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Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set

Page 156

by Misty Reigenborn

  “I doubt it. I think that if he had, she would have already told Mellenda. I already pretty much avoid him.”

  “I suppose we should be more careful. I get so excited to see you that I forget sometimes that no one is supposed to know that we’re together for the time being.”

  “I know what you mean. Do you think we could go back to doing what we were doing earlier?”

  Ricky smiled. “Yes. I have to take you back to Brentwood tomorrow I’m afraid. I would very much like to spend the weekend with you, but I have to work.”

  “It’s okay. I should probably try to get that number from Eduardo as soon as possible anyway.”

  Ricky sighed. “I would prefer it if you didn’t hang around him at all anymore.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Molli kissed him. They were soon making love. It felt different to her that night to her than their first time together had. She felt like they had taken another step towards being together. She knew that some guys probably would have been disgusted when she’d told them about Eduardo. She also knew that some guys would have told her to have sex with him so he wouldn’t tell their girlfriend about her. She was almost positive that Jude was one of them.

  They took a leisurely shower together and then headed to bed. Ricky let her sleep in the next morning, though he said he had to go in to work that afternoon. She hoped that he missed her as much as she missed him when he wasn’t around.

  He dropped her off in town within walking distance of Peggy’s apartment. He kissed her goodbye. She wondered if he cared if Mellenda found out about their affair or if he was acting like Jude had and waiting on Mellenda to catch them so that he didn’t have to break up with her.

  Peggy’s car wasn’t in the lot. She wondered if Eduardo was there. She knocked on the door and Eduardo called out “Yeah. Come in.”

  His words were slurred. She could tell that he was drunk. She opened the door and then closed it behind her, wrinkling her nose at the mess. It smelled worse inside the apartment than the last time she’d been there. She’d wondered if that was possible.

  Eduardo was sitting on the chair. He looked up at her and said “Hey baby. Did Ricky take all night long with ya?”

  Molli rolled her eyes. “I spent the night at his house.”

  “How come you never spend the night with me?”

  “I don’t want to sleep between you and your girlfriend.”

  “That might be kinda fun. Hey, come here and give me a kiss. On both of my heads.”

  “No. You stink and so does this whole apartment. Don’t you guys ever clean up or bother to take out the trash?”

  Eduardo yawned. “Sometimes. Come on baby, I’m horny. Peggy’s been gone all damned night.”

  “Maybe she left you too.”

  “Crisha didn’t leave me. She’s still sitting on her fat ass in our house.”

  “I’ve seen your wife Eduardo. She does not have a fat ass. She’s beautiful. She’s going to find herself a better man one of these days.”

  “Uh huh. Come here baby. I’m too lazy to get up.”

  “That’s not why I came here Eduardo. Give me Mellenda’s number.”

  “Hell no. Then I won’t have nothin’ to hold over your head. You’ll never come to see me anymore if you’re getting fucked by both Jude and your college boy.”

  “Ugh. Just give me Mellenda’s number. Ricky will break up with her when he’s ready. I promise I’ll still come see you.”

  “Yeah right. One of us is dumb, but we ain’t both that dumb. Enrique’s playing you just like Jude did. He ain’t gonna break up with her until she catches you slobbin’ his knob out in the woods.”

  “That was not what I was doing when Tory caught me with Jude. Ricky really cares about me. He told me that he wanted to ask me out before he asked Mellenda out.”

  Eduardo laughed. “You really are stupid aren’t you girl? Don’t you know by now that guys will say anything to get down your pants?”

  “Ricky is not one of those guys. He’s not like you. Now give me Mellenda’s number so that I can get out of here. This place makes me want to throw up.”

  Eduardo closed his eyes. “Huh uh. You ain’t leavin’ until you take a ride on my roller coaster. But I’m all out of rubbers so we’re gonna have to do it bare back.”

  “Hell no. I don’t watch to catch whatever Peggy’s given you.”

  “Can’t you read what it says on a package of condoms? I ain’t gonna knock you up since you’re on birth control and I ain’t got no STDs, so come on over here and bring little Eddie to attention.”

