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A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3

Page 11

by J. L. Clayton

  My eyes widened with shock, and I stuttered, “Umm, err, what?”

  “Blood,” he said a little too harshly. Covering his tracks, he quickly clarified. “To me… I felt like you were about to drink blood. Now do you understand?”

  I shivered from those words and his voice. At times, he sounded so familiar, so much like my dream invader. His tone was smooth, all rich, dark chocolate, a sensual tenor that always seemed to caress my body and send shivers down my spine. His voice so angelic that God might have stopped whatever he was doing just to listen to the beautifully-melodic tone. He sounded so much like the Traveller, but that was insane. This was a teenage boy! A boy! Maybe there is just something in his DNA.

  Cris blurted, “Besides, drinking blood cannot be good or hygienic.” He shoved his hands into his jean pockets and looked sheepish. He could flip the switch sometimes and sound all sexy as hell, but in times when he looked like a young teenager, shy and awkward, that’s when I thought that the idea of him being the Traveller was laughable.

  I didn’t want anybody dwelling on the fact that Cris just called me out on a dream, and I was ready to talk to Eli. It was time to get Nikko back and to stop Kate once and for all.

  I said in a rush, “Nope, no blood for me today, and I’m ready to go see Eli. So it looks like it’s a trip to Callamose.”

  My parents nodded their consent, and it seemed that everyone—Tru included—was crossing over to the supernatural world. I was so ready to kick some butt.

  Chapter Twenty


  I watched her. I knew she was alright; however, I was growing restless. Having to be in a small, confining room with her family and suitors was exhausting. I wanted to wipe their pathetic lives right out of existence. I told them countless times that she was ok, yet they seemed oblivious to the truth. Frustrated, I had no way of explaining my multi-dimensional connection with Charlie, explaining that I had an even deeper connection than her and her shade. It was so very strange how well I could read her.

  As that thought entered my mind, I felt a disturbance within her dream. She was being pulled into a dream platform by the vampire. Heat erupted in my veins and ignited my senses.

  How arrogant to believe you, a lowly blood-feeder, could ever have someone such as her.

  I dove into her mind and was shocked to find that the vampire was blocking my attempts to reach her. Although the vampire was powerful, he was no match for my power. I dug deeper, looking for answers and found the vampire’s intentions. Asher wanted to make a stronger bond, one that would weave together their strands to form a force mighty enough to challenge even me. What he failed to realize was that no one took what was mine.

  Clenching my teeth and holding back what I really wanted to do, I spoke. “There is something that isn’t quite right.” I looked at them, knowing I had to play the confused kid, yet again. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I can feel that there is something off.”

  Various expressions of shock, awe, and trepidation smeared their faces.

  “What do you mean?” Tru asked, sounding self-righteous.

  I bit my tongue, holding back the automatic reaction to rip out the wolf’s spine and bathe in his entrails. “I mean, I just know something is off. Just trust me.”

  Jace laughed, “Come on, man. She looks like she’s sleeping peacefully. Surely there's nothing-"

  “I know what I'm talking about, and I am sure that there is nothing I can say that will change your mind about believing me.” My voice went cold as ice, and my eyes hardened, rivaling steel. I wasn’t budging.

  “You can sense our daughter on that scale?” Janet asked studying me closely, as Sam put a hand on her shoulder. I gave a curt nod.

  Janet gazed at Sam. He gave her a small smile then asked, “You are positive that she isn’t just resting peacefully… that there’s something disturbing her sleep?”

  I narrowed my eyes. They were testing my patience. “I will not deny that she does look very peaceful and her breathing is even, but her aura is in distress.”

