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Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set

Page 160

by Misty Reigenborn

  ‘I told Ricky and Eduardo. I hope Ricky’s the father. He’s the only one I’ve ever slept with without protection, even once.’

  ‘You told him and he still won’t break it off with Mellenda?’

  ‘I told him the night before Thanksgiving and I also told him that she aborted their baby without telling him. He hadn’t called her when he dropped me off at my empty house. But she showed up at his house and I’m pretty sure she was with him right before she came back last night.’

  ‘Damn. I told ya ya coulda stayed in town and had dinner with me and my family. My mom loves you. She thinks you’re a good influence on me.’

  ‘I know Sen and I appreciate it. I wanted to spend some time with Ricky. I’ve never really felt this way about a guy before.’

  ‘Molli is in love. It’s gonna be so cute seeing you get married to Ricky. Can I be one of your brides’ maids?’

  ‘I thought he wasn’t going to leave Mellenda because they never do, huh?’

  ‘He will. He’ll see you get even prettier when you’re pregnant and he’ll dump Mellenda’s snotty ass like she was yesterday’s news. I gotta go girl. My math teacher is glaring daggers at me. I can’t afford to get my phone taken away again. Keep me posted on everything.’

  ‘You know I will. Tell Grant I said hi.’

  ‘I will. TTYL.’

  ‘Bye Sen.’

  Molli dropped her phone back into her lap, wondering who the first person she told about Tory cheating on Tony should be. She didn’t care if they had broken up. Maybe if Tony knew Tory was screwing around he’d never think of getting back together with her. If Molli couldn’t be with the person she really wanted to be with, why should Tory, she thought? She’d really thought that Tory was into Tony and over Jude with the way they looked when they were together. She’d seen them at the grocery store and downtown a couple times. They looked so content and comfortable together, like a married couple that was still in love. Molli sighed and waited impatiently for the bell to ring, signaling the end of class.

  It was all around school by the end of day that Tory was cheating on Tony. Molli was pretty proud of herself, though she still felt a little bitchy deep down.

  Ricky called her on Wednesday. They made plans to get together over the weekend, but then he called her back Thursday and told her that he’d made plans with Mellenda months before to take her to a concert and couldn’t get out of it. Molli was so disappointed and let down with everyone, herself included, that she decided she was going to show up on Tony’s doorstep on Friday night and seduce him.

  Chapter 10

  Immediately after classes let out on Friday, she hurried back to her room and changed and then set out for the bus stop and the bus that would take her into downtown Brentwood.

  Molli’s heart was beating triple time by the time she reached Tony’s house. It hadn’t helped that the bus has dropped her off way past his house. She was beginning to wonder if she should have walked from Crestview in the first place as she stood on his porch. She raised her hand to knock, noticing that his car was sitting haphazardly in the driveway, looking like it had been in some kind of accident. When there was no response for several minutes, she raised her hand to knock again. She knocked louder this time and could hear a male voice call out “Yeah, just a minute.”

  She stepped back slightly, smoothing out her skirt. She was wearing her uniform skirt and a sheer white blouse that was practically see through with a purple bra. A lot of people would probably think it was tacky, but she didn’t care. She was going to seduce Tory’s ex-boyfriend if it took her all night she thought.

  Tony opened the door, looking like he had crawled out of bed. His hair was sticking up in front and he was shirtless and barefoot. His chest was so toned that she thought she was going to start drooling. He stood there and stared at her for a minute.

  “Um, how can I help you?”

  “Can I come in? It’s kinda cold out here.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry.”

  Tony stepped back and let her into the house. His house looked like a disaster area and there was a funny smell in the air, like burnt copper. She glanced at the TV and noticed there was a porno paused on the screen and hid a smile. Maybe it wouldn’t be as hard as she’d thought it was going to be to seduce Tony.

  Tony noticed her looking at the TV and reached for the remote. She put her hand on his arm. “You don’t have to turn it off. I kinda like porn sometimes.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Almost eighteen. Does it matter? I’m sure you’ve watched porn with Tory before and she’s not eighteen. I’m Molli, in case you didn’t know.” She flipped her hair back over shoulder.