  “You’re too drunk for that.”

  “C’mon Molli, just touch it a little. I miss the feel on your hand on my dick, your cunt on my dick and especially your mouth on my dick.”

  “You are so disgusting.”

  “No, I’m horny and ain’t afraid to admit it. You were never afraid to admit it before either. If you’ll screw me, I think I can fall asleep. I was up all night worrying about Peggy.”

  “Ah, isn’t that so sweet? I seriously bet she left you. Left you with this mess, left you to pay the rent, left you with a worse drug habit than you had before you started screwing her.”

  “She wouldn’t leave me. She loves me. Even better than you used to.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Eduardo’s eyes closed. She watched him for several minutes and then she stepped over to him and reached for his cell phone. He grabbed her hand without opening his eyes and placed it on his crotch. She sighed and let him rub himself with her hand for a minute, thinking that he’d fall back asleep.

  His breathing was soon the even breathing of sleep again. She removed her hand and reached for his cell again. He didn’t stop her this time. She scrolled through his contacts until he found Crestview-Mellenda. She was disgusted by how many phone numbers he had from girls that went to Crestview. She erased Mellenda’s number and then carefully reached into his pocket and found a slip of paper that had Iris written on one side and Mellenda on the other. She shredded it and then flushed it down the toilet. The water seemed to be back on since the toilet flushed, but she thought she saw a mouse scurry under the tub.

  She eyed Eduardo for a few minutes. When there was no sound besides his drunken snoring, she crept to the door and opened it as quietly as possible. She closed the door behind her. Eduardo didn’t call out to her, so she took off down the street and away from the apartment building as quickly as possible.

  She headed to the bus stop after eating lunch at a sandwich shop. When she got back to Crestview, Mellenda wasn’t there and she wondered again if Ricky had lied to her about having to work and was seeing Mellenda instead of her again.

  Eduardo called her at six o’clock that evening. She was suddenly glad that Mellenda wasn’t around.


  “Why in the fuck did you take her number bitch? And what makes you think that I won’t show up at Crestview and tell her about what you’re doing with her man face to face?”

  “She wouldn’t believe you. Mellenda doesn’t think that I’m good enough to go to Crestview, let alone to go out with Ricky behind her back.”

  “For a bunch of rich girls that are all supposed to be so damned smart ya’ll are sure a bunch of dumb bitches. Did you talk Iris out of seeing me? I called her today and asked her to come over. She told me to go fuck myself.”

  Molli held back a giggle. “I haven’t seen Iris.”

  Of course she’d mentioned to one of Iris’s friends when she’d come in that Eduardo was spreading herpes around Crestview. From the look on the girl’s face Molli had thought that she was sleeping with him too, though her name hadn’t been one of the ones that Molli had found in his contacts.

  “Sure you haven’t. And you didn’t fuck me did you? My dick was dry when I woke up.”

  “You are so nasty. I did have sex with you. I wiped you off and zipped your pants back up after we were finished.”

  “Liar. I don’t remember none of that.” />
  “You were too drunk to remember anything Eduardo. I have to go. Ricky’s calling me.” He wasn’t but she wanted to get Eduardo off of the phone.

  “Make lover boy wait. We ain’t done talkin’. What if I run into Mellenda in town and decide to tell her about you and Enrique?”

  “What if I dropped those videos off to the cops that I have of us together?”

  “If you were gonna do that you would have done it already. I told you to get rid of the damned things you stupid bitch.”

  “You made them you moron. I had to have some way to guarantee that I could get away from you.”

  “You’re a cunt you know that Molli?”

  “And you’re an asshole Eduardo. I’m not having sex with you anymore and that’s that. Stay away from me. If you call me on the phone, I won’t bother to answer.”

  “Who you gonna turn to when Jude knocks up some other stupid bitch and Enrique’s headed to the aisle with Mellenda? Where you gonna get your cock then? We all know that you can’t live without your daily dose of dick Molli.”

  “Shut up Eduardo. Just leave me alone.”

