Dear Maverick: A Short Story (Love Letters)

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Dear Maverick: A Short Story (Love Letters) Page 3

by KL Donn

  “Lena was right then? You been worrying yourself sick over me?” I fucking hate that.

  “Not purposely,” she defends. “Did you mean it? You don’t go back?” All her vulnerabilities are out in the open for me to see, to feel.

  “No, baby girl. I don’t go back.” Slowly, I inch my way up under her sweater as a lone tear leaks from the corner of her eye. “No crying, baby, I’m right here.”

  “Happy, Maverick, just happy you’re safe.” Her fingers reach for the hem of her sweater, and I’m gifted with the most glorious sight as her upper half is exposed for my looking pleasure.

  She has three tiny freckles leading up between her perky tits like my very own treasure trail. Bending forward, I kiss each one before licking my way across the valley of her breasts and sucking one nipple into my mouth.

  “Ohhh…” She breathes roughly, squirming as I tongue her nipple into a hard peak.

  I feel her hand tug at my hair, and I bite lightly on her sensitive flesh, goosebumps immediately rise as I pull away.

  “You taste so sweet.” Sliding down her body, I pull her little shorts along with me as I stand at the foot of her bed. “Well, I’ll be,” I mutter upon seeing the tiny tattoo of three blue, black, and green waves at the top of her thigh. “Never would have taken you as the tattoo sort.”

  She grins as she rolls over and looks at me. “You remember how you asked if I knew what my last name meant?” Crawling over her, I nod and see the little water nymph with a crooked crown and devil’s tail intricately climbing half way up her spine from her lower back. “Evil Nymph,” she murmurs as I lean forward to kiss her delicate flesh.

  “Nymph, alright,” I groan as her sumptuous globes push up into my aching cock, “definitely not evil.” She sighs. “You ready for me, baby girl?” My harsh words are followed by a deep growl as she rubs her ass against my cock.

  “More than ready for you, big daddy.” Her voice is light and teasing.

  With one hand pushing on the small of her back, I use the other to dislodge the buttons of my uniform and pull the material from my body.


  I can feel his body heat seeping into my shivering frame as the clothes are torn from his flesh in a mad rush. I still can’t believe he’s here. I expected a letter, not his body.

  “You keep trembling like this, and I’ll think you’re scared.” His hot breath warms my back as he kisses up my spine.

  “Only of that baseball bat I feel trying to take over my ass.” The feel of his hardened cock is terrifying. The man is built.

  His chuckle isn’t as soothing as he’d probably like. “True,” his voice is low, “when this bat takes your ass, you’ll know it and fucking love it.”

  “Oh. My. Stars.” It’s become my favorite saying where he’s concerned it seems.

  “Condoms?” he asks.

  It takes a full minute for my brain to catch up to his words because he keeps licking me. “Drawer. In the table.” I point to the piece of furniture like he wouldn’t be able to see it even though it’s two feet from his face.

  “Should I wonder why you have these?” His possessive growl makes me squirm as my pussy pulses.

  “No. I got bored. You sent all those yummy pictures, and well, I guessed at the size. I hope they’re right. I didn’t even know condoms had a size. Can you return them if they don’t fit? That wouldn’t be very hygienic if you could, though.” Stupid rambling mouth.

  “Fuck, you’re adorable.” His hands grip my hips, and he flips me over, so I’m flat on my back. Staring at his… “Jesus Christ, that’s not a bat that’s a goddamn club!”

  His quiet laughter is the only response I get as I watch him slide the condom over all that hard, veiny flesh. It’s like stone.

  Grasping my knees, he spreads my thighs apart, leaning forward to lick up and down the sensitive flesh, missing where I’d like him the most—my throbbing clit. “Mmm, sugar and spice and everything oh so nice.” His words are slow, drawn out for maximum effect.

  “Now, please.” I whimper as he moves forward. I can feel the heat pulsing off his cock sitting just a fraction of space away from my weeping core. “Please, Maverick.”

  “Oh yeah, baby girl, moan my name just like that.” Without warning, he pushes between my lips and into my tight channel. “Oh fuckkkk!” All his muscles, from flexing hips to bulging biceps, are straining with the effort of not slamming into me. “Baby girl, fuck, you’re tight.”

  My internal walls cling to him like glue. Sucking him deeper into my body until I’m so full of his manliness I don’t know how I’ve lived so long without this all-encompassed feeling.

  “God, you feel incredible, Mav,” I whisper in his ear, unsuccessfully trying to hold back my moan.

  “Relax, True,” he murmurs while soothing his hands up and down my sides.

  I shiver from his light petting. “Please, move. Don’t make me keep begging you.” I push my lip out in a pout.

  He swoops down to bite the quiver. The sting is incredibly erotic. “Close your eyes,” he commands, his voice deepening. As soon as I do his bidding, his hips begin a slow slide in and out. Each inward stroke coming harder and faster while he takes his time pulling out, always making sure to rub his shaft against my clit for added stimulation.

