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A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3

Page 9

by J. L. Clayton

  Nikko coughed, saying, “Charlie, remind me when I come back to life, not to tick those two off.” I shot Nikko a look and watched out of the corner of my eyes as Tru took the jacket and wrapped it around his lower body.

  He looked over at me. “C, I need to talk to you!”

  I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, wishing my heart would stop and the ache that was in my chest would go away. This was unbearable. I felt momentarily stunned. It had been weeks since he called me “C”, weeks even since he looked at me this way. I looked at him sharply, hoping that I could be strong. “What, Tru?” I asked, cursing myself for the quiver that I heard within my voice and knowing that he had heard it too.

  Looking lost and confused, Tru looked down. Shaking his head, he choked out, “I don’t…. I don’t know! C, I don’t know what happened!”

  I glared. Even though his grandfather told me that Tru was under some kind of spell, I was having a hard time believing it. “You don’t know what happened? What do you mean, you don’t know what happened?” I lifted my eyebrows, waiting.

  Jace chimed in, “Good one. What, do you think that excuse will work on every girl?”

  Tru narrowed his eyes but never once did he take them off of me. Running a frustrated hand through his hair, he said, “I just… I don’t know… I can’t explain it! C, you’ve got to believe me, please.” Tru spread his arms out wide.

  I gazed over at my mom and dad; they were holding one another’s hands, looking at me without judgment, giving me strength for whatever I would decide. I looked at Jace. He looked pissed. He was shaking his head back and forth. I felt Nikko move up behind me and place one arm around my shoulders. Warmth seemed to infuse my body from the contact. We were in our own little world in that moment: Population of two - one invisible and one trying to correct that problem.

  Nikko looked down at me. “What do you think? Do you think he is playing you? Because, to me, it seems like he is telling the truth.” He gave me a little squeeze and stepped back.

  I gazed back over at Tru. I was about to say something, which I had no clue what it would have been. As luck would have it, I didn’t get that chance to even think of something. Out of the shadows of the trees stepped Cris, gorgeous, dangerous and an all-around sexy guy. I shivered at the sudden jolt of awareness and awakening that shot through my body. It seemed I would receive that feeling every time I looked at him. I shook my head. I had to focus; there was no time for this foolishness. I had enough problems going on right now. My libido needed to take a back seat and fast. Making a formidable effort to not think about the feelings washing over my body from the nearness of Cris, I took a cleansing breath. Besides, I felt a little mystified, wondering what he was doing here and where he had come from.

  Focusing on the problem at hand I said, “Cris. Um… hi. So what’s up?” Like it was a normal day and not like my world is always falling apart.

  Nope, not mine.

  Cris shoved his hands into his jeans pockets, which caused his shirt to bunch up, showing taut muscles. I bit down on my lower lip, stifling a groan. I felt like such a dude. I mean, don’t guys get this hot over a girl? I thought girls had more self-control than this. I must be the exception.

  He gazed at me with his dark, hauntingly blue eyes. “I have questions about your magical abilities,” he said, straight-faced.

  I gasped, my mouth falling open and my eyes widening. I was stunned, not believing that he would just come right out and say that. What if I was the only one with magic? Obviously, he didn’t care who knew. I definitely had to talk to him about not telling people. Sure, it was okay that he said something now because everybody around me knew, but what if it had been a mundane, someone that had no clue of magic?

  I was about to say something, however; words failed me as sulfur permeated the air. My skin prickled, and the hairs on my body stood up. Stepping out of a leyline was Kate, and to my dismay, standing right beside her with a beautiful smile on her face was… Tammin!?

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was really worried about my friend, not thinking at the time that she just stepped out of a line. Not thinking that she should be freaking out like she normally would. I just thought that Tamm didn’t know who she was standing beside. She didn’t know that this wasn’t Jace’s mom, that this wasn’t even a good person. Kate was, in fact, somebody who was out to destroy me and my friends.

  I called out, “Tammin, are you okay? Umm, are you good?”

  With an eerie smile, Tamm gave me a little wave and said, “Charlie, girl, I am quite alright. Don’t ya know I’m always all good!?” She winked.

