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Big Booty

Page 5

by Cairo

  “Get over it.”

  “Don’t have me fuck you up, yo.”

  “Yeah, right, niggah. You ain’t stupid. Try it if you want.”

  “Yo, let me stop fuckin’ wit’ you. So what’s good?”

  I twist my lips up. “Niggah-boo, don’t play. This pussy and ass is what’s good. You already know. That’s why you keep callin’ me like you a damn fiend. I know Big Booty got you hooked on all this goodness. Now what the hell do you want?”

  He laughs. “Yo, whatever. I’m sayin’, though. Why the fuck you ain’t answerin’ ya phone when I hit you up?”

  “Niggah-bitch, don’t get it fucked up. I don’t answer to you.”

  “Yo, what I tell you about talkin’ to me all reckless and shit? I ain’t ya muhfuckin’ bitch, yo. So watch how you talk.”

  “Niggah, fuck you. And I keep tellin’ you to save that shit for ya wife. Speakin’ of her, where is she?”

  He sighs. “Yo, Cass, real shit, stop wit’ the bullshit. You pop a lotta shit, ma; for real for real. But she’s out wit’ my lil’ man, shoppin’ or some shit. Why?”

  I suck my teeth. “Uh, why the fuck you keep callin’ me like you crazy?”

  “Yo, I done told you to fuck all that dumb shit. You already know what it is. I want some more pussy. Why the fuck else you think I’ma be hittin’ you up. Did you count the stack I hit you wit’?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, niggah, I counted it.”

  “Well, aiight, then. That three grand’s ya retainer to be on-call. I don’t want you fuckin’ no other niggahs, yo. I want that shit all to myself; for real for real.”

  I laugh. “Niggah, boom! Not gonna happen. You paid for three grand worth of pussy, ass ’n throat earlier. You want more, you pay more, niggah. I’m not ever gonna be on-call for you or no other niggah, so good luck with that.”

  “Yo, real shit, Cass. We both already know what it is wit’ us. You know I fuckin’ dig you, yo. And you know my situation. I ain’t leavin’ my home, yo. But I wanna wife you on da side, yo. So when I call, that’s what it is. I wanna fuck. I can slip out later tonight. So wasssup?”

  Yup . . . it’s official. The niggah’s a nut! “Look. Ain’t shit up unless you got more—”

  “Mommmmmmmy!” Elijah yells at the top of his lungs, burstin’ into my room. “Joshua won’t help me with my homework.”

  “Tell him I said to help you with that work. And don’t come in here with all that damn noise again.”

  I hear him yell as he closes my door, “Joshua! Mommy said she’s gonna fuck you up if you don’t get your black ass in here and help me with my homework.”

  I shake my head.

  “Yo, sounds like you need a dick break. Let me fuck you down real good again wit’ this dick tonight.”


  This time Joshua bursts into my room. “Yo, Ma, why I always gotta help Elijah with his homework? Why can’t Day’Asia or Marquelle help him sometimes?”

  “ ’Cause I told you too, that’s why. Now don’t come in here askin’ me no dumb shit. Get yo’ ass in there and make sure Elijah does his homework right.”

  “But, he doesn’t wanna listen.”

  “Joshua, I’m on the goddamn phone! Get in there and help your brother and get outta my motherfuckin’ room.”

  “Okay, now what were you—”

  “I’m sick of this shit,” Joshua snaps, slammin’ my door. “He shouldn’t be so fuckin’ stupid. I can’t wait to get outta this muthafuckin’ house!”

  “Look, I got more important shit to handle than you at the moment, so call me later,” I say, jumpin’ up off my bed. “I’ma ’bout to tear this house up.”

  “Yeah, aiight—”

  I disconnect on his ass, swingin’ open my bedroom door. “Joshua!” No answer. I storm down the hallway. “Joshua! Who the fuck is you talkin’ to?!”

  No response.


  “He went outside,” Elijah says, sittin’ at the dinin’ room table, tryna act like his ass is so into tryna get his homework done. But I ain’t fallin’ for the okey-doke. Not today.

  “Outside where?”

  “Some girl was at the door for him and he went out with her.”

  “Oh, this lil’niggah is really feelin’ himself. He must be fuckin’ or gettin’ his cock sucked down real good for his black ass to storm up outta here poppin’ shit.” I swing open the front door and spot his ass standin’ at the curb talkin’ to three hot-in-the-ass lil’ hoes. I step outside, hand on hip. “Joshua! Get ya black ass back in this motherfuckin’ house before I embarrass you in front of ya lil’ friends.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “No, niggah, now! Don’t have me act a fool out here ’cause you know I will turn it up on ya ass real quick. Now get the fuck in this house! And help your brother with his damn homework!”

