile and useful weapon. When travelling back from the Fractured City maket one day, she encounters a surviving member of Erlandur’s scouting expedition, Nox. She takes him back to base to heal, but there’s still more members to find… and a deadly secret to uncover.

  Book six: Loras’s Rescue

  Kell of Crescent Island is a telekinetic witch, with a small dash of insight. She’s also part of an isolated, solemn tribe across a frozen sea, who guard ancient history. They pass that history to anyone who may visit, and tend to the graves of their many dead ancestors. She waits for Erlandur to return once more, and her life changes forever when he arrives, along with a small band of werewolves and witches… along with a Shadow as their ally. Their purpose for being here is beyond anything she could ever imagine…

  Book seven: Malek’s Rescue

  Geraline of Ghost Lake is a talented fire mage. She’s also placed in defense to guard the tunnels beyond the Fractured City – tunnels that house many Shadows, which could threaten to destroy all their hard efforts, if they flank the army gathered to fight the enemy in the Fractured City.

  No one knows if they’ll make it out the war alive.

  Kain’s Rescue

  Guardians of Lunar Wasteland

  (Book 1)

  Chapter One

  The blizzard howled around her. Alyssa stumbled through the swirling white of the Lunar Wasteland, the chill biting into her, turning her limbs stiff and frost-nipped. Her face felt like a puffy slab of meat, and she didn’t know how much further she could go, or if she could go anywhere at all.


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