  “C’mon Molli. What do I have to say to you to convince you that I really do love you? Ricky ain’t never gonna tell you he loves you. With all his fancy words, he’s never gonna tell you the ones that you really want to hear.”

  “It’s not like you ever meant them. They’re just words. Actions speak louder than words. Ricky’s actions tell me that he cares about me.”

  “He cares about what you have between your legs. He likes the fact that you’re willing to get down and dirty with him. You know Mellenda’s not. I bet she’s never blown the poor guy.”

  Molli rolled her eyes. “There is more to life than blow jobs.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that you haven’t had your pretty mouth on his dick? You used to drive me crazy when you went down on me with your tongue ring in.”

  “I don’t plan on putting my mouth anywhere near your penis ever again thank you very much.”

  “Has Ricky gone down on you? You remember that I licked you before you ever sucked me off don’t you?”

  “Stop with your lewd comments. It doesn’t matter if he’s done that to me or I’ve done that to him.”

  “So I guess that means yes you have and no he hasn’t huh?” Eduardo laughed.

  “I’m hanging up on you now Eddie. If I hear that a little birdie told Mellenda that I’ve been with Ricky, I’ll make Ricky drive me to my parents’ house and get those videos. We’ll go straight to Brentwood PD with them.”

  “Thanks for tellin’ me where they are sweetheart. What makes you think I won’t break into your big old house in Cheston and take them and destroy them? You do know that I know exactly where the Archers live right?”

  “What makes you think that my parents don’t have an alarm system?”

  “Because you always complain about how cheap they are.”

  “Yeah, so? Seneca has copies. Are you gonna break into her house too?”

  “Hell yeah I will. Take a couple of my boys with me. We’ll have a ton of fun with your hot friend and her mama when big daddy cop ain’t home. Might even take Peggy with me and let her break in Rain. I was only twelve when I got mine for the first time.”

  “Even you’re not that stupid. Seneca’s dad would kill you. He’d get away with it too. Don’t you think that cops have ways to make almost anything look justified?”

  “Course they do. I can’t believe you’re okay with it when you’re all politically correct on a bunch of other bullshit.”

  “I didn’t say that I was okay with police brutality. But I can’t say my heart would be broken if Seneca’s dad beat the shit out of you for raping his whole family.”

  “You can’t rape the willing darlin’. I seen your little friend and her MILFy mom both givin’ me the eye in town.”

  “You only wish. I really am hanging up on you now Eduardo. Remember what I said. Even if you try to make it look like someone else told Mellenda, I’ll know it was you.”

  “If you think that I’m the only one that knows you’re doing it with Ricky, you really are stupid girl. It’s gonna be all over Crestview before you know it.”

  “And if it is, the cops will have a nice present in their mailbox, whether you were the one that told or not. So you should probably keep your mouth shut about me and Ricky.”

  “Bitch. I knew I should have chased after that blonde instead of you. Redheads are evil.”

  Molli laughed. “My hair is more brown than red you dummy. Except in the summer when it gets lighter from being out in the sun.”

  “Curly haired girls are evil then. You can’t tell me that you don’t have curly hair.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Goodbye Eduardo.”

  “Bye Molli, you dirty little bitch.”

  Molli rolled her eyes and hung up her phone. She sent a text to Ricky. ‘I don’t think we’ll have to worry about Eduardo telling Mellenda.’

  ‘Okay. Do I want to know how you managed that Molli?’

  ‘Probably not. I miss you already.’

  ‘I miss you too. Can we get together next weekend?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘I have to let you go now darling. I’ll see you soon okay?’

  ‘Yes. Goodbye Ricky.’

  ‘Bye Molli. No wait. I apologize. I can’t see you next weekend; it will have to be the following weekend.’

  ‘You’re breaking my heart Ricky. I haven’t thought about anything besides you since the first time we were together.’

  ‘I know honey. Believe me I want to see you as much as you want to see me. I have a very hard time keeping my mind off of you. I have obligations.’

