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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

Page 16

by Sage Young

  Monica looked in Muri‘s direction. “I do accept your apology, Muri.” Muri looked at her strangely. “You accepted my apology as I acknowledge it was all my fault, yet you still don’t speak to Marco, even though you know he was totally innocent. Why are you still blaming him?” Muri asked as she realized that she may have overstepped her bounds. Monica looked at Muri and spoke, “While I forgive you and accept your apology, it does not give you the right to question how I handle the relationship that you broke up.” Monica began to look out the window. “So I will ask, why are you still blaming Marco? Why are you making him suffer for something you know he didn’t do?” Victoria asked as she looked directly at her best friend.

  The one thing they have never done is beat around a bush when either was wrong; they called each other on it. “I’m not discussing this now,” she said looking at Victoria then at all the other women in the limo. “Why not now, Monica? It seems to me if you care so little about your relationship with a man who loves and cherishes you, that you are willing to discard it at the first hint of trouble, then you should be more than willing to share why.“ Jacqueline said as she stared directly at her. Monica knew her two best friends would not let it go until they got an answer. “I guess I’ve been waiting for months now for the other shoe to drop. I mean look at Marco, he could have any woman he wants and he’s with me. I love him so much that I don’t know if I could recover if he left me. The thought of him in another woman’s arms crushed me. I don’t like the feeling of someone having so much control over me. I keep asking myself, why me? Why is he with me?” Everyone in the car looked at her with astonishment.

  “Are you freakin kidding me Mo?” Fran yelled. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are incredibly beautiful with a body to die for. You said to look at him… huh, look at you. My brother is lucky to have you,” Fran said a little miffed. “Mo, you asked us why you, why not you? You are intelligent, beautiful, and confident. What man wouldn’t be attracted that you? Marco loves you. I’ve seen how he’s been over the last week. He is missing you like crazy. You need to work this out with him before it’s too late,” Victoria said and Monica nodded. She knew she needed to resolve this issue.

  They arrived at the club and all the men were waiting for their limo to pull up. As they walked into the club everyone stopped to watch the impressive group that was walking in. The hostess escorted them to their table and placed the order for the first round of drinks for the group. Everyone was drinking alcohol but Victoria, Kiyomi, and Monica. “Come on Mo, you can have something stronger than club soda. Have a drink with me?” Jacqueline asked as she ordered a whiskey sour. “I’m good Jackie, I’m not in the mood to drink tonight.” Marco was already aware that she hadn’t order a drink, as he kept an eye on her. The group laughed, drank, and danced. After three hours Victoria was starting to get tired and she could tell Kiyomi was too.

  An upbeat song came on and Kevin and Jackie headed to the dance floor. “Muri, Monica, come on let’s dance,” Fran encouraged as both ladies stood and walked to the dance floor. They all began to dance and Marco watched Monica as she gyrated on the dance floor. He decided he needed another drink to cool off. As he was at the bar getting another drink, a very handsome African American man walked up behind Monica and started to dance behind her. Monica was so into the music, initially she didn’t notice him until she spun around and he placed his hands on her hips as he danced with her. “An extremely beautiful woman should not be on the dance floor by herself.” She smiled, “I’m not alone, I’m dancing with my friends.” The music instantly slowed down and he pulled her into an embrace to continue their dance. Monica was pulling back as she smiled and told him no thank you when Marco appeared on the dance floor. Marco grabbed Monica by the waist moving her behind him as he came face to face with the other man. “Take a walk!” He demanded. The other man moved in closer to Marco. “Who the hell are you?” the man said glaring are him. “The lady can speak for herself, and if you don’t back up there will be a problem,” the man said in a low deep tone. Marco was refusing to back down.

  Dominic saw the situation on the dance floor unfolding. “Oh Shit,” he said as he made his way to the dance floor. The other men in the group saw what was happening and followed Dominic. Within seconds Dominic, Takeo, Rafael, Suri, and Kevin were all on the dance floor causing the other man’s friends to come to the dance floor to back him up. “Are we good, Marco?” Dominic asked trying to assess the situation. Marco looked at the men behind him and watched as Monica walked away. He didn’t want a bar fight. The handsome man looked at Marco’s friends then at his friends. He had only come out to get his mind off his troubles. He didn’t need new problems or problems for his friends. “Devon, are you okay?” one of the man’s friends asked him. Both men continued to glare at each other as they both said simultaneously, “I’m good,” to their perspective friends. “If she was your lady, that’s all you had to say,” Devon said before walking away with his friends in tow. The men walked back to the table.

  “What the hell was that about?” Dominic asked as they all ordered another round of drinks. “That woman is making me crazy,” Marco admitted. “Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem dealing out an ass whipping, but the ladies are with us. It could have ended badly,” Dominic said as he put his arm around his brother’s shoulder. “Did you happen to see how big those dudes were?” He asked smiling at his brother. Marco did not return the smile. “I know and I apologize. I’m going to head out. I’m not in the mood for socializing.” Marco said as he shook Dominic’s hand. “Okay, but I will see you at the house tomorrow, right?” “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  He shook his brother’s hand. “Tell everyone I said goodbye,” Marco said as he walked out of the club and into one of the waiting limos.

