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My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11)

Page 20

by Alanea Alder

  "The spirits are a sight to behold. I was only ten years old when I was given my father's name of Vi'Aerdan and added to their tree," Priest smiled. "She was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen."

  "Dude, Abraxas was hot!" Meryn said in agreement.

  "Meryn," Aiden growled, lifting her into his lap. She giggled as he nipped at her neck.

  Priest laughed at her display. "Abraxas, huh? The Hawthorn spirit is Liaylia."

  "Pu-ding," Creelee said.

  Meryn smiled at him. "I will definitely share with my eating buddy. Can you say meat kebob?"

  "Bob!" Creelee repeated excitedly.

  Ari and the rest of the Tau Unit looked enchanted by the brownie and sprites who were flittering around the table. Ari turned to the queen. "Are there always little ones here?"

  Izzy's new mom shook her head. "Felix looks to Meryn and we gained his brothers when she defended them from their chieftain. Izzy is the one who brought Creelee into our home. We have been very blessed."

  Ari was locked in on Creelee. "I've never seen a brownie before. Are they all adorable like him?"

  Izzy shrugged. "I have no idea, I only met Creelee when we visited the goblin village in the Dark Forest."

  Once again, the men were staring. Gage sat forward. "I'm sorry, I thought you said you went to the Dark Forest."

  Meryn nodded. "Yup. They were super cool. Made a killer bar-b-que boar too."

  Ari licked his lips. "Bar-b-que boar?"

  Meryn's expression became blissful. "So freaking good."

  "You know, if you ever need an escort when you go back..." Ari started.

  Priest whacked his arm. "I was going to take them."

  "Dibs!" Kincaid called out.

  Meryn laughed. "He called dibs."

  Aiden blinked. "That actually works?"

  Meryn nodded. "I told you."

  Ari sat back. "I think we should take into consideration Meryn's station. She will probably need a whole unit to keep her safe."

  Gage slapped him on the back. "You have learned from your father."

  "Don't forget that Ryuu and I accompany them as well," Pierce added.

  "You're not leaving me and my one and only behind this time," Micah added.

  Serenity was about to speak up when the air around them vibrated. Everyone turned to the doorway where two fae were waiting with exasperated expressions.

  "Kendrick, if you would," the queen asked.

  Kendrick lowered the soundproof bubble and raised it when the two fae entered. Izzy noticed that although they were male and female, they looked very much alike. The female's eyes locked in on Serenity.

  "Ut, oh," Serenity murmured.

  "Ut, oh?" The female exclaimed. "You almost die taking Zach with you and all you say is 'ut oh'?"

  "Allia, I'm so sorry I worried you," Serenity said, looking contrite.

  "Both of us were scared to death," the male added.

  Serenity sniffled and looked up at them. "Ailain, I wouldn't have done it if it hadn't been absolutely necessary." Zach rubbed her back. "I already throttled her," he advised them.

  Allia and Ailain hurried over and pulled both Serenity and Zach into hugs.

  The queen dabbed her eyes with her napkin. "I swear I've cried more in the past two days than I have in the past two thousand years."

  Meryn snapped her fingers. "They're Etain's brother and sister, the other set of twins."

  Ailain stepped away from the group hug to pull two chairs over so they could sit next to their adopted baby brother and sister.

  Allia looked over to Meryn. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you in person. We have read all about you on Facebook. I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for our brother. He sings your praises every time we speak and has all but ordered us to watch over you," she sniffed. "As if we wouldn't anyway." She looked around until her eyes landed on Creelee. "Is that a brownie?"

  Izzy nodded as Oron went around the table with another set of introductions. When he got to Ari and the Tau Unit, Allia giggled. "We know them from sparring lessons."

  Ari winced. "Etain has threatened my ability to reproduce if either of you gets hurt during training."

  Allia waved a hand at him. "He'd have to come here first. Maybe I should get hurt. He hasn't returned home in centuries."

  Ari paled. "Please don't. Your brother scares the hell out of me. He sounded so pleasant when he was describing, in detail, what he'd do to me should you get so much as a splinter. It was eerie."

