Book Read Free

James Black

Page 5

by Skye Turner

  Throwing my head back, a laugh bursts out. I cannot believe she just did that. “I’m well aware of that fact, sweetheart.”

  She gasps and turns around rapidly. I see her squeeze the steering wheel until her hands lose all color. “I apologize. That was inappropriate of me to say to you.”

  I laugh again. “It was. However, I won’t sue you.”

  Her head whips around and her golden eyes meet mine. She stares at me for a second and then the corner of her full red lips turns up. “That’s good to know.”

  I shrug. “Well, you didn’t sue me.”

  She looks surprised at my comment. “Sue you? Why the hell would I sue you?”

  “I asked you if you were a lesbian.”

  She smirks again. “Ah, yes. Yes, you did. Damn, I could have sued you, huh?”

  I laugh. “Apparently. But, I’m glad you didn’t.”

  She shudders. “Yeah well, I’m not the suing type. I work for what I want. I don’t need anything that belongs to someone else.” She turns back around.

  That sounds like a double entendre. Yes, something definitely happened with her. I’m very interested to know what that was.

  The door opens and Hugo looks in apprehensively. “Everything good in here? I don’t need to call the coroner, do I?”

  I chuckle. “No, everything is good.” AJ’s eyes meet mine in the mirror again. I give a small smile and after a minute, she returns it.

  She turns the radio down a little and says, “Buckle up. Next stop is the airport. What airline are you flying, Mr. Martino?”

  He answers her and we’re off.

  It takes about an hour to get to the airport and get Hugo checked in. Before I know it, we’re back on the interstate and heading back toward the hub of town.

  AJ breaks the silence in the vehicle. “So, where would you like to go? Are you hungry? Anything you’d like to see or do?”

  I check the time. It’s early evening and the sun is starting to set. I get an idea. “Do you still have your camera?”

  She looks up in surprise. “Of course, I do. I always have it with me. Why?”

  “I’d like to head to your river and watch the sun set if that’s ok with you. Is there some place we can go where I won’t be bothered?”

  She purses her lips and then smiles. “Yeah. It’s a Wednesday night. There’s someplace I can take you that you won’t be bothered. Why do I need my camera?”

  I look at her and reply, “If it’s as gorgeous as I’m imagining it is, I thought you might like to take some photos of it.”

  Careful, J. Don’t want her to get the wrong idea.

  Shut up. I just want to see the sunset and it should be amazing over the water, so since she likes photography, it should be a great opportunity for some shots.

  And that’s the only reason?

  I refuse to answer myself. I really do want to see the sunset.

  About twenty minutes later, we’re on a road and as I look out the right window, I see a mansion. “What’s that?”

  She glances out the window. “Governor’s Mansion.”

  I lean and take a closer look. “It’s gorgeous.”

  She sighs. “It is. We have some amazing architecture here. The Capitol and Capitol Grounds with the old barracks are also beautiful. The Old State Capitol looks like a castle.”

  I look up at her as I hear the elation in her voice. She really does love her state. I think it’s great to have love and pride in where you come from. I wish I did. Ok, that’s a lie. I really don’t. I would prefer to never think of it again.

  I look forward and gasp. It’s awesome. The Capitol is on a mound and is much higher than the road. The clouds appear to be kissing the top of the building, which looks like a giant column. The grounds are immaculate and have majestic oaks and well maintained shrubbery. It looks like a maze. “Wow…”

  I can hear the smile in her voice as she asks, “Would you like to stop?”

  I look up at her and then back out the window as I try to decide.

  “We have time. Sunset is not for another forty-five minutes or so. I am happy to stop. The river is also right there.” She points just in front of us.

  I find myself nodding. “Yes, let’s stop for a bit.”

  I watch through the window as she follows the road and pulls into a spot right in front of the capitol. She turns around after cutting the engine. “The Capitol is closed for the day, but you can walk the steps if you’d like… or we can walk the grounds.”

