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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

Page 6

by Sage Young

  Takeo gave her a quick nod and directed his attention to Kiyomi. “We should go.” Kiyomi gave Monica a faint smile and a tight squeeze of her hand before whispering, “We will talk tonight.” She released Monica’s hand and walked out the door with Takeo. Once in the office alone, Monica began to suffer from a panic attack. She sat in the seat behind the desk and tried to regulate her breathing. She put her head between her legs when her assistant walked in. “Ms. Thomas, are you okay?” she asked as she rushed to pour her a glass of water. Monica couldn’t speak. She grabbed the glass and tried to drink. After a few seconds, she was able to drink the water but the assistant could see that she was visibly upset. She noticed Monica’s hands trembling. “Can I get anything else for you? Should I call someone?” she asked concerned.

  “No, I’m fine.” She took a few more deep breaths and stood. She drank the remainder of the water. “I’m sorry if frightened you, Lin. On very rare occasions, I suffer from panic attacks, but they pass. I’m okay now.” Monica took a few more deep breaths. “Did you make sure the copies of the presentation were delivered to the conference room?” Monica asked trying to change the subject.

  “Yes, just as you instructed.” Her assistant was still looking perplexed. “Are you sure you don’t need me to get you anything else?”

  “No, I’m going to head to the conference room. I will see you in a few hours.” Monica took couple of deep breaths; she needed to calm down and get to her presentation. She retrieved her paperwork off the desk. Monica turned to leave the office when she followed the eyes of the assistant and noticed that she was staring at the broken coffee cup. “I’m sorry about that, it slipped out my hand.”

  “I will make sure it’s cleaned up right away,” the assistant said as she turned her attention to the broken glass.


  Monica walked out of the office and headed towards the conference room. After being introduced to everyone including Mr. Yamada and his son, Jun, Monica was able to give the presentation flawlessly, even impressing Mr. Yamada with her knowledge. After she answered all questions, lunch was served and Monica headed back to her office. With all the craziness she was learning, she picked up her cell phone, deciding not to use the phone in the office to call Marco.

  “Hello beautiful how did your presentation go?” Marco sexy voice boomed through the receiver.

  “Hi baby, it is so nice to hear your voice. The presentation was amazing but that wasn’t the most amazing thing that happened to me this morning. I can’t wait to see you. You are not going to believe what happened to me this morning.”

  “Now you have my curiosity peaked. Please explain,” he amused.

  “Well, when I came in this morning I….”

  Just as Monica was about to go into detail about meeting Victoria’s twin sister there was a knock at the door. “Baby I’ll explain everything to you when I see you; someone’s at my door. I will see you later at the condominium?”

  “I’ll see you then,” was Marco’s last words before Monica hung up.

  Takeo walked in the door. “Are you ready to go? Kiyomi is waiting in the car.”

  “Yes, give me a few minutes and I will meet you in the lobby.

  Takeo nodded and exited the door. Monica gather her belongs when she felt her phone vibrate, she looked at the caller ID “Victoria” she whispered. “So how is my beautiful pregnant bestie?” “Don’t try and sweet talk me, Mo. Why didn’t you call me to let me know you arrived safely? I had to hear it from Nick who just talked to Marco. So while you were getting your freak on in Tokyo, you couldn’t stop for a second to call me?”

  “Slow down and breathe, Vic. I was going to call you when I arrived but so much craziness has happened that I didn’t get a chance, but I was going to call you this evening.”

  She looked at her watch and it was 5:00 pm Tokyo time.

  “Wait, it‘s 3 o’clock in the morning in Philly. Why are you up? Are you alright?” Monica asked concerned.

  “I’m fine. This morning sickness is turning into morning, noon, and night sickness. But don’t try and change the subject, I’m still angry that you didn’t call.”

  “I’m sorry Vic, I will make it up to you. I will bring you one of those beautiful pieces of art work from here.”

  Monica knew her friend could not stay mad at her; she could practically feel her smile through the phone.

  “Okay you are forgiven, and I don’t care if Marco is there, I still want to hear from you. I want to know that you are okay.”

  “Yes, Mom.” Monica joked.