  He turned the TV off anyway. “So Molli, what can I do for you?”

  She let out a breathy laugh and stepped closer to him. “It’s not what you can do for me. It’s what I want you to do to me.”

  Tony looked puzzled. “Huh?” Then awareness dawned in his eyes. “No way. I’m not getting mixed up with another high school girl.”

  She pouted. “C’mon Tony. I know that you must be lonely without Tory. Nobody has to know about what we do tonight. And we have all night since it’s Friday. I happen to know that the weekend guards at Crestview are lazy and don’t care if girls sneak out and back in. I also got a pass to spend the weekend with my friend in town just in case. So I’m yours all weekend if you want me.”

  She started to unbutton her shirt.

  “Don’t do that. Aren’t you Jude’s girlfriend? Did those two think it would be cute if we played girlfriend swap? I really don’t find it to be cute at all. I told Tory that I’d been faithful to her and I meant it. Go away and leave me alone. And go put a real shirt on. Most guys wouldn’t be telling you to go away when you’re wearing that school girl skirt and might as well not be wearing a shirt. Nice bra by the way.”

  Molli hid a sigh. “Thanks. Hey, can I buy some weed from you?”

  “No. Get out of my face before my hormones take over. Even if I do love Tory, my penis tends to have a mind of its own sometimes.”

  “Did you tell Tory that you love her?”

  “Yes, and then Jude shows up on my doorstep and tells me that he slept with her. Why don’t you go ask him about it? I’m sure he’s willing to tell you the whole story. He was sure as hell willing to tell me the whole story down to the last detail. Or did you find out from the rumor mill like everyone else?” Tony reached for a cigarette from a pack on the coffee table. “You want one? Might as well contribute to the delinquency of another minor.”

  “No thanks. My friend that lives in the same trailer park told me. She was doing it with her boyfriend in a tent in the backyard. They saw Jude pull up with Tory in his truck and not leave until the next morning.”

  “It takes balls or a huge sex drive to do it outside when it’s practically winter, even in a tent. Then again they’re probably both teenagers right? That explains it.”

  Molli laughed. “Teenagers can get pretty horny can’t they?”

  He looked her up and down. “Yeah. Why don’t you go back to school or to your friend’s house? I’d offer you a ride but my car’s pretty much out of commission. I don’t know what I hit after Jude’s punk ass showed up here bragging about how Tory begged him to take her to bed. He was lucky it wasn’t him I hit.”

  “I really doubt that Tory begged him to go to bed with her. I think it was the other way around. I thought she was over him. She’s in love with you. I know she is. I can see it in the way she looks at you. And I’ve only seen you guys together a couple times in town.”

  She wondered if Tory was truly over Jude with the destruction she’d left in her room over vacation but she wasn’t going to mention that to Tony.

  Molli suddenly thought that it was pretty funny that she had showed up here to seduce Tony and was now having this conversation with him and almost giggled.

  Tony sighed. “She told me that she loved me. I think that was the most will power I ever had to use in my lif
e when I hung up on her after she said that. I couldn’t take it anymore. I know I’m a drug dealer, but she’s always made me want to be a better man. I guess I’m never gonna be good enough for her. Just life I guess.”

  “You’re a good guy Tony. Tory knows that. I think that Jude did what he did because he knew that she had moved on and he wanted to prove something. He just proved that he’s an asshole. He saw that she was happy with you and he wanted to ruin it. That’s sort of the reason I came here. I was so pissed off when I heard that the only thing I could think of doing was screwing you to get back at both of them.”

  “I’m a drug dealer who samples too much of what he sells, especially lately. What does a girl like Tory want with me? I’m no good for her. It’s better this way. Now get outta here before I take you up on your offer.”

  “Really?” Tony really was a hot guy she thought. And she’d love to shove it in Jude’s face that she’d slept with him. She’d like to brag to Seneca too.

