The Archeon Codex: Guardians of the Galactic Sentinel Book 2
Page 22
"For what purpose?" asked MacPherson.
"To provide instructions on how to construct the Sentinel network, for one thing. Other parts of our technology, like my scoutship drive and its cloaking device, were reverse-engineered from some of their more basic and easily understood inventions. Even now, many of the principles governing the operation of these devices remain poorly understood."
"What happened to these Archeons?" asked Zack.
"Unknown," replied Symantia. "They disappeared before any of the planets in the Amalgamation had developed space travel, or even written speech for that matter. One thing you can count on is whenever a new race successfully activates their Sentinel device, another Archeon ruin site will announce its presence, almost always on the home planet of the race. Previously unknown writings and other artifacts are always found in those ruins."
"How can that be?" asked Gertrude.
"We aren't sure. The Sentinel network was dispersed using Archeon instructions. Somehow they knew which planets in which star systems were likely to breed species intelligent enough to develop space travel. Some think they might have been experimenting with the local biology of each world, and their tinkering actually led to the evolution of intelligent species on those planets. Barring any real proof, such ideas are merely speculation."
"That would explain why many of the intelligent species of the Amalgamation are so much alike," said Arnold. "The information we received during our original learning sessions revealed that, with some modifications, the biology of the many worlds in the Amalgamation is remarkably similar. For example, you and I, Symantia, are both vertebrates. So are the Aveans, the Sauropsids and the Hylidians. Others, like the Thenarim aquatican race, are invertebrates but they're still based on lifeform types that appear to be related to those found on planets all over the galaxy. From what we've learned so far, even the Hordea share the same basic chemistry."
"Creepy," said Zack.
"If that word means what I think it does, then you are correct," said Symantia. "We don't yet know how these ruin sites are triggered to begin sending signals; but the signals are usually, as in this case, detected during the early stages of the citizenship process. As near as we can tell, some kind of activation signal sent by your Sentinel device is generating the response. It is readily apparent these 'gift sites' are somehow tuned into the communication frequencies used by the Sentinel network.
"By the way, the visions some of you have been experiencing since the Sentinel Key was discovered and moved are also related to the network somehow."
"With the Custodians nosing around so many of the emerging systems, what's to keep them from detecting and stealing the tech?" asked Won.
"Just as the Sentinel device can only be activated by the designated species, the gifts can only be accessed by Representatives or Guardians from the civilization they were intended for. Numerous attempts in the past by Custodians, and others, to commandeer these gifts have all failed."
"What are these 'gifts' anyway?" asked Gertrude.
"We believe the knowledge or technology is intended to provide the chosen race with something of value that can be utilized by the entire Amalgamation, thus making any newly-emerged civilization capable of making a contribution of Archeon knowledge in addition to other assets they might bring."
"So these Archeons more or less created the framework for what become the Amalgamation?" asked Won.
"It would appear so."
"What about the Custodians?" said Zack.
"The Custodians are radically different. They may look as though they evolved from some kind of arthropod prototype, but their biology is totally foreign."
"That is true," said Salix. "I performed a preliminary analysis on the biochemistry of the deceased creature on board Lenin. What we found is in agreement with Guardian L'Proxa. They are unlike anything we've ever encountered."
"If they're so much different, where did they come from?" asked Gertrude.
"Some speculate they came from a different galaxy," said Symantia, "Andromeda perhaps? There are some who believe their civilization is almost as ancient as the Archeons, and the two races were mortal enemies for tens of thousands of your years. With the Archeons gone, the Custodians are doing their best to disrupt the Archeon legacy, in this case, the Amalgamation."
"If that's the case, why aren't the Custodians more advanced than they are?" asked Zack. "Their technology doesn't appear to be that much beyond our own."
"Good question," replied Symantia. "One theory is the Archeons used a bioweapon designed to freeze Custodian evolutionary development in place."
"Freeze their evolution?" asked Nuriyev.
"Yes, it was a very subtle and effective weapon. The Archeons action prohibit any Custodian from developing improved physical characteristics or intelligence above a certain baseline. Individuals with intelligence ratings more than two percent above the baseline for their race do not survive for more than a year. The method did not totally freeze their development, but has slowed it down considerably. This is fortunate for us, since their baseline intelligence, while somewhat lower than the norm for most of the species in the Amalgamation, is still more than adequate for them to cause problems."
"Yeah," said Zack, "lucky for us."
"Indeed. Unfortunately this bioweapon did nothing to limit their rate of reproduction, and there are those who fear that the galaxy will one day be overrun with them. Some say one of the things the Custodians are seeking is a way to counteract this bioweapon."
"Comforting thought," said Zack.
"That may be why they're so interested in the Hordea," said Ariane. "They think the Hordea may somehow hold the secret of how to reverse the effects of the Archeon weapon."
"That is very likely the case," replied Symantia, "but keep in mind what I have just outlined is only one of several theories. I will admit, however, it is one that makes more sense than most of the others."
