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His Angelic Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 7] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 17

by Honor James

  “Well I’m very glad that you did because I don’t think that I could have handled all of them on my own.” Sad but true fact. “All that matters is that you are here now. We are together and we were able to fight off the Vampires. Now, I think we need to get naked.” A full 180 turn, but she was all about those turns.

  “Not in here,” he said with a chuckle, pulling her in to kiss her softly. “We’ll go into the office next door and have one of the others sit watching the monitors.” Standing with her in his arms, he set her onto her feet and went to the door. “Rayne, watch the monitors for a moment. My mate is demanding some time alone.”

  Cinnamon grinned up at the large Dragon and nodded. “In other words, I really want to get him naked so that he can make me scream. He’s got such a delightful way of—” She frowned up at Talon and narrowed her gaze. In her mind she demanded, Why did you cover my mouth? I was just telling him that you have the most amazing way of making me scream because of the way that you use your mouth on me. What’s wrong with that?

  Sighing, he looked at Rayne. “We’re still working on getting her to learn boundaries, and talking about our sex life is one of them.” Smiling at the Dragon, he looked to Cinnamon. “No talking about our sex life, darling,” he told her quietly before he dropped his hand.

  “Well what kind of fun is that? You and I both know that the guys talk about sex all the time, and I will be the first to tell you, women discuss it often.” She nodded. “I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve listened in on that were very, very descriptive.” She looked to Rayne and added, “I know of a few that have been had about you.”

  Eyeing the grin that Rayne dished out at her words, Talon bent and threw her over his shoulder. “We’ll be elsewhere for a time,” he said to his guard and left the room with his mate draped down his back. “Seriously, my love, no discussing our sex life with anyone. It’s not their business. Only those trying to prove themselves or bolster themselves speak of such things.”

  “Oh.” Cin’s eyes were wide and round. “Well we both know that you don’t have to prove anything, because you really, really are the most amazing lover in the world.” Sure he was her only lover, but she knew that no one would ever be able to be better than him.

  Smacking her bottom, he squeezed the one globe lightly. “And you will never have a chance to test your theory either,” he said, reading her thoughts easily. “It will be a long, dark, cold day in hell before that happens.” He was possessive and knew it. He was also working on it, but at moments he just didn’t seem to have any self-control in regards to her.

  She smirked and said, “Just like I’m the last one for you as well. I will not share you just as you will not share me. It’s as it should be between us.” She knew that some of the couples were triples and quads, but she was perfectly happy having it be her and him only.

  Rubbing her bottom, he grinned as he walked and found them a nice empty room still in the basement of the house where the cells were. Locking the door, Talon ducked down and let her feet hit the floor. Straightening up, he smiled at her. “I think we’re wearing too much clothing.”

  “I think so, too.” Cin’s grin spread wider and she began to peel out of her clothes. She watched him and tilted her head to the side. “Come on, honey. Naked. I really want you naked.” She didn’t care who saw and who heard. She just wanted and needed her Dragon. Now.

  Wiggling his brows, Talon reached over his head and, catching the back of his shirt, pulled it off. Toeing off his boots, he shoved his jeans down his legs and kicked them away. “Naked,” he told her and looked at her, shaking his head. “Unlike someone.”

  She couldn’t help but giggle. “That’s because I get distracted. As soon as I see this.” She touched her fingers to his tattoo of the dragon on his chest again and felt weak kneed. “And I can’t seem to function. Then again it could have something to do with this.” Her hand moved down his chest, caressing and touching every muscle along the way. “Or even…” She was about to grab his cock when he growled at her. Laughing, she jumped back and slipped out of her clothes as fast as she could.

  “Brat,” he grumbled with amusement in his voice. He adored her playful nature. She was definitely the perfect balance to him, keeping him from being too serious. Moving to her once she dropped the last article of clothing, he smiled. “Much better,” he whispered softly, grabbing her hand and tugging her to him.