  Tony smiled. “Nah. I don’t think Tory would ever forgive me if I slept with you. Even if I know she’s better off without me, it’s still really hard to let her go.”

  “That stuff that happened between Tory and Jude when she found us together, it wasn’t my fault. I think he did that on purpose too. He was too chicken to break up with her. I know she hates me, but I always thought she was one of the coolest girls in school. She’s not afraid to be herself.”

  “Sometimes she is. Hell, I’m glad that she found you two together. I don’t think she ever would have ended up in my arms if she hadn’t.”

  “See, so it was meant to be.”

  “What the hell are you still doing with Jude?”

  “Well, there’s this other guy that I really want to be with but he’s my roommate’s boyfriend and he hasn’t broken up with her yet. What is it with men being afraid to break up with a woman? Are they afraid that all of our lives are so tightly wrapped around a man that we’ll crumble without them?”

  Tony chuckled. “A lot of times it’s more like the other way around. A man needs a good woman to remind him that he’s better than all his faults. Men and women need each other. When you find the right one you can’t let them get away.”

  “You are such a romantic. No wonder Tory loves you. To Jude romance is not asking me to blow him for two weeks.”

  “Damn. Teenagers these days. So why don’t you lose the loser and convince the guy that you really want to be with that you’re the one for him?”

  “I’m trying, believe me. He’s so sweet. He said that he wanted to ask me out before he asked her out but he was too afraid I’d say no.”

  “You are a beautiful girl. You’ve got to make him realize that you’re not gonna wait around for him forever. You’re worth more than that.”

  “Thank you. Do you mind if I sit down? The bus system is so stupid here that I practically had to walk further to get here from the bus stop than I would have if I’d have just walked from Crestview.”

  “I don’t know Molli. Tory would probably kill me if she knew I let you in my house.”

  “See, you are so in love with her. You two are going to get back together, get married and make beautiful babies.”

  Tony sighed. “I don’t know. I hope so. But I have to get out of dealing first.”

  “Just do it. I’m sure Tory will be calling you before you know it.”

  “I wish. Yeah, go ahead and sit down. Does your friend have a car? Can she come and get you?”

  “She doesn’t but her boyfriend does. I’ll text her.”

  “Don’t kids ever pick up the phone and call each other anymore?”

  Molli laughed. “Texting is so much easier. You act like you’re old.”

  Tony sat down on the couch, moving a pile of magazines so that Molli could sit down too. “I feel old. Especially without Tory around. She kinda takes care of me.”

  “I could see that. If a girl is getting picked on at school she’s usually the first one to stick up for them.”

  “But she never sticks up for herself.”

  “She does. You just have to push her pretty damned far. Which I’ve done a couple times. When I first started at Crestview, she was one of the first girls that I wanted to make friends with because she seemed so much more real than the rest of the girls there. But she was so tight with Rebecca while she was there. They went everywhere together. People used to talk shit about them being lesbians because it’s obvious that they love each other. It’s just in a best friends ‘til the end kind of way and not in an I wanna go down on you sort of way. There are plenty of girls that are like that at Crestview too, though. There’s these two girls that want to be social workers, they love each other in an I wanna go down on you sort of way. I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to hear about stupid Crestview gossip and I’ve been too busy blabbing to you to text Seneca. I know you probably can’t wait to get me out of your hair.”

  Tony shrugged. “I kinda miss having company. With all the drugs I’ve been doing the past few days, even my cousin Carl’s been steering clear of this place. Course I think Uncle Keith probably had something to do with that.”

  “Your uncle’s a cop isn’t he?”

  “Yeah. A deputy. And yes he knows that I deal, and no he doesn’t like it. I have to have some way to take care of my mom. I don’t know how else I’d pay the outrageous bills for the damned mental hospital that they’re probably never gonna let her out of.”

  “A drug dealer with a heart of gold. Tory’s not too good for you. You two are perfect for each other. Get over yourself and call her. I’m sure she’s been crying herself to sleep because she misses you so much.”