  I glanced around at everyone, not knowing what to do. Were we supposed to attack Kate first? Or were we going to just stand here, let her attack us, and then go on defense? The one thing I was for sure on was that I had to get Tamm away from Kate. I didn’t want her getting hurt, not because of me. Plenty of people have been hurt in the crossfire because of me, and this time, I wasn’t going to stand for it. My thoughts and questions were answered; as everything went feverishly wild.

  Jace shouted, “Liar! Traitor! You will pay!” He spread his arms out in front of him. “Immouere.” A ball of pure light formed in Jace’s hands, and without hesitating, he flung the spell at Kate.

  The magic spiraled towards Kate, but she lifted up a hand, and it fragmented. Yet, Jace was relentless. He flung magical spell after magical spell. Every time, the spell would evaporate, not touching Kate.

  My mom and dad stepped up beside me. Clasping their hands together, they chanted, “Evil within you rotting away. Evil within your soul is now your cage. Your cage to your evil you can’t break free. Now you’re caged to your evil so mote it be.”

  A cage began to form around Kate’s body, and a black, rotting toxin of some kind oozed out of her pores. It made a sizzling sound as the foul substance touched the grass and dirt. Maggots and other nasty little bugs started bubbling up and out of her skin, plopping to the ground. For a moment, I thought that the chant had worked. Kate was literally caged in her own evil. It was spewing out of her body like a soda that had been shaken up right before you open it. She screamed as the fluids flowed from her body, but then Kate started to laugh. Brushing the black mass off her face, she put both hands in front of her and pushed. Her cage crumbled. Tru shifted to wolf form and stepped in front of me, snarling and growling, while Nikko placed his hand on my shoulder, filling my body with support, strength, and power. Cris stepped to the side and mumbled something that I couldn't make out, but after the words left his lips a yellow light surrounded my body. I didn’t have time to breathe, let alone react. I felt like I was always too slow, too young, too inexperienced, and always damn sorry.

  Kate glowered over at me and said, “All of this magic”-waving her hands at us-“is just child’s play when it comes to me. You should ask Jerald if you don’t believe me. Oh, wait, you can’t. He seems to have misplaced his head.” She laughed.

  I didn’t even have time to gag before she flung a spell my way. Jace shoved me to the ground, but it was too late. The spell wasn’t aimed at me; the spell was directed at Nikko. This was her plan all along. We always thought she would take a shot at me when she had it. Oh God, we were wrong. Magic tentacles, like webs, latched onto Nikko’s ghostly form.

  I screamed, “Nikko!”

  I pushed Jace off me and stood up. Fury burned within my veins as I set my sights on the one person who I was determined to destroy for all that she has done to me and the ones I love. Bracing myself, I called on that deep part within my body, and like a rattlesnake, I struck. But instead of siphoning her abilities, I was siphoning her life. The earth shook, and my body went up in flames. Lightning, rain, and wind started to wreak havoc all around us.

  My elements were clearly online.

  Veins of dark blue and white lightning struck the ground around me. It was amazing and powerful. Everyone faded away as my blood boiled. I was ticked off. Whatever Kate wanted with Nikko, I wasn'
t going to allow her to take it.

  She’s already taken his life. What more could she take?

  Fire streamed from the tops of my shoulders, through my fingertips, and down my legs, rolling on the ground towards Kate as I drained the life from her eyes. Her body contorted, and she grimaced. With every pull of my cyphering ability, Kate seemed to get smaller and smaller. She was becoming a hollowed out version of herself. Her bones were protruding; her skin was sagging; and her face was sinking in and turning an awful shade of gray. Years were shedding from her life: five years, ten years, and twenty years. She was turning old and feeble as I slowly drained her. Magic swirled around us, but I was only focused on one person: Kate.

  I glared. “Release your spell now, Kate, before I take your life.”

