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Lesbian Images: Essays

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by Jane Rule

  Bible, 19. See also Old Testament

  Bisexuality, 35-36 ff. See also specific authors

  Bloomsbury group, 53-54

  Bonmariage, M., 128

  Book of Thank You, The, 69

  Bowen, Elizabeth, 115-25

  Brazil, 16

  Brewsie and Willie, 73

  Bridgman, Richard, 68-69, 69-70

  Brittain, Vera, 59-60

  Bromfield, Louis, 62

  Brothels, as treatment, 34

  Brown, Rita Mae, 194-95, 203, 205


  with iron bar, as test of guilt, 23

  as punishment, 22

  Butler, Lady Eleanor, 136-37

  Canada, the law in, 25

  Caprio, Frank, 46

  Caruso, Dorothy, 154, 155

  Cassandra at the Wedding, 157, 158, 161-63

  Catching Saradove, 193

  Cather, Willa, 74-87, 166

  Catholic Hospital Association, 30

  Catholicism (the Church). See also Christianity; specific followers

  Willa Cather and, 86-87

  Celibacy, 14, 24 ff.

  Christ’s, 20

  Challenge, 96-98

  Chesler, Phyllis, 44

  Children, 14, 17, 20, 22

  left-handed, 46-47

  Christ and the Homosexual, 28

  Christianity (Christians), 14, 19-30, 44. See also specific sects

  Christina of Sweden, 100

  Church, the. See Christianity

  Claudine at School, 128-29

  Claudine in Paris, 129

  Claudine Married, 129-31

  Clitoris, 35-36, 38, 40

  removal of, 22

  Cocteau, Jean, 145

  Colette, 126-38, 155, 175, 188

  May Sarton and, 173

  Colette (Marks), 132

  Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 105-14

  Confessions of Cherubino, 193

  Cory, Donald Webster, 61

  Courtly love, 22-23

  Craigin, Elisabeth, 188

  Crosland, Margaret, 128

  Dark Island, The, 101-4

  Daughter of France, 90

  Daughters Inc., 183, 194

  Daughters of Bilitis, 198-99

  Daughters of the Moon, 190-91

  Day We Were Mostly Butterflies, The, 194

  Death. See also Suicide

  punishment by, 13, 17, 18

  result of aversion therapy, 44

  Death Comes for the Archbishop, 86-87

  Death of the Heart, The, 119, 121

  Degeneracy (degeneration), 32 ff.

  Demeter, 16

  Desert of the Heart, The, 1

  Deutsch, Helene, 37-38

  Devil, the, 22 ff.

  Dickens, Charles, 106

  Diderot, Denis, 24

  Dionysus, 16

  Divorce, 13

  Doctors, 31-49

  Doerner, Professor, 39

  Dora (Freud’s patient), 36

  Double negative, 13

  Dreams, 35, 36-37

  Drinking, as treatment, 34

  Duffy, Maureen, 175-82

  Duncan, Isadora, 155

  Educating Our Daughters, 6

  Education, Greek, 14

  Edwardes, Allen, 15-16

  Edwardians, The, 98, 100

  Ego, 40

  Egypt, 23

  Either Is Love, 187-88

  Eleusinian mysteries, 16

  Eliot, T. S., 187

  Ellis, Havelock, 31, 33-34

  and Well of Loneliness, 52

  Emetics, in aversion therapy, 44

  England, 25, 26. See also specific writers

  and publication of Well of Loneliness, 52-53

  Eskimo, 16

  Esquire, 206

  Eva Trout, 121-25

  Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, 46

  Family and a Fortune, A, 107

  Father and His Fate, A, 107

  Father fixation. See Psychology; specific authors

  Female Homosexuality, 46

  Fiery Fountains, The, 148, 149

  Finlayson, Judith, 8

  Flagellation, 20

  Flanner, Janet, 133

  Ford, Clellan, 41

  Ford, Father John, 30

  Fornication, Presbyterian Church and, 28

  Forster, E. M., 53

  France. See also specific writers and Well of Loneliness, 52

  Fremstad, Olive, 75, 84

  Freud, Sigmund (Freudians), 30, 31, 34, 37 ff.