  Monica had the same idea. She said her goodbyes and headed out the door. Everyone continued to party. About a half hour later Kiyomi and Takeo said their goodbyes and rode in one of the limos that had just returned. Victoria and Dominic did the same thing. Victoria had plans for their return ride home in the limo. Fran called them all party poopers; she and Muri continued to dance as they dragged Suri and Rafael on the dance floor with them.

  The group danced through several fast songs and when the music turned slow they all started to walk off the dance floor when Muri grabbed Rafael’s arm. “Please, just one more dance?” she pleaded. He smiled and began to slow dance with her. She looked up at him and said, “I never got a chance to thank you for making sure I was okay when I found out…” she became really quiet. “It’s no problem. I’m always helping damsels in distress.” She smiled and they continued the dance in silence. Rafael had to admit to himself that he was having a good time. He hadn’t been out with just adults since his divorce and being awarded full custody of his kids. She felt really good in his arms but he needed to get those thoughts out of his head; she was too young for him. The song stopped and the DJ transitioned into another slow song when Rafael pulled away. “Come on, just one more,” she asked in a sexy voice. That was the final straw. He needed to distance himself from her. It took all of his willpower to keep his manhood at bay while they were dancing. “It’s past my bedtime and I need to check on my kids,” he said as they joined the other two at the table. “I’m calling it a night,” Rafael said and they all agreed to leave together.


  Dominic and Victoria’s house was filled to capacity with family and friends. They were all there to celebrate the discovery of Victoria’s family before they went public Monday morning at the scheduled press conference. Marco noticed Monica the moment she walked into the house. His heart began to pound and he was no longer hearing the conversation that was going on around him. She looked in his direction and gave him a slight smile before someone pulled her into a conversation. “When are you going to resolve the situation between the two of you?” Dominic asked his brother as he handed him a drink. “Soon big bro, really soon.”

  Victoria offic
ially introduced her father and two sisters to everyone and thanked them for being a part of their celebration. Everyone cheered as they continued to enjoy the festivities. Towards the evening, the crowd started to thin. Ken Sato, Victoria’s father, asked Victoria if he could speak with her and Kiyomi in private. Victoria located Kiyomi and they met their father in the den.

  Ken was progressing well. He managed to put on a little weight in that short amount of time and wore a black suit that fit him like a glove. Ken was already standing by the window in the den when they arrived. They both kissed their father on the cheek before they sat. “I wanted to speak with you both privately before press conference tomorrow,” he said in the armchair opposite the sofa where they were sitting. “I wanted a few minutes alone with my beautiful daughters so that I could talk to you about your mother. She and I got married young. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and I knew I wanted to marry her. The first few years of our marriage I worked so hard trying to build my business that I slowly started pulling away from her. I allowed distractions outside the home to take precedence over your mother. When my business really started to take off, instead of slowing down and enjoying time with her, I wanted and needed more. I ruined the best thing I had. I allowed other women to tempt me and I hurt your mother in the process.”

  Ken stood to look out the window; again he felt ashamed and did not want to look into the eyes of his daughters as he continued. “When I found out she was pregnant I accused her of having an affair, but I knew in my heart she would never cheat on me as long as we were married. I was traveling so much, and when I finally stayed home long enough to find out what was going on with your mother, she told me the baby died in childbirth. Shortly after, I found out that she had cancer and within months she was gone. I was devastated. I always assumed I would have time to make up for all the hurt I caused her. I allowed my drive and pride to destroy the only true happiness I had in my life. I began to drink heavily and dove deeper into my work until I received information from some rift raft trying to make a quick buck indicating that she knew one of your mother’s best friends. She said my wife had given this woman my baby. I initially thought it was a lie until I checked the medical records she left and found out that some were falsified. I was so angry with your mother for denying me my child. I went to her friend’s house and threatened her until she told me the truth. I took my child and had a DNA test to confirm what I already knew, that you were my daughter.” Ken said, as he turned to look at Kiyomi. “I never imagined that your mother had twins.”

  Ken paused to compose himself. “I spent many sleepless nights asking why, why would she do this to me? Why would she deny me my child? Then the answer came to me. She wanted to protect you from the man I had become. It was at that moment that I knew I needed to change. I needed to be a good father and take care of you like I should have taken care of your mother. My best friend started a company in Tokyo and I was already a major investor in the company so I decided to move there. I figured we needed a fresh start. It was never my intention to stay as long as we did. It was always rumored that I fled the US because some people wanted me dead. That was never the case. I have never run from a fight. While I’m no angel and I can’t say that all of my business dealing were above board, but my life was never in danger, that is, until my ex-best friend thought it was a good idea to harm me and my family,” he said with venom.

