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My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11)

Page 14

by Alanea Alder

  Cristo turned and faced the large group. He clapped his hands together. "Okay boys and girls, gather round, it's story time."

  Brennus rolled his eyes then sat down next to his mate and the man Izzy assumed to be Stefan sat down next to Meryn.

  "Once upon a time, there were five strong, handsome warriors. They didn't like the way certain groups were being led, and tended not to play well with others, so they joined forces to combat evil." Cristo pointed to his chest. "There was a sexy wolf-shifter, Rio Suarez a coyote-shifter, Thane Ashleigh a rage-filled sarcastic witch, Ange Belanger a directionally challenged vampire and Eamon Vi'Eirlea, a golden child of the fae." Cristo's eyes drifted to the box. "Now, these five men managed to accomplish amazing feats, all while not murdering each other in their sleep."

  "Get on with it!" Thane ordered.

  "As I was saying," Cristo huffed. "They worked together beautifully, until one day, when Eamon had to take a mission from his queen, leaving his friends behind. The other four heroes believed that the mission would only last a few months, then the heart of their group would return, but as the years passed they all wondered what had become of their brother." He tapped his nose. "So, the brilliant wolf-shifter tracked down his friend and made a discovery so secret that his friend Eamon made him take a blood oath never to speak of what he learned outside the protection of Éire Danu." He drew in a deep shuddering breath and it was then Izzy realized that the flippant tone was a form of self-preservation, to make the telling of this story easier.

  Thane stood and walked over to Cristo placing a steadying hand on his shoulder. "I swear whatever you have to say, I will help you to bear it," he promised.

  Cristo's eyes shined. "Surly asshole," he said, though his voice held no venom. He turned back to the group. "He discovered that in the process of investigating for his queen, his best friend had found his mate and they had a child together."

  Brennus stood, reaching for Cristo rage etched in every line of his face. "Lies! Our tree did not show any branch extending from Eamon, nor any child!"

  Thane stepped between the two. With a whispered spell, he calmed the angry fae warrior and gently sat Brennus in a vacant chair. Doran and Celyn were by their brother's side in a moment.

  "Our brother speaks the truth, Eamon had no mate, no child," Doran insisted.

  "For five years Eamon stopped sending these," he opened the case and lifted out a pulsating sphere. Inside Izzy could clearly see a dozen more just like it. "You see, his mate had the gift of premonition and in every instance, if someone outside their tiny family learned of their existence, their child would die. Eamon used fae magic to hide his bond with his mate and removed the light of the fae from his child. He stopped sending these spheres because he had used them to document the time spent away from his family, so they wouldn't miss anything."

  He turned to Brennus. "Did you never wonder why we were unable to open the last barrage of spheres we received?"

  Brennus nodded. "It is because we tried opening them after he died."

  Cristo shook his head. "If that were truly the case, the light within the sphere would have dimmed." He looked at Brennus then Doran. "Do you remember what he said he would use as a key before he left?"

  Doran looked away as Brennus answered. "The blood of his closest relative."

  Cristo held out the sphere, Brennus went to take it but Cristo walked past him to stand in front of Meryn and extended it to her. "Brennus, you were no longer Eamon's closest living relative because he left a daughter behind."

  Izzy looked around for a second before the sound of shouting voices exploded all around her.


  Izzy covered her ears as everyone seemed to be speaking at once. She turned to see Ryuu begin to glow blue, then lift his fingers to his lips and release a piercing whistle, the silence that followed such chaos was deafening.

  "Quiet yourselves," he said in a dangerous voice. He pushed Cristo a step back and glared at him. "She is with child; how could you spring it on her that way?"

  Cristo met the squire's accusing eyes. "What would have been the less traumatic way to tell her? Because no matter how it's said, the truth doesn't change."

  Ryuu released a very impressive hiss and knelt beside his charge. "Breathe denka, all is well. We are with you," he said in gentle tones.

  Aiden wrapped an arm around her as Stefan quickly stood so that Amelia could sit and hold Meryn's other hand.

  "You knew with Amelia that she was my family, what about them?" she asked, pointing to Brennus.