  What do I want to do? This is the part I love about traveling. I love the history. I love seeing this part of the places I get to go to. I look around and see no one. We’re the only ones here. I don’t see a single other person on the lush grounds. Opening the door, I say, “I’d like to see the Capitol first.”

  She grabs her camera off the front seat and follows me out. We turn toward the Capitol and walk across the lot in comfortable silence. As we get to the base of the stairs, I look up. It’s quite impressive. It looks like it actually touches the sky from this angle. I whistle. “It’s so high.”

  She laughs. “It is. It’s the tallest state capitol in America. There are forty-eight steps leading to the building. Alaska and Hawaii are added to the forty-eighth step.”

  I’m impressed with her knowledge. “How do you know so much about Louisiana?”

  She’s quiet for a minute and I’m not sure she’ll answer me. Then she says, quietly, “My momma was a Louisiana Historian. I grew up studying her notes and visiting the places she wrote about.”

  I don’t miss the way she says was. I wait for more, but she says nothing else.

  Leaving her behind, I start walking the steps, stopping on each one to read the state and year. It takes about twenty minutes for me to get to the top.

  At the top, I look down. AJ is still at the bottom and her camera is pointed at me. She’s snapping away. Looking in longing at the locked doors of the Capitol, I head back down. She continues to snap pictures. As I reach the bottom, she puts the camera down. It’s hanging around her neck and she’s supporting the lens. I stop right in front of her. “Thank you.”

  Her expression shows her confusion. “Thank me? For what?”

  I smile and look back at the grand building behind me. “For taking me here and for the history lesson.”

  She smiles. “That’s what you wanted and my job is to take you where you want to go.”

  I lean in a bit. “Yeah, your job is to drive me. Not talk to me. Not share Louisiana history with me. So, thank you. I appreciate it. This was very cool.”

  She steps back. “I can bring you back anytime you want to come. The inside is amazing. There are even bullet holes in the walls and the Observation Deck has reopened.” She points up. “No better view of Baton Rouge than from up there.”

  My brow furrows. “Bullet holes? And how high is that?”

  She laughs. “Yes, bullet holes. Governor Huey P. Long, who is buried,” she points to a statue in the center of the gardens, “right there, was either shot at or his bodyguards got trigger happy with a feuding family who had an altercation with the Governor. Either way, there are bullet holes in the walls. And it’s twenty-seven floors, like four-hundred feet. You can see for twenty miles on a clear day. But be careful of the wind and watch out for the wasps.”


  She chuckles. “About which part?”

  Shaking my head, I chuckle. “All of it, I guess. You’re a wealth of knowledge.” Leaning down, I tweak her nose. She catches her breath and I realize what I’ve just done. I step back quickly.

  She exhales roughly and turns on her heel to head back to the Tahoe. “We’d better get going if you’re going to catch the sunset.”

  I stand still for a second just watching her walk away, then shaking my head, I follow her.



  What the hell was that? Why did he touch my face? I don’t think he meant to do it. And I certainly didn’t expect him to do it, but
that was crazy. My stomach bottomed out.

  No. No. No.

  We haven’t spoken to each other in almost two weeks and we’re going to be together for the next few days. Don’t go getting all moony for the sexy movie star.

  Nope, just take him around, educate him. Be a tour guide, Avangeline! Just a tour guide! This is why you’re so good at your job. The blue eyes are NOT going to get to me. Not going to happen. Nope…

  Jumping in the car, I crank the engine and a few minutes later James gets in the back seat and I hear his seat-belt click. Backing out, I say over my shoulder, “We’ll be there in like two minutes. Are you ok with more steps?”

  I hear his response behind me since I’m not looking at him. He says, “Sure. I’m in shape.”

  Yes, he is. Very in shape.

  Dammit to hell, Avangeline. No. No. No.

  Parking downtown, I tell him we have about five to ten minutes and point in front of us.

  I can see his face visibly light up and not from the colors in the rays of the setting sun.

  He talks as we climb. “What is this?”

