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Moonlight Kin: A Wolf's Tale

Page 11

by Summers, Jordan

  “Oh, good. I’ve been looking forward to seeing it.” Nerves coiled in Madie’s stomach. This was it. This was the chance she’d been waiting for.

  They drove in silence to the section of town that would be considered exclusive, if it weren’t for the fact that the entire town was only a few miles wide.

  Damon’s home overlooked the wild Atlantic. It had a marker outside the door that listed it as a historical site like all the other buildings in New Salford.

  The two-story stone brick house had been painstakingly restored, making its colonial heritage obvious. A garage had been built nearby. Vines grew wild across the side of the house, giving the structure and its surroundings an untamed feel. Every nerve ending in her body prickled.

  She waited in the Jaguar until Damon walked to her side of the car and opened the door. Madie hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she could go through with this. She’d waited a long time, saving herself for someone special.

  Damon more than qualified on that front, but did he feel the same way about her? It was a schoolgirl question, but the woman in her needed to know. He held out his hand to help her out of the car. The second he clasped her fingers a jolt of awareness rippled through her.

  The electricity sparking between them continued as they headed to his front door. Damon held her hand, positioning himself so that his wide shoulders blocked the harsh Atlantic wind.

  His front door had a Celtic design woven into the thick wood. Madie found herself tracing it with her eyes, its pattern strangely soothing. She followed the design up to the top of the frame. The carved face of a snarling dog greeted her. The teeth and snout were elongated, its fierceness frozen forever in the chunk of wood.

  A shiver raced down Madie’s spine.

  “Are you cold?” Damon circled her, mingling his scent with her own until a single scent remained.

  “No,” she said, which was the truth. “Just a little freaked out by the dog.”

  He glanced up. “He’s meant as a warning.”

  “For what?” Madie asked.

  “Trespassers.” Damon grinned and opened the door, then put his hand on the small of her back to guide her inside. He pulled her coat off her shoulders and placed it in the cloak closet next to his own.

  Madie rubbed her arms.

  “Wait here.” He walked into the darkness and flicked on a light switch.

  Bright light bathed the room. Damon dimmed the lighting until it was a seductive glow.

  So maybe he was tired of waiting, too, Madie thought.

  He walked to the massive gray marble fireplace that took up much of one wall. Taking a match from the mantel, he lit the kindling until it caught onto the larger logs. A warm blaze rose from the stone hearth.

  Madie walked a couple of steps in and studied the room. The floors were made of stone, unusual flooring for the area, but a nice compliment to the home. A large animal skin of some kind lay in front of the fire and beneath the chocolate colored over-stuffed sofas. White spiral candles sprung up from the top of a wrought iron coffee table.

  A golden tapestry hung on the far wall depicting some kind of hunt. As she studied the fabric her gut clenched and her palms began to sweat. It depicted a large animal surrounded by the band of hunters. From the looks of it, the creature was about to be slaughtered. Madie looked away. The scene reminded her too much of reality.

  Her whole life she’d despised hunting, since it was always done for sport, not for food. To her family, hunting was a form of recreation, even though Gaston often referred to it as a calling.

  The call must have skipped a generation, since Madie certainly didn’t hear it. Her lack of bloodlust was just one of the many reasons she didn’t fit in at home, since her mother passed.

  Damon cleared his throat to get her attention. Madie turned. He held two crystal goblets of wine. Despite his jeans and sweater, he looked otherworldly like he could have easily existed in another time, another place. She could almost see him wearing a formal jacket and ruffled shirt. His wild hair tamed only by being pulled back in a tight queue.

  “What?” Damon asked, as he handed her a glass.

  “Sometimes you seem so different…so old world. You know what I mean?”

  Damon stilled. “Yes, I do. Sometimes I feel quite out of place in this world.” He walked over to the fire.

  “Me, too,” Madie admitted. “I’ve always felt a little odd. Never quite fit anywhere, especially with my family.”

