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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

Page 4

by Sage Young


  The restaurant was about 20 minutes away and they rode mostly in silence as soft music from Japan permeated the car. Monica noticed that Marco was unusually quiet this evening.

  “Is everything okay baby? You’ve been extremely quiet this evening.” “How can I not be fine? I’m here with one of the most important women in my life.” He smiled as he grabbed her hand and softly kissed the back of it. She returned the smile before turning her attention to the outside of the car window as they both took in the sites on their way to the restaurant. After arriving at the hotel where the restaurant was located, they took the elevator to the top floor.

  Once the elevator door closed and they started to ascend, Marco grabbed Monica by her waist and pulled her into an embrace. Looking into her eyes and seeing through them all the love she had for him, he lowered his lips onto hers. The kiss was initially soft and gentle and quickly turned passionate. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue waiting for her to grant permission to enter; she quickly responded by extending her tongue to meet his. Using both of his hands to engulf her face, he began to feverishly suck her tongue. He was so turned on that she could feel his manhood begin to rise against her stomach. Neither one heard the ding of the elevator door as it opened. One of the patrons, trying to get onto the elevator, cleared his throat to get their attention. They both looked up neither were ashamed as they exited the elevator.

  The hostess sat them at a secluded table in the corner overlooking the skyline. The restaurant was ideally placed in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on the 37th Floor. The location was simply amazing. They were able to overlook the gorgeous view of Tokyo as the sunset and nightlights illuminated over Tokyo, something they would never forget. The service was excellent and very helpful throughout the evening. It was a major plus that the restaurant staff spoke both English and Japanese. They each enjoyed an amazing dinner while taking in the local cuisine. While keeping up with light conversation, Monica started to become a little worried; Marco continued to be unusually quiet. Monica decided against dessert but Marco convinced her to share a desert with him.

  Marco excused himself to use the restroom as they waited for the dessert. He arrived back at the table seconds before the dessert. The waiter placed the covered dish on the table in front of Monica. Marco placed his hand over hers, pulling it towards his lips as he began to kiss her palm softly. “Do you realize how much I love you? My life has felt totally complete with you as a part of it. I can’t imagine my life without you?” Monica looked into Marco’s eyes and saw the sincerity causing a tear to escape and run down the side of her face. Marco used his thumb to swipe the tear away as he placed his other hand on the side of her face pulling her into a kiss. The kiss was so soft and gentle that it took her breath away. Her heart rate began to increase. “Baby are you okay? Where is all this coming from?” she asked. “I just need you to know how I feel about you,” he replied.

  Monica was so into her conversation with Marco that she did not notice that the waiter was still standing there. Marco signaled the waiter and he lifted the covered dish to reveal a small black velvet box. Monica immediately covered her mouth with both of her hands as tears began to escape. Marco picked up the velvet box and stood to then got down on one knee as he opened it to reveal a four-carat pear-shaped diamond ring. “Monica I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Will you please do me the honor of being my wife?” Monica was so emotional that she was unable to speak; she could only nod her head. Marco placed the ring on Monica’s finger. “Yes, yes baby, yes I will marry you.” She lifted her hand to admire the beautiful sparkling diamond. Marco looked into her eyes as he stood and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. She began to feverishly place kisses all over his lips and cheeks. He tightened his embrace and lifted her off her feet.

  Unbeknownst to them, half of the restaurant watched the proposal unfold and erupted into cheers as they heard her say yes. Monica smiled and laid her face in the crook of Marco’s neck, a little embarrassed from all the attention. Marco was unashamed of his affection for his woman as he held her close until she regained her composure and lifted her head. He kissed her lightly on a forehead then her lips before releasing her so that she was able to sit back in her seat. “Baby this is so amazingly unexpected.” He reached for the hand that was newly adorned with the ring. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. “Not for me Mo, I know how I feel about you and I was hoping that it was reciprocated.” Monica gave him an ‘are you serious’ look. “Baby I’ve been in love with you since the first time you kissed me and you sent all of my senses off balance.” She paused before continuing. “I have a really bad track record with men and did not want to jinx us.” “You could never jinx us baby, and now that you said yes, you’re stuck with me for life.” He really wanted to be alone with her. “Are you ready to leave?” Marco asked as he stood. Monica nodded as she followed his lead and also stood to leave. Most of the patrons’ eyes were on the beautiful interracial couple that was walking out of the restaurant. Marco placed his hand at the base of Monica’s back as they walked out.

  Kiyomi Sato, Vice President of International Affairs, from the Takahashi Corporation, was also in the same restaurant and watched the entire proposal unfold. Kiyomi made sure she hid her appearance from Monica. She didn’t want to meet Monica until right before her presentation on the next day. Kiyomi sat at her private table with Jun as he continued on about his father and how he hated that he was always trying to control his life. At some point she totally tuned him out and thought about the love of her life, Takeo. She admired and envied the love that the couple that just walked out had. She lived for the one day that she and Takeo could walk in public as a couple. “We should get married,” is what she thought she heard Jun say as she redirected her attention to him.

  “What did you just say?”