"So our current visions are in response to a signal sent from one of these Archeon ruin sites somewhere in the Sol system?" asked Won.
"That is the usual pattern," said Symantia. "But the model is not always followed. We won't know without further investigation. The Custodians will also be on the lookout for the activation signal, and you can be sure they will attempt to interfere with the process or steal the actual artifact, just as they did with your Sentinel Key. They may not be able to use the gift, but they can keep it from being utilized by denying it to the intended race. Alternatively, they can force captive Representatives or Guardians of the target race to unlock the technology and thereby gain the use of it."
"What in the hell have we walked into?" said Zack, shaking his head.
"Our struggle with Custodians has been ongoing for five of your millennia," replied Symantia. "So far, a pretty good balance between them and the Amalgamation has been maintained."
"Can you determine where the signal is originating from?"
"My instruments tell me it is emanating from planet Earth in an area near the east coast of the North American continent, a place once called the 'D C of Washington.'"
"That would have been part of the old United State of America," said Gertrude.
"That is correct, Ms. Tvedt."
"Can you be more specific?" asked MacPherson.
"The ancient records indicate the area once possessed an extensive museum complex. It was called, 'the Smithsonian Institute,' or something like that. It became one of the largest and most inclusive museums on the entire planet."
"I too am familiar with it," said MacPherson. "Question is: how did an Archeon 'gift' wind up in something like the Smithsonian?"
"This is something that happens frequently," said Symantia. "Without knowing it, the civilization in question actually builds over the site of the Archeon ruins. You will probably need to go down into the city and beneath the ruins of this Smithsonian place to find the Archeon gift."
"Why didn't someone find these ruins before now?" asked Gertrude.
"Access is not granted until the Sentinel network is activated. Even after that, anyone who would enter must be approved by the network. Anyone not approved will encounter a blocked, featureless doorway similar to the ones you encountered when you first arrived here on Deimos. In addition, only a Representative or a Guardian of the species the gift is intended for will be granted access."
"So what you're telling us is..."
"Some of you will have to go down to Earth."
"I was afraid you were going to say that," said Zack.
"That's not all," said MacPherson. "The Sentinel Pyramid rotated one hundred and twenty degrees after this last activation. I took the time to look at it before we went into the Teaching and Learning chamber."
"What did you see," asked Arnold.
"The symbols have been altered. It looks like we have more work to do on the pyramid."
"Progress did seem little too good to be true," said Olga.
Chapter 43. Prickly Questions.
Deimos Common Room, October 13, 2676.
When the humans and Hordea had finally exhausted all of their questions for Symantia, the assembly began to break up. The symbologists went back to inspect the modified Sentinel Pyramid while Gertrude, Sergei, and Won remained in the common room with the Hordea, Kozloff, Nuriyev, Luken and the three Soviet escapees to discuss a plan of action regarding what to do with the captured Custodians. Holger joined them to make sure they didn't talk themselves into doing something really stupid.
As the larger group went across the chamber to begin their discussion, Zack and Ariane stayed behind with the Regional Guardian.
"There is one more thing we need to talk to you about, Symantia," said Zack.
"By all means, Lieutenant, go ahead."
"Not here, this is rather delicate and... we don't want to alarm the others."
"Let us go next door to the Teaching and Learning chamber, then. We need to go there anyway, the chamber contains an item you will need."
The three of them went through the portal and into the adjacent chamber.
"I believe we are alone now, Lieutenant," said Symantia. "What is it you wish to discuss with me?"
Zack took a glance at Ariane before plunging into the very unsavory subject. "When we got to the star system where we were going to rendezvous with the Hordea, we came under attack from Lenin, the Soviet ship in orbit outside. A day or two earlier, while the Hordea were in one of the transit star systems, an attack on their vessel by the same ship failed. We later found out Lenin was infested with Custodians, just like Murmansk had been. Not only that, but Won and Sergei found proof that the bureaucracy controlling the New Belgrade system has been heavily infiltrated by the creatures. They also gathered evidence indicating most of the other Soviet planets have also been subverted to one degree or another."
"This is an alarming development," said Symantia. "You say your ships were attacked?"
"Yes," said Ariane. "We managed to talk Lenin's crew into breaking off her attack by showing them the video taken on the Murmansk just before she self-destructed."
"That was quick thinking," said Symantia.
"Thanks," said Zack, "but here's what's bothering me: It was almost as if the Custodians knew where to look for us."
"That would mean..."
"That someone from the Grand Amalgamation leaked the location and the time to the Custodians."
"But the only ones who knew the coordinates were myself and the members of the Grand Council."
"You said it," replied Zack, "I didn't"
The little Lycan's shock was easy for even a human to read."
"Some things have been bothering me since I had my orientation session," said Zack. "The Custodians have access to the natural resources of at least a hundred different star systems. They also have the services of at least a hundred different alien species at their disposal. What's to keep them from overrunning the Amalgamation completely?"
"As disturbing as it is, I am heartened to hear you ask that question," said Symantia. "Many of us Guardians, especially the younger ones, have begun wondering much the same thing."