  “You do seem different,” he added absently, “at least from what you’ve told me.”

  “You’ve never mentioned anything about your family.” Madie rolled the glass between her palms. “Do they live nearby?”

  Damon poked the fire a couple of times, sending embers flying into the air. “Some.”

  Madie walked over to the mantel and picked up the photo perched there. “Is this your brother?”

  He took the picture from her and put it back where it was. “Yes, it was.”


  “He’s dead.” Damon stared at the photo.

  “Sorry.” Madie gave him some space. Her gaze returned to the tapestry.

  “It’s called ‘The Hunt’,” he said, coming up beside her. Coldness seeped into his voice as he spoke.

  Madie scrunched her nose in disgust. “It looks more like a slaughter to me.”

  “Really?” One eyebrow rose.

  “Have you taken a good look at it? It’s horrible. That poor animal doesn’t stand a chance. They have bows, spears, and knives. There’s nothing sporting about having an animal surrounded.”


  “No there isn’t,” Damon answered, truly surprised by her reaction.

  This doesn’t make sense. How could she be against hunting? She’s supposed to be the Hunter, yet she allows her emotions to get in the way.

  The initiation Damon had read about came to mind. Something about the ceremony must change the person. But he had a hard time imagining Madie becoming a cold-blooded killer.

  “Haven’t you ever been hunting?” Every muscle tightened, waiting for her response.

  Madie’s face dropped. The reaction was as good as an admission.

  “So you have killed—” His stomach churned as she confirmed his worst fears.

  “No!” Her eyes burned with anger.

  Damon kept his gaze locked on her. He wanted more than anything for it to be a lie. He was looking for any excuse to keep his distance.

  She’s telling the truth.

  “You let the animals get away?”

  Madie smiled. “I covered their paw prints when my father wasn’t looking.”

  Damon laughed as he pictured Madie as a child crunching her way through the woods. He wondered if she would be as uncensored when she had him between her lush thighs. The thought brought an uncomfortable tightness to his groin.

  She was so unguarded…so innocent.

  There was that word again. Her fate had already been determined by the Elder’s. It wasn’t his decision to make.

  Still, if he could break the initiation, then the Elder’s would possibly reverse their ruling.

  He watched her take a sip of the wine. Stray drops lingered on her full bottom lip. Damon had the overwhelming urge to lick them off. He’d purposely avoided kissing her. He wanted to build the tension between them.

  In that, Damon knew he’d done a bang-up job because he was wound so tight he was near bursting. He had to fight the desire to act for now, but before the night was through—he would taste all of her.

  “Would you like to sit down?” He curbed the urge to direct her to a seat. “Or would you rather see the collection first?”

  “I can wait.” Madie eyed the sofa and the chair, then glanced at the fire.

  Damon waited to see which one she would choose. If she picked the chair, he’d have to take things even slower, but if she chose the couch…

  He smiled when she sat down on the large leather sofa. Damon settled in beside her. “Are you enjoying the w
ine?” He hated small talk, but this time it was necessary.

  “Yes, it’s delicious.” She glanced back at the flames, her nervousness obvious.

  The blaze grew high now that the wood had caught on, warming the main room nicely. Madie’s blue eyes mirrored the flames. He took the wine glass from her hand and set it down on the end table beside his.

  Damon reached for her hand and brought it to his mouth. Pausing, he waited to see if she’d pull away. Madie didn’t. He smiled and began placing tiny kisses on each knuckle, savoring the taste of her delicate skin.

  He would take great pleasure in discovering the intricacies of Madie’s body, savoring her like a fine wine. He’d allow her spicy sweet bouquet to breathe and blossom under his masterful touch, before he consumed it, consumed her.


  Damon’s firm lips feathered kisses across her hand. Madie’s nerves jumped beneath her skin, leaving gooseflesh in their wake. Each caress, each touch drove her nearer to madness. Maybe he was doing it on purpose? She didn’t know. Didn’t care. As long as he didn’t stop.