  “I said we should get married, and then father would be unable to control either one of us.”

  Surprised at the absurd proposal he was making, she looked into his eyes waiting for the punch line of the joke. When none was to come, she realized that he was serious. “Jun, are you serious? You are actually sitting here asking me to marry you. We have nothing in common, not to mention I’m not even your type.”

  “Oh yeah, and what is my type?”

  “Not somebody who looks like me and besides, you’re like a brother to me.” In frustration she took another sip of her water. “What are you thinking? Getting married is not a solution to dealing with your father’s controlling behavior.” She paused as she tried to lighten her tone. “You need to stand up to him and be your own man.”

  “That’s easier said than done Ki, you know how he is, he wants it his way and his way only.”

  “Jun you are 35 years old and you need to be your own man and stand up for what you want.” Kiyomi knew her words were falling on deaf ears because Jun was not only lazy; he was a womanizer and never worked for anything. He always chose to take the easy way out. She and Jun had grown up together and while she fought at every turn to prove herself being a woman in a predominantly Male run culture, Jun chose to live the easy life.

  “I know what you’re saying is true but it is easier said than done. Father will disown me if I don’t follow his wishes.” Kiyomi had gone down this road many times before with Jun and she was just too exhausted to continue this conversation. “Just think about what I said Jun and we can talk later.” She paused to take a sip of her water. “But to answer your question from before absolutely not, I will not marry you.” She took another sip of water and tried to change the subject. “Now when are you going to start working full time at the office? I could really use your help in a few upcoming mergers.”

  She looked at Jun and couldn’t believe how he was turning his back on the family business. Since they were little she always had to fight for the respect she eventually earned. When she was in school, she constantly had to prove herself because of who she was and
what she was; it was always hard for her. Finally with the assistance of her father she was able to secure a job at Takahashi Enterprises and while her father hired her at an entry-level position she earned her current position. Jun had his position handed to him on a silver platter and he refused to work.

  She was extremely disappointed in Jun. He was always at the top of his class and graduated from college with top honors. She continued to stare at Jun as he rattled on about the latest woman in his life and a trip he was about to take. He was a very handsome man and extremely intelligent. He stood five feet ten inches tall and always commanded attention when he walked into a room. He reminded her of the actor Han Seoul-Oh, but his hair was tapered closely. She needed to end this dinner. “I’m really tired and I have an early meeting tomorrow Jun so we will talk later this week,” she said as she stood prompting Jun to stand also.

  “Okay but call me tomorrow, I need to talk to you about another issue.”

  “You can always stop by the office and see me,” she said as she kissed him on the cheek and turned to leave. Jun grabbed her hand. “I don’t like talking there, too many ears and eyes.” She looked at him knowing exactly what he meant.

  “Call me and we can meet for lunch.”

  “Okay I will call you,” Jun said as he released her hand.


  Kiyomi walked out of the restaurant as her security person followed close behind. Once she arrived home she waited for the love of her life, Takeo. At the request of her father, he made a final security check every night before going home. When he first started coming around she hated the invasion of privacy. Then one night, one of her father’s enemies sent a hit man to Kiyomi’s condominium to send her father a message. The intruder was able to get into the highly secured building and into her apartment. She shuttered as she recalled that terrible day.

  She had come home after an extremely long and tiring day and decided to take a shower, then order something to eat. She walked into her condominium without turning on the lights in the living room as she headed straight for the bedroom. Kiyomi walked into her walk-in closet and kicked off her shoes. She began to unbutton her blouse as she thought about the two horrendous meetings she was going to have to endure tomorrow. Kiyomi was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t see the shadow that passed her closet door. She unzipped her skirt, stepped out of it, and walked out of the closet with her bra and thong on then walked to the bathroom. She turned on the shower, looked in the mirror, and noticed a man standing right behind her. She screamed and the fear gripped her worse than any pain she had ever felt as she froze. He was dressed in all black and wore a mask. He took his hand and wrapped it around her neck and slammed her body repeatedly against the glass shower doors. She tried to grab his face but he held her back. He continued to apply a strong grip around her neck. She could not breathe and used the last of her strength to reach for his face again, this time latching on to his mask and yanked it off to reveal his face. He threw her on the floor and grabbed the handcuffs he had on his belt. Dazed and confused she tried to fight him as she continued to scream. He punched her in the face causing her face to slam against the marble floor. Her vision became blurred; she could feel him yanking one of her arms. She noticed a plumber’s wrench that was next to the vanity and she was able to lunge for it as he was putting the cuff on one hand. She swung the wrench connecting with his face causing him to grimace in pain. She then swung again and hit him in the balls and she scurried away using the wall as support. As she got to her feet she felt his arm on her back grabbing the back of her bra. The elastic material gave way on her bra as she ran into the living room screaming wearing only a thong. Kiyomi heard the loud boom as Takeo came running through the door. He saw a battered Kiyomi who had collapsed onto the floor with blood running down her face and the back of her head. His horror turned instantly to anger. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her as other security rushed in behind him. He ran to the bedroom and found the intruder getting to his feet and Takeo instantly went on the attack. Takeo grabbed him by the throat and punched him so hard he hit the wall leaving a huge dent. Before the man’s body could hit the floor, he swung his right hand connecting with the left side of the intruder’s face, and then swung his left fist connecting with the right side. Blood splattered all over the wall as his body fell to the floor with a thud. Takeo began to kick him in the ribs. The other security members made sure there was no one else in the condominium and stood behind Takeo until he was done with the intruder. He yelled in Japanese to get rid of the trash, but not before finding out who else was behind the break-in. Takeo turned his attention to Kiyomi who was shivering and crying. He helped her up onto the sofa and called for a car to take her to the hospital. “Kiyomi, can you walk?” Takeo asked in a calming voice. She nodded as the tears continued to fall. Realizing that she was practically nude he immediately stood to get clothes for her, when she grabbed his arm halting his progress as she whispered in a shaky voice, “Please don’t leave me.” “I have to get you something to put on to go to the hospital. She released his arm and he quickly retrieved a sundress and pulled it over her head and down her body. He carried her out of the condominium, on the elevators, then to a waiting car. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as he carried her. She remembered Takeo was so angry with himself for not being there sooner. He had to drop documents off at her condominium but stopped to have a drink with a friend first. He was convinced that if he had come straight there, none of this would have happened.

