Dear Maverick: A Short Story (Love Letters)

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Dear Maverick: A Short Story (Love Letters) Page 2

by KL Donn

  With his reaction, I’m quite glad I stuck to my decision instead of chickening out like I normally would have.

  His words quiet my mind from the usual chaos as I sink into the couch. A piece of worn paper falls from the envelope, and as I bend down to pick it up, I know immediately it’s him.


  Tall, stoic, strong.

  His short, dark hair is almost the color of my own, with matching chocolate eyes, a strong jaw, and thick, pillowy lips.

  Lips that just might know how to kiss a woman properly.

  Chapter Five



  You remember how I said I ramble? Well, I forgot to mention I also sometimes have no filter. Like the wire from my brain to lips, it’s just gone.

  And even though I’m mortified to even be writing this, I can’t seem to stop. In fact, when I tried to crumple the paper up and toss it in the garbage, I started writing the same thing over and over again. And so, here I am about to admit something totally and completely stupid, and I’ll likely never hear from you again, and that’s okay.

  You’re gorgeous.

  Completely and totally ruggedly handsome. Like any girl who sees you would want to climb you like a tree, hot. Except Lena, that’d be weird. But the fool would do it just to screw with you.

  Anyway, well, needless to say, I find you attractive. And your lips? They’re so full and perfect, and I bet you know how to kiss a girl. Like really kiss.

  Straight down to her soul, curl her toes, body melting kiss. I can tell.

  On another less creepy note, I think it’s really cool that you find yourself in a position to make a difference. Sometimes it’s little things that make the most impact on the world.

  I’ve just finished my final exam for school, and I’m happy to say come this time next month, I’ll be a full-fledged registered nurse.

  Even though blood makes me squirm and vomiting makes me, well…you know, I’m determined to help those who need it, too. As long as I don’t pass out at every turn.

  Come to Cali, you say?

  You sure you want to see Lena? I think she’s losing her mind. Always mumbling about gorillas in her apartment that won’t stop rutting.

  If you do come, can I kiss you? See if my theory is right?

  Crazy about your lips,


  Did the girl just ask me if she could kiss me? I have to reread the letter a dozen times to absorb everything her rambling mind spat out.

  She sure as shit didn’t kid about that.

  Life has been quiet in the desert, which none of us are complaining about, and True is a refreshing break from life on the base.

  “Yo, Mav! The kids are back!” Des calls from the small courtyard we’d set up for some of the local children.

  “Coming!” We’ve been teaching them a few American sports like basketball, soccer, and baseball, and they keep coming back for more. Most of them don’t attend school because it’s been blown up or their parents aren’t around to force them to go.

  “Mav!” Amid, one of the kids that follows me around, calls with excitement.

  “Hey, kid, how’s it going?” His oldest brother was killed three months ago in a riot gone bad. It was a bit before my unit arrived. When he first came to us with one of his other brothers, he was reserved and kind of shy. Didn’t speak unless prompted by his sibling.

  “Good. Mama’s in the market.” For someone who only goes to school twice a week, his English is better than most.

  “Hey, Amid, your man’s got himself a new girl.” Des winks at the boy after squealing on me.

  “Shut up, Des.”

  “Is she pretty?” the boy asks. Reluctantly, I pull out True’s picture from my chest pocket and hand it to him. His eyes widen in the same way mine had—with appreciation. “Wow, she has beautiful eyes like Mama.”

  “Ain’t she something?” My muttered words come out distracted as he hands the photo back, and I’m once again lost in True’s gaze.

  Chapter Six


  “Lena, for crying out loud, say something to them! This isn’t healthy.” I caught her sneaking in before dawn with bags that had bags under her eyes.

  “Can’t I just move in here with you? I’m tiny, I won’t take up much room,” she whines beside me in bed.

  “Your body might not, but all your crap sure would.”

  “I can downsize.” Her cringe tells me otherwise.

  “Say. Something,” I insist in long drawn out words, slowly, so her tired mind understands.

  “I did, and it seems they’ve ramped it up. How can two people screw so much? You’d think they’d have worn each other, or their hoohah’s, out by now. This can’t be normal.” The disgust on Lena’s face likely matches my own.

  “Hoohah?” I try—unsuccessfully—to tamp down my laughter.

  The smack she delivers increases my hysteria. “Shut up, True. It’s not even funny.”

  “About as funny as you mailing a letter I tossed in the trash.” I level her with a glare. I refuse to admit that I’m glad she ignored my privacy. I love the girl, but she’d gloat like crazy.

  “Oh, whatever. You guys are still writing.”

  Speaking of, I didn’t check the mail yesterday. Getting up from the bed, Lena’s sarcastic laughter isn’t missed while I toss on my slippers and a sweater to go check it out. My heart flutters when I open the mail box and see his masculine scrawl across a thick envelope with my name on it.

  Ignoring my friend’s yelling and kissing sounds, I head straight for the bathroom where I fill up the tub with hot water, lavender, and bubbles. Relaxing in the soothing water, I open the envelope and the contents nearly spill into the water. Mav’s sent half a dozen pictures of himself and his unit. There’s even one with him and a little boy playing basketball. Lord, he’s just the sweetest.