  She stepped into his arms willingly, grinning up at him. “I happen to love every single part of being your mate, by the way. I love every single part of being yours,” she told him. “But most of all”—lifting her face to him, she smirked—“I love how big you are, all over.”

  “No sharing that information with anyone,” he reminded her softly. Dipping his head down, he kissed her gently as he backed her toward the single bed. Turning her around, he pushed her to bend over. “Hands on the bed,” he ordered, stroking his fingers lightly up and down her hip.

  “Right, boundaries and all that.” A full-body shiver raced over her skin when he growled for her to put her hands on the bed. The Dragon was so close to the surface and making his dominance known and clear. God, she loved that about him! Bracing her hands on the bed, she wiggled her ass for him. “Like this?” she asked coyly.

  Smacking her bottom, he rubbed the head of his cock through her wetness. “Just like that, my darling,” he said. Pressing into her heat slowly, he dropped his head and watched as her pussy swallowed him inch by inch.

  Cin bit her lower lip. A low, keening moan tore from her throat as she pushed back against him. “So good,” she praised him, her legs widening to take more of him. “That feels so good,” she purred, nearly literally purred like a kitten.

  Holding her hips, he began a slow thrust, in and out all as one smooth motion. “We really should do this more often,” he told her honestly. Watching the sway of her breasts, he felt the Dragon coming up further to the surface.

  “I am so very up for you doing this to me any time you want, my mate,” Cinnamon admitted to him as she pushed back against him harder, going up on her tiptoes to meet him thrust for thrust.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” he promised softly as he thrust harder and faster. Holding her hips tight, he kept her right where he wanted. “I plan on doing many things with you, to you, and often,” he told her honestly.

  “Oh that’s very good.” Cinnamon shivered, her wings itching at her back in their need to come out. “Because I want you to do a great many things to me, with me.” Lord, she couldn’t wait for each and every thing that they would do together!

  Sliding his hand up and down her back gently, Talon stilled near her spine. “I can feel a warmth here, slightly different from your skin,” he whispered, slowing his movements a little. “It’s your wings, isn’t it?” he asked curiously.

  Cin nodded. “Yes, there are times when the pleasure is just so intense that they want to come out. It’s kinda like I orgasm harder when they are out or something strange. I don’t know. I’ve never had to keep them hidden all the time, so it’s new to me.” She pushed back and grunted. “Please don’t stop,” she begged.

  Moving again, he smiled faintly as he continued to rub a light finger to her back. “Let them out, angel,” he advised softly. “Let out your wings, Cin,” he whispered, leaning over to scrape his teeth gently to her spine.

  Cinnamon shivered. After he pushed against her again she did just that. She stopped fighting her wings and allowed her Angel to come out. A shudder and then a moan came with her wings spread wide open.

  Growling softly, he stroked his fingers over her wings. They were soft, ethereal, and yet so strong and powerful. She was also extremely sensitive, it appeared. Stroking his hand up the wing, he thrust harder, her own movements driving him in deeper and deeper.

  Shivering when he stroked his hand over her wings, she sobbed. “Talon.” She cried his name out in desperation. “Oh please, please do it again,” she begged and pushed back harder against him.
Another shiver, another shudder, and she screamed as she came.

  Roaring as he followed her over the edge into the abyss, Talon pulled her back toward him so he could feel the stroke of her wings. Shuddering, he nuzzled at her neck, stroking his hands up and down her bared front. “I think you like having your wings stroked,” he teased when he had the breath to manage it.

  “I very much like it.” Cin never knew that she would like it. Never before would she have even come close to knowing that her wings were such a turn-on. “Heavens, I think that we should do that often, honey. I really, really liked that a lot.” She enjoyed everything that they did together though.

  Chuckling, he pressed a kiss to her neck. “You do seem to like anything we do naked a lot,” he teased with a grin. “Which I’m all for, my Angel mate. Anything you want to try naked I’m there for you, except cooking—that’s just too dangerous.”