  This isn’t a romance novel, girl.

  It may not be a book, but it sure felt like one. Damon slid his mouth down each finger, paying special attention to the fleshy web in between. Madie’s eyes closed as the sensual assault continued.

  His tongue slid between her fingers and flicked up. Madie’s eyes flew open as an answering pulse started in her clit. Her breathing hitched as he flipped her hand over and nipped at the tender skin on her palm.

  “Damon please,” she muttered.

  Her nipples beaded against the lacy cups of her bra. Heat rushed through her and her whole body began to tingle. Her eyes grew heavy as she watched him slowly seduce her.

  Damon stared boldly at her, his gold-flecked eyes giving off an unholy glow. A low rumbling growl rose from deep within him. She lowered her lids for a second before returning to his heated gaze. He blinked and then lifted his chin to smile at her. She wasn’t quite sure why he looked so pleased, but she liked it. She loved his smile.

  In fact, she loved a lot of things about Damon. He made her feel special—unique. He could have any woman, yet he chose to be with her. Madie smiled back, letting him know without words that it was okay to continue.

  Damon released her hand and moved in for a kiss, capturing her mouth completely. Madie sighed. Finally.

  His lips were firm, yet pliant upon hers. The kiss seared her to her toes. Madie had waited so long to feel him, to taste him. The wait had been worth it. He had been worth the wait.

  She found herself drawn deeper into the embrace. His tongue traced the seam of her mouth. Madie opened for him. Damon dove inside, exploring every inch of her mouth, teasing, taunting, devouring.

  Madie’s head spun, but she’d never been happier. She longed to wrap herself in the safety of his strong arms and never leave.

  Where had that thought come from?

  She should be worried, but the longer his magical lips kissed hers, the harder it was to concentrate on anything but the awakening of her body.


  Damon angled his head to deepen the kiss. He couldn’t seem to get close enough to Madie. Without breaking the embrace, he pulled her onto his lap. The soft cushion of her breasts deflated against his hard chest. A groan escaped him when she melted, settling her bottom against his straining erection.

  Suddenly too many clothes separated them. His resistance reached the breaking point. Damon pulled back from the kiss. Staring into her passion-filled blue eyes, he willed his body to wait, even though he longed to feel her petal soft skin stretched beneath him.

  “Slow down. We have all night,” he said, though the comment was aimed at himself. He attempted to catch his breath.

  Madie sucked his lower lip into her mouth and worried it with her blunt teeth. The blood in Damon’s ears roared, deafening him. He tried in vain to reorient himself, but the fog remained. He was too far gone. He had to have her now, but he wasn’t about to take her on the sofa. Not for her first time.

  He stood up, lifting her into his arms.

  Madie gasped.

  “We need to go somewhere more comfortable,” his voice rasped. “If that’s okay with you.”

  They stared in each other eyes for a few seconds, then Madie nodded.

  Damon carried her through the house and up the staircase. They walked down the narrow rose-colored hall to a set of double oak doors at the end. Gaslight sconces lit their way.

  He pushed the doors open and stepped inside. The room was dark. Damon set Madie down. “Don’t move.”

  She took a tentative step forward, then stopped.

  The flame of a candle burst forth, casting the room in shadows. Other than a large sleigh bed and a single nightstand, very little furniture filled his room. Damon liked it that way. Thick navy drapes hung from rings on the ceiling, giving the bed a medieval vibe. It also ensured privacy when the pack stopped by.

  “That’s some bed,” she said. “Did you get it at a castle yard sale?”

  “No.” He laughed. “I got it in Paris. Don’t you like it?”

  “It’s lovely. Opulent,” she said. “Just not what I expected to find in a colonial home.” Madie glanced around the room. “But the simplicity is nice.”

  He smiled and continued to light the candles in the wrought iron candelabra. “I want everything to be perfect.”

  “It already is,” she said coyly.