  ‘Uh huh. Well, call me or text me if you can and I’ll see you in a couple weeks okay? No wait, that’s the week of Thanksgiving. Can we get together earlier in the week? Or do you have to go home to your family right away?’

  ‘I am spending the holiday at home but we should be able to get together earlier in the week yes. I have to go. My boss is coming.’

  ‘Bye Ricky.’

  ‘Goodbye Molli.’

  The rest of the weekend went quickly. Molli was able to catch up on her homework. She felt a little less behind than usual. She was able to avoid Eduardo and there were no rumors around Crestview or Brentwood that she was sleeping with Ricky. She spent the next weekend in her room by herself. She felt very tired and wondered if she was getting sick.

  Chapter 7

  The next week, Molli was sitting at the desk in her room one night, trying to do her homework when Mellenda said “Molli?”

  She didn’t look up from her math book. “Yeah?”

  “Have you ever thought about having an abortion?”

  She looked at Mellenda then. “No. Why?”

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Mellenda laughed. “Don’t sound so enthused Molli. I can talk to someone else if you’d rather not hear it.”

  “It’s just that we’ve never been friends Mellenda. We’re roommates that barely seem to tolerate each other.”

  “I never wanted it to be like that. We’re so different. So, what I was saying was I had an abortion.”

  “You had an abortion?”

  “Yes. Earlier this year.”


  Mellenda sighed. “I had only been with Ricky a couple of months and our relationship was still so new. I kind of lied to him about getting birth control. I wanted to know what it felt like to have sex without a condom. So, I feel like it was my fault that I got pregnant.”

  “I guess.” Molli couldn’t imagine Ricky being okay with Mellenda having an abortion, even if the relationship had still been new. She also couldn’t imagine him still dating her, even if he had somehow been okay with the abortion.

  “Ricky doesn’t know about it.”

  “What? You didn’t tell him? Did you lie to him and tell him you lost the baby?”

  “He nev
er knew there was a baby.”

  Molli kept her mouth shut. She had no idea how she’d respond to such a comment.

  “Well, thanks for letting me talk to you Molli. You can go back to your homework now.” Mellenda turned back to the fashion magazine she’d been reading before and dismissed Molli once again.

  Molli’s head was spinning. She wanted to call Ricky and tell him what Mellenda had said, but she couldn’t exactly call him while Mellenda was right there. She thought about texting him, but knew that if she did that she’d end up chatting with him half the night instead of doing her homework. She tried to clear her mind, but it was really hard. What Mellenda had told her was all she thought about until she realized that she’d missed her period.

  She was always regular. She waited three days until she texted Seneca. ‘Sen, if I meet you in town can you help me get a pregnancy test?’

  ‘You mean like steal one? Grant just got his check if you need to borrow some money Mol.’

  ‘I have the money. I don’t want anybody to see me buying one.’

  ‘Oh, I guess that makes sense. Yeah, I can lift one for you. I went through a real big shoplifting phase a couple years ago. I think I’m the reason they started locking the condoms up. Of course I wasn’t doing it back then, I thought it was cool to have condoms for some reason.’

  ‘You are such a dork Sen. Do they still keep the pregnancy tests out?’

  ‘Well, the cheap ones at least, but they all work the same. You want to do it tonight?’

  ‘Yeah. I might not take it right away, but I want to have it just in case. I want to take it before I see Ricky again.’

  ‘Okay. Let me call Grant. We’ll meet you on the road in front of the school.’

  ‘Thank you Sen.’

  ‘No problem Mol. You know that I’m going to end up asking you to do something really crazy for me sometime.’

  ‘I’ll see you in a bit.’

  ‘I’ll text you when Grant and I are on the way so you don’t have to wait out there in the dark.’

  ‘Thanks. See you soon.’

  ‘Okay Mol. See ya.’

  Molli grabbed her coat and slipped out of school and onto the dark path that led to the road. She got a text message from Seneca telling her that she and Grant were on their way. By the time she got to the road, Grant’s car was already parked. She could see Seneca and Grant making out in the front seat. She knocked on the passenger side window, and Seneca jumped and then smiled at her and flipped her off.


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