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My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11)

Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  She exhaled. "That's not so bad. What was I saying?"

  He became thoughtful. "Something about drawing shots and sugar to vanilla ratios."

  "Oh, work stuff. I can live with that."

  He held out his elbow. She had no idea what he wanted so she bopped his elbow with her own. Chuckling he reached over and placed her hand on the crook of his arm. "May I escort you downstairs?"

  She frowned up at him. "I was paying attention last night; I know the way." He continued to smile at her. "This is a prince thing isn't it?"

  He nodded. "Sort of, more like an etiquette thing. If the men stand when we enter the room, don't freak out, either smile or nod and take your seat. They will only sit when you do."


  "You'll be fine."

  Sure enough, the second they entered the dining room all the men rose. Feeling ten times more nervous she gave a smile and quickly sat down banging her knee on the underside of the table. "Son of a bitch!"

  Oron reached over and helped her rub it. "Poor thing."

  "Coffee," a voice croaked.

  Izzy looked over to Meryn. "Has she had any yet?" She noticed that both Aiden and Darian looked a bit nervous as they kept sneaking glances at Meryn.

  Aiden shook his head. "She wanted to wait for Coffee Goddess."

  "Yikes. Okay, Cam where's your machine?"

  Ryuu entered from the kitchen. "If you would follow me, I have already set up the machine, ran a few test draws and put most of the supplies I could find on the counter."

  Izzy stood quickly and followed Ryuu to the kitchen. "How bad is she without coffee?" she asked, as she began measuring out beans and prepping the cup.

  "On a scale of Amelia to murder in the first degree... murder plus arson and torture," Ryuu admitted.

  "Holy fuck! She needed this like an hour ago when her eyes first opened?"

  He nodded solemnly. "Exactly."

  Izzy never moved so fast in her life. After all, her mate was out there with the uncaffeinated terror.

  She carried two steaming mochas into the dining room. "Here you go Meryn, try this." She placed both cups on the table and stepped back.

  Looking like the girl from the Ring, Meryn lifted her head slowly swaying back and forth. She grabbed the coffee and took her first sip. "Ahhhhhhh."

  Aiden and Darian visibly relaxed in their chairs.

  Izzy was about to return to the kitchen for the other drinks she prepped when Ryuu came in carrying them in on a tray. "You're amazing."

  He simply smiled and nodded toward her seat. "Sit down, I'll be bringing breakfast in momentarily."

  Liam wiped at a pretend tear. "We get a moment of pure heaven before both the squire and barista leave."

  "Damn baby, what is this?" Oron asked, staring down into his glass.

  "Thanks to your suggestion before bed last night, I mentally listed all the drinks I could make, I thought you'd like that one."

  He took another long sip from the straw. "It's sweet, but bitter and is that raspberry?"

  "It's a personal favorite of mine, a quad shot, white chocolate mocha, with raspberry syrup. Thank goodness Cam bought every coffee bar supply he could find, I had everything I needed to make it."

  Oron whimpered as he continued to sip his drink. "It's so good."

  All around the table, everyone enjoyed their specialty morning coffees. Izzy couldn't help but stare in fascination as Meryn slowly came online. By the end of her second drink she was upright and blinking. "Did she say quad shot?" she asked.

  Serenity nodded. "Yes, she did, but you're limiting caffeine remember?"

  Aiden's eyes darted to his mate quickly and instinctively he leaned back slightly. Meryn yawned and nodded. "But she said she could do a half-caf thing. If all four shots are halved, that's technically two drinks."

  Serenity pointed to the mocha. "And you've already had some today."

  Meryn glared at the sweet witch and Ryuu's comparison to a murderer came to mind. "What if I just made a decaf version so you can taste it. That way later you won't waste your two drinks if you don't like it."

  Aiden nodded. "That. Let's do that," he agreed quickly.

  "Denka, as I have made pancakes and bacon for everyone, how about you try that drink after breakfast? It would give you something to sip on while we walk to the portal."

  Meryn blinked. "Pancakes?"

  "I know how much you like them," the squire admitted.


  Aiden reached for his own mocha and took a drink as if it held liquor. The poor man knew precisely how nuts his mate was but loved her anyway.