  Violette Leduc and, 141, 144

  May Sarton and, 166, 173

  Leonard and Virginia Woolfs’ English publication of, 54

  Friedan, Betty, 202-3, 204

  Frigidity, 32, 40

  Gauthier-Villars, Henri (Willy), 127-28

  “Gay is Good,” 205

  Gearhart, Sally, 29

  Genet, Jean, 145

  “Gentle Lena, The,” 68

  Gertrude Stein in Pieces (Bridgman), 68-69, 69-70

  Gigi, 138

  Glide Publications, 198

  God and His Gifts, A, 106-7

  Gods and goddesses, 15 ff.

  Goldman, Emma, 148

  Gomorrah, 18-19

  “Good Anna, The,” 68

  Goudeket, Maurice (third husband of Colette), 132

  Greece (Greeks), 14-15, 16, 19, 20

  Greer, Germaine, 206

  Gurdjieff, G. I., 149, 150, 153, 154

  “Habit,” 132

  Haggerty, Joan, 190-91

  Hall, Radclyffe, 3, 50-61

  Hambourg, Isabelle McClung, 74 ff., 84

  Hambourg, Jan, 76, 77

  Harris, Bertha, 193

  Heap, Jane, 149-52, 155, 156

  Heat of the Day, 118

  Hemingway, Ernest, 154

  Heredity. See Psychology

  Heresy, 22-23

  Heritage and Its History, A, 107-8

  Hirschfeld (psychologist), 31, 33

  Homosexuality: A Contemporary View of the Biblical Perspective, 27-28

  Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, 26

  Hormones, 41

  The Hotel, 115-18, 119, 121

  Howard, Elizabeth Jane, 191-93

  Hypnosis, 33

  Hypothalamus, 39

  Indulgent Husband, The, 129-31

  Israelites, 16-19

  James, Henry, 87

  Jesus Christ, 19, 20, 22

  Jewel in the Lotus, The, 15-16

  Jews, 16-19

  Willa Cather and anti-Semitism, 75

  John, St., 20

  John Chrysostom, St., 21

  Johnston, Jill, 201, 202, 205-8, 209

  Jones, Bruce, 28

  Jones, H. Kimball, 26-27

  Josephus, Flavius, 19

  Jourdain, Margaret, 105, 109-10, 113

  Journal of a Solitude, 164

  Jouvenel, Henri de (second husband of Colette), 132

  Joyce, James, 147, 151

  Judgment of Got (test), 23

  Kelly, Father Gerald, 30

  Kennedy, Flo, 204

  Kidd, Roger, 109-10

  Kinds of Love, 174

  King, Louise, 194

  Kinsey, Alfred C., 41-43, 45

  Klein, Marcus, 79

  Knole (English house), 88-89 ff., 96

  Korner, John, 9

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 31, 32

  Hall and, 50, 55

  Ladder, The, 157, 198

  Ladders to Fire, 188

  Language, 13

  Last of Chéri, The, 132-33

  Latent homosexuality, Freud and, 35, 36

  Law, sources of, 12 ff.

  Lawrence, D. H., 50

  Margaret Anderson and, 151

  Willa Cather and, 87

  Leblanc, Georgette, 150, 152-54 ff., 156

  Leduc, Violette, 139-46

  Left-handedness, 46-47

  Leonardo da Vinci, 41

  Lesbian in American Society, The, 61

  Lesbian Nation, 205-8

  Lesbian/Woman, 29, 198, 199-201, 202

  on Well of Loneliness, 61

  Lesbos, 14

  “Letter from Mary, A,” 205

  Leviticus, 17

  Lewis, Edith, 74-75 ff.

  Lifting Belly, 69, 71

  Little Girls, The, 115, 119-21, 125

  Little Review, The, 147 ff.

