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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

Page 10

by Sage Young

Marco nodded as he walked past them towards Monica’s office. He stood at the door and watched as she gathered documents on her desk unaware that he was standing there. His heart pounded every time she was in his presence. He loved her and would do anything for her. “You ready to go, beautiful?” he asked in a velvety deep voice. She spun around, not because she was startled, but because the sound of his voice always made her heart jump and her body tingle.

  He walked towards her and she met him stride for stride until their bodies met. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he grabbed her waist to pull her in closer to him. He lowered his lips to hers and they kissed passionately. She pulled away, trying to pull air back into her lungs. “Well hello to you too, Mr. Moretti,” she said smiling. “Have you talked to Dominic? Was he able to set up the video conference?” “Yes. He just needed to do one additional security check. It should be ready for the conversation this evening.” She nodded as she closed her briefcase and they walked out the door.


  Kiyomi hadn’t seen her father in over a week and she felt really guilty considering her father was very ill. She was finding it increasingly harder to be around him knowing that he was the reason that she was separated from her twin sister when they were infants. Takeo rode with her to her father’s home. It was normal procedure that everyone except his daughters were checked before entering her father’s home. Her father lived in a mansion that was more like a fortress on the outskirts of Tokyo. From a very young age she was aware that her father was extremely paranoid about her safety. After an attempted robbery at her apartment, her father made sure that she and her sister always had security with them. As she entered the foyer, her sister, Muri, greeted her with an instant attitude. “Look who finally decides to make an appearance!” she said snidely. “Father has only been waiting a week to see you. I can’t believe that you were so selfish that you couldn’t make time for him, especially since you know how sick he is,” Muri admonished. “Not today Ri. I’m not in the mood for your judgmental attitude when you have no idea what I’ve been through this week or what’s going on in my life,” she said to her sister as she brushed by her heading to see her father.

  Kiyomi walked into her father’s office and saw him sitting behind a desk. She glanced around the office; it had not changed much since she was a little girl running around his huge desk. She stood in the doorway a few seconds longer than was needed, but she was bracing herself for their conversation. Although she could tell he had lost weight and looked weaker, he still had a commanding presence. She tapped on the door lightly and he looked up and smiled. Although she was extremely angry with him, she could not allow her emotions to win out and didn’t want to give him an indication that he had another daughter until she was able to make sure that everyone would be safe. “How are you feeling father?” she asked as she rounded his desk and kissed him on his cheek. “I’m still alive,” he said with his deep rough voice that sounded weak. He motioned her to sit.

  Although he was sick and could not continue to work out in the gym, he was still a very handsome man and at six foot four inches, he was a force to reckon. “I’m sorry I haven’t been by sooner. We have the representative from the US, and I needed to make sure everything went smoothly and our interest protected.” Her father nodded. “Good. It is imperative that you stay on top of all the meetings and make sure that all contracts are approved by you before they are signed.” He got up from his desk, closed the door, and sat on the other side of desk next to Kiyomi. “Ki, I need to discuss something with you that is highly confidential and will affect our family. It has recently come to my attention that individuals close to us have been keeping secrets that will greatly affect our interest in the Takahashi Company.”

  Kiyomi looked at her father, wondering if he was playing a mind game with her, trying to let her know that he knew what she was up to or did he truly believe that someone was trying to undermine our interest in the company. “Father, I don’t understand. We are the majority shareholders of the company and I’ll make sure that every contract or deal that’s done comes through me before it is finalized.” He sat in the chair next to her with his legs crossed as he relaxed his back against the wingback chair and he gave her a knowing stare, “Is there anything else you need to tell me, Kiyomi?” She nervously looked into her father’s eyes, searching for an indication that he truly was aware of what she was up to or was he using the same tactics to get her to give him information that he thought she might have. She decided that if he had real proof of what she was up to, he would have confronted her as soon as she walked into his office.