  Oron leaned down. "How did you know I loved raspberries?"

  She rubbed noses with him. "I guess that's another way our crystals fit, they're my favorite too."

  Across from them Cam leaned away from Darian. "Every morning?"

  Darian looked over at Meryn to see if she heard, then nodded. "She threatened to castrate Colton the morning after she met Aiden," he whispered softly.

  "He was being too loud," Meryn mumbled.

  Cam turned to his commander. "Sir, you have my utmost respect."

  Aiden nodded. "I appreciate that."

  Ryuu came in a few minutes later and began to serve breakfast. After dousing her pancakes in syrup, she turned to her mate. "Why do we have to walk there? Isn't there a road?"

  Oron shook his head. "Technically, we could open the portal in the living room and arrive directly in the queen's courtyard, but for Meryn's first visit to the fae city we decided to take the scenic route through the official city portal. It's a couple miles from here, so we'll have to walk."

  Amelia waved her fork. "I can't wait. I haven't seen the official entrance yet."

  Liam leaned forward. "Izzy, we found an extra backpack no one was using if you want to transfer your stuff, so it's easier to carry."

  Izzy felt a wave of relief. "Thanks, I don't have much so it all should fit."

  She felt her mate stiffen beside her. "Once we're in Éire Danu, I promise to take you shopping."

  Amelia gasped. "That's right, you lost your home, your things." Her eyes filled in sympathy. "How could we forget?"

  Izzy waved off her concern. "By making sure I didn't lose my mind yesterday when I found out about shifters and vampires and mates and stuff. Besides, I've spent my entire adult life broke, I really didn't lose that much."

  Amelia turned to her mate and Darian nodded before turning to her. "Then you must allow us to spoil you a bit. It's not every day I get a baby sister."

  Meryn turned to Aiden. "She gets whatever she wants. She's Coffee Goddess." Aiden nodded. "Of course, baby."

  Izzy stared down into her lap. "I don't need much."

  "You need a phone, a laptop, a Kindle and definitely some more hoodies," Meryn said, ticking off items on her fingers.

  Amelia nodded. "And makeup! And new outfits. I wish Beth were here, she's better at the clothes thing."

  Cameron cleared his throat. "Me and the guys will get her tech gear since she's our favorite coffee girl. We'll forward it along to Éire Danu; they don't have much of a selection when it comes to human technology."

  Oron reached over and took her hand. Slowly he began rubbing circles on the top of her hand with his thumb. "I'll pick out the clothes," he said. When she looked up, he winked at her. "Eau de Oron," she said giggling.

  Aiden smiled. "Glad that's settled. After breakfast, we really should get going."

  Meryn nodded absently, then looked over at Oron narrowing her eyes. "Did he say walk a couple miles?"

  Izzy sipped her mocha. This should be fun.


  "I've changed my mind! I lurves unofficial portals! I lurves, lurves, lurves them!" Meryn complained as they walked in the beautiful spring-like weather.

  "Just a bit further baby, I promise," Aiden said a concerned expression on his face.

  Serenity shook her head. "The walking is good for you."

  Meryn glared at her evilly. "M
eryn two-point-oh doesn't like exercise or sweating."

  Izzy kinda agreed with Meryn. The weather was on the cool side, but the sun was warm and they had been walking for at least half an hour. She wasn't that much taller than Meryn and her legs were getting a workout trying to match stride with her seven-plus foot tall mate.

  "Okay, break time," Izzy said, dropping her backpack.

  Aiden turned to her. "Seriously?"

  Meryn exhaled. "Thank god." She lifted her to-go sippy cup and began sucking down her de-caf treat.

  "Yes, seriously, Bigfoot! Meryn and I are having to practically run to keep up with you giants. Have mercy on us short folk," Izzy pointed down to her legs. "I can only go so fast."

  Aiden looked down at his mate. "I am so sorry baby, I wasn't thinking."

  Meryn waved off his apologies. "Just give me a minute to catch my breath."

  Oron picked up her backpack. "Commander."

  Aiden looked over at him. Grinning Oron swept her up in his arms. "We won't have to worry about their little legs if we carry them."