  Allia ignored Ari's plea and turned to Izzy. "Welcome to Éire Danu." She grinned. "I heard about what you did to that tailor." She clapped her hands. "Brava, my dear, brava!"

  Izzy smiled back. "The asshole shouldn't have talked about my mate."

  Allia nodded. "I back you one-hundred percent. Should the need arise where you must fight again, I will be there."

  Meryn pointed to her and looked up at Aiden. "A ride or die bitch."

  Allia looked taken aback for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I believe that is the correct term. American slang is so very colorful."

  Meryn flashed her the 'live long and prosper' sign. "Word."

  It took Allia three attempts, but she finally was able to flash the sign back at Meryn. "Word."

  Aiden bopped Meryn's head around. "Quit corrupting the fae court."

  Meryn swatted his hand away. "No way. Besides, I heard she was learning how to fight way before I got here, I didn't start that."

  "It's true, Commander. I requested fighting lessons at least a decade ago," Allia confirmed. "And learning her colloquialisms will assist us if we were ever to visit the human realm." She turned to Kendrick. "You may want to take that spell down. Molvan was right behind us but got snagged by Portia, he's on his way to update us on how the recall is going."

  Kendrick nodded and the spell was lowered.

  Izzy tapped her finger on her chin. "Where do I know that name from?"

  "Isn't Molvan the name of that douche that tortured Darian?" Meryn asked.

  "Prince Darian, please tell me you're not still bandying that old tale about?" A handsome fae asked as he walked through the door.

  Darian grinned at him. "My mate was curious about my childhood and it is such a dramatic story."

  Molvan rolled his eyes before winking at him. "Had I known you'd make me out to be such a villain, I would have done something more ballad worthy."

  Meryn tilted her head. "So...not a douchebag." Izzy watched as her eyes became unfocused. "Shield, no, gate, no..."

  "Meryn?" Aiden asked, looking concerned.

  Kendrick and Law both stood and immediately went to her side. Each laid a hand on her shoulder.

  Kendrick's eyes widened and he turned to Law. "You seeing this?" Law nodded. "It's giving me motion sickness," he said, his other hand going to his midsection.

  "What?" Aiden demanded. "What is she doing?"

  Kendrick stared down at Meryn. "She's flipping through pictures like spinning through a Rolodex. It's her empathy, but with a boost. Fascinating."

  "Wall," she announced.

  Law gave one nod, then shook his head. "More than that."

  Meryn scrunched up her face. "I don't know another word for it."

  "The word you're looking for is battlements. A defensive structure designed to protect whole cities. They usually have openings for shooting through."

  Meryn nodded quickly. "Yeah, battlements."

  Molvan blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

  Law removed his hand when Kendrick did. They looked at each other and Law indicated for him to answer before he went back to his seat.

  Kendrick turned to the newcomer. "Meryn has empathy; she is training to use visualizations for impressions she gets from people. For you, she saw battlements, which I believe means that you are one who defends many people."

  "That is an amazing gift," Molvan said, staring at Meryn. "The queen put me in charge of the recall and relocation efforts to bring everyone home." He grinned. "M
y usual position is public works serving the city, so it isn't far-fetched that I may have stepped on a toe or two."

  Meryn stretched as Kendrick also went back to his seat. "You're actually nice."

  He bowed. "Thank you." He turned to his queen. "Your Majesty, I have conferred with Portia and she believes that should we ask our current visitors for assistance. With their aid we could send out a worldwide message to our people calling them home," his eyes strayed to the Ashleigh brothers.

  "Worldwide?" the queen asked.

  "Yes, Your Majesty. The entire human realm all at once. We even have protections built in so that only fae who have not turned hear the message," he confirmed.

  "What about half fae?" Meryn asked.

  He nodded. "Full and half-blooded fae will receive this recall notice. Any blood that is more diluted is exempt, so we don't run the risk of them not knowing their heritage and possibly raising concerns with human authorities."

  "What would you need from us?" Thane asked.

  Molvan turned to him. "Simply the extra power needed to get the message to everyone."

