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My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11)

Page 18

by Alanea Alder

  "I just found out about him today," Meryn admitted.

  "You are welcome back anytime to sit in our circle and hear stories about him," Elder Tanir offered.

  He looked at Gilheim slyly. "Let us go announce your victory over Telk. I know of a certain goblette who would be very interested to hear about your win."

  Gilheim turned an impossible dark green color. "Elder," he hissed in embarrassment.

  Meryn giggled, then stopped. She sniffed the air. "Food. Real food! Not vegetables!" She practically ran out of the longhouse, Ryuu and Pierce right behind her. The men laughed at her enthusiasm.

  She tapped the Elder on the shoulder and leaned down. "I don't want to be rude, but what is he?" she whispered, holding up the tiny creature.

  "That is a house brownie, a very, very young one. Telk managed to trick this one's guardian into pressing Creelee into service when Creelee's parents were killed by an owl. I am very delighted you saved him."

  "Can he go into the sun?" Izzy asked.

  The Elder nodded. "Of all the creatures in this Dark Forest, brownies and goblins are the least susceptible to the fae sun. Creelee will do just fine returning with you. But if you prefer, I can take care of him," he offered.

  Izzy looked down to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring up at her. With his mouth shut he looked adorable. He smiled, showing off his razor-sharp teeth. Who was she kidding? He was adorable even with the teeth.

  "You have to listen to what I say." He nodded. "I'm new to the palace, so I'll do my best to keep us both out of trouble." He nodded. "To be honest, I'm a bit of a mess myself, so I may get us both in trouble despite trying to be good." He nodded again. "Well, okay then. I guess we're a team." She held out her finger for him to shake and he promptly bit her. "Ow, Creelee!"

  The Elder laughed. "He just sealed your agreement in blood. He's yours for life now and can never be returned to Telk."

  Izzy stared down at the tiny brownie nuzzling the tip of her finger. "I think we're gonna do just fine."


  "Denka, we've been away from the palace for hours. I think it's time we head back," Ryuu suggested.

  Izzy groaned. "Can't we just stay here?"

  The goblins laughed. "We can build them their own longhouse," one of the females suggested.

  Meryn was reclining back, patting her stomach. What she smelled cooking was an entire roasted wild boar. "I'm so full."

  Gilheim looked down at her in satisfaction. "You fed well, that is good, for you and for your youngling."

  "Stay, stay, stay," the goblings chanted as they played with Izzy's hair. They loved that it was red and kept bringing her flowers.

  "Okay Ryuu, help me up," Meryn asked, holding up her hands.

  Ryuu easily lifted her to her feet. Izzy took the braided flower crowns she was working on from the children's gifts and began passing them to ecstatic children who immediately ran off to show their parents.

  Izzy looked on her shoulder and Creelee was fast asleep. She ran her bitten fingertip over his hair and he practically purred in his sleep.

  Pierce helped her to stand and Gilheim joined them to escort them safely to the edge of the woods.

  "If I had to live in Éire Danu, I'd live with the goblins," Meryn announced out of nowhere.

  Gilheim stumbled. "But, you get to live in the palace," he said, sounding confused.

  Meryn shrugged. "It's pretty and all, but your village felt more like a home."

  Izzy felt movement by her ear and saw that a sleepy Creelee looked out at the world from his perch. She reached into her bag and offered him a left-over chicken tender. It was just a bit smaller than he was. His eyes widened before he decimated it. "Do you want another?"

  "Nother," he chirped.

  "He is so freaking cute," Meryn gushed, then looked over at Felix. "But not as cute as you," she added quickly.

  Izzy handed Creelee another tender. She watched him closely afraid he was swallowing the pieces whole, but he wasn't. He was chewing with those sharp teeth of his.

  He looked up at her with huge eyes. "Nother?"

  She held out the last piece. "This is the last one I have with me, but if you're still hungry when we get to the palace, we can order you something, okay?"

  "Otay," he replied before devouring the third tender.

  As they were walking, she realized she had nothing for the little brownie. She looked over at Felix. "Hey Meryn," she called.


  "Do you think we could use some of the sprite stuff for Creelee?"