  “I doubt that. I can’t call her. I said some pretty messed up shit to her. I was so fucked up when Jude told me that they’d slept together. She was still in love with him for so long. I thought I was never gonna convince her that I was the one she should be with. Then, when I finally thought I had, Jude steps in and fucks everything up. I’m sorry Molli, but your boyfriend’s a real asshole.”

  Molli sighed. “I know. I still think you should call Tory. I’d talk to her for you, but she really doesn’t want to hear from me. She’d probably kill me if she knew I had come over here, even if I told her we didn’t do it.”

  “Yeah. Hey, do your friend and her boyfriend smoke?”

  “Weed? Yeah. I probably shouldn’t be smoking myself but I’d like to take the edge off. Sometimes I think I’m gonna go crazy if Ricky doesn’t break up with Mellenda.”

  “Your friends are at least sixteen aren’t they?”

  Molli laughed. “Yeah, why? You don’t get anyone stoned that isn’t?”

  “I don’t sell weed to anyone under sixteen and I don’t sell hard drugs to anyone who’s not at least my age. And I hardly get anyone stoned for free. But you made me feel better Molli. Even if you did come over here to seduce me and try to get both of our asses kicked by Tory.”

  “You really are a good guy.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna go roll up a couple joints while you text your friend.”

  “Okay. You’d better put a shirt on while you’re at it. Sen’s likely to drool all over you if you don’t, even if she is with her boyfriend.”

  Tony chuckled as he walked to the bedroom. “Thanks for the tip.”

  Molli pulled her phone out of her purse and sent a text message to Seneca. ‘Hey Sen, can I still stay at your house this weekend?’

  ‘Of course you can. As long as you can put up with my man since my parents are out of town again.’

  ‘What’s going on now? Is your little brother okay?’

  ‘Mostly. They want to run some more tests. Mom and Dad promised him that they’d take him to this amusement park over the weekend. They made me promise that I wouldn’t have Grant over. That old hag from across the street told them that he was here the whole time they were gone last time. I guess it’s a good thing we did it in the tent every time and not really outside like he wanted to.’

‘You are so bad Seneca and your boyfriend is so weird.’

  ‘Hey, have you ever done it in the rain? It feels really good.’

  ‘TMI girlfriend. Can you and Grant come pick me up?’

  ‘Sure. Grant got paid today so his car’s full of gas. He’s gonna pay you back that money he borrowed when he was broke and I begged him to take me to the dance.’


  ‘You at school? I can drive his car in and he can wait outside the property of too good for boys Crestview Academy.’

  ‘Nah. I’m in town.’

  ‘Where ya at?’

  ‘Tony Wilson’s house.’

  ‘You are so kidding me. Give me details girl. How is he in bed? I bet he’s fantastic.’

  ‘I don’t know how he is in bed.’

  ‘So you want us to wait a while to come pick you up so you can do him?’

  ‘No. I came over here to seduce him but he’s so gone over Tory that he barely looked twice at me. He’s gonna get us stoned. He’s a really cool guy.’

  ‘Do you think you should be getting high in your present condition Mol?’

  ‘It’s just weed. And it’s only once.’

  ‘Don’t you think Ricky would kick your ass for even thinking of getting stoned when you might be pregnant with his kid?’

  ‘Probably. I won’t tell him. I’m kinda mad at him anyway. He was supposed to come down and pick me up this weekend but he blew me off at the last minute. That’s kinda what cemented my decision to seduce Tony.’

  ‘That boy needs to pull his head out of his ass or he’s gonna lose you. Hey, did you see Tony without a shirt on? Grant and I drove by his house one day. He was outside without a shirt on and I was practically swimming in drool. Grant wanted to kill me.’

  ‘I told him to put his shirt on before you got here.’

  ‘Bitch. A girl can dream can’t she?’

  ‘He’s taken Sen, and so are you.’

  ‘I thought him and Tory broke up.’

  ‘She’s still got his heart so he’s still taken. He’s so in love with her. We can’t let it get around town that we were hanging out here. Then Tory really will kick my ass.’


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