  My True,

  Baby girl, you can kiss me anytime you like. Never ask, ‘cause, doll, I’m not gonna say no. Since we’re going for broke here, I’m every bit as enthralled with you, too. It helps that I find your quirky personality just as appealing as those luscious thighs of yours.

  You’ve been the source of many pleasant dreams that I’ve not wanted to wake up from. Tell me, is your voice husky? Or soft and sweet? I imagine both, especially when you’re moaning my name.

  My boy Des told some of the kids around base camp about you, and the youngest, Amid, asked me to include a picture of him after I showed him yours. He says you’re as beautiful as his mama, by the way.

  It’s been rather boring here the past few months. No action, but that’s a good thing. It means what we’re doing is working. The people are settled and planning to rebuild a school that was bombed last year.

  My troop is being sent to provide safe passage for all the supplies. Which, unfortunately, means I may not be able to write you for a while. It’s a month-long project with the trip both ways. We head out in two weeks, so if you’re feeling generous, help a guy out and send me some more pictures.

  My imagination can only do so much with the one I’ve got.

  I commend you for jumping into a profession you know will likely leave you looking like a fool when things get…messy. Nursing is no joke, sweet girl. Do you have any job prospects lined up? Hospital, private practice?

  To be honest, when I find my way to the west coast, it ain’t gonna be for Lena.

  It’ll be for you.

  And if she has an issue with the gorillas rutting at home, she’s gonna have bigger problems at your place, so tell her to grow up and be a woman about shit.

  When I get there, you’re all mine. Every last curve.

  Each of those sexy smiles I imagine on your face.

  The breathy moans that follow me into sleep.

  You’ll be all for me, True.



  “Oh. My. Stars.”

  Sinking into the tub, I can’t believe how…dominant he sounds.

bsp; Which also gives me a naughty idea.

  Chapter Seven


  I’m having a hard time processing what I’m looking at. At the time, I was teasing True. I didn’t think she’d actually do it. Let alone this!

  I asked her for pictures. I figured I’d just get everyday ones like the first one she sent.

  Not my girl, though.

  Oh, no. She went full-on naughty fucking nurse, and good god am I in heaven right now or what? She sent me six pictures. Three are of her around her house, and one was while she was in nursing school.

  The last two? Damn…

  My girl…she’s something else.

  The first one, she’s up to her chin in bubbles. Bits of skin from her crossed thighs to her hip, and I think there’s a nipple, peek through the bubbles. Her eyes are closed like she’s imagining I’m coming to caress her smooth flesh.

  Adjusting my rock-hard dick, I know I’m going to have to rub one out before we leave in the morning for the escort.

  I pick up the last picture she sent. She’s wearing a scrub top with stars scattered all over it, bent over her bed with just the bottom of her firm ass cheeks showing, leaving a whole lot to the imagination.

  Just like I asked.


  Opening the letter, I read.


  Baby girl? I think I like that.

  I hope the pictures are alright. I was incredibly nervous, but before I chickened out, Lena took control. Making the dumbest disgusting faces possible and cracking jokes like you wouldn’t believe.

  But that’s okay. Cause you’re happy, right? Don’t tell me otherwise. I’ll likely cry.

  I’d be lying if I said I’m not sad I won’t hear from you for a while. However, it’s for a good cause so I can wait as long as it takes.

  Only 5 more months until you come home, right?

  Are you really going to come here?

  That makes me nervous. Men make me nervous. But I feel invested in you, and I’m terrified I’ll be a disappointment, and you’ll decide maybe I’m just not worth the effort.

  Silly, I know. Ignore that. You don’t need to be worrying about some silly girl while you’re busy building schools and such.

  I have a secret for you…

  I dream of you, too. All night. Every night.

  The wicked things you do to me are just sinful.

  When I wake up, I’m always disappointed to find it was just a dream. My body is equally upset it’s my fingers exploring and not your hard, calloused ones.

  Such is life.

  Waiting for you,



  Did she just admit to rubbing one out while thinking of me?

  Chapter Eight


  Baby girl,

  Did you just admit to fondling yourself while thinking of me? If so, that’s fucking hot. I’ve gotten quite the workout with thoughts of you as well, so you aren’t alone in that.

  Those pictures… True, you fucking amaze me. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.

  Only 4 more months, and I’ll have you all to myself, and I expect the same treatment of your body to happen in front of me, we clear on that?

  Baby girl, there’s nothing in the fucking world that would keep me away from you. I’m not going to be disappointed or turned off. I know exactly what I’m getting myself into with you, and I look forward to every crazy second of it.

  I’m just as invested in you as you are in me. In our time, we’ll figure shit out.



  He steals my breath. With every word, every demand, he makes me melt with very little effort. I’ll miss him like crazy while he’s gone. Which is beyond insane since he’s not really here. It’s just going to be a few extra weeks before I get another letter from him.