  “Naked is the absolute best state of dress to be.” Cin couldn’t help but grin and nodded. “Yes, cooking and nakedness don’t work together, but you have to admit, naked and everything else seems to blend ever so nicely.”

  “As long as we needn’t be outside with others I couldn’t agree more. Only issue is, if others come over to our house, which does occur on occasion, you would need to be dressed fairly fast, darling,” he pointed out to her with a smile. Dropping another kiss to her neck, he slowly withdrew and stepped back to look at her. “I have to say though, darling, I do love your wings.”

  Grinning, she folded them around her and winked. “And they cover most of my body as well.” With the way that her wings wrapped around her body, it was as if she were wearing a full-body suit of feathers.

  Growling at that, he moved in closer. “That I don’t like,” he said with a glare at her. “I much prefer seeing your body, my love. No wrapping up as you are, babe,” he told her quietly. “I don’t like you hiding away all that luscious skin.”

  “Well when we are together and alone I will always make sure that my whole body is visible to you. If someone else comes in, I will cover myself.” She shrugged. “Easy peasy,” she mumbled happily. “But for you I will always, always show my true self and naked body.”

  “Good,” he told her and pulled her into his arms, being careful of her wings. “Because I love to see you, all of you, and only the real you, Cin. Besides, mates should never hide who they really are from one another, ever.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. I guess that’s why it makes me so happy to see you in your Dragon form.” She loved him as a Dragon. He was massive. He was also incredibly beautiful as his Dragon. She loved him, all of him. “I’m happy, love, very happy,” she assured him.

  “You just like being able to pet me in that form.” She had a thing about running her hands over him in either form. But she really liked being able to pet him when he was in his Dragon form. He couldn’t feel her touch in that form. The scales were too hard to feel anything through, but he saw and felt the pleasure she felt through their bond. That was enough.

  “Yes, this is very true. I enjoy putting my hands on you when you are in your Dragon form, sweetheart. I happen to really, really like that a lot,” she admitted. “And I can feel the Dragon inside of you loving it as well.” She didn’t know how she knew. She just knew.

  “He loves the attention.” Talon smiled at her as he pulled her closer and felt the brush of her wings on his legs. “Damn those tickle,” he said, looking down. “They really are very soft, aren’t they?” He frowned slightly and tipped his head. “Or rather, most of them are,” he murmured, carefully running a hand down one and pausing. “These feel, well, for a lack of a better term, more deadly and less fluffy.”

  “That’s because they are very deadly. My sword isn’t my only weapon. Some of the feathers in my wings are sharp as blades, but all of them are protection. If I wrap my wings around my body, not even a bomb could get through them. It’s a gift that all of the Angels have.”

  Oh, now that is cool, he thought with a chuckle. “Damn, woman.” He grinned. “You’re a walking, talking little weapon, aren’t you?” Dropping a kiss to her lips, he leaned back. “I love that about you, Cin. So innocent looking and yet damned deadly. My kind of woman.” The perfect woman for him.

  Grinning at him, she winked. “Well I’m glad that I’m your kinda woman because you aren’t getting another.” She would never allow another woman to take him from her. She loved him, and she was darn well keeping him.

  Grinning at that, he kissed her again. “Since I’m not going anywhere, you don’t have to worry about it. I’m yours and always will be,” he said honestly. Stepping back a little, he looked her over top to bottom. She was literally the epitome of an Angel, golden haired, lithe, elegant, ethereal, and so gorgeous it made his heart ache at times. Shaking his head, he smiled. “We should dress. We have a lot of Vampires to talk to.”

  “This is very true. Hopefully more of them will be willing to turn from the dark seed that has been forced on them and we won’t have to kill very many of them.” She hoped at least. “But we will do whatever we must in order to ensure that all of our people, all of our family is taken care of, honey.”