  Thane looked to his brothers, who were already nodding. "We'll assist," Thane agreed.

  "Thank you, Thane," Brennus said.

  "I guess we're sort of family now," Thane groused.

  Molvan turned to Thane. "How so?"

  He pointed to Meryn. "She is my godsdaughter."

  The fae brightened. "Congratulations on your discovery."

  Meryn blushed. "I think it's pretty cool."

  Molvan turned to Oron. "I hear congratulations are in order for you as well. Will you be opening up House Eirson when you move back home? Since its walls butt up against the palace it would be easy to join the houses that way," he suggested, flipping to a blank page on his legal pad.

  "Move back home? I thought we were going to live in Lycaonia," Izzy said, looking up at Oron.

  Oron rubbed the torc at his neck. "I've never even thought about opening up those quarters again."

  Molvan nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine why, but it would be such a waste of space not to use it, especially with so many returning to the city." He smiled at Izzy. "Especially when Lady Vi'Eirlea begins to add to your family."

  "Huh?" she asked.

  Oron looked down at her a soft smile on his face. "He's referring to when you get pregnant. As you are human, we don't have to wait a full year for your conception cycle."

  "What if I don't want kids right now?"

  His face fell. "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, I don't want kids right now," she repeated.

  Oron's expression tightened. "Why don't you want my child?"

  "Danger, Will Robinson, danger," Meryn hissed.

  "I never said I didn't want your child," Izzy said, ignoring the little nut.

  "Then it shouldn't be an issue," Oron reiterated.

  "It is an issue because I'm not ready for kids."

  Molvan inched backward. "I'll get with the Ashleighs at a later time," he quickly backed up and practically ran from the room.

  "Why not?" Oron demanded, his cheeks flushing.

  Izzy stood on shaky legs. "Because I said so!" she yelled. She turned and headed for the door.

  "Izzy, get back here!" she heard her mate demand.

  She kept walking.


  She felt like the entire palace was against her. Everyone here was Oron's family.

  "Is otay," Creelee whispered as he patted her cheek, trying to dry her tears.

  "Thank you, buddy," she said as she looked around. When she heard Portia's voice, she ducked into an alcove. When the coast was clear, she ran for the gate and down the steps away from the palace.

  She made her way toward the Border City until she was standing in front of Dav's tavern. She opened the door and went straight to the bar. She eyed the changes that Meryn had inadvertently caused yesterday and tried hopping up on the stool. Unlike her previous visits, she didn't have Oron or Pierce to help her. It just drove home the fact that she was alone.

  She draped herself across the stool so that she was lying on her belly and began to cry softly.

  "Here now, what's this?" she heard a familiar voice ask. Warm hands lifted her and propped her up on the stool. It was one of the warriors from yesterday. He looked down at her, worry etched on his face.

  "First, the tiny one comes in yesterday saying she needed Sacred Chamomile and today you're in here crying. Whose ass do I have to beat to keep you baby girls smiling?" At his kind words, she felt the dam burst. She clutched at his shirt and began to ugly cry.

  "Gods Bryok, what did you do to her?" another voice demanded.

  "Nothing, Casek, I swear." She felt a hand smooth her hair. "Do you need us to find your mate?" She shook her head vehemently. "Having a problem with your mate?" he asked. She nodded and looked at him through tear-blurred eyes. "He wants a baby, but I don't know where we live and he thinks I don't want his baby, which is stupid because I love him, which is scary because I've only known him for four days." She felt more tears coming. "I'm not a damn incubator."

  Bryok nodded sympathetically. "Of course, you're not." He looked up. "Dav, get your arse in here and draw a pint!" he hollered.

  "I'm coming," Dav called then walked through the swinging door. He saw Izzy hiccup crying and immediately pulled out a pint glass and filled it for her. "Here you go, darling."

  Sniffling, she picked up the glass and began to gulp its contents. She didn't stop until it was empty. Without saying a word, Dav refilled it. She took a healthy drink of this one, then sat it back on the bar.

  Behind her, she heard the door open. "Told ya she'd be here."

  Izzy turned to see Meryn with Ryuu and Pierce walk in. "Is he with you?"