  Ken reclaimed his seat and pulled two jewelry boxes out of his pocket. This is the diamond I gave your mother. I had it cut in two and had it reset for you both. Victoria and Kiyomi opened the boxes and they both shed tears as they looked at the beautiful identical necklaces. Ken’s eyes were filled with unshed tears. “Kiyomi doesn’t know this, but I have all of your mother’s belonging still in the house in which we lived. I didn’t have the heart to get rid of any of her things. I had housekeepers clean the house completely; leaving all of her belongs right where they were. No one has lived in the house in over thirty years. I have a staff periodically clean it, but I couldn’t bring myself to going back after I left the US. I also couldn’t sell it because your mother loved that house so much. Once all of this settles down, we should travel to Florida so that we can all finally put your mom to rest properly.” Both women were speechless. They stood and hugged their father. When the trio disconnected from the embrace, Ken placed the necklaces on his daughters. “We better rejoin everyone. I know they are wondering what happened to us,” Victoria said with a smile.

  The only ones left were family members and their closest friends. Monica had not been feeling well all day, but didn’t want to disappoint her best friend so she ate crackers and drank ginger ale to settle her stomach. She tried to socialize, but she could feel Marco’s eyes on her. She sought him out the moment she got there and when she finally laid eyes on him, he was already looking at her. Her body always reacted to the way he looked at her; like he could see through to her soul. She noticed how handsome he looked in that gray tailored suit that fit like his second skin. She knew she needed to make this situation right but she was allowing her pride to interfere. She was about to tell Victoria she was leaving when she saw her go into the den with her father and sister, so she decided to wait.

  Monica started to feel sick again and rushed to the bathroom where she emptied the contents of her stomach. She heard a knock at the door and didn’t need to ask who it was, she knew it was Marco. “I’m fine Marc, I ate something that didn’t agree with me.” She waited for a response and when there was none she continued. “Go back to the party, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” She leaned against the door for a few minutes and began to rinse her mouth out with mouthwash that was already in the cabinet.

  Monica took a few deep breaths and walked out of the bathroom right into a wall of muscles. Startled, she jumped back. “Marco, you scared me.” “Are you alright? I heard you getting sick,” Marco said concerned. “I’m fine. I told you it was something I ate,” she said irritated. She pushed by him as a tear slide down her cheek. What is wrong with you? Just make up with him, her heart told her as her body continued to move into the living room. She needed to tell Victoria she was leaving.

  She saw Victoria talking to her sister. This is stupid, girl, go get your man, he obviously loves you. She coached herself. She turned in search of Marco and saw him talking to Dominic. She paused as he drained his drink and walked towards her. Marco stood so close that the smell of his cologne cloaked her with that familiar warm feeling that she missed. He placed his hands on both her arms and began to rub gently up and down the length of his arm. “I’ve tried, Mo. I don’t know what else I can do to prove to you that I love you and I would never cheat on you, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m done, so take care of yourself,” he said in a low tone just above a whisper, knowing that his words did not reflect how his heart felt. He kissed her on her forehead and walked away. Marco then said his goodbyes to the rest of the family and left.

  Monica stood there speechless. What just happened? she asked herself. Before she could try and figure it out, Victoria pulled her into a conversation they were having about the beautiful structures in Tokyo. Monica was so distracted by Macro’s words that she was having a difficult time focusing on the conversation. Monica stayed until almost the last guest left. “I’m beat Vic, I’m heading out.” She kissed Victoria on the cheek. Victoria held her close. “Call me later sweetie, we need to talk because I’m worried about you.” Victoria released her and she gave her a slight smile. “I’ll call you later, I promise.” She said her goodbyes to everyone else and left.

  As Monica drove home she started to become angry. I can’t believe he told me to take care of myself. Even if it wasn’t his fault, he was the one in the bed with another woman and he needed to give me time to deal with that. God, she really missed him and it was evident every time she climbed in her bed alone. Once home, she showered and) put on a pair of panties and her robe.

  Marco drove around town trying to clear his head. He loved Moni
ca so why was he willing to give up on them so easily. He realized he was asking a lot of her to believe that some woman just ended up in his bed and while he was nude, nothing happened. This shit is crazy. What are you doing? If you love her then you need to tell her and don’t take no for an answer, she belongs to you. He declared as he spun his car around and headed in the direction of Monica’s home.

  Banging on her door awakened Monica. She jumped up and could hear Marco’s voice. Marco continued to bang on Monica’s door. “I’m not going away until you talk to me. We are resolving this tonight! Do you hear me, Monica? I’m not leaving.” Monica stood on the other side of the door, not wanting to seem anxious as she willed herself not to open the door and jump into his arms. He banged again causing her to jump. This is crazy; he’s going to wake up all my neighbors.

  As she unlatched the door, she saw the flash of lights and looked out. A police officer with a flashlight approached. “Sir, do you live here?” the officer asked before they both got a good look at each other and Marco quickly realized it was the man he got into a confrontation in the club the night before. “So we meet again.” the officer said in a smug tone. “Shit!” Marco said under his breath.


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