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All The Queen's Women

Page 4

by Michelle kopra

  “We should have run when we had the chance,” Isadora said.

  Statz stroked Isadora’s cheek. “Isadora has been exceptionally helpful. When I first mentioned playing both sides, she was hesitant again. Until I told her she would get a chance to partner up with you, Lilly. So eager, weren’t you my dear? She told me how special you were to her.”

  He laughed and kissed Isadora roughly on the mouth. Lilly watched as Isadora tried to pull away but failed.

  “Isa darling was the one who told me told me all about the queen’s secret daughter. Who better to join my growing field of spies?”

  Lilly turned away from the sight of Statz groping Isadora. Constance however, stayed calm. “Are you planning to turn us against the queen? Because I should warn you, that is impossible.”

  He motioned the guards and faux prisoners to lead the gypsy crew down the hall, into the room with the wooden chairs. Each chair had straps, and wires attached to belts and pulleys, all leading to a giant steam engine at the other side of the room.

  “No more so than everyone else I helped.” He motioned for them to sit. “I suggest you relax. It hurts less.”

  As Diego forced her into the seat. Lilly twisted her head to face Isadora. “Did he do this to you? Is this why you betrayed me and the queen?”

  Statz tipped his head back to laugh, as Isadora’s face darkened. “Darling, Isadora didn’t need to be brainwashed.”

  Lilly looked from Statz to Isadora, as the truth sank in. She recoiled in disgust. Her instincts had been right not to trust Isadora. Lilly watched her lover’s face turn from shame to anger.

  “That’s right, luv,” Isadora lashed out. “Your bloody precious queen. Let me tell you a thing about that one. She don’t care who she hurts, all she worries about is her bloody backside. Because of that stupid queen, I fell in love, and because of her, I lost you.”

  Isadora leaned down in an attempt to kiss Lilly. “We can still get away Lilly, all I ever wanted was to be loved by you. Can’t you see that?”

  “My poor Isa, she doesn’t like you so much now that she knows you’re the double agent. No worries my dear, after my treatment she’ll never turn you away again.” Statz laughed.

  Lilly twisted away from Isadora. She looked to the crew, expecting to see anger and disgust. Instead, she saw sympathy and sorrow.

  “I’m sorry, Constance. It’s my fault we are here.” Lilly’s voice broke.

  Constance smiled from her strapped chair. “Dear sweet Lilly. I knew you preferred women. I knew about the bars and secret meetings. It was all in the dossier when the queen suggested I make you my first. I never cared about that, only about you and your happiness.”

  Lilly looked at each other their faces. This was her true family. These were her sisters––Constance, Sera, Penny and Gert. All of them nodded and smiled at her in reassurance. They knew who and what she was, and still loved her. Tears flowed from her eyes as years of fear and self-loathing melted away.

  “Wonderful! Now on with the show!” Statz declared.

  A guard gripped Lilly’s shoulder to keep her in place as Statz walked to a large rusty lever connected to a generator. Lilly closed her eyes and braced for a jolt of electricity.

  A crack of thunder made Lilly open her eyes. She saw a flash of lightning and another explosion ripped through the air. The smell of sulphur in the air told her it was not a storm, but an attack. Several large gray stones were loosened from the mortar. They fell to the floor and opened the wall to the dark countryside.

  “What was that?” Statz shouted.

  Suddenly his guards no longer looked so serene.

  “That’s your dirigible being blown up,” Constance said. “The queen suspected you might have had a few tricks so she made sure she gave a few as well.”

  Soldiers poured into the castle, outnumbering Statz and his spies. Each held a large brass flashlight that flickered in the faces of the brainwashed spies. Diego blinked, then Mama. She turned to Lilly, and her face registered horror.

  “Lilly, Mija! What happened?”

  Diego, looking stunned, wandered to Lilly.

  “All will be well, Mama. Diego, I promised your mama I would bring you home. Both of you wait here for me.”

  Diego helped her loosen the straps. Once freed, she chased after Statz, who had grabbed Isadora’s wrist and bolted out of the castle.

  Followed closely by Constance and the girls, they chased them out into the night. Herr Statz turned around in front of The Gypsy with a smug smile.

  “One more trick.” He touched a cufflink and both of them vanished.


  Lilly did not remember walking back to The Gypsy. Only that she sat on a crate on deck, with her head cradled in her hands.

  Each of the girls came up to her.

  “She seemed nice enough,” Gert, said stiffly. “But I think you can do better.”

  “I’m sorry Lilly, I’m sure you’ll find a girl you’ll like.” Sera hugged her.

  “One day, Lilly, you will meet someone worth running away with.” Constance kissed her on the cheek. “Go down to Cook. Have her make you a strong tea, and then get some rest.”

  Penny was the last to come up to her. Taking a seat next to Lilly on the sack, she said, “I’m sorry your girlfriend didn’t work out. Well...”

  Lilly looked up. Penny had a sheepish grin. “To be honest Lilly, I’m glad she’s gone. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do this.”

  Penny took Lilly’s face in her small pale hands, looked deeply into Lilly’s eyes, and then kissed her.

  Not a sisterly peck on the cheek, but a warm, soft, wet kiss, parting lips, tongues meeting.

  Suddenly Lilly saw Penny in a new light. Not just the tiny dancer from Brighton, but a woman, a sexy woman who wanted to be with her. Lilly returned the kiss with heat and passion. Lilly wrapped her arms around Penny’s tiny waist, pulling her closer into the embrace.

  “NO!” A scream came from crates on the other side of the deck. Flame red hair flying behind Isadora as she charged at Penny, knocking her down.

  “Isa!” Lilly stood up in shock.

  “I see how it is, soon as I turn my back you run into the arms of another woman! Slut!” She kicked Penny.

  “Stop it!” Lilly shouted. “How dare you! Penny, are you Okay?”

  “Fine.” Penny got up, wiping the blood from her nose.

  Lilly turned to Isadora. “How the hell did you get on the ship?”

  “Hologram, I never left, and Statz was never in England at all.” Isadora threw a brass small device with a hologram in the center at Lilly’s feet. “Everything I did for us to be together. What was it all for?”

  “Hold on. You brainwashed my friends; hurt people. And you have the gall to put this on my head?” Lilly took a menacing step forward. “Isadora Lopez, you are hereby charged with treason against the queen.”

  “No.” Isadora backed away. “I did it for you, for us. I love you. Lilly.”

  Lilly shook her head sadly. “I can’t be with someone who hurts others and doesn’t care about the consequences.” She took another step toward Isadora, nodding to the men on deck.

  “Lilly.” Crying, Isadora looked around. Cap and Navi were approaching. So too were Petyr and Alfonzo. There was no way to escape them.

  Isadora leapt onto the ledge of The Gypsy. She stared down below, and then looked toward Lilly with a tearstained face. “Lilly come with me. We can still find that little cottage. Just you and me.”

  “Step away from the Ledge Isa, and then we can talk about it.” Lilly edged closer, hoping to grab her lover.

  Isadora let loose a strangled laugh. “You never had any interest in running away with me did, you? The minute by back was turned you found someone else.” Her feet moved closer to the edge, she stared down again, as if searching for something. When she looked up again, Isadora blew a kiss to Lilly. “I will always love you, Lilly.”

  “Isa!” Lilly lunged forward. Reaching out with both hands, she
felt the material of Isadora’s pants slide through her fingers.

  Lilly pulled herself up to look over the edge of the deck. All she could see below were dark grey clouds and a hint of red hair.

  To be continued...




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