  Lost Lady, A, 81

  Lot, 18

  Louis XIII, 100

  Love, Barbara, 202-3, 204

  Love Between Women, 38-39

  Love Child, 181-82

  Lowell, Amy, 148

  Lucy Gayheart, 81-83

  Lyon, Phyllis, 29, 198, 199-201, 202

  and Well of Loneliness, 61

  Lysergic acid, 44

  McCall Publishing Company, 198

  McClung, Judge, 76, 77

  McClung, Isabelle, 74 ff., 84

  McGovern, George, 204

  Mad in Pursuit, 139, 140

  Mailer, Norman, 206

  Making of Americans, 70

  Male homosexuality, 13 ff., 25 ff. See also specific authors

  Mansfield, Katherine, 79

  Marks, Elaine, 132

  Marriage, 5-6. See also Law, sources of; specific authors

  Martin, Del, 29, 198, 199-201, 202, 204

  and Well of Loneliness, 61

  Martyrdom, 20

  Mary, the Virgin, 20

  Masochism, 37

  Masturbation, 32, 40, 55

  Violette Leduc and, 140, 144

  Maurice, 53

  Meakers, Marijane, 193-94

  “Melanctha,” 63-64, 68

  Memoirs of a Nun, 24

  Mental illness, 44-45

  Microcosm, The, 175-78, 181

  Middle East, 15-16

  Millett, Kate, 203

  Moll (psychologist), 31

  Monasteries, 20, 21

  Morality, 12-30

  More Women than Men, 110-13

  Morgan, Claire, 189-90

  Morgan, Robin, 201-2, 205, 208-9

  Morris, Desmond, 41

  Mother-fixation. See Psychology; specific authors

  Mother of Us All, The, 73

  Mrs. Stevens hears the mermaids singing, 164, 166, 168-73

  Muir, Edwin, 106

  Murray Scott, Sir John, 89

  Mutilation, as punishment, 22

  My Antonia, 75, 77, 80, 81

  “My Friend Valentine,” 133

  My Mortal Enemy, 79, 80-81, 86

  My Thirty Years’ War, 147-48, 155

  Narcissism, 37, 42

  Narration, 73

  N.O.W., 194, 199, 200, 202-3, 204

  New York, 201, 204. See also specific authors

  Nicolson, Harold, 88-89 ff., 99-100, 101, 104

  Nicolson, Nigel, 90, 95, 96

  Nicolson, Vita Sackville-West. See Sackville-West, Vita

  Nightwood, 186-87

  Nin, Anaïs, 188

  North America, 25. See also United States

  “Notes on Homosexuality,” 45

  “Nuit Blanch,” 132

  Nunneries (nuns, religious orders), 20, 21, 24

  Obedience experiments, 43

  Odd Girl Out, 191-93

  Old Testament, 18, 22. See also Jews

  Leviticus, 17

  Orgasm, 36, 40, 42-43

  Orlando, 53, 96

  Orleans, 22

  Orléans, Anne-Marie Louise d’, 90, 100

  Out of the Closets, Voices of Gay Liberation, 204-5

  Palestine, 19

  Paradox Players, The, 182

  Paranoid tendencies, 40

  Passivity, 37

  Patience and Sarah (A Place for Us), 183-84, 190

  Paul, St., 19

  Penis, 36

  envy, 34, 37, 38

  Penitentials, 21

  Persia, 22

  Philo, 19

  Picasso, Pablo, 73

  Pinney, Hester, 110

  Place for Us, A, 183-84, 190

  Plato, 16

  Polaire, 128

  Portrait of a Marriage. See Nicolson, Nigel

  Pound, Ezra, 147, 148

  Power, Gertrude Stein on, 72-73

  Presbyterian Church, 28

  Price of Salt, The, 189-90

  Primitive tribes, 35

  Professor’s House, The, 75, 84-85

  Prostitution (prostitutes), 16, 19, 20

  brothels for treatment, 34

  Presbyterian Church and, 28

  David Reuben on, 46

  Psychology, 31-49

  Psychopathia Sexualis, 50

  Pure and the Impure, The, 127, 131, 133-38

  Q.E.D., 62-68, 71-73

  Quakers, 28

  Radicalesbians, 204, 205

  Randall, John H., III, 75, 79

  Religion, 16 ff. See also Christianity

  and left-handedness, 47

  Religion and the Decline of Magic, 23-24

  Reuben, David, 46

  Right-handedness, 46-47

  Rites, 178-79

  Roman Empire, 21

  Routsong, Alma, 183-84

  Rubyfruit Jungle, 194-95

  Sackville-West, Lionel, 88, 89

  Sackville-West, Victoria, 88 ff.