  I can handle that.

  I totally can.

  Two months later

  I lied. I can’t handle it.

  It’s been two months and not a word from him. Lena checked with his parents, and they haven’t heard hide nor hair from him either, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. It simply means his escort mission has been prolonged. Or maybe they’re helping build the school.

  I very well can’t be angry about that. I’m not that selfish.


  I’m terrified. I’ve never done this before.

  Not the long-distance thing. Not the soldier thing. And definitely not the whole sort of kind of blind date thing.

  I don’t know how to react to any of this.

  “Take that stick out of your ass and eat something, True.” Lena has basically moved in since the second week of Maverick being gone.

  “I’m not hungry.” I push the fried chicken away. The smell is making my stomach revolt. I’m too damn worried to eat. Or sleep. Or basically function beyond what I’m doing at the hospital.


  “What!” I snap at her, tired of the badgering.

  “You’ve lost weight. You aren’t eating, I don’t think you’ve slept in a week, and frankly, I’m more afraid of my cousin than I am of you. If he sees you like this, it’s going to be my ass. Now fucking eat something!”

  Looking down my body, I notice just how baggy my clothes have become, and I know she’s right. All this damn stress and worrying have me a mess.

  Sitting down, I grab the chicken I’d pushed away minutes ago, and the stupid doorbell rings. “I’ve got it, you eat,” Lena commands.

  I devour the crispy, delicious meat like it’s my last meal and dig in for more when I hear, “you have got to be shitting me,” from the area of the door.

  “Who is it?” I call.

  “Well, it ain’t for me!” she grumbles, coming back in the tiny kitchen. “Go on, girl.” She tries to hide a smile, but I see it and frown as I get up.

  Walking around the corner separating the doorway and the kitchen, I stop dead in my tracks. “Oh. My. Stars.”

  I feel faint.

  Chapter Nine


  “Does she do this often?” I question Lena after catching True in my arms. Guess I should have called first.

  “No. But she hasn’t been eating or sleeping, so low blood sugar is likely the cause. Not your ugly mug.” She smirks at me like she’s won the lottery.

  “Why the fuck hasn’t she been eating?” I growl, carrying my girl to the overstuffed couch my cousin points to.

  “She’s been worried about you, jackass.”

  “What the hell for? She knew I was going to be out of touch for a while.”

  “You told her a month. Week two hit and I think she stopped sleeping.”

  “Fuck.” The equipment escort took longer than anticipated, and then we had to set up security around the perimeter of where the school was to be built. Our government didn’t want this to become a regular thing—us delivering shit to rebuild. The assignment was easy as could be, and because of it, my unit was called home early.

  “When do you go back, Mav?” The worry in Lena’s voice catches my full attention, and I really look at her. My cousin’s gaze is glued to the woman in my arms.

  “I don’t,” I tell her, her silence deafening in the quiet room. “Don’t you have gorillas to attend to?” As annoying as Lena can be, I love the kid, but I want time with my girl now. Even if she is passed out.

  “Oh, shut up you jerk. I live here now.” Her tone is smug.

  “Not anymore you don’t,” I inform her.

  “What? You can’t kick me out. True wouldn’t let you.” I hear her stomp her foot on the ground in true Lena fashion.

  “Don’t be so sure,” is croaked out from my lap.

  The deepest pools of chocolate honey are staring up at me as I gaze down at her. Full of excitement, confusion, and relief.

  “You’re really here,” she whispers. And I was right, the slightest bit of husk, but still incredibly soft.

  “Yeah, baby girl, I’m he
re.” Her smile is magnificent. It reaches her eyes and shines bright with her enthusiasm.

  “For how long?” Anxiety colors her tone again.

  “I’ll tell you over breakfast,” I whisper to her. “I believe I was promised something when I got here.” My grin is predatory as I lean down, stopping just before our lips connect to give her a chance to back away.

  True shocks me and lifts up to meet my mouth, and we’re both zapped with electricity as we touch skin to skin for the first time. She tastes of apple cinnamon and debauchery. The things I want to do to her. Her tiny hands grip the front of my uniform so tightly her knuckles are white as I kiss along her neck and shoulder. The baggy sweater she’s wearing slides off her shoulder to entice me with more flesh.

  “Oh, gross!” Lena gags.

  “Piss off,” I say, not stopping in my quest to devour more of True’s soft skin.

  “I’m not leaving.” That fucking foot stomp again.

  Picking True up in my arms, I walk past Lena and head to the only bedroom in the apartment. “Fine. Stay. See if I care.” Kicking the door shut behind us, I turn the flimsy lock and aim straight to the bed.

  “You freak!” Lena screams, and seconds later, the front door slams shut.

  “If I only knew it was that simple,” True mutters with a quirk of her lips.

  Laying down beside her, I take stock of how thin she is compared to her pictures and begin to worry for the first time. “You’ve lost weight.” My hand has found exposed flesh on her hip and lightly rubs circles on the bone.

  “So I’ve been told,” she huffs. Obviously not liking it being pointed out.


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