  He shook his head. "I can feel no tie to them, denka," he replied.

  Aiden looked at Cristo. "You must be wrong."

  Cristo held up the orb. "There's one surefire way to find out. One single drop of her blood will tell us everything. Either it will drip off the way Brennus' blood did or the sphere will open and you will know I tell the truth."

  Meryn looked to Kendrick. He hurried over and knelt beside Ryuu. "What is it darling?"

  "I trust you almost as much as I trust Aiden and Ryuu, could me giving up a drop of blood do anything hinky, magic-wise?"

  Kendrick went to answer then stopped. "As usual you think of things I do not, that's quite a feat, young lady." He stood, then began to pace back and forth.

  Brennus went to ask him something, but Anne stopped him. "Leave him. He's mentally running through every spell he knows to see how a single drop of her blood could be used against her."

  Thane stepped beside Cristo. "Cristo would never endanger you, Meryn."

  Meryn nodded. "I know, he's a shield. But who's to say someone didn't tamper with that thing before it showed up here?"

  Kendrick stopped in his pacing and held out a hand. "Cristo if you would allow me, I would like to ensure that nothing outside the original spell is affecting the sphere."

  Cristo hesitated. "It won't harm the sphere?"

  Kendrick shook his head. "There's no power behind it, just a revelation spell."

  Cristo took a deep breath then handed it over to Kendrick. Kendrick held it at arm's length. "Revelare." It flared yellow for a moment, then the light faded.

  He handed it over to Meryn. "There's nothing on this sphere that would cause you harm."

  Meryn looked from Cristo to Brennus and back. "Just a drop of blood, right?" Both Cristo and Brennus nodded.

  She held her hand out to Ryuu. "Can you do the blood thing?"

  Ryuu took her hand that held the sphere gently between his. Meryn grimaced and turned away. Ryuu smiled as one nail lengthened to a sharp black point. He quickly tapped the tip of Meryn's finger.

  "Ow!" Meryn complained, before allowing a single drop of blood to fall on the sphere.

  When light flared out around them, Oron used his body as a shield putting himself between Izzy and the room.

  "Gods!" someone whispered.

  In the middle of the chamber, as if being projected on a movie screen a video-like image began.

  "Uncle Eamon," Oron whispered.

  Brother, my queen, I pray that this finds you well.

  The handsome man rubbed his hands over his face as he sat at a wooden desk. From the bookcase in the background, Izzy thought he was in an office or library.

  I hope to make this my last report as I have decided to return to Éire Danu.

  Eamon, darling...

  Izzy heard a woman's voice from off-screen.

  I just started this recording, now I'll have to destroy it and start over.

  Behind him, a beautiful woman came into view, tears streaming down her face. She threw herself onto his lap.

  Whatever is the matter, my love?

  He looked around frantically.

  Where's Meryn!

  Around Izzy, more than one person gasped.

  The time we both feared is upon us. Oh Eamon! She wailed.

  I had to leave her with my mother! She sobbed between each word. I tried calling Lily so many times while I sat in the car, but the headaches I got from the premon
itions made my nose bleed. Mother was the only place I saw where she'd be safe, the only place I saw where she'd have a future.

  Eamon ran a hand over her hair. We'll leave everything behind and go to Éire Danu, we'll come back and get Meryn the second we can.

  The woman shook her head.

  They're here. Just beyond the property line.

  Eamon took a deep breath.

  Darling, fetch that bottle of fae wine we were saving.

  She nodded then rose to her feet before disappearing to one side.

  They watched as Eamon pulled out a pouch from his desk drawer. Eamon turned to face the sphere.

  Brother, there is so much I wish to tell you, have told you actually, I just haven't sent them on to Éire Danu...

  The woman reappeared. It looked like she had washed her face and fixed her hair. She smiled at him and handed him one of the two glasses before curling up in his lap.

  It's okay to tell them now. I don't know why, but I know it's safe, I don't see this recording harming Meryn.

  How much time do we have?

  Twenty minutes, at the very most.