  I answer as I chug along behind him. “It’s the USS Kidd Observation Tower.” I point at the destroyer sitting in the Mississippi River. “That’s the USS Kidd. This whole area is a memorial. On those walls are names of fallen soldiers.” I point at the plane near the memorial wall. “This whole exhibit, as well as the museum, is for the men and women who served during World War II. It’s their place and it allows others to show their respect and appreciation for their sacrifices.”

  He stops as he gets to the top and looks around. I take a minute to catch my breath and just watch him. He leans against the railing and just stares down at the memorial. “This is amazing.”

  I smile and my chest swells. “It really is.”

  I uncap my lens and start taking photographs of the memorial and the Kidd from this height. James’s awe inspired voice catches my attention. “It’s setting.”

  Turning, I see a magnificent sight before me. The Mississippi River Bridge is illuminated over the river. The pinks, oranges, and yellows of the setting sun are closely followed by the lilacs and blues of the night sky’s approach… and in the center is a gorgeous man whose face clearly shows his wonderment at the picture. I snap away.

  I’m so focused on taking the photo and getting it exactly right, I don’t realize he’s no longer looking at the sky and is instead watching me photograph him.

  Within minutes, it’s twilight. We’re standing a few feet away from each other, but he closes the distance. My camera hits my chest because my hands are too weak to support it at his approach. I swallow as I recognize the look on his face.

  It’s apprehension and desire all rolled into one. My stomach starts to clench and my palms moisten. He’s right in front of me.

  Step back. Step back. Step back, Avangeline!

  No, fuck that. Stay right here.

  My mind is warring with itself and my body is torn. Part of me wants to press against him while the other part wants nothing more than to turn and escape to the stairs. I don’t like this. I don’t know what I want to do. I don’t know why I want to do it.

  Before I can form a conclusion, he whispers, “I have to.”

  His mouth captures mine.

  Chapter Seven


  The sunset over the bridge and river almost took my breath away. I knew it would be beautiful, but I didn’t realize it would literally be breathtaking. My head and heart are content with the scene. Turning, I see another beautiful sight. AJ is standing off to the side, facing the river, and the lights are reflecting off of her camera. The colors play over her skin and it’s almost like she’s a part of the light.

  I don’t think about it. I don’t stop myself. For the first time in a long time, I act purely on instinct and cross the space between us.

  She sees me approach and I give her time to step back… she doesn’t.

  Leaning down, I kiss her. Her lips are cold in the night air, but mine rub against them and quickly warm them. She hesitates and just when I think she might break the kiss, she exhales and opens up for me. As my tongue sweeps past her lips and finds the sweetness and warmth of her mouth, her arms come around my neck. She’s almost a foot shorter than me, so I have to lean down, but I do it easily.

  Angling my head, I deepen the kiss and my hands are tangled in her hair as I hold the sides of her head to keep her in place. She moans into my mouth and my cock hardens against her waist.

  As she feels my hardness pressing against her, she gasps and steps back with her hand flying to her mouth. She’s breathing deeply and her eyes are wide and glazed. I know I should apologize, but I’m not going to. I wanted to kiss her and I did.

  With a look I can’t decipher, she pushes past me and starts to descend the stairs. She calls back, “We should get going. We’re not really supposed to be up here once it’s full darkness.”

  That’s it?! No slap? No screaming? No outrage? Just “We should get going.”

  I just kissed my driver… who doesn’t really like me and she’s just walking away like nothing happened?

  Shrugging, I head down the stairs and back to the Tahoe. She’s already got the engine cranked when I reach it. Opening the door, I slide in and buckle.

  I just sit there waiting to see who’s going to speak first. Finally, she asks, “Where am I driving you?”

  Ok. I guess that really is it.

  I think about it. I’m starving and could use some food. “How about dinner?”

  She nods. “Ok, what do you want to eat? I can order and we can pick it up on the way back to your apartment. Unless you want to go someplace else.”

  I frown. No, I don’t want to go back to my empty apartment. I don’t want to eat alone. “What’s good around here that’s not fried or covered in two pounds of butter?”

  She chuckles. “A lot of stuff. What are you in the mood for?”