  He takes his slow, sweet time. And, the whole time I’m watchin’ him, I see myself chargin’ over there and bustin’ him upside his head, but I don’t feel like chasin’ him down. And I really don’t wanna make a scene when it’s still light out. So I stand and wait. “Joshua, now!”

  He sucks his teeth. “Dang. I said aiight. I heard you the first time. Get off my back.”

  I blink. So this niggah wanna show off in front of these lil’ bitches, I see.

  “Bye, Joshuaaaa,” one of the lil’ bitches coos, like he done got her pussy all wet or some shit. “You better hurry up before you get beat.”

  “Yeah, right,” I hear him say. And he has the nerve to be goddamn smirking.

  I musta blacked out and grew a pair of wings. I don’t know when or how I moved, but the next thing I know I have him by the back of his shirt swingin’ his disrespectful ass down to the ground. Fuck daylight, fuck who sees. I hook off on his ass. He tries to block my slaps and punches. But he musta forgot that I’ma strong, solid, biscuit-eating bitch who fights like a man. I press my forearm down into his neck. I’macrush his goddamn neck! “Niggah, I will. Kill. You.”

  “Aaah, ma . . . I. Can’t. Breathe . . . ”

  “Oh no, too bad, bitch. Don’t ‘aaah ma’ me, now. You wanna raise up on me, niggah. I’m goin’ to jail tonight and your black ass is goin’ to the morgue.” I slap his face up with my free hand. “You came outta my pussy, niggah. I suffered givin’ birth to ya ass. And if you think you’re gonna talk shit to me when I’m the one who makes sure you have a roof over ya goddamn head, you got another thing comin’. I will bury you before I ever let you think you can talk shit to me and get away with it.” I slap his face again. “I’m not one of them lil’ bitches out here on the streets. I will fuck you up, niggah. And you know this.”

  I smack him again. “If you ever raise your voice to me, or slam a goddamn door in my face again, or even look like you wanna bring it, I’ma punch ya motherfuckin’ eye sockets in! Do you understand me?”


  I slap him again. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, ma.”

  I lift my arm from off his throat, then slap him one last time before gettin’ up off of him. He starts coughing. “Now get ya black ass in the house and help your brother with his goddamn homework before I really go off on ya ass.” I walk back toward the house. “Talkin’ shit to me like I’m some bitch you been fuckin’. Niggah, you done lost your motherfuckin’ mind. Matter of fact, let me find out you stickin’ your dick in anything other than your damn hand and I’ma kick you in your goddamn balls. You really crossed the line, niggah. Talkin’ slick and greasy to me. You know I don’t play that shit.”

  I glance over my shoulder across the street and see the lil’ bitches have their phones out, recordin’ and snappin’ pictures like I give a fuck. “And make sure you send a copy to DYFS,” I say, turnin’ to face them with a hand up on my hip. “ ’Cause the next time that lil’niggah tries it, I’ma punch him in his goddamn throat. And the name’s Cassandra Simms. Be clear.”

  “Who the fuck cares, you crazy bitch?” one
of the lil’ bitches says. “You lucky I don’t fuck you up myself, conceited bitch.”

  The two other hoes start laughin’.

  “Well, bring it on, you lil’baldheaded bitch. Ugly, trick-ass ho! And I’ll give you the ass beatin’ ya stank-ass mammy shoulda gave ya disrespectful ass, you fuckin’ hoodrat. Fuckin’ roach-ass ho.”

  I sprint out the yard and they take off runnin’. “Crazy bitch,” the one with the big titties shouts out.

  “I’ll show you crazy, ho!” I yell back. “Bring ya fresh-ass back here and let me show you how crazy does it! Fuckin’ disrespectful hoes.” I walk back into the yard, then into house. “Crazy bitches comin’ around here talkin’ shit.”

  Joshua has his ass at the dinin’ room table. I walk by and he ducks his head down, but I slap him upside his head anyway. “I wanna fight yo’ black ass, niggah, tryna show out in front of them lil’ dusty-ass bitches. You fuckin’ them hoes?”

  Elijah laughs.

  “Boy, ain’t shit funny. If you don’t get that homework right, yo’ ass is gonna be next. You been home all damn day, this shit shoulda been finished by now. What the fuck was you doin’ all goddamn day, huh?”