"So why isn't anything being done about it?" asked Ariane.
"The Grand Council resolutely refuses to take any action," said Symantia. "They won't even acknowledge there might be a problem."
Zack shook his head. "Makes me wonder if someone on this Grand Council itself isn't in league with the damned Custodians. That would explain why a Soviet ship with Custodians on it was able to intercept us at a location supposed to be secret.
Symantia looked at him in horror. "The members of the Grand Council are above reproach!"
"So you say..."
Symantia was shocked enough by Zack's unthinkable speculation to be momentarily speechless. Zack continued, "One thing we humans have a lot of recent experience in is war, Symantia."
The little Lycan still remained mute, but her eyes grew even wider.
"Yes," said Zack. "Whether you realize it or not your... our Amalgamation is at war with the Custodians."
"But we are at peace, a balance has been in place for thousands of cycles!"
"Which is exactly what the Custodians want you to think," said Ariane. "Where there is war there are spies, double agents and traitors, some of them in high places. The more confident and complacent the leadership is, the easier it is to infiltrate their circle."
"Why would anyone go against the Amalgamation?"
"Oh, I don't know," said Zack, "wealth, power, revenge, differences in political philosophy, shear cussedness. Take your pick."
"To speak out against the members of the Grand Council is a serious offense," said Symantia. "Citizens have been incarcerated or even mind-wiped!"
"You're strengthening our convictions with every argument you make, Symantia," said Zack.
The little Guardian was silent for a moment as the realization that Zack spoke truth dawned on her.
"Look," said Zack. "We're not accusing anyone, we're just saying we need to be aware of the possibility. I think you should be very careful about what you report from now on. Do you have a direct relationship with any of the Grand Councilors?"
"I do not," she replied. "But I have met the Lycan Councilor, Zoroaster D'Liesha."
"Do you think he can be trusted?"
"I am as sure of him as any of the Council members."
"Can you get a message to him and him alone?"
"I really don't know," said Symantia. "You do know this conversation is making me very uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry," said Zack. "But the fate of the entire galaxy may be at stake. If you ask me, the balance you speak of shifted over in favor of the Custodians a long time ago. Even now they may be building up armies of soldiers from the populations of planets conceded to them. Combine complete control of their slave species with the almost unlimited resources they have at their disposal, and you have a very powerful enemy. Throw in the total lack of any preparation on the part of the Amalgamation, and you have recipe for disaster.
Even with the differences in their species, Zack could recognize a deeply disturbed expression when he saw it.
"I will have to look into this," said Symantia. "Be very careful who you share this information with."
"We would say the same," said Ariane.
A short period of silence followed, as the three of them finally ran out of things to say.
Zack was first to recover. "You said there is an item in here we'll need."
"There is," replied Symantia, "thank you for the reminder. According to citizenship rules, you will have to retrieve the Archeon gift by yourselves." As she approached the central construct, a small panel opened up at the base of the spire in a place where there had been no evidence of an opening before. Inside was a device about the size of a personal tablet.
"Go ahead, take it," said Symantia. Ariane reached into the small alcove and retrieved the device. As soon as it had been removed, the alcove closed and the spire r
everted to its former appearance. Ariane examined the device briefly before giving Symantia a questioning look.
"That is a tracking device that will allow you to locate the gift. It will only function when it's in the hands of a Guardian or Representative. I see you have questions, but I am not allowed to interfere with your quest beyond the information I have just shared with you. As you say: 'good luck.'"
"Thanks," said Zack, "We're probably going to need it."
"Now if you will excuse me," said Symantia, "I will be joining with the team investigating the Custodian. I myself have never actually seen one."
The Regional Guardian departed for the hangar while Zack and Ariane remained behind. Zack looked from the tracker to Ariane and shook his head. "Here we go again..."
Chapter 44. Executive Meeting.
Grand Amalgamation of Galactic Civilizations Supreme Council Chambers,
First Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy, October 14, 2676.
The Supreme Council of the Grand Amalgamation of Galactic Civilizations was once again in session. The Council consisted of Chief Councilor Naift, an Avean, and Councilors Helspar of the Hylidians, Neasterum of the Sauropsids, Joroaster of the Lycans and Her supreme Honor sub-queen Sithia of the enigmatic Thenarim aquaticus race. The arduous and contentious meeting was finally drawing to a close, and all that remained on the agenda was a couple of items of new business.
"We come once again to reports on our two newest candidate races, the Hordea and the Humans. Helspar? You have responsibility for the Hordea. Do you have a report for us?"
The little Hylidian, uncomfortable in front of an audience as he always was, made his way over to the podium in the usual nervous state that plagued him on such occasions.
"I regret I have very little to report, Chief Councilor. The latest information in my possession is that a rendezvous between the two races was scheduled to occur a half cycle ago in a neutral star system. As mentioned at our last meeting, the Regional Guardian is responsible for a very large volume of space. Because of this limitation, and the great distances involved, we are receiving only sporadic reports."