  Sackville-West, Vita, 53, 88-104

  Sappho, 14, 15, 16, 174

  Ann Aldrich and, 197

  Sappho Was a Right-On Woman, 202-3

  Sarton, May, 164-74

  Saturday Review Press, 198

  Schroeter, James, 75

  Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley, 74, 77, 79

  Sexual Politics, 203

  Shadows on the Rock, 86

  Shelly, Martha, 205

  Shockproof Sydney Skate, 193-94

  Shock treatment, 44

  Sickness, 31-49

  Sissinghurst Castle, 88-90, 96

  Sisterhood Is Powerful, 201

  Skinner, B. F., 43

  Small Room, The, 166-68

  Sodom, 18-19

  Song of the Lark, The, 75, 81, 83-84

  Sparta, 14

  Stein, Gertrude, 62-73, 154

  and Margaret Anderson, 155

  and Willa Cather, 87

  Stein, Leo, 70-71

  Strachey, Lytton, 53

  Strange Necessity, The, 148

  Suicide, 20

  Summa Theologica, 21-22

  Suyin, Han, 2, 189

  Szasz, Thomas, 31, 38, 44-45

  “Take a Lesbian to Lunch,” 194, 203

  Tender Buttons, 69

  That’s How It Was, 180-81

  Therese and Isabelle, 140-41

  Thielicke, Helmut, 26

  Things as They Are. See Q.E.D.

  Thomas, Keith, 23-24

  Thomas Aquinas, St., 21-22, 30

  Thompson, Clara, 45

  Three Lives, 63, 68

  Time, 203

  Toklas, Alice B., 63, 69-71, 72, 154

  Torchlight to Valhalla, 185-86

  Toward a Christian Understanding of the Homosexual, 26

  Toward a Quaker View of Sex, 28

  Treese, Robert L., 27-28

  Trefusis, Denys, 94, 95

  Trefusis, Violet, 90, 92-95 ff.

  Trilling, Diana, 206

  Trilling, Lionel, 75

  Trio, 157-61

  Troubadours, 22-23

  Troubridge, Una, Lady, 51, 52, 54

  Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, 31-32

  Radclyffe Hall and, 50-51, 55

  Ulysses, 147

  United Presbyterian Church, 28

  United States, 25. See also specific writers

  Challenge published in, 97

  and publication of Well of Loneliness, 52

  Vagabond, The, 131

  Vagina, 38

  Vaginal orgasm, 36, 40

  Van de Haag, Ernest, 45

  Venus of Cyprus, 16

  Village Voice, The, 205

  Vinci, Leonardo da, 41

  Vivien, Renee, 135-36

  Vomiting, induced, in aversion therapy, 44

  Vote, Gertrude Stein
and women’s, 73

  Walker, Marion, 63, 72

  Weisstein, Naomi, 43

  Well of Loneliness, The, 3, 4, 50-51, 52-61

  West Coast Lesbian-Feminist Conference, 201

  Westphal (psychologist), 31, 32-33

  We Too Are Drifting, 185

  We, Too, Must Love, 197

  We Walk Alone, 197

  What Is Remembered, 70, 71, 154

  Wilhelm, Gale, 185-86

  Willy. See Gauthier-Villars, Henri

  Willy, Colette et Moi, 128

  Winter Love, 2, 189

  Witchcraft (witches), 23-24, 44

  Wolbarst, Ellis agrees with, 34

  Wolff, Charlotte, 38-41

  “Woman-Identified Woman, The,” 205

  Women and Madness, 44

  Women’s Liberation (women’s movement), 9-10, 198-209

  Wood, Robert W., 28

  Woodress, James, 76

  Woolf, Leonard, 96

  and Radclyffe Hall, 54

  Woolf, Virginia, 90, 95-96, 101, 104

  and Well of Loneliness, 53, 54

  World of Love, A, 118, 121

  Wounds, 179-80

  Youth and the Bright Medusa, 81

  Zanzibar, 16

  Zoroaster, 22

  About the Author

  Jane Rule (1931–2007) was the author of several novels and essay collections, including the groundbreaking lesbian love story Desert of the Heart (1964), which was made into the feature film Desert Hearts. She was inducted into the Order of Canada in 2007. Born in New Jersey, Rule moved to Canada in 1956, and lived on Galiano Island, British Columbia, until her death at the age of seventy-six.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 1975 by Jane Rule


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