  They continued their conversation as Monica left the office and headed to the elevators. “Hey Vic, I have been meaning to ask you for a while now if you had a chance to get any additional information on your biological mother and whether she had any other family?” she asked as she tried to balance her cell phone, briefcase, and purse. “No, I didn’t. What made you think about that, of all things?” Victoria asked a little baffled. “I don’t know. The family structures are a big deal here and it got me to thinking about you and me and how, for a long time, we only had each other.” Monica paused for fear that she might let something slip. “Forget about it. I have to go. I’m about to get on the elevator and I may lose the call. I will call you later, I promise. Give my god-kids a big kiss for me and tell them I love them.” “I will. Take care of yourself and you better call me.”

  They disconnected the call as Monica got on the elevator and thought about the events of the day. She knew that if everything she heard today was true, her best friend’s life will change forever; she hoped for the better. She was so deep in thought that she hadn’t realized that the elevator reached the lobby. Takeo was standing there when the elevator doors opened. “Is everything okay Ms. Thomas?” he asked when she didn’t step out of the elevator right away. “Huhh?” She looked around and realized she was in the lobby. “Everything’s fine, Takeo, as you can imagine, I have a lot on my mind, and please call me Monica.” “I think its best that while we’re in public I should call you Ms. Thomas. Now if you come this way, the car is waiting right outside the door.” Monica looked at Takeo; he was so handsome and so serious. She couldn’t imagine what he has to go through every day protecting the woman he loves and unable to let anyone know how strong his love is for her.

  Monica got in the car and Kiyomi was already sitting in the back. Monica and Kiyomi sat in the back alone as Takeo got in the front with the driver. “I thought it would be nice if we could have dinner together then I can explain everything to you. I don’t trust talking on any property that’s owned by Takahashi Corporation,” Kiyomi said as they drove down the highway. “You think our office spaces are bugged?” Monica asked. Kiyomi gave her a knowing look, but did not respond. When they arrived at the restaurant Monica instantly recognized it as the restaurant that she and Marco had just eaten the night before. “The food here is amazing. I was just here for dinner with my boyfr...” she smiled as she looked at her finger. “My fiancé surprised me by flying into Tokyo to be with me.” Kiyomi smiled. “I hope I get to meet your gentleman friend before you leave.”

  At that moment, it dawned on Monica that she told Marco that she would meet him for dinner. “Speaking of my fiancé, I told him I would meet him for dinner. I was unaware that our conversation was going to take place at a restaurant. I need to call him,” Monica said as she reached for her cell phone. “Should I ask him to join us for dinner?” “Monica, I don’t know if that’s such a great idea. The information that I need to discuss with you is highly confidential,” Kiyomi cautioned. “Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of my man; I trust him with my life and he is your sister’s brother-in-law,” she said without waiting for a response as she dialed Marco.

  Kiyomi smiled. She knew exactly who Marco was as well as the rest of his family. Takeo had done an extensive background check on Victoria, and their entire families. He was extremely uneasy with Kiyomi’s plan when she first told him about it. “By all means, in
vite him to dinner,” Kiyomi said with a smile. Takeo, who was able to hear the entire conversation, turned to look at Kiyomi. She recognized that look; he was not pleased. She gave him a faint smile and nodded. He turned to look straight ahead and she knew that this would be a serious conversation when they were alone. She smiled inwardly; he was fiercely protective of her and she knew he would lay his life down for her and their unborn child. She knew their love was strong, that’s why their plan had to work.

  Kiyomi was in such deep thought that she did not realize that Monica was on the phone and it actually ended her conversation at that moment. “Marco said he would meet us there,” Monica volunteered. Kiyomi nodded in response. Monica looked out the window of the moving car as she thought about Marco. There was no way she could explain over the phone what was going on, but you need to prepare him before he saw Kiyomi. They pulled in front of the high-rise where the restaurant was located on the top floor. The driver and Takeo got out simultaneously, both looking around before the driver opened the door, allowing both women to exit the vehicle. Takeo’s eyes continued to search the parameter of the restaurant as both women went inside. He whispered something to the driver who nodded, then Takeo followed the women into the building. “Kiyomi, I need to prepare Marco to see you. I will wait for him in the lobby; he should be here shortly.” “Okay, let the hostess know that you’re with me and she will take you to our private room.” Monica smiled at her as she and Takeo walked towards the elevator.