  Aiden brightened. "Good man!" Aiden scooped Meryn up in his arms and they resumed their stroll.

  Meryn peeked out over her mate's shoulder. "I could get used to this. Giddy up, mannequin!"

  Aiden simply leaned down and began to nip and nuzzle at Meryn's neck making her laugh.

  Izzy yawned and snuggled into Oron's chest. She had the best mate ever.

  After about another twenty minutes, Oron kissed her forehead. "We're here." She opened her eyes as he was setting her down.

  Izzy looked around, expecting to see golden gates or something. There was nothing there. "Ummm?"

  Oron pointed to where Darian stood holding his hands in front of him. Seconds later, a broad glowing gate appeared anchored between the two large white marble bases. He turned back to them. "Welcome to the official entrance to Éire Danu."

  Oron took her hand. "Ready to see the land of the fae?"

  "Absolutely!" They were about to step forward when the air around Meryn shimmered and she gave a startled yelp before her clothes morphed into a set of long dress robes in brilliant shades of gold.

  Aiden looked down at her. "I'm proud of you baby. I didn't think you'd care about first impressions."

  Meryn scowled. "I don't. Evidently, my gown does."

  Ryuu smiled. "Well, if we're going to be fancy." He closed his eyes and his clothes also changed. He now wore formal Japanese attire.

  Meryn's mouth dropped. "I didn't know you could do that! Do you have a special gown too?"

  He gave her a droll look. "Of course not. Water magic is very pliable and can do many things. Did you never wonder how I got my western clothes?"

  She shrugged. "I don't even think about where breakfast comes from Ryuu."

  He sighed. "True."

  Darian examined the hems of Meryn's sleeve and whistled. "The gown is pulling out all the stops. These are royal emblems."

  Oron pulled her forward to examine the gorgeous robes. "The gown must absolutely love you," he teased.

  "At least it's comfy. I prefer my sweatpants though," Meryn confessed.

  Aiden straightened his uniform jacket and held out an elbow to Meryn. "Will you allow this humble warrior to escort you into the fae city?"

  Meryn placed her hand on his arm. "I'll even let you escort me to the bedroom later," she said, winking up at him.

  "How'd she do that?" Izzy asked.

  Darian turned to her. "She is wearing the Gown of Éire Danu, a famous fae relic. It was gifted to her by the previous owner."

  Around them, everyone straightened their clothes, wanting to make a good impression. Izzy looked down at her top. "Had I known this outfit would be the only one that didn't reek of smoke I would have worn something nicer to work yesterday."

  Oron squeezed her hand. "Look at it this way, we get to go shopping together and explore the city. I've been a warrior for a long, long time with minimal needs to shop for. I am looking forward to finding things for you."

  Izzy's heart melted. He even made it seem like buying her things would be a huge favor to him. "Just not sleep shirts," she whispered blushing.

  He leaned down and placed a single kiss on the side of her neck. "Never."

  "After you brother," Darian said, pointing to the arch.

  Oron nodded and started the procession into the city. Izzy walked through the portal and gasped when they emerged into a world of light. She blinked repeatedly. Everything was so bright.

  "Bright light! Bright light!" Meryn mumbled behind her. She giggled at the movie reference.

  Slowly their eyes adjusted. When she looked around, she felt her excitement exploding. A bustling city unfolded before them. Under their feet, the expansive road was comprised of cream stones with gold sand between them, making the entire path sparkle. As her gaze moved up, the white and ecru buildings on either side of the road caught her attention. While most resembled Victorian brownstones, there were some standalone homes, however, all of them had what looked to be living trees growing through them. Above the roof line, a living canopy swayed in the breeze. Windows were framed by branches and birds sang their hearts out everywhere.

  Standing off to one side, with a face like a thundercloud, a fae watched their group approach. When he began striding over to them, Izzy squeezed Oron's hand. He looked down at her and shook his head slightly.

  The angry fae walked past them to grab Serenity by the shoulders. "I told you to be careful!" he shouted, giving her a rattling shake.