  “If I thought there was anything important concerning the company, I would have told you immediately, just as I have done in the past. What’s this about father, are you now questioning my ability to do my job and look out for our family’s interest?” she asked in a disappointing tone as she frowned.

  “I don’t question your ability, daughter, but I do need to make sure you have my back and keep me abreast about everything and everyone connected to our company.”

  “Again Father, I’m confused about the accusations.”

  He stood and kissed his daughter on her forehead before sitting behind the desk again.

  “They aren’t accusations, Kiyomi, just a confirmation that we are on the same page. Please continue to keep me updated on everything.” The emphasis on the word ‘everything’ was not lost on her.

  “I will Father,” she said before she stood, knowing by her father’s body language that the conversation was over.

  As she approached the door and reached for the handle, her father’s voice halted her progress. “One more thing, Kiyomi, this thing between you and your sister, fix it.” He said as he waved his hand officially dismissing her. She didn’t need to ask him what he was talking about when he told her to fix it. He had commented in the past about his disappointment in the way that she and her sister treated each other. She wanted to tell him that it was his doing, the way he spoiled her giving her everything and not requiring her to earn anything. But she was the oldest and needed to make an effort to mend the issues they had. Takeo waited outside the office as he had done on several occasions in the past. She approached him, “Is everything okay?” he asked and Kiyomi nodded as they walked towards the front door.

  “Are you going to leave without saying goodbye to me?” Muri asked in a disappointing partly sarcastic tone. “I have a long day tomorrow, Ri, so I really need to get some rest.” Her sister walked up to her, “and judging by the weight you put on, you should probably hit the gym too,” she said as she grabbed her sister’s waist and lightly smacked her butt. “What have you been eating sis? I don’t have think I’ve ever seen you put on extra weight.” Kiyomi realized that she was putting on weight faster than she had thought with this pregnancy. “Whatever Muri,” Kiyomi said with a smile. “How about we have dinner tomorrow evening? We need to talk and I would like to know what’s going on with you,” she asked and Muri nodded. Kiyomi kissed her sister on the cheek before heading out the door. Muri placed her hand on her shoulder and with a sincere look in her eyes she said, “I would really like that.” Kiyomi nodded as she placed her hand over her sister‘s in a comforting matter.

  Kiyomi walked out of the house to a waiting car. Takeo sat quietly next to her, intertwining his fingers with hers as he gave her hand a slight squeeze. He knew that she was extremely nervous about finally seeing her twin sister for the first time. Kiyomi thought about what she would say to her sister as the car sped down the highway. Takeo could see stress on her face. “Relax baby, she’s going to love you,” is all he said as he began to stroke her hand, trying to relieve her stress. They decided to make the call in Monica’s office because that was the only place that did not have video surveillance, so they headed back to the office. They pulled in front of the skyscraper building, but Takeo decided to enter through the garage.

  They exited the vehicle and headed for Monica’s office. As the elevator doors cl
osed, Kiyomi turned to the Takeo, “What if she doesn’t like me, or decides at the last minute not to talk to me? I don’t even know her and I feel a connection already.” Takeo looked at the love of his life and could see a vulnerability that he had never seen before. She was a fierce competitor in the boardroom and on this elevator she was almost childlike. He did not respond, he just pulled her into an embrace and began to gently rub her back. Takeo knew this night would be different so he made sure that his best friend and business partner was working the cameras that were monitoring the building tonight. Within seconds the elevator doors opened and Takeo gently rested his hand on Kiyomi’s lower back as they walked towards Monica’s office.

  Monica swung the door open, stepping to the side to allow them to walk in the office. They walked them over to the conference table where Marco was already sitting. Monica could see how nervous Kiyomi was and gave her a hug. “It’s going to be fine. Victoria is going to love you.” Kiyomi nodded as she sat in front of the computer. Marco looked at his watch, “Victoria will be calling in about five minutes,” he said. “Would anyone like something to drink?” Kiyomi shook her head but Takeo decided he could use a drink and he and Marco headed towards the mini bar. Monica sat with Kiyomi as they waited for the conference call to take place. Both women engaged in small talk until the computer phone rang.