  With each stroke, I feel my body getting lost in the sensations he’s creating. I don’t know how much time has passed, but I don’t ever want this feeling of completion to end. My fingers and toes tingle as his grunts grow louder. His hips move faster as he leans forward to cover my mouth with his own. His tongue mimicking his cock in motion, speed, and depth.

  It’s almost like double penetration but so much better.

  “Oh god!” A scream is torn from me as my back bows off the bed, and every sensitive fragment in my body undulates like the Northern Lights. Sparks fly behind my lids as my pussy squeezes the poor man’s shaft for all he’s worth, milking every ounce of bliss this greedy wench can get out of him.

  “Oh fuck!” His matching groan fills my ears as I feel him fill the tip of the condom with his hot semen. The way he trembles in my embrace prolongs my own orgasm.

  As our breathing evens out, and the full weight of his body registers to my own, I wheeze out, “Can’t breathe.”

  Laughter follows his roll over as he takes us to his side. “Sorry.” We watch each other for a while, just laying on my bed full of sweat and the smell of sex filling the room when a thought occurs to me.

  “Don’t you want to, you know, take that off or something?” I pointedly look down to his flaccid but still impressive cock that has the condom hanging on by a thread.

  Standing, he pulls the offending item free and walks to the bathroom shaking his head and mumbling about filters. I don’t move while he’s gone. I’ve never done this whole sex right after meeting thing, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.

  “So,” he says, coming back into the room naked as the day he was born and not in the least self-conscious about it. He’s talking, I can see his lips moving and there’s noise, but I can’t focus. The man is built. He’s got these abs you could bounce a nickel off of and not miss a beat. And his arms! Damn… Those are drool-worthy. Biceps, triceps, and forearms, and his fingers… oh my stars. “True?” he questions like he’s said my name multiple times.

  “Yeah?” I’m still distracted. I can’t help it.

  “Did you hear me?” His head is tilted to the side like my mom does when she’s fed up with me.

  “No,” I respond honestly. “If you want my attention on your words, your body needs to be covered. Too many valleys and dips and veins and… What was I saying?”

  “Christ, woman.” He groans, but sadly and thankfully, covers up those beautiful, awe-inducing muscles. There should be some sort of service for that tragedy every time he does it. “Eyes, True!” he calls again. “Up. Here.” His growl is kind of hot.

  Looking up into his eyes, I see he’s not upset, just really amused. “What’d you say

  Walking over to me, he grabs my sweater from earlier and helps me put it on as he sits beside me. “I was saying, I’ve got a job lined up on a Naval base about thirty minutes from here.”

  “You’re really staying? What about your family back east? You barely know me!” This man’s unreal.

  Ignoring my questions, he continues. “I’d like you to move with me. They’ve got a house on base we can live in until we find one we like somewhere else.”

  “Did you hear me?” My turn for the head tilt.

  “I heard you, True. I’m rolling with what I know so far. And let’s just say, I like what you’ve got, and I’m moving forward.” He leans in close to my face. “Are you moving forward with me?” The sincerity shining brightly from his gaze is my answer.




  One year later

  Dear Maverick,

  I have a story for you…

  Once upon a time, there was a girl with no filter, she hated bullshit more than the average ho and had a strong dislike for blind dates.

  One day, this girl’s trampy best friend convinced her writing a super soldier was a good idea. With no intentions of mailing the letter, she wrote it.

  The tramp decided to dig through the innocent girls crumpled up garbage and send it anyways! (How rude!)

  When the super soldier received it, he also suspected nefarious intentions from that trampy friend and didn’t trust in the girl’s rambling. When he wrote back, he had a change of heart and decided maybe the weird girl with no filter and rambling ideas was real.

  With that in mind, the pair quickly became more than pen pals. They defied distance and formed a bond of loneliness and connection.

  They got to know one another, and soon, they were so embroiled in each other that when the super soldier came home, the neurotic girl was so shocked she fainted like a hussy at a boy band concert.

  Twelve months later and she’s about to give him the surprise of a lifetime!

  You’re welcome,

  Your True story.

  P.S We’re pregnant!!!!!

  “Honey, I’m home!” I hear the greeting but can’t look away from her letter. Every once in a while, True still writes to me. She says and does the craziest shit I’ve ever seen.

  But this…

  This is…


  “Oh good! You got my note. The tramp, can you believe the nerve of her?” A huge grin has overtaken my baby girl’s face. She’s as beautiful as I’ve ever seen her. She’s glowing.

  “You seriously did not call me a tramp?” Lena barks, coming in behind my gorgeous wife.

  “She sure as fuck did. Now piss off, or you’re going to see a whole lot of fucking.” True hops up on the counter as I stalk towards her. Every step predatory.

  “You guys are worse than the damn gorillas!” Lena storms out, heading towards the beach that’s practically our backyard.

  “Is it true?” My voice is hoarse with emotion.

  She nods.

  “You’re having my baby?”

  “What did you think was going to happen when you kept emptying you’re nuts into my womb?” I’d like to tan the sarcasm out of her hide.