  Meryn shook her head as Ryuu propped her up on the stool. Meryn made sure that her bracelet was tucked under her hoodie sleeve. "Nope, Aiden and Darian dragged his ass out to do drills. I bet they're explaining to him how dumb he is."

  "So it wasn't me being difficult?" Izzy asked.

  "Hell, no! Aiden and I basically went through the same thing. I wanted to put on this birth control amulet so we wouldn't have kiddos right away, except we had already had so much sex I was already pregnant; it kinda became a moot point."

  Bryok laughed and sat down on the stool on her other side. "Doing drills with the McKenzie is a punishment in of itself."

  Meryn snorted. "Please, I bet they're all standing around giving Oron advice on how to kiss ass."

  Casek laughed. "That's probably true. Warriors gossip worse than old women."

  "Meryn, this is Bryok and Casek," she said, pointing to the two warriors. "They were helping me when I had my meltdown."

  The two warriors nodded to Meryn who waved back.

  "I just need time, you know?"

  Meryn swung her feet. "Yup. I think because you fell in love with Oron and adapted to this world so quickly it surprised all of us when you two were fussing at each other."

  "They don't hate me?"

  Meryn shook her head. "The queen, of course, is on board for babies, but then again Aiden's mom practically put bad juju on me talking about twins, so that's understandable. Aunt Aleks is probably dying to be a grandma, just like Adelaide." She kicked one foot out, then another. "Oron is like almost five thousand years old and the queen is even older, so I can see why they'd both want a baby right away. But realistically, you haven't known each other that long, so I get why you want to wait."

  "At night, when warriors are done imagining their mates, we dream of our children. It's something to hold on to," Bryok said, in a soft voice.

  "Now I feel like shit," Izzy said, rotating her glass in her hands.

  "We also imagine our mates being happy and ready for a child. Trust me, in no way, shape, or form has Oron ever wished for a child to be born to an unhappy mate. Every male is more than willing to wait until the time is right," Casek said, from his table behind them.

  Izzy took another long sip of her bee
r, thinking about what Bryok said about the warriors dreaming of their children.

  "Get an amulet and tell him to wait one year. By that time, you should have your feet under you and my munchkin will need a playmate," Meryn said, pointing at her belly.

  Izzy laughed. "They are going to be so much trouble together."

  Meryn shrugged. "Probably, but that's half the fun, right?"

  Izzy downed the rest of her beer. "I can do a year. Do you think he can?"

  Meryn laughed. "I am willing to bet tomorrow's mocha on the fact that by the time we get back, Oron will be willing to agree to just about anything."

  Izzy smiled to herself. "I don't want to go back just yet."

  "Have another beer and then we can hit some stores. after you left Cord said that a delivery came for you. I bet it's your electronic stuff from Cam."

  Izzy took her time with the next drink, and by the time they were leaving, she was relaxed and feeling much better. As they left Dav, Bryok and Casek made her promise to come back and tell them what happens.

  Once outside she turned to Meryn. "Casek was right, warriors do gossip worse than women."

  Meryn just nodded. "Tell me about it, I live in the Alpha estate. Sometimes I peep out the window expecting to see sweat and muscles in action and they're all just standing around talking."

  Izzy laughed then stopped and squinted. In the distance, just past the Border City, she saw that shadow again, only this time a tall figure appeared in the middle of it.

  She pointed. "Meryn, what kind of portal is that?"

  Meryn turned and the blood drained from her face. "I don't think that's a portal."

  A moment later, the breeze carried the smell of rotting cheese, making them gag.

  "Ryuu!" Meryn screamed.

  Behind them, the door to the tavern opened and Izzy could see the second the smell hit them.

  Casek bared his teeth. "Ferals!" he roared.

  "Impossible!" Bryok yelled, drawing his sidearm.

  Ryuu and Pierce stepped in front of them as Dav turned to the squire. "Get them to the palace!"

  Izzy looked down at her wrist. She exhaled as she smiled and pushed the shiny red jewel that had been beckoning to her. They couldn't yell at her for pressing the panic button if everyone was panicking.


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