  The way, in which I emphasized “distress” had Janet and Sam giving permission for me to go on and wake her. Visibly, I shook her, but all I really needed to do was step into her mind. I shook her more out of show than anything. Nevertheless, I yelled, breaking the walls that the vampire had erected around my love’s mind. With a gasp, she opened her eyes and looked at me. The reassurance that washed over my soul was overwhelming. To know that she did not drink the vampire’s blood left me feeling both triumphant and relieved. Those feelings alone had me reeling with conflicted anger. I was going to do whatever it took to stop her from worming her way any deeper into my skin. I had never felt these feelings before, and I sure as hell didn’t like them. Soon I will be back to me, and she will cease to exist.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I sat hunched in the far corner of the box-my new prison. Lucky for me, it was very spacious, considering. I felt like a genie in a bottle. “Except,” I said aloud. “I’m a ghost in a box. How the hell did this fairytale turn out so freaking wrong? At least if I was a genie, someone could rub my bottle, and I could pop out. Um, with me being a ghost in a box, I’m pretty sure I’m screwed. Yeah, no rub! No popping out! Just screwed!”

  I rolled my eyes. This just didn't make sense, but I was grasping at straws, wishing that I either had a genie or was a genie just so I could have those said wishes, and my first wish would be…“To get the heck out of Dodge, A.K.A. the box. My second wish would be that everything would go back to the way it was, before I became invisible, a ghost… dead! Last, but not least, I would wish for Charlie to get everything she deserves.” I finished with a sigh.

  Feeling sad and sick, I closed my eyes and thought about Tammin. How could she do this? How could she be so evil?

  I’d known her all my life. Wait, had I really? I tried to think back on all the memories, but I was coming up short. Everything seemed fragmented after Charlie came to town: The memories of Tammin and me as little kids felt like they were shrouded over. Maybe my current state forces me to know things differently. Like Tammin’s really a demon and she used her evil mojo-trickery. What did they call her? A mischief demon? And her name is Wicked?! How could you be named Wicked!? Though, after what I’ve witnessed, it couldn’t be more fitting.

  A gut-wrenching pain seared my insides, and this horrifying scream lodged in the back of my throat. Breathing out slowly, the pain faded to a dull throb. I felt myself being pulled farther and farther away from Charlie. As the distance between us grew, the more translucent my body seemed, like I was fading away. Like I was breaking into millions of pieces and shattering.

  What would happen if they took me too far from Charlie? Would I totally disintegrate into nothing? Would I finally move on from this half-life? Or would I simply cease to exist? Sure, I wasn’t a huge fan of living half a life, but the thought of dying and not going somewhere, anywhere... just nothing!? That thought was unbearable, even harder to fathom than losing my virginity. Deep down, I knew that my thought process was taking a turn to the ridiculous side of things. Quickly all my thoughts ceased, and the once silent scream lodged in the back of my throat tore free in an agonizing wail of despair. My body, spirit, essence, jerked upwards and then slammed back down hard. The pain that followed was agonizing, excruciating. Squeezing my eyes closed, I winced and writhed. When I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, relief settled in. I opened my eyes and saw light shining from the top of the box. Charlie?

  Agonizingly, I picked myself up off the floor and lunged for the opening, but as soon as I hit the air, I fell back down again. There seemed to be an invisible, plated-glass like structure over the box’s entry. I gazed upwards and saw Tammin leering in.

  “Shoot,” I muttered. "This is so not good."

  “Hi there,” she said behind her consistently beautiful smile.

  I shot her a glare.

  She pouted her lips. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You
shouldn’t be here anyways, Nikko. You, my ghostly friend, should have kept on walking towards the light, but because you didn't stay dead,” she laughed, “I get to have some fun.”

  I spat at her. "Oh my gosh. Seriously? What are you...Bored? I thought you were my friend! How did I not know that you were an evil—”

  The demon cut in. “You thought what I wanted you to think. Now, just enjoy the ride.”

  I slid down in agony, pain, and sorrow as the lid was placed back over the box, plunging me into darkness once again.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Crossing over to the supernatural plane was cake. For my second time ever crossing, I didn’t need help, which was totally surreal and freaking awesome. No chanting! No candles! No calling on my elemental powers!

  After Asher drank my blood and passed his knowledge over to me, I felt like a new person. Note to self: How many times can one person feel like a new person? Answer: As many as I please, I guess!

  With my newly gifted knowledge, I could just simply pop over like my mom and dad, but for some reason, I didn’t want everyone knowing just yet.