  “That we will, my Angel Queen,” he said quietly to her. Dropping a kiss to each of her hands, Talon moved to pick up his clothing, beginning to pull it all back on. “I would have Katherine come to listen in, but I’m not sure her mates will let her near the Vampires right now. I just wish I had her Ear to be absolutely sure that they weren’t just buying their lives.” Looking to Cin, he drew his shirt over his head. “Will you know if they speak honestly or not?” He knew she spoke honestly at all times, had to or weakened, but he didn’t know if she heard truth and lies.

  “Yeah, I should be able to know. I will be able to tell just by the shifts in their auras.” She looked up at him and grinned. “Come on, love, clothes and then we will go and talk to the Vampires.” And she was sure that after their conversation with the Vampires she would be more than ready for a bath and sleep.

  Tugging his boots back on, he stood to zip his jeans. “Unlike someone, I am dressed,” he told her with a grin. “You know”—he shook his head at her as he propped his hands on his hips—“I’m seeing a pattern here. You take forever getting undressed and then you take forever getting dressed.”

  “It’s because I really dislike clothes,” she admitted. “I would rather be very nice and naked with you, honey. That’s the truth. I would much rather remain naked with you as often as possible but…” She held up her hand. “But I will get dressed because I also know that you don’t like anyone else to see me naked, honey.”

  “Absolute truth in that, my love,” he said, watching her. “When we are alone you can be as naked as you’d like.” Talon smiled slowly. “But when we have guests and all the guards hanging around, you very definitely need to be clothed.”

  “Couldn’t agree more, darling mine,” she said with a grin. “But you have nothing at all to worry about, love. I fully intend on being completely and totally dressed if anyone else comes around, but I fully expect the same from you.” She was possessive of her mate and didn’t care who knew it.

  “You know I’ll always pull on a pair of jeans if we have guests,” he said with a grin, knowing that wouldn’t go over well. She’d never let him run around bare chested for no reason at all. Nope, his mate was pretty particular about what people were allowed to see on him. Kind of like he was for her.

  “And a shirt,” she grumbled. “Not just jeans, but a shirt, too, mister.” Cin didn’t like anyone seeing what she considered hers. She didn’t want another woman to fantasize about running her fingers over the dragon on his chest. That was only for her to fantasize about.

  Grinning wide at her look, he moved toward her. “And a shirt,” he promised softly. “Just for you I’ll pull a shirt on, too, darling.” Leaning in, he kissed her gently. “Finish dressing, babe. We have Vampires to go and chat with. Preferably sooner rather than later so they can vacate our house.” />
  “I couldn’t agree more.” She was more than ready to have her Talon all to her own, and she knew it. “Let’s just hope that we can save more than we have to destroy.” Otherwise it would be an imbalance, something that wouldn’t be good for those who turned to the light at all.

  “Well, we will chat with them,” he said with a shrug. Looking her up and down, he nodded once she was finally dressed. “Let’s go, darling.” He opened the door and led her toward the cells again. “We’ll pull them one at a time, take them to the office, have our talk, and depending on their answer, they will either go to the conference room or they will be put into a new cell.”

  “I think that we should keep guards on them until we are able to get the dark seed out of them,” Cin murmured quietly. “It will take a great deal out of me, but I need you to know that I can do it, honey. Promise me that you won’t try to stop me once I’ve started?” She knew him, and knew that he would protect her. Even from herself.

  “As long as you don’t go too far,” he said softly. “You endanger your life and there is no force in Heaven and on Earth that will stop me from protecting you. Mates don’t ever back down, darling, as you should know if you’ve been watching us. And you know that I’ve never once backed down from anything, ever.” When it came to her safety, he’d take everyone on to protect his heart and soul.

  “I wouldn’t endanger myself, never that. I happen to really and truly love my life and need my life,” she promised him. “I give you my vow, Talon. I will not do anything that will endanger me at all, honey.”

  “Good,” he said with a breath, knowing that she couldn’t break her word any more than the Changers, Shifters, or Magic Users could. Pressing a kiss to her lips, Talon wrapped his arm around her. “Then do whatever you need to do, my love.”


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