  Monica sat on one of the lounge chairs in the lobby as she thought about how she was going to explain it to Marco. This entire situation was incredible. She looked down in her purse to retrieve her lipstick when she heard a familiar voice. “Hello beautiful.” She looked up and saw Marco standing in front of her. She jumped into his arms and held him tightly, initially causing him to take a step back before regaining his balance. “Wow! You missed me that much since this morning?” he joked as he pulled her tighter into an embrace. She inhaled deeply taking in his wonderful familiar scent. “I love you so much baby.” She cooed.

  Marco grabbed her by her waist, slightly pulling her away so that he could see her face. “I love you too baby. Is everything okay?” he asked as he looked into her eyes trying to see any hint of distress. “I’m fine, Marco, but I need to talk to you about something very important. Something really incredible happened to me today.” She paused as she looked around and noticed a bench in the foyer. Monica grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the seat. “Please sit with me,” she said as she sat prompting him to also sit. She began to explain the unbelievable story of how she met Victoria’s identical twin sister. She also explained how Victoria’s sister brought her here because she needed her help and while she wasn’t completely sure how she could help, she wanted to do what she could to make sure that Victoria and her sister connected.

  Marco sat there in silence as he listened to Monica explain this incredible story; his emotions went from shock to fear for Monica’s safety, then anger at the individuals who brought her here under false pretenses. “Monica, this story is almost incomprehensible. I don’t like the fact that they lied to get you here and potentially putting your life in danger. This will end tonight. You need to finalize your business arrangements because we are leaving tomorrow. Whoever these people are, they are obviously holding most of the cards in this situation and I don’t like it. If it means that you lose the account, then so be it. I will not allow you to stay here another day knowing all that I know now.”

  Monica looked at Marco with utter astonishment. “What are you talking about, Marco? First, I am not a child and I am capable of making decisions for myself. Second, you don’t order me to do anything and I am not leaving tomorrow, so either you stay and help me or you can leave on the next flight, but I will help Victoria’s sister connect with Victoria. It is the least I can do.” Monica could see the frustration in his face. “The least you can do?” he repeated irritated. “You don’t know these people, Monica, and they obviously don’t give a shit about you because they wouldn’t ask you to participate in their bullshit.” Monica was disappointed but not surprised by Marco’s response. He was fiercely protective of her and she knew that. She stood. “Okay, so we’re not going to resolve this issue right now so why don’t you meet me back at the hotel. I should be done with dinner in about two hours,” Monica said not wanting to continue the discussion with Marco. “Like hell I will. If you’re having dinner with them, then I’m having dinner with them, and we can put an end to this nonsense once and for all.” Monica started to protest but decided that it was best if Marco met them and maybe then he would understand why it was so important for her to help her best friend connect with her sister. Marco did not like the stressed look on her face. He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her into an embrace. He looked into her eyes before kissing her softly on her lips. “Let’s go meet your new friends so we can tell them, thanks, but no thanks. He patted her on her backside before capturing her around her waist again and walking towards the elevator.


  They rode the elevator in silence, but Marco did not release his hold on Monica. When they got off the elevator, Monica instantly noticed Takeo watching the elevator doors. Monica started to walk towards the hostess when Takeo crossed their path. “This way, Ms. Thomas. Kiyomi asked that I wait by the elevator and personally escort you to the room. Monica looked at Takeo as he stared down at Marco. When she turned to look at Marco she saw that he was doing the same exact thing. “Takeo, this is my fiancé, Marco Moretti. Marco, this is head of security at Takahashi Corporation and Kiyomi’s personal bodyguard, Takeo Yamada. Takeo nodded at Marco and Marco did the same, both without uttering a word.