  Eamon carefully measured out a black powder and mixed it into their wine. They smiled at one another, the love between them as clear as crystal. He raised his glass in a toast.

  To Meryn, may you know only happiness and love all your days.

  The woman raised her glass.

  May you stay safe.

  Beside them, Brennus sobbed. "No! Don't drink it!"

  Together they drank deeply before setting their glasses down on the wooden desk. Using a key Eamon unlocked the top right drawer, retrieved a small wooden box and set it down in front of them. He carefully lifted each sphere and released it in the air. It blazed for a moment before disappearing. He slowly started releasing one after another.

  Brother, I am sending you about a dozen recordings where I explain and show you almost everything. I know you must have so many questions, but we don't have a lot of time, so I will answer the one you're probably demanding of me. Who is this beautiful woman at my side and who is Meryn?

  Eamon released the last stored sphere and nuzzled the woman's neck.

  This gorgeous creature is my mate Violet and Meryn is our daughter, she's five, Brennus, and gods! She's so amazing. She reminds me of mother. She's so kind and loves helping. Brother, you must watch over my daughter. She is with a human, my mate's mother, her name is Estelle Camden and she's dreadful.


  She is! Why Fate thought that she'd be safe with that harpy, I'll never know. He sighed. Brennus, you have to protect my baby girl. Eamon stumbled on the words 'baby girl' and even Izzy could see how painful it was for him to say.

  I have named Thane Ashleigh as her athair. He chuckled. That should surprise him.

  At the end of the table, Thane gasped, and wept at the declaration.

  Violet wiped her eyes. This is too hard! Knowing that she will barely remember us is breaking me. All I ever wanted in life was to be her momma. I wish I could see her one last time.

  Quietly she began to weep as Eamon held her close and spoke a prayer.

  Dear gods, please let her remember us and how we loved her. How everything we did was to keep her safe, to ensure she had a future, even keeping her existence a secret.

  Violet sat up and gasped.


  What is it, my love?

  I can see something.

  He placed his fingers over her heart and his light shone brighter.

  It's my brothers and my queen. Gods, even Thane, Cristo and young Stefan are there.

  "Kendrick?" Meryn asked, in a wobbly voice.

  Kendrick covered his mouth with a shaking hand. "I think your mother is having a premonition of this exact moment, of us watching the sphere."

  Eamon gasped. Is that my baby girl? Meryn, is that you?

  Meryn nodded, hiccuping as she wept softly. "Yes, Daddy, it's me."

  Oh Eamon! Look! She's pregnant! We did it! We really did it! She made it! Violet's joy made her beautiful features shine that much more.

  That's Aiden McKenzie, the Unit Commander, unless I'm mistaken.

  "No sir, I am Aiden McKenzie. You have given me the most precious gift in the world. I will fill every second of her life with happiness and she will want for nothing," he promised, his voice cracking. He held on to Meryn tightly.

  Damn right I have and you better keep her safe too.

  "I swear to you on my life, I will always keep her safe," Aiden vowed.

  Violet reached out a hand as if to touch Meryn. Meryn extended her hand toward the sphere.

  Darling, we love you so much. We're so sorry to leave you all alone.

  Eamon reached out as well.

  My Meryn, my little Merriment.

  Violet laughed and pointed.

  Look, she's wearing a shirt with that ridiculous box on it from that TV show you watch with her.

  I knew she liked it!

  Violet turned back to the sphere.

  Were you happy my little love? Did Brennus and Doran raise you well?

  Izzy saw just a second of hesitation before Meryn beamed up at her parents. "I couldn't have asked for a happier childhood. You don't have a thing to worry about, they didn't spoil me too badly." Meryn turned and pulled Ryuu toward her. "I have so many people who take care of me. Ryuu is my squire, he feeds me awesome food." Ryuu nearly bowed in half at his charge's parents. Meryn lifted the hand that still clasped Amelia's tight. "Momma, look! This is Amelia, she's my big sister-cousin, Lily's daughter, she's mated to Darian!" She looked down. "Felix do your thing," she begged. Felix fumbled with his necklace and rotated the stone. "I even have Felix to watch over me."

  Eamon looked puzzled.