  Meryn shrugged. "They're about the same size, that should work."

  "He stay with us?" Felix asked.

  "Yeah, he's returning with us," Izzy answered.

  Meryn shook her head. "I think he's asking if it's okay for Creelee to stay with him and his brothers in their house."

  Felix nodded emphatically.

  "Oh." She looked down. "Would you like that? Play with young Finley and Feris in the evening, sleep in their sprite sized home, then spend the day with me?"

  Creelee looked a bit overwhelmed. "You."

  Poor little Felix looked so rejected.

  "Creelee, we're going to be together no matter what. We are Team Izzy and Creelee, don't doubt that. I just want you to be comfortable while I get your own home set up. Felix has a smaller sprite sized house that will fit you. If you meet his brothers and are still nervous, we'll figure something else out. But if you meet his brothers and decide you'd like to get to know them better, you won't hurt my feelings at all if you stay with them at night."

  Creelee brightened now that she had reaffirmed that they were a team. "I try."

  "I'm very proud of you, Creelee. When we're not together, you listen to Felix okay? He'll watch out for you like I would."

  Creelee nodded. "He older."

  Felix puffed out his chest. "I help."

  "You're just like Oron, an excellent big brother," Izzy complimented.

  Felix turned bright red and ducked down Meryn's tee shirt.

  "You know, after visiting the goblin village, this morning doesn't seem real. I wish we could just enjoy the simple things like they do. Like those flowers or that freaking amazing pork," Meryn licked her lips.

  Ryuu ruffled her hair in a rare display of affection. "Some live to be thousands of years old and never realize that true happiness exists in the small things."

  When they reached the edge of the woods, everything looked darker as the dim began for the evening. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a shadow move, but then it was gone.

  Gilheim scuffed his foot. "Will you visit again, Meryn, daughter of Eamon?"

  "You bet! Can we bring our mates next time?"

  He smiled wide. "It would be an honor."

  "Til next time," she said waving.

  He waved then began to jog back the way they came.

  Meryn looked at the fae city and sighed. "It is pretty, I guess."

  Izzy giggled. "Can you imagine his reaction if we talked the queen into coming?"

  "I bet he'd faint." Meryn laughed. "Elder Tanir would bow so low he'd get mud in his hair," Meryn continued.

  "Telk would say something horrid, then Brennus would have to bury him," Izzy added.

  "Aiden would spend the entire time with his hands over my eyes to prevent me from checking out Gilheim's ass," Meryn said, placing her hands over her eyes. "Meryn!" she roared like her mate. Izzy could barely see as she walked, she was laughing so hard.

  Slowly they walked back to the city, predicting each goblin's reaction to meeting the queen of the fae and the rest of their family.



  Izzy knew they were in trouble when the first guard that saw them after entering the palace screamed the word 'found!' and ran off.

  "Fuck," Meryn groaned.

  They trudged their way back to the queen's chambers and opened the door. Izzy watched as Meryn changed tactics going from being defensive to cute. She bounced into
the room and ran to her mate. "I had the most amazing time ever! I can't wait to tell you everything," she said brightly.

  Izzy watched the cascade of emotion flow over Aiden's face. He went from relief, to anger, to frustration, to resolution, to puzzlement and finally settled on adoration. "Baby, we were worried sick," he said, placing her in his lap. Izzy realized she was in the presence of a master. Because she knew, that Meryn knew, that there was no way Aiden would say or do anything to burst Meryn's happy bubble.

  Oron stalked toward her, his eyes narrowed. She knew she'd never get away with the cute thing so she tried something else. She remembered the way Oron's body looked without his robes and let the heat rise in her.

  Her mate stopped and stared. She closed the distance between them and ran her hands over his chest. He leaned down to nuzzle her neck. "I missed you," she whispered.

  "Owww! Something bit me!" Oron yelled, standing back holding his cheek.

  Her seduction plan flew out the window as worry for Creelee took over. "Creelee, honey, it's okay. This is Oron, my mate," she cooed.

  "He eat you!" Creelee cried, tears of fear on his little cheeks.