  Seeing as how my dick is still half hard, I’m tempted to tell her what I’m in the mood for. But Hugo’s words come back to me. Better not.

  “I’d like some real food.”

  I can see her exasperation in the mirror. “What kind of real food?”

  “The kind you eat.”

  She whirls to stare at me. “Are you deliberately trying to annoy me?”

  I grin. “Maybe.”

  She groans.

  “Look, in all seriousness, I’m starving. Hugo is gone and I don’t know anyone else here. Well, no one I’d care to share a meal with. I’m hungry. I’m sure you’re hungry. Let’s find someplace to get something to eat.”

  Her eyes are so wide in her face at my request, she reminds me of a doll. She says, “Like eat together?” She shakes her head. “No. Absolutely not. That is not the least bit appropriate.”

  I roll my eyes. “Are you kidding me? I asked you to eat with me so I don’t have to eat alone. I just had my tongue in your mouth and my hands on your ass ten minutes ago.”

  She sputters, “That…”

  I cut her off. “I’m asking you to have a meal with me, not spread your luscious thighs and let me fuck you. It’s not a date. It’s a meal.”

  She’s breathing heavily and I can see her clenching her teeth in the glow from the streetlights.

  “You’re an ass.”

  I nod. “I know. We’ve already established that. Now, can we go eat?”

  I’m waiting for her to kick me out of the car. Dammit, I should not have mentioned spreading her thighs and fucking her because now all I can think about is fucking her. I don’t even want to fuck her. My dick is just insane.

  Sure you don’t…

  Fuck you.

  Well, I guess that means fuck me…

  She exhales and says, “Sure. Let’s eat. I’m starving. Where to, Mr. Black?”

  Ok, we’re back to the formal shit?!

  In frustration, I exclaim, “I don’t fucking care. Drive somewhere. Anywhere. Are you capable of making a decision on
your own?”

  She slaps the steering wheel and unbuckles her seatbelt. I’m staring at her in expectation. She climbs into the back and gets in my face. “What is your fucking problem? Why are you such an asshole?” Slapping my chest, she shoves against me. I’m still buckled, so she’s leaning down into my face and her hair is falling around us both. “You think because you’re a celebrity you can do whatever the shit you want to do? You think you’re entitled to anything. You’re not! You talk down to me, constantly. Yet, I insult you one time and you give me the cold shoulder for two weeks. I don’t have to make a fucking decision because my job is to drive you!”

  She shoves me again. She’s straddling me in the enclosed space. I don’t even know if she realizes how close she is to me. “You can’t just kiss people like it’s your right. You can’t mess with people the way you do. It’s not ok! You’re a self-righteous asshole and I’m sick of your shit!”

  Grabbing her thighs, I lean up so there are centimeters between our faces. “First of all, you don’t know me. You don’t have the right to judge me. Second, I don’t think I’m entitled to a goddamned thing. I’ve earned everything I have. I work my ass off for what’s mine. As far as kissing you, I wanted to, so I did. Don’t read too much into it.

  “Self-righteous? You have no idea about me… or my life. I might be an asshole, but I’m not the one casting judgments and assumptions about people because someone in my past fucked me over!

  “Yes, I am an asshole. I’ve never claimed not to be. I own that. But you… you need a reality check, sweetheart. You hate me and people like me, yet look at yourself. Since the second you met me, you’ve had it in your head about who and what I am. Yet, you don’t know me!

  “I’m self-righteous?! Look in the fucking mirror!”

  Her thighs are shaking under my hands. Realizing I’m squeezing them, I let go and lean as far back as I possibly can. She’s staring down at me with shell-shocked eyes.

  Scrambling back, she pulls her jacket down from where it’s ridden up in the argument. Climbing back over the seat, she sits down and stares straight ahead. Finally, she speaks. “I’m sorry. That was out of line. You’re right. I did judge you and I made assumptions. Yes, you’re an asshole, but you’ve been up front about it. I have no idea about your life and it’s none of my business. I apologize.


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