  “Watch it, baby girl. I’ll still warm that ass up.”

  She blushes. “We’re having a baby, Maverick.” Her quiet voice is filled with more excitement than on our wedding day.

  “I fucking love you, wife.”

  True leans her head into mine. “I fucking love you too, husband.”

  They live happily ever after!

  Next in the Love Letters

  Drum roll please…. Coming in early 2018… Desmond & North!

  About the Author

  So a weee bit about me, I’m loud, I’m crazy, I’m shy (weird right?), and I have 4 amazingly gorgeous kids! I love my husband (scuba) of 13 years to DEATH (Seriously it might be coming if he wakes me up at 6AM again!) We love to camp in the summers, and I hibernate in the winter ;) I’ve been writing for just over 2 yrs now and have released 12 books (8 full lengths, 4 novellas) and I’m just thrilled to have finished one series this yr, and started 2 more (soon to be 3)!

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  KL’s Fighters


  [email protected]

  Also by KL DONN

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Redemption

  The Possessed Series


  OWNED by Dominic

  One Dance for Case

  From the Ashes

  Lost & Found

  Tattooed & Alone for Christmas (Coming Soon)

  Love Letters Series

  Dear Killian

  Dear Gage

  Dear Maverick

  Dear Desmond (Coming early 2018)

  Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance

  One Choice

  One Call (Coming Soon)

  What Happens When Series

  Anonymous Bride (October 19)

  Aurora Rose Reynolds kindle world book (Coming April 3, 2018) Title and cover announcement coming soon!

  Adair Empire is coming early 2018!

  Surprise series coming fall 2018!

  One Call Excerpt


  When you’re at your lowest, look to the highest.

  Present day.

  Hearing Elianna, and Asher fighting had become common place in the shop since Soph’s sister had shown up with her tool box and attitude. Asher had given her nothing but dirty looks since then.

  Knowing Levi was at home recuperating after being nearly beaten to death at an underground fight on the weekend, a secret he’d kept from the whole family and Nox was busy with phone calls to parts dealers, Loch had to go find the couple and hose ‘em down or send ‘em home before a customer saw them.

  Frustrated, he walked into the front shocked to see Levi there giving them both hell. “Bro, what the hell are you doing out of the house? You drive here?”

  “Stop fussing. I’m fine.” Levi insisted, but Loch could see little lines of pain surrounding his eyes.

  “My ass.” Nox snapped coming through his office door.

  “Christ. Stop acting like a couple of mother hens. I’m getting enough of that from Hayes.” Levi complained, but anyone with vision could see he was happy as hell about it.

  “So, what are you doing here?” Soph asked from behind the front counter.

  The chiming over the door interrupted anything he was going to say. “Grand fucking central,” Levi muttered under his breath.

  Loch didn’t pay attention to anything else as he watched Sage walk through the door with her parent’s, and another man. Her gaze was locked on as his as he scowled at the man behind her.

  “Hi. Welcome!” Sophia’s chipper voice eased the scowl on the mother’s face. “How can we help you?”

  Her father ignored everyone but Nox as he bee-lined straight for the oldest sibling. “The engine ticks. My wife says you’ve fixed her vehicle before.”

  “Yes, sir, I have. So has Lochlan.” Nox nodded to him. “He can give you a hand. I’ve got a phone call on hold that, unfortunately, can’t wait.” His brother walked away before the man could protest.

  Hating being put on the spot, he was thankful Levi stepped in, “Mr. Marlowe, how about you show my brother and I what you’re talking about, and we’ll try to get you out of here as soon as we can?”

  “You work here?” Sage’s father’s disdain was crystal clear.

  “I’m an owner, actually.” Loch could hear the bite in Levi’s tone.

  “Father.” Sage’s delicate voice had him stiffening when her voice shook with fear. A fear Loch had never seen in her before. “He was kind last time.”

  He turned and walked out, his w
ife following closely behind. The other man that had come in with them gripped Sage’s arm with such force that Lochlan stepped forward intent on removing the man’s hand from her body. Levi stopping him was probably for the best since he wasn’t a fighter and wasn’t huge on confrontation.

  The entire encounter had both him and Levi on edge after they tightened the vehicle’s battery lines and spark plugs. With a quiet warning to Sage about how dangerous what she was doing could be again, the family was gone.

  Something he’d later regret as Levi warned him, “don’t do anything stupid, Lochlan.”

  Levi left him standing in the parking lot as Sage and her family left. A feeling of dissonance surrounding him. Something was off with the girl. She was always quiet, shy, but never fearful. Not once had anything but curiosity been in her gaze.

  When she’d looked back at him through the car’s window, he’d seen a need for escape reflected at him. Whatever was happening in her home, she wanted away from it.

  Acting on instinct, he jumped in his Cobra, and followed a good distance behind the family. Knowing it was the stupid thing Levi had been referring to.

  He needed to know more though. He needed to know where she was, because if he couldn’t have her yet, he’d damn well know her location.




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