  He stares at me like I’m crazy.

  “Oh, you not laughin’ now are you, huh? What the fuck you sittin’ there starin’ at me for? I asked you a question. Why you ain’t do your homework when you got home from school?”

  “I tried. But it’s too hard.”

  I eye him, twistin’ my lips. “Mmmhmm. I bet you did. Hurry up and get that homework done, and get yo’ musty-ass in the shower.”

  He sniffs under his arms.

  “Ya stink-ass,” I hear Joshua mumble under his breath.

  “I am not. You stink,” Elijah shoots back.

  “Listen, both of ya asses stink. So shut the fuck up and get that homework finished. And, Joshua, I know you don’t want me to get back on that ass, again. You still ain’t answer my question. I asked you if you fuckin’ them bitches you tried to show out in front of.” He says no. “Mmmph. Who were them lil’ fresh asses, anyway?”

  “Some girls,” he says.

  I ball my fist. “See, now you tryna be funny. Niggah, do I look stupid to you? I know they’re girls. You must really want your goddamn eye punched out, don’t you? I wanna know their names.”

  “Why? They ain’t do nuthin’.”

  I blink. Take a deep breath. “Joshua. I don’t wanna go to jail today ’cause I’m tryna go out and have me a few drinks tonight. But you are really, really pressin’ your luck. Now, I’ma ask you one more time before I take it to your head. Who. Were. Them. Lil’ bitches you were outside showin’ off for?” As soon as I start walkin’ up on him he tells me their names: Pinky, Talitha, and Chasity. I ask him which one was the dark-skinned girl with the big lips and titties since she’s the one who got slick at the mouth. He tells me Pinky. Ain’t shit pink about that lil’ ho. I roll my eyes. “And where does this Pinky bitch live?”

  “Why you wanna know all that?”

  I take a long, deep breath. Count to twenty in my head, then backwards. I walk down the hall, go into my bedroom, then come back out with an aluminum bat. I’ve have had enough of his shit for one day. And if I have to go outta here in handcuffs I want it to be for somethin’ good. Like smashin’ his goddamn jaw and knockin’ all of his motherfuckin’ teeth out. I walk back out to the dinin’ room calm as ever. I have one hand on my hip, and the other holdin’ the bat.

  “Niggah, I’ma ask you one mo’ gin before I break ya face up in here. Where does that lil’ fresh-mouth bitch live? And before you roll your eyes or suck your teeth or tell me you don’t know, you had better think long and hard.”

  Elijah eases up from out his seat and gets out of my way as Joshua hops up. “Okay, okay. She lives over on Frelinghuysen. They used to live over in Seth Boyden.”

  I grunt. Seth Boyden was one of the worst projects around before they shut ’em down. “Oh, I shoulda known she was some lil’ gutter-rat hood bitch. No manners. Who’s she related to? Her mammy’s probably some crackwhore.” He tells me he doesn’t know. But I know his ass is lyin’ so I decide to let it go ’cause I’ma find out any-damn-way. And then I’ma ring her doorbell. “Boy, help Elijah get that homework done, then get out of my damn sight. I still wanna fuck you up for tryna do me. And you gonna pay to get my goddamn nails done. I’m takin’ it outta ya allowance.”

  I stare him down. He shifts his eyes and starts helpin’ his brother with his school work. I walk into the kitchen and go off. “Day’Asia!” There’s shit everywhere. The stove is dirty, the floor isn’t swept, and the goddamn dishes are piled up in the sink. “Day’Asia!” I scream, headin’ toward her bedroom.

  “She went up the street,” Fuquan yells from upstairs.

  “Up the street where? I told her I wanted this goddamn kitchen cleaned. I’m gettin’ sick of her black ass thinkin’ she can do what the fuck she want around here.”

  “I think she’s at that girl Crispy Cream’s house,” Elijah happily offers. He’ll tell on anyone to keep himself outta trouble.

  “Who the fuck is Crispy Cream?” He tells me she’s one of the girls who used to come around here for Marquelle; that her name is Cremola. Cremola? What the fuck? I shake my head. “Well, why you callin’ her Crispy Cream?”

  “That’s what everyone calls her because she got burned in a fire.”

  I frown. These damn kids today say some really cruel shit. “Not that girl with them big-ass teeth and black gums?”

  “No, not that one,” Elijah says. “The one with the three chins.”

  “Yo, I think Marquelle hit that, too,” Joshua says, laughin’.