  Damon studied her for a few seconds. She looked lost and little scared, but she was also turned on. He could tell by her delicious aroma. Damon called on the wolf’s power as he concentrated on the double doors behind her. They slowly closed. Madie swung around at the sound of the click.

  “Are we alone in the house?” Fear crept into her voice.

  “Yes, I would’ve told you otherwise. The doors close automatically.” They didn’t, but she did not need to know that right now. Damon set the burned match next to the candle and slowly approached her. “A safety precaution, nothing more.”

  “Damon, I need to tell you something before this goes any farther,” she stammered.

  Damon watched her expressions change, blowing across her face like the seasons. In her eyes, he saw hope, fear, and excitement. The wide blue liquid pools gave away her every emotion. Any man would be happy to bask in the cool depths, given half the chance.

  “I’ve never done this before.” Madie motioned to the room, while her gaze darted to the bed.

  Although he’d been aware of her innocence, her admission fueled the fire within him. Damon curled his fingers to keep from grabbing her.

  She was his—only his. No one else would ever touch her.

  “I suspected as much,” he said.

  She looked startled. “You did?”

  Damon smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll take it slow.” He held his hand out. Madie had to come to him willingly. “If you don’t want to do something, just tell me to stop. Hell, if you want me to take you home right now, I will.”

  What was he saying?

  He had no intention of taking Madie anywhere, but his bed. Damon held his breath, waiting for her answer.

  “I don’t want to go home.” Madie grasped his hand.

  Her aroma changed as she stepped forward into his arms. Damon couldn’t wait to see what she would be like once he got her clothes off. He scented the air. Heat filled his lungs. Her hormones cried out for his body. She was ready, even if she didn’t realize it yet. Her responsiveness would be his undoing.

  Damon held her for a few seconds, giving her time to get used to his body once more. He didn’t want to frighten Madie. As much as she presented a brave face, he knew that she was scared.

  Hell, he was nervous.

  He felt like a young pup the first time a ‘were-female’ put her sex in his face. He’d been so overwhelmed by the delicious scent that he couldn’t remember what he was supposed to do. Thankfully, nothing happened that time.

  Had Damon acted on his instincts the
n, the Alpha would have challenged him. Choosing to leave the pack for a while, he’d existed as a loner until his father requested his return.

  Damon was as shocked as anyone, when he was named the Alpha’s successor over his brother Jacque. He’d been Alpha for over fifty years now and that wouldn’t change unless he named a successor of his own or produced young.

  Candlelight bathed Madie in its soft glow, her skin the color of fine cream, her full mouth still swollen from his kiss. She was so young and innocent. Totally unaware of the world in which she was about to be plunged into.

  Yet, he had to have her.

  For a second Damon wished he could tell her the truth, but that wasn’t an option. He kissed her, ravishing her mouth with a hunger he’d never experienced before.

  There was no escape for her now—or ever.


  Damon stalked her like a predator. Madie felt like the proverbial rabbit being chased by the fox. His tempered stride did nothing to ease her growing nervousness. She was no match for this man. He was sex incarnate.

  She stood frozen in place. Her frenzied heart hammered out an unsteady beat against her chest. She didn’t blink. She didn’t move. Deep down Madie didn’t want to. He held her in his arms, then he kissed her like she’d never been kissed before.

  This man was going to make love to her.

  This is just sex, girl, don’t ever forget it, the voice in her head admonished.

  Madie ignored her good sense. Tonight she wanted the fairytale. She wanted Damon. She needed his warmth. His attention. His love, even if it was only in her mind. She had to believe that some part of this man cared for her or she wouldn’t be able to go through with this. The moment meant too much to her.

  His mouth was firm as he deepened the embrace. He devoured her, leaving her breathless. The candlelight caused shadows to dance across his handsome face. An untamed wildness lit his eyes.

  She looked up into his smoldering eyes and for an instant saw something melt. Her heart rejoiced. Damon reached out and clasped her hand, the gentleness disarming as he led her toward the bed.


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