  I thought I had this. I thought I had won, but I was wrong. The worst thing imaginable happened. Tamm placed her hand on Kate’s shoulder and beamed at me. I sucked in a sharp breath as my body jerked and I hit the ground with the jarring impact. Physically, I was okay, but mentally and magically, something was terribly wrong. It was as if someone slapped me metaphysically and all the magic that was flowing out of me was sucked right back into me. It felt like a vacuum seal, one at that moment I could not break. I stared up at Kate and Tammin, horror filling me as I saw Kate, once again, become young and beautiful.

  “Did you really think I didn't come prepared for the Chosen One? Unlike you, I always have a plan, foolish child.” Kate shook her head and looked over at Tammin. “The box please, my Wicked.”

  Tamm handed her the box and bounced up and down on her heels. I felt sick, not believing what I was seeing. Tammin was helping Kate! My sweet friend was helping my enemy. It was impossible, but it was true. I struggled to set myself free, but whatever that demon did-because she sure as hell was not my friend-kept me from breaking free. All I could do was watch.

  “Oh, silly girl, the Chosen One,” Kate mocked. “You mean to tell me you had no clue that your little friend was a demon!? Oh well, now you do. We have come to collect a soul. I believe you have one, right… there.” Kate pointed behind me.

  Tammin flicked her hand, and Nikko was gone. She laughed, “Now, don’t you worry your pretty little head, Charlie girl.” Tammin, the demon, snatched the box out of Kate’s hand and jiggled it. “I’ll take real good care of him, as a demon should.”

  “Enough,” Kate demanded. “I wonder, Charlie, how long will you last without your shade?” With a wink, Kate, Wicked-Tammin-demon-the betrayers, disappeared.

  On my hands and knees, now fully functional, I gazed at the spot where, just seconds ago my enemies stood. What just happened? How did it all go wrong? How can I get Nikko back? What am I going to do? Feeling heartsick and drained, I gazed at the people surrounding me. I let out a sob as my vision swam, and I felt myself falling-falling-down-down-down into an abyss of blissful darkness.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I knew exactly what was about to take place. Any minute, Kate would appear, shocking them all with who she had brought with her and what she was about to do. I knew of Kate's plans for the Chosen One. I plucked them out of her mind as easy as picking flowers. Although, if I haven’t been so lenient with her…

  “Rifling through her mind would not have been such a tedious task, but that is something I have rectified and it is something that will never happen again,” I muttered, peering through the trees, waiting for the right moment to step out.

  I watched the interaction take place. As I gazed on, a twinge of something indescribable and unrecognizable washed over my body at the sight of her around people she loved. When the wolf shifted back into human form, he stood, unabashedly, stark naked as a six-foot-tall golden god. Admittedly, I despised seeing my love, my other half; look at anyone other than me in that way. I didn’t like the feelings emanating from her-longing, sadness, need, and, dare I say, love. She was mine and no one else’s. Having all I could take, I stepped out from the tree line.

  Her eyes widened as she noticed me.

  I smirked, showing beautiful, white teeth, unnerving her just a little. I knew what I looked like; I knew I was gorgeous. I knew I had a magnetizing pull over people. Yet, this wasn’t just about the attraction and how it made Charlize feel. This was a bone-jarring connection that we had between us. The connection I had with her was much different, much more visceral and profound. It flowed between our spirits, a palpable, electrifying high. One I couldn’t get enough of just yet.

  I gazed at her stoically. “I have questions about your magical abilities.”

  Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, but before she said anything else, I felt it. I felt her coming. There was an audible pop as Kate and the demon appeared in front of us. I held onto a smile, barely containing my delight in what was about to happen. It has been far too long since I got my hands dirty.

  Kate was losing, but I couldn’t allow that to happen just yet. Her demise would come, but not right now. Not like this. I looked over at Wicked and spoke to her mind.

  “Are you not going to help Kate?”

  “Yes Master! I planned on helping her, but I wanted to see how much pain the Chosen One could deliver. Plus, my lord, there is no way the girl will allow Kate to live. She is far too powerful and extremely irate. I can only break the hold that she has over Kate with help, and the only one here that could truly stop her is you, Master.”

  “Are you afraid that she will exterminate you?”