  “Ill, he’s nasty for that,” Elijah says as Marquelle walks through the door. “Marquelle, Josh said you did it to Crispy Cream. Did you?”

  He sucks his teeth. “Yo, shut up with that. No, I ain’t do it to that ugly-ass girl. She wanted me to. But, hell no. she wasn’t gettin’ none’a this sausage.”

  I eye him. At six-five, his milk-chocolate ass keeps a buncha horny young hoes followin’ behind him. And I know he’s been servin’ them that long, black dick just like his no-good fahver, Marcellus, used to before his dingaling started malfunctionin’. But before that, whew! That niggah used to beat my pussy up right.

  Mmmph. Anyway, I keep a tight rein on Marquelle’s horny ass. Basketball is his life. This is his last year in high school and he’s been offered scholarships to play at eight different colleges. And the last thing I wanna see is him fuck it up behind some hot-in-the-ass ho. DaQuan’s in college doin’ good. And now I gotta make sure he gets his ass in college, too. Knockin’ some ho up is not an option.

  I raise a brow. “Marquelle, ya ass better not be out there servin’ a sausage or any-other kinda goddamn meat to any of them hot-pussy bitches unless you wrappin’ that shit up. And I mean it. Better yet, you better double-wrap that shit.”

  “Yo, chill, Ma,” he says, bouncin’ his ball up in his big hand. “You wildin’ for real. I ain’t servin’ up no raw meat.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Mmmph. You shouldn’t be out there servin’ up no kinda meat, boy. But I know you hot in the balls like your damn fahver. So I know you fuckin’. But I’ma tell you this. You get some ho pregnant and I’ma slice ya meat clean off. So if you don’t have a condom to use, you had better use some Saran Wrap and seal them juices in; otherwise I’ma fuck you up.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he says, walkin’ up on me, then leanin’ down and kissin’ me on the cheek. “I know, Ma.”

  “And she’s gonna fry it up in a pan,” Elijah says, laughin’.

  “Boy, don’t ‘I know, Ma’. I mean it, Marquelle. And, Elijah, stop fuckin’ around and get that homework done. And shut your fresh mouth up. Now, where you been, Marquelle?”

  “Playin’ ball,” he says, walkin’ into the kitchen. I eye him as he opens the stove, then the microwave, then the refrigerator. “Yo, Ma, you ain’t cook? I’m hungry.”

�Boy, you better wash ya damn hands. And no, I didn’t cook. You shoulda ate wherever you came from. Text your sister and tell her to get her black ass home and get this kitchen cleaned up.”

  He shakes his head. “Asia stays on that dumb shit, for real. She’s fuckin’ dumb as hell.”

  “Marquelle, what I tell you ’bout cussin’ up in my face? You know I don’t play that shit. I don’t know where the hell y’all get them filthy-ass mouths from, but I’m not gonna goddamn have it up in here. Now do what I asked you, please. And tell Day’Asia she has fifteen minutes to get her black ass home.”

  I take a deep breath as I walk to my room, then shut down. I’ma need more than a blunt to keep from goin’ off tonight. I smile when I check my cell and see a text from Born Wise—one of my sexy boy-toys wantin’ to meet up for some pussy. He’s twenty-three, six one, and tatted up. He’s also been in and outta jail since he was fourteen. He’s also a Five-Percenter—a way of life he picked up when he was in prison. But that makes me no never mind. I’m not interested in buildin’ with him. His teachin’s and him bein’ a God-body have nothin’ to do with him rockin’ my body and makin’ this pussy skeet, which is exactly what I need to unwind. The only thing I wanna do is elevate up on his long, thick dick, then ride him down into the mattress until I roll over on my stomach and inch up on all fours for him to do me right.

  Yeah, I know I fucked JT earlier; so what? I’m tryna get this paper, boo. And I love fuckin’, so why not do both. I’ll wait ’til I know the kids are knocked out, then dip out for a dose of dingaling. I text him and tell him I want my asshole eaten, then beatdown to the seams. Less than a minute later, he texts back: I GOT U!

  We go back and forth for a few minutes before decidin’ to meet at the Courtyard on Route . . . ’cause ain’t no niggahs comin’ up in here unless you one of my baby daddies.

  I tell him about the new thirty-six-hundred-dollar Louie bag I have my eyes on. I let him know I want it. And although the lil’ niggah says he can probably give me half of the money to buy it, I already know that after I finish lettin’ him face-fuck, pussy-fuck, and ass-fuck me tonight, he’ll be doin’ an extra shift on the block to get that paper up.


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