  Behind her, she heard Meryn mutter. "Not yet."

  She shot a glare at the little nut, then turned her attention back to Creelee. "That was just a kiss, he was happy to see me, so he kissed me. It doesn't hurt at all." She lifted him to her lips and gently kissed the top of his tiny head. "See, not scary."

  Oron watched on. "Is that a brownie?"

  She held him close. "Yes, I adopted him."

  Aiden began laughing. "That happens to me too."

  Oron ignored his commander. "Where did you find a brownie in need of adoption?"

  "In the Dark Forest," she replied.

  His right eye developed a tic. "The one place I begged you not to go."

  "I am in no way responsible for this Oron. You knew my personality when you issued that decree. You practically forced me into going by ordering me not to go. It's your fault."

  "Yeah! What she said!" Meryn chimed in.

  "You were with her?" Aiden asked, in a quiet tone.

  Meryn turned in his lap. "Yup! And I got to meet a ton of goblins who knew my dad! They had just finished roasting this huge boar and let me eat all the pork I wanted. And I made a new friend. His name his Gilheim and he's super sweet."

  "Gilheim? Isn't that the name of the gobling Eamon saved?" Doran asked.

  Meryn bobbed her head. "Yes! He totally defended me against that dick, Telk."

  "Defended you?" Aiden asked, a flush working up his neck.

  Meryn waved off his concern. "Just your normal run of the mill douchebag action, evidently they come in all colors, including green."

  Oron approached. "Creelee, I want you to know that if my mate promised to take care of you, that means that I will too. If you need anything and she's not around you can come to me. You're our family now."

  Creelee's eyes got huge. He flew forward to hover in front of Oron. "Fam-ee"

  Izzy watched as her badass mate melted on the spot. "That's right, family."


  Oron held up his finger. "It only hurts for a second," she advised.

  He looked at her. "What does? Oww!" He swung his eyes over to Creelee.

  "That," she said, pointing at the tiny teeth mark on his finger. She held up her own healing digit. "I think it's how he cements his bonds."

  Izzy watched as Aleksandra eased forward. "He's very young for a brownie."

  "His parents were killed by an owl," she explained. "That's when Telk made him a servant. But that all changed when Meryn tased Telk helping Gilheim win their duel. The Elder said we could ask for anything of Telk's, so we saved Creelee."

  Aiden glared at Ryuu. "She had to tase someone else?"

  Meryn nodded. "He was gonna shank Gilheim."

  Thane pointed to Meryn. "She does this all the time?"

  Law nodded, taking a sip of his wine. "I heard the unit warriors are getting together and buying Aiden antacids for Christmas this year."

  "Real fucking funny," Aiden growled sourly.

  Brennus held a hand to his own stomach. "I may need to get in on that gift," he muttered, sitting down.

  The queen rolled her eyes. "She's a grown woman, I'm pretty sure she can handle herself."

  Aiden nodded. "She can. She can also handle ferals, reapers, demons, sniper rifles, hand grenades, homicidal tunnel escorts, a city of infected vampires and evidently goblins. Eventually, her luck will run out."

  Even the queen paled at that. She turned to Meryn. "How long have you been in our world?"

  Meryn looked up as if she were counting. "About six months."

  "Lord girl, you've been busy," Izzy said, feeling impressed.

  Meryn grinned and pointed down. "All while growing a person!"

  "Now that we have found the girls, are we ready for dinner?" Cord asked completely unruffled.

  "Yes! Squire food!" Meryn said, hopping off of Aiden's lap.

  "Didn't you just eat like half a boar?" Izzy asked.

  Meryn shook her head. "No, the baby did. Now I'm hungry."

  Instead of going to the dining room, it looked like Cord had simply enlarged the table in the queen's chambers again.

  Everyone got seated and Cord with Ryuu's help began to serve.

  Meryn took a long drink of her water and set her glass down. "The goblins heard Portia's announcement, that's how Gilheim knew who I was."

  The queen smiled. "They are my children too, Meryn."

  Meryn smiled. "I liked them a lot."

  "I imagine you would. They are simple and down to earth. They enjoy the small, yet precious things this world has to offer. I love them dearly."