  Marco reached for Monica’s waist and pulled her into him as they walked to the private room. Marco was extremely angry that they were involving her in something potentially dangerous and he intended to let them know exactly how he felt. They walked towards the back of the restaurant into an area that was divided by a heavy curtain. Marco instantly noticed a woman sitting at the only table in the room with her head down looking at the menu. She must have heard them approaching because she lifted her head and smiled at the approaching trio. Marco stopped abruptly causing everyone to pause. “What the fuck?” he mumbled not even aware that he had said anything. Were his eyes playing tricks him? Was Monica playing a trick on him and flew Victoria in?

  Takeo’s voice brought Marco out of his trance. he heard Takeo speak Japanese and she responded in the same language. But Victoria didn’t speak Japanese. How did she learn so fast? As they approached the table, Marco could tell that the woman who now stood, was not his sister in law, but had her exact face. Monica could see that Marco was freaked out by the entire situation because she had the same reaction when she saw Kiyomi for the first time. She was still getting used to seeing her. “Baby, this is Kiyomi Sato. Kiyomi, this is Marco Moretti, your sister’s brother-in-law and my fiancé.” Monica introduced Marco, then looked at him when he didn’t respond. “Baby, baby?” She said trying to get him to respond as he stood motionless. Marco was going through a range of emotions. He went from shock to disbelief to anger. Was this some kind of scam to get into Victoria’s life? It was widely publicized that his brother and his sister-in-law were very wealthy. “Hello,” was all Marco said as he stared at Takeo trying to figure out what kind of scam they were pulling. After an uncomfortable few seconds, Kiyomi spoke. “Please everyone sit. It is so nice to meet you Mr. Moretti.”

  Both couples sat in their seat as the waiter promptly came over to take their drink orders. Marco continued to stare at Kiyomi; still unable to believe how she looked exactly like Victoria. He scanned her entire face now realizing that the woman sitting in front of him had a mole on the right side of her face just below her lip. The waiter was back instantly with their drinks and began to take their dinner orders. As Monica and Kiyomi made small talk, Takeo remained silent. He did not order alcohol, instead he drank water. Marco sipped o
n the double scotch he ordered as he paid close attention to Takeo and Kiyomi’s body language. Takeo also sat silently, feeling uneasy about Marco’s posture.

  Marco could no longer take the small talk, he needed to know what was going on and what they wanted from Monica and his sister-in-law, Victoria. “I think we really need to get to the point of this little meeting,” Marco said in a low direct tone as his eyes shifted from Takeo to Kiyomi. Monica started to speak when Marco interrupted her without taking his eyes off of the couple sitting in front of him. “Monica, I believe they now have the floor sweetie,” he continued although he could feel the anger in Monica’s stare. “It is obvious that they brought you here specifically for a reason and I need to know what that is and how it affects my family.” While Monica did not appreciate Marco abruptly cutting her off, she knew that he was looking out for her and his family but she would definitely address that with him later in private.

  Takeo began to speak in Japanese to Kiyomi. Marco could hear the harshness in his voice. Kiyomi placed her hand on his knee gently. “Takeo, please speak English. I don’t think Mr. Moretti speaks our language and it‘s rude, baby,” she said softly. Takeo gave Kiyomi a faint smile before directing his attention to Marco as he spoke. “Kiyomi is my world. I love her more than I love myself. She is now carrying our child and I need to get her out of this country safely, with the least collateral damage as possible. Believe me, with or without your help, I will pave her a safe exit from this country with bodies, if I have to. The people we are dealing with, my family is playing for keeps. I will die...” Kiyomi squeezed his leg under the table to try and calm him before interrupting him. “Baby, I think you are being too negative about the situation,” Kiyomi said as she turned her attention to Marco and Monica. “I don’t want to frighten either one of you, but I am not going to make light of this situation either….” “With all due respect, I don’t know what is going on and frankly I don’t give a fuck. I only care about one person at this table and my only objective at this point is to get her home safely.” Marco turned to Takeo. “We both feel the same way about our women.” Marco stood, prompting Takeo to abruptly stand as well. “Let’s go baby; we are leaving,” Marco said to Monica as he placed his hand on her arm, trying to help her up but Monica didn’t budge. Instead, she could not take her eyes off of Kiyomi as she saw her shed a single tear.


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