  Kiyomi jumped slightly, startled by the tone. “You ready to talk to your sister?” Kiyomi could only nod in response. Monica hit the button and Victoria appeared on the screen. Kiyomi looked at the screen and could not believe what she saw. She was looking at herself. Instantly, both Victoria and Kiyomi placed their hands over their mouths in disbelief. It was like looking in the mirror. Takeo walked closer to the screen because he could not believe how much they looked like each other. Victoria could not speak. If it were not for the different hairstyle and clothes, she would have sworn she was looking at her own reflection. Dominic was sitting protectively to the side of Victoria out of the sight of the camera, but when Kiyomi appeared he also had to get a closer look. “Remarkable,” he thought as he took his seat again not wanting to interfere with his wife’s reunion.

  Tears sprang from Kiyomi’s eyes as she began to softly touch the screen. Victoria, noticing her hand going towards the screen immediately followed her queue as they both touched the screen knowing that there was an immediate connection. Victoria was the first to speak. “You are absolutely beautiful,” she said as the tears rolled slowly down her cheek. Kiyomi was so filled with emotions that she began to speak before realizing she was speaking Japanese. It was then that Victoria gave her a strange look as she realized she was not speaking English. She blushed and apologized as she began to speak in English. “What I was saying was that looking at you is like looking in the mirror and you are also very beautiful. My name is Kiyomi Sato and I’m your twin sister.” Victoria smiled knowing this was her sister from the moment she laid eyes on her.

  Both women began to slowly open up about their lives, realizing that not only were they both pregnant but were due around the same time. Victoria touched the screen again, still unable to believe that she had a sister. They continued to talk as if they’d known each other all of their lives. “This is my soon to be husband, Takeo.” She introduced him to Victoria as Takeo came slightly into view and nodded. Victoria did the same by introducing her husband Dominic. After learning about each other’s lives, Kiyomi became very solemn. “I need to talk to you about our company and our father.” Victoria stared at the screen in shock. She had a living parent? “Our father is alive?” She assumed their father was dead. From all that she read, from the documents her mom left, her father was a very dangerous man and what did she mean “our” company. Dominic’s back immediately straightened in angst. He retrieved his cell phone from his pocket and sent a text to Marco - I need to talk to Takeo in private as soon as this conversation is over. Marco felt his phone buzz and looked at the message and texted back - I figured as much. When they are done, we will call you. Victoria and Kiyomi continued to talk unaware of the messages being sent between Marco and Dominic. Kiyomi continued to explain, “Our father is the major shareholder in Takahashi Corporation. He has a will and it states that all of his living heirs will split his share equally in the event of his death. Ordinarily, it would not be an issue, but we recently found out that our father is dying of cancer and he is not expected to live much longer.”

  Victoria instantly felt sad for a man she has never known and sad for her sister who had tears in her eyes as she was explaining her situation. “I have received information that Mr. Yoshi Yamada, the other partner in the company, has approached my father in an effort to arrange a marriage between me and his son, Jun, for obvious reasons,” she looked at Takeo and smiled. “I would never agree to such an arrangement. While I love our father, I am fully aware of what he is capable of and I know that he is very dangerous. When my father asked Takeo to watch over me he also told him that if he ever put me in a compromising position that he would have him killed.”