  "Then why are they stuck in the forest?" Meryn asked.

  The queen looked a bit surprised. "Their ancestors had me create the forest for their protection. They were not sent there, they chose to be there."

  "Oh. It just seems weird that the fae have this huge city and they live in longhouses in the forest," Meryn mumbled.

  "And yet, who seemed happier?" The queen challenged.

  Meryn went to answer then stopped. "The goblins, though I think if you were just looking at the fae, then the people in the Border City are better off."

  Brennus stared. "You think that the people in the Border City are better off than the people who live in the city proper?"

  Meryn nodded.

  "Why?" he asked.

  "Because the people in the Border City were talking to their neighbors, yelling at their kids and laughing. The people in the city proper didn't greet anyone or stop to chat with friends. They simply went about their day. A truly rich person has friends, because if you have friends, then you always have what you need," Meryn explained.

  "What do you mean?" Doran asked.

  "Well, if you have friends and you need a cup of sugar, you can ask to borrow some. If you're alone and you need something, you go without." She looked at her uncles. "I'm just learning about friends."

  "And brothers," Aiden added.

  Meryn nodded. "And sisters and uncles and aunts and family. I'm kinda lucky that I grew up alone. I think it makes me aware of how special family is."

  Brennus' eyes shined. "Is there anything that you've always wanted? Something we can give you?"

  Meryn mumbled something so unintelligible that even Aiden looked puzzled.

  "You'll have to repeat that darling," Brennus coaxed gently.

  Meryn sat up straight and looked at her uncle. "Hugs."

  Brennus blinked. "Hugs?"

  Meryn shrugged and stared down into her plate. "I was never hugged before meeting Aiden. I want hugs and bedtime stories and fishing trips and..."

  Brennus stood quickly and pulled Meryn out of her chair into a massive hug. "Meryn, please, you're breaking my heart," he begged.

  Doran walked up behind them and simply laid a hand on her head. "We can't replace your childhood, but maybe we can create memories similar
to the ones you always wanted while you're here. After all, to most fae, you are a child."

  Meryn hesitantly wrapped her arms around her uncle and held on. After a moment everyone heard the muffled question. "How long are hugs supposed to last?"

  Brennus chuckled and released her. "Until your heart is full," he answered and steered her back to her chair. When he sat down again, he looked from Darian to Oron to Meryn. "Girls are sweeter, but I never felt gut-wrenching fear for the boys the way I did for Meryn this afternoon."

  "Sorry, Uncle Bren," Meryn said.

  Aiden's mouth dropped. "Why didn't you tell me you were sorry for worrying me?"

  Meryn tilted her head. "I would always be apologizing."

  "Oh gods," Brennus murmured.

  "Plus the boys were over four thousand years old when we met them," Doran added. "Meryn is just a baby."

  Brennus snapped his fingers. "That must be why."

  After Cord filled their plates, Oron lifted a small piece of beef out of his stew. "Creelee, would you like to try this?"

  Creelee looked up at her and she nodded. "Remember, he's family too."

  Creelee landed in the space between Oron's chest and his bowl. He looked down. "Mud."

  Oron chuckled. "It's stew." He placed the piece of beef on the edge of his bowl. Creelee picked it up and in two seconds flat it was gone. "Whoa," Oron said, his eyes wide. He looked very impressed.

  "He's a great eater," she said proudly.

  Oron was grinning and looked like he was having the time of his life as he fished pieces of beef out for Creelee and watched him devour them.

  As the dinner continued, Oron offered Creelee everything that was served. As Izzy guessed, Creelee tended to like meat the best, but had surprised her when he discovered he loved pasta and pickles. By dessert, her tiny man was laid out under a napkin with an engorged belly. He had a smile on his face as he rubbed his tummy.

  "I hope he doesn't get sick," she fretted.

  "Nah, he can handle it," Oron said like a proud papa.

  Izzy looked across the table and nearly laughed out loud. Meryn reclining back in her chair with her pregnancy belly looked like Creelee. "Eat too much?" she asked.

  Meryn just smiled. "I'm so full."


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