  “No, my lord. It would take more than her magic to exorcize me. As well you know. It would take the blade; however, by my estimation, Kate will be vanquished in a few more minutes.”

  “You are quite right. Fine, I will see to it that the girl is immobile.”

  I snapped my fingers, and a yellow light appeared above the Chosen One. Slowly, it suffused her body with immobility, leaving her helpless.

  “It is done,” I snarled under my breath, a smirk lingering on my lips.

  The fight was over. Kate and Wicked were gone, and in their possession was a ghost-familiar stored in a little box. The further away the Chosen One was from her familiar, the more excruciating for the ghost it would become. It could also drain the magic within my love and break the bond between her and her familiar, and that was quite alright. Just one less thing to deal with once I take her!

  I wondered if Kate thought that this would kill the girl. Surely she knew I would never allow that, but Kate could be arrogant. My mind reflected on how wonderful Charlize looked, my other half. How much power she wielded. When she called on her elements, they came to her effortlessly. Such beauty.

  Lightning hit the ground around her in a staccato beat. Boom! Crack! Boom! Crack! Wind and rain swirled all around them as fire consumed her. I knew that if Nikko, her familiar, wasn’t by her side, she couldn’t have set herself alight without turning her clothing into ash. She was still far too young to control the magic flowing from her body. I never needed a familiar, thanks to Father. Soon, there would be no need for her to have one either. Soon, she would be glorious, and I would be there for the taking. Shaking off my reverie, I watched my beautiful goddess fall to the ground and pass out. Everyone seemed shocked and confused, so seeing the opportunity as it was, I rushed to her, scooping her into my arms. The warmth of her body pressed against mine felt good. It felt right.

  Groaning from this powerful need felt deep within my soul, I spoke roughly. “Where shall I take her? She is fine, breathing, but it seems she has passed out.”

  Blinking as if everyone was coming out of the fog, her mother said, “Oh, yes take her in the house, in the house-everyone in the house!”

  They entered the house, and I tightened my hold, pulling her into my chest, not wanting to put her down just yet. Though I had merged my mind and spirit with hers, this was the closest I had ever been to touching her in the flesh. I was reluctant, but in the end, I was able to shake off that foolish thought and place her on the couch. I stepped back, confused and seething on the inside
. I couldn’t decipher my actions or feelings, but there was one thing I knew for sure. I was ready for this game to end-soon.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I was lying on a white duvet. I glanced down and noticed that I was wearing a red, satin, corset top with black leather leggings. My hair was curled in ringlets around my face, and I was barefoot. My fingernails and toenails were painted red. I had a funny feeling that if I was to look in the mirror, my lips would also be painted red. The outfit was snug, but it still felt comfortable. That was a blessing because, wherever I was, it would suck if I couldn't move fast enough. The room was dimly lit, and I started to get anxious. Shaking off the fog that still seemed to be clouding my vision, I sat up to get a better look and saw Asher.

  I shuddered. One word came to mind as I took all of him in: Yummy.

  I thought of Asher touching me. Caressing me. Biting me.

  Those maddening thoughts had my mind screaming in discord with my body. My body seemed to love the idea entirely too much while my mind fought an epic battle of wills.

  The scene before me was breathtakingly sexy. Asher had one leg propped up over the arm of a red, velvet chair. The other leg was placed firmly on the floor with candelabras surrounding him. He wore black military boots which he sported over red, leather pants and a white cutoff shirt. The shirt was open, exposing beautiful, milky-white skin. Asher had gorgeous blue-black hair that I wanted to run my fingers through. His body was amazing, a broad chest, muscular abs, and a thin trail of hair that led down into his tight leather pants. The first time I saw Asher, my mind wandered off into the erotic-zone. I traced every curve and contour of his astonishing body. His arms were corded in muscles, and on his left forearm, Asher had a tattoo of a snake. A tiny, silver crossed pierced his ear. Yeah, that blew that theory all to pieces!

  I couldn’t help but marvel at how attractive he was. A well-defined jaw, long, gorgeous lashes, and dark, penetrating eyes painted the perfect image. He could be on the cover of a magazine with the caption: Wet dream, we’ve got him!


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