  “So you know how Cris was telling everyone something was going on while I slept?” Cris raised an eyebrow. I groaned inwardly, “Yeah, well I had a dream, and Asher was there.”

  Three sets of eyes glared at me.

  “Kitten, these boys are acting like Tomcat's in heat, do I need to neuter them?”

  I knew he wasn’t joking. I shoved him out of my head, which was easy considering it always seemed a little hard for me before. Everything Asher showed me had helped. So when I pushed him out of my head that easily... I may have done a little imaginary dance.

  I focused my attention back on Jace, Tru, and Cris, but Tru was secretly trying to get my full attention. I assumed it was so he could tell me something, but I wasn't ready to talk to him just yet. I hadn’t forgiven him. I wasn't okay with what happened. Tru literally put me through hell these past days, or was it weeks? I couldn’t even remember how long it had been, but one thing I knew was that he hurt me and I wasn’t about to forgive and forget that easily. Just because he says he doesn’t remember what happened doesn’t mean I don’t! I know his grandfather told me Tru was under some spell, but that was totally beside the point. My heart might be telling me to forgive, but my head is saying hell-to-the-no.

  I looked at Cris. There was this bizarre—weird—crazy connection between us that I didn't understand. I would get this warm, tingling feeling and an eerie, creepy one when I was near him. Plus, every time I looked at him, heat washed over my body. Cris was one of the sexiest guys, and I’m sure any girl would love to feel this overwhelming feeling that flowed between us, but to me, it just added more complications. I shook my head at the three guys and told everyone what Asher did for me.

  “Asher put my mind back together.”

  I had three sets of glares.

  I huffed. I was so over boys. I was going to become a lesbian. I might like it... right? When pigs fly! Oh wait, pigs might really fly in Callamose. So yeah, I'll just scratch that thought. Sorry, ladies, I'm still off the market. If you like other girls, that’s your prerogative, but I’m strictly boy material.

  I cleared my head of all the silly thoughts as the portal opened up in front of the council building.

  So freaking easy!

  I smiled at everyone’s shocked expressions.

  Oh yeah. Eat your heart out, Kate.

  Reality came crashing back on me hard and fast. I felt a small ache in my chest as I thought of Nikko. I was going to get him back from that evil bitch if it was the last thing I did. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door with purpose. It was as if I owned the place. I calmly strolled up to Eli, taking in the room and all who inhabited it at the moment. I wasn’t surprised to see Subrand or Zeb, but Oz was a bit of a shock. Shrugging inwardly and feeling elated with all the knowledge I received from Asher, I smiled as I drew on all the confidence I could muster. “I’m sure you already know why I’m here. I mean, you have Subrand…” I pointed at her as the others watched eagerly.

  She stood up cheerfully, and in a soft voice, she asked, “I don’t think we have had the pleasure of meeting one another.” She bowed at the waist. “Yes, my dear child, I have already filled Eli in on the misfortune your familiar has been plunged into.” Politely, she sat back down.

  “Okay, awesome! Now how do we get Nikko back?” I asked, feeling determined.

  Eli cleared his throat. “Yes, well all in good time. We must discuss Crispin. There has been no sign of him lately. I’m afraid that, at this moment, he is out there looking for you or he is up to something very malevolent.”

  I intercepted, “No, not all in good time. I have to get Nikko back now. I know you and everyone believe Crispin is evil, and I’m sure he is, but so far, he hasn’t tried to hurt, kill, or maim me. The only one that has tried to do that is Kate, and I know Crispin is a wicked being; however, until I meet the Traveller and he poses a threat to me and mine, I am going to focus on the here and now. Guess what the here and now is.” I looked at Eli, and when he said nothing, I nodded. “Yeah, now we are on the right track. So what do I do to save Nikko?”

  Eli shook his head. “I know you don’t understand why I am pressing this issue, but that is because he is showing you a side of him that does not exist. He is playing on your humanity, your kindness, and innocence. I, myself, may not have been privy to his cruelty, but I have witnessed others who have. Our city has been tormented for far too long.” Eli sighed, and in a more subdued tone, he said, “I wonder what Crispin would be like today if he would have had a better father… if Xen hadn’t laid his hands on him?”