  Of course, Felix is with you.

  Violet stared.

  Oh Amelia, darling look at the two of you together. Eamon, Amelia my niece mated to Darian, your nephew. Our families are tied together even more.

  Like most of the people in the room, Darian had tears streaming when he stepped behind Amelia. "I swear to you uncle, I will protect them both."

  The sphere flickered. "I love you, Momma, I love you, Daddy. I think of you every day!"

  Violet blinked slowly.

  I have loved you from the first moment the pregnancy stone glowed for me and I will carry that love with me when I go.

  Eamon moved his hand as Violet closed her eyes.

  The vision is gone.

  Violet's head slumped forward and he pulled her back against him gently.

  "No! Momma!" Meryn screeched.

  Eamon sat back.

  With my death, the recording will end. My queen, my final report to you is as follows. Last week I was finally able to track down the ones I feared were killing our people.

  He paused.

  Oron, son, I'm so sorry, but it's your family. They didn't fade honorably as they should have. Most turned feral and have been hunting fae for vengeance. They are the ones who tracked us here.

  He sniffed the air.

  They have set fire to the house thinking to smoke us out. As if I'd let them take us alive. My mate is beyond their terrible reach and I'll be joining her soon.

  He struggled to draw breath.

  My little Meryn, kind as ever. Thank you for the beautiful lie. You made your mother's final moments filled with love and hope and peace. But you are my child and I saw the way pain filled your heart at the mention of your childhood. You must have suffered so much before my brothers found you. Believe in your uncles and your athair, my little Merriment...

  He closed his eyes.

  They will avenge your sorrow and our deaths, which stole so many years from us.

  He opened his eyes.

  Brennus, Doran, one of the spheres I sent contains Meryn's light. To keep her hidden, I had to remove it the moment before she was born. I am entrusting you both to return it and keep her safe.

  He closed his eyes once more as the edges of the picture began to dim

  There they are!

  Oron inhaled and ground his teeth together at the sound of the stranger's voice. "My father," he whispered.

  You're too late. Eamon wheezed.

  He then smiled.

  We will watch over you, never doubt our love.

  They watched as hands grabbed Violet dumping her to the floor in their effort to reach Eamon.

  Eamon roared and released a blast of burning pure light. His attackers screamed in pain. He struggled, but carefully lifted Violet in his arms before collapsing back into his chair.

  You have failed in your mission to capture us alive and my brothers will hunt you to the ends of the Earth.

  He smiled beatifically.

  Hello, my love, were you waiting long?

  Just as the image collapsed on itself an arm with a fiery, red tattoo appeared, reaching for Eamon.

  And then the recording ended, leaving nothing but grief in its wake.

  "Meryn!" Ryuu called out urgently, as the woman passed out in her mate's arms. Anne rushed over to assist.

  "Please tell me they're okay," Aiden begged.

  Ryuu held up her wrist, then exhaled. "Her mind shut her entire body down to protect itself." He looked over to Kendrick. "We need Sacred Chamomile."

  Kendrick nodded, then began digging into the small bag at his waist. Izzy watched in amazement as he brought out first a book, then another smaller pouch from the tiny bag. He caught her staring. "It's called the Bag of Wishes, I can store anything I need in here, and good thing too. Ryuu!" he called.

  Ryuu looked up from his charge and raised a hand. Kendrick tossed the bag to him, which he effortlessly caught with one hand. Pierce promptly took the bag from the squire. "You stay with her, even I know how to make tea." He turned to Kendrick. "I think we can take at least the barrier down."

  The queen stood. "I'd like for all of us to adjourn to my private chambers. It will be more comfortable there, for everyone." Unlike earlier, she was now supporting her mate. Brennus and his brothers looked absolutely wrecked.

  Anne stood when Ryuu scooped Meryn up in his arms. He was keeping a blue light shimmering over her. Amelia had her eyes squeezed shut and her hands over her ears. Justice and Law were murmuring low at her side, their hands glowing as well. Izzy remembered that Amelia was an empath, she had to be getting grief and pain from every direction and Law and his brother were doing what they could to help.


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