  Micah growled and was about to pull Serenity back when she began to weep and threw herself into the fae's arms. Micah's mouth dropped. Oron took pity on the flirty witch. "Micah Sageson, meet Zachari Ri'Eldan, Serenity's older brother."

  "I'm so sorry, Zach! I had to do it, it was the only way to save the children," Serenity said brokenly, hiccuping between each word.

  Zachari pulled her close and squeezed her in a bear hug, his face a mask of pain. "I felt you die," he whispered. "The queen had to give me light so I did not fade from the pain of losing my baby sister." Serenity simply broke down into sobs at his confession.

  Micah stepped up to the brother and sister and began to rub Serenity's back soothingly. "She is well, brother of mine. I would never let my one and only leave this world without me."

  Zachari lifted his head from Serenity's shoulder. "That doesn't comfort me one bit since you stupidly died alongside her."

  Micah grimaced. "I would say we're sorry, but I don't think either of us is, not really. Had Serenity not done what she did, a lot of people would have died, including children. It was scary and I hope we never get that close to the goddess again until it's our time, but I can't say we wouldn't do it again."

  Serenity lifted her tear-streaked face and gasped loudly. With trembling fingers, she touched the white blond streak at his temple. "I didn't know."

  Zach took a deep, shuddering breath. "Next time let me help. I was the one who opened the godsdamn portal Seri, I was the one who let you go to Noctem Falls. Never again will I suffer from the helplessness that overwhelmed me when I felt your soul slip away. We came into this world together; I don't know how to be in it without you."

  "I promise I will never try that level of magic alone again!" Serenity vowed, sagging against her older brother.

  Zachari kissed her forehead. "Thank you." He grinned down at her. "Wait until you see mother and father."

  Serenity's eyes widened and she stepped back to face Micah. "We have to see my parents the second after we've met with the queen."

  Micah reclaimed his mate by pulling her into his arms. "Of course, my one and only, whatever you need." He looked up at his new brother. "Thank you for always protecting her. She's told me many stories where you defended her."

  Zachari let out a long breath. "It wasn't easy, she's very contrary."

  Serenity wiped at her eyes and elbowed her brother in the stomach. "Am not."

  Zachari simply stared at her. "Really?"
/>   "Zach, let me introduce my friends." Serenity turned to where they stood and started introductions. When she was done, he was smiling at everyone. "Call me Zach. Zachari makes me feel like I'm still five."

  Darian walked over and they clasped forearms. "Can I assume you're our escort?"

  Zach nodded. "I may have accidentally bespelled the door to Aeson's bedroom this morning so that I could be the first to see Serenity."

  Serenity sighed. "You only learn just enough magic to make mischief," she complained.

  Zach wagged a finger at her. "And satisfy my lady friends."

  Serenity wrinkled her nose. "Never mind that."

  Zach walked over and clasped arms with Oron. "Welcome home."

  Oron smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "May I present my mate, Isabelle Campbell."

  Serenity's brother smiled wide. "That's amazing news! The queen is going to be over the moon." He looked back at the city. "Let's show off our beautiful city so that we can head to the palace and meet with the queen."

  "Great idea," both Darian and Oron said in unison.

  Darian and Amelia took the lead followed by Aiden, Meryn and Ryuu. Zach looped his arm through Serenity's on one side, and Micah claimed the other. Together they slowly began walking toward the city center leaving her and Oron to bring up the rear.

  As they walked, Izzy began to notice that everyone was greeted warmly, even the visiting Aiden and Meryn, but no one greeted Oron. They moved in silence down the street.

  Soon, residential buildings were replaced by commercial ones. Vendors and craftsmen of all kinds filled the white and golden street. Quietly Oron would point out individual shops. All sorts of wares were displayed beautifully on marble pedestals under bleached linen awnings. Every kind of craft she could imagine lined both sides of the wide pedestrian walkway. Her eyes flew from the delicate glass figures to the intricate metalworks. She gasped at the warm wood pieces and the elegant ceramics homewares. Oron lifted their clasped hands, pointing to a brilliantly colored curtained entrance. "I'd like to take you there later. The tailor creates magicked clothing that stays pressed and clean. You'd never have to worry about smoky clothes again."


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