  I heard a sharp intake of breath. I looked over and saw Cris clenching his teeth with a pained look on his face. The room went silent as everyone looked at him, perplexed.

  He gave me a sheepish smile. “Um, yeah... Sorry I stubbed my toe.”

  I giggled. That would be something I would do. I gave Cris a grin, and he smiled back at me. Yet his smile was far different than mine. His was a come-and-get-me kind of smile, and I-will-eat-you-up-and-you-will-like-it kind of smile. It was so freaking hot!

  Eli said, “Alright, Subrand, would you be so kind and open the book?”

  For some reason, I felt like there was so much tension in the room as she produced the book. I had to say something to ease whatever funk the room just fell in.

  “Zeb, I can’t believe you could be quiet this whole time.”

  The fire breather in question chuckled. “Why, as always youngling, I knew you would elegantly point it out. Therefore I only had to wait.”

  I opened my mouth to retort, but I was distracted as the chamber door opened and in strode Asher. He looked dangerous. His long, black hair flowed behind him, and he was dressed in leather pants and biker boots. A white dress shirt flared open revealing his chest, and a wickedly sexy grin was etched on his face.

  I shook my head at the condescending looks he was giving everyone but me. Freaking leech!

  Eli quickly stood. “What are you doing here? This is a closed session. Asher, you do not have clearance to this council meeting, I—”

  Asher interjected. “As you very well know, I am with the FVB (Federal Vampire Bureau), and anything involving Kitten…”—he pointed at me—“I’m here to help and assist with. We are connected; therefore, wherever she goes, I am going, and there will be no arguing about it. I will protect her.” Asher smirked.

  My mom said, “Really? Oh my.... Why is this happening to our child? Why is she the one who seems to attract all the wrong things?”

  Surprised, I looked at her, keeping a tight hold on all my supernatural abilities, especially the mind reading one. It seemed like all hell was fixing to break lose. All of a sudden, everyone in the room seemed crazy. They started talking at once; it was like an uproar of words crashing into one another.

  Eli bellowed, “Okay, that is enough! Everyone, if you would be so kind as to t
ake a step outside this room while I talk to Charlize!”

  Everyone agreed reluctantly. They all left except for Subrand. She sat there pristine and poised. I turned to watch the last one head out, which was Cris, when Subrand spoke.

  “Wait. Charlize, would you ask your new friend to hold on… I would like to ask him something.”

  I nodded and said, “Hey hold up one second, will you Cris?” I touched his bare arm, and a slight zing flowed from my body to his. I sucked in a sharp breath and quickly pulled away. The feeling that washed over me from the touch was way too intimate. Cris looked at me for a second. It was an intense gaze, but then he just nodded and headed back into the room.

  “So,” she began. “What is your name? I ask this, because you seem so familiar.

  I am the Oracle. I knew everyone in this room, even the wolf-shifter, but for some reason, I cannot get a read on you. Have we met before?”

  Cris folded his arms, and in a mild tone, he said, “I can say that I have not ever had the pleasure of meeting you.”

  Subrand looked at him closely, and then with a curt nod, she said, “I see. You can leave us now.”

  Cris narrowed his eyes, but without another word, he turned and strolled out of the room. I wanted to go after him, to apologize for how rude she was to him just then, but the opportunity faded, and it was too late. Cris was gone.

  I looked at her, miffed. “What was that all about?” I asked, demandingly crossing my arms.

  Subrand cocked her head. “Are you mad at me?”

  The way in which she spoke was so odd, but I went with it. “No, I just thought you were a little rude in dismissing him.”

  Eli sat there as a silent observer, as if he was watching a chess match and we were the pieces to the game.

  Subrand smiled. “My deepest apologies, but I get this very strange vibe from the young man and for some reason, he is able to block me. That is very rare. For someone to never have been trained, it is highly unlikely.”


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