  Marco could see the anger building in Takeo’s face. “I don’t need you or anyone else to fight my battles. I would kill all of them if anyone got near you,” Takeo said harshly in Japanese. “I know, my love, but we have to consider our child and I don’t want you hurt.” Her response in Japanese was soft and loving as she continued in English. “Baby, please speak English; it rude to our guest.” “I told you I would handle this my way!” Takeo said in a low stern tone as he walked towards the door. Marco was on his feet in pursuit of Takeo. “I’ll go with him,” Marco said to Kiyomi as he walked towards the door. Kiyomi’s eyes began to water again when Monica gave her a hug. “Marco will talk to him; don’t worry,” Monica whispered in Kiyomi’s ear. Victoria looked at her best friend and was happy that she was physically there for her sister. “Takeo is a strong and proud man and will stop at nothing to protect me and our unborn child. I’m afraid his hatred for his uncle and his disdain for my father will cause him to be killed. He will not stop until he knows that I’m safe even if that means…” She faded off not wanting to continue. “It’s okay; you have family who will help you now,” Victoria said as she tried to ease her sister’s pain. She knew that worrying was not good for her unborn child.

  Dominic went into the other room to call Marco. He also knew what Takeo was capable of doing. When Marco first told him what was going on, he had an extensive background check done on all parties involving Takeo, Ken Sato, and Yoshi Yamada. He had a very bad feeling about Mr. Sato and Mr. Yamada; they both dealt in shady business dealings from the beginning and was only compounded with Yoshi Yamada’s gambling problem. But Takeo Yamada, from all the reports he received, was an honorable man. He, like his father, was part of the secret armed forces and very skillful in weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. He was a martial artist master having received a black belt in Karate, Aikido, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, and Tae Kwon Do. He lived in the US briefly where he and his cousin, Jun, attended Princeton University for an undergraduate degree in Business and although Jun went back to Japan after he graduated, Takeo stayed in the US to attend Harvard Graduate School. He’s a well-educated killing machine, Dominic thought.

  Marco answered the phone after the first ring. “Marco…” “I’m already on it big bro. I will call you back in a few,” Marco said and ended the call before Dominic could say anything else. Marco caught up with Takeo and placed his hand on his shoulder. Takeo grabbed his hand gave it a twist before swinging around ready to attack in less than two seconds but stopped when he realized it was Marco. “Whoa! I’m not the enemy here,” Marco said as he put his hands up. “We need to talk now,” Marco said sternly. Takeo nodded, “Agreed.” Takeo called a member of the security he trusted to stand guard at the door until they returned. Takeo took Marco to a restaurant bar not far from where they were. He knew the owner who placed them at a secluded private table away from the other patrons. “Please help me to understand what’s going on because the way I see it, it’s about to get really n
asty and I don’t want my woman or my sister-in-law put in any danger. I need to explain it to my brother, because sister or no sister, he will not allow his wife to be put in danger.

  Takeo took a sip of his drink and looked into the eyes of Marco, “My uncle is a very desperate man and he will stop at nothing to gain control of his company again. Very few people know that Ken Sato is the majority stakeholder in the company. I found it very strange that Mr. Ken Sato, a seemingly very healthy man who got checkups regularly, all of a sudden develops cancer that is untreatable and he only has six months to live. I have a feeling that my uncle had something to do with his sudden illness, but frankly, he is not my concern. Mr. Sato has done his share of corrupt dealings and has been responsible for some individuals meeting their untimely demise. Karma has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. My only concern is Kiyomi and my unborn child. I need to make sure that they are safe and that can only happen if I get them out of this country. If her father finds out that she is pregnant by me, I’m sure he will try and have me killed. Even if we manage to get her father’s approval, I do not trust that my uncle will not try to have Kiyomi and her sister killed once their father dies, to gain control of the company. Mr. Sato had a gentlemen’s agreement with my uncle that in the event that he or his heirs die prior to creating heirs, then his shares will revert to my uncle. Because the will does not state specific names, just heirs, that would also include your sister-in-law, Victoria. Neither my uncle nor Mr. Sato know of her existence. Now that we know she exists, we may be able to get out of this situation without me having to…” Takeo paused. “Marco, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt Kiyomi,” he said as he stared directly into Marco’s eye. Marco could see the determination in his eyes, but was taken back, by his willingness to so easily kill anyone who got in his way. “I understand the situation and I think, between the three of us, we can come up with a plan that would require minimal to no casualties,” Marco said as he took a sip of his drink.


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