  After that incident a high-tech security system, which included cameras, were placed throughout the entire building and in every apartment owned by Takahashi and occupied by employees in that building, unbeknownst to the employees residing there.

  Kiyomi poured a glass of juice and walked towards the bedroom when her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was her sister, Muri. She let out an aspirated breath before answering. She and her sister did not always get along. They shared the same father but had different mothers. They were twelve years apart and growing up her sister was always catered to and got everything she wanted, while Kiyomi was expected to work for it. Muri’s mother never cared for Kiyomi and only tolerated her because she had to. When she got pregnant with Muri, she totally ignored Kiyomi leaving the house staff to care for her. Kiyomi resented her father for not taking a more active role in her life. He was too busy working and left Muri’s mom to care for the affairs of the house and his daughters.

  Kiyomi answered the phone, “Yes Ri.”

  “Wow! Hello to you too!”

  “I just got home. What can I do for you?”

  “I just thought you should know that father isn’t doing well and you need to visit him more often. After all he has done for you, you would think that you would be here every day to see him.”

  Kiyomi tried to contain her anger. Her sister had no idea what she had to deal with as a child then with her mother all through her teenage years. Her conversations with her sister were always contentious. She managed to upset her every time they talked. “I will be there to see father tomorrow. Is there anything else you need?” “No.” Muri responded. “Good, I will see you tomorrow.” Kiyomi headed to the shower. Later, she laid in bed, thinking about her dad and his illness. She heard the door open.

  “Takeo, is that you?”

  “Yes, babe, it’s me.”

  Kiyomi could hear his voice coming closer as he responded. Within moments, he was in the doorway of her bedroom. She never got tired of seeing his face. He always made her feel safe and secure when she was in his presence. He walked over to the bed and softly kissed her on the lips. “Let me check the rest of the apartment and I’ll be right back.” She pulled back from his embrace. Are you staying with me tonight?” she asked in a seductive voice. He looked at her with a half-smile. “I think that can be arranged,” he said as he walked out of the room and into the living room to check and make sure the apartment was secure.

bsp; Takeo knew that the cameras that were throughout her apartment would not be recording tonight, he made sure of it. He walked back into the bedroom and began to undress. “Give me a few minutes to take a shower,” he said as he kissed her on her forehead and walked into the bathroom. She waited with anticipation for the man she loved to come out of the shower. She laid there with all the lights off and when the bathroom door opened she could see his beautiful silhouette in the doorway with water still glistening off with his body; she began to feel the heat build inside her. He turned the light off in the bathroom and walk towards the bed dropping the towel before climbing in. He lay next to her, pulling her into his arms.

  The bright glow from the moonlight illuminated throughout the room, creating a warm sensual feeling. He began to kiss her softly on her lips then moving to her neck he gently laid her on her back as he continued to trail kisses down to her chest, paying special attention to her nipples, sucking feverishly on one nipple then moving to the next. “I’ve missed you so much baby,” he said as he continued kissing her down to her stomach. He began to kiss her navel repeatedly. “I want you so bad Ki. You sure it’s okay for us to make love?” he asked with a concerned look on his face. “The doctor said its fine, just as long as we are not too rough.” she said as she sat up pulling his face towards hers and began to kiss him passionately.

  He lifted her nightgown over her head revealing her nude body. “Beautiful,” he whispered as he admired the woman he loved. Takeo gently pushed her back onto the bed. “Where’s the oil, baby?” she smiled. “It’s in the side drawer,” she said as she pointed. He poured the oil in his palm and began to rub his hands together. “Turn over on your stomach baby,” he commanded. He began to rub the oil on her shoulders, applying slight pressure, relieving all the tension in her body. He continued downward and he massaged the oil into her back using the base of his palm to work in the oil.


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