on colonialism, 1, 7, 251, 261
on Francophonie, 251, 261
receives Angela Merkel, 250
receives Benjamin Netanyahu, 253
receives Donald Trump, 252
rise of, 249
seeks political solution in Syria, 253
unpopular internal reforms of, 253
visits China and India (2018), 252
Madagascar, 78French colonisation of, 27
French colony (1896), 57
French repression in (1947), 80
insurrection in (1947), 80
mutiny of black troops in (1943), 61
occupied by British (1942–6), 57
pressure for free state (1946), 80
Madrid, 207
Major, John and Maastricht Treaty, 154
Majuba Hill, Battle of (1881), 29
Makarios, Archbishop, 88
Malaya, 70
Malaysia, 118
Mali formerly French Sudan, 102
French intervention in (2013), 221
Malik, Nesrine, 241
Malik, Shahid, 230
Manchester jihadist attack on (2017), 240
Manchuria, 50
mandates protectorates by a different name, 47, 256
renamed trusteeships, 63
set up, 3
Mandela, Nelson arrested (1952), 76
trial of (1964), 106
Mangin, General Charles, 40
Mao Tse-tung sayings of, 131
takes power in China (1949), 79
Maoism, 130
Marcellin- Fontanet circular (1972), 133
Marchand, Captain, 27
Marcos, Subcomandante, 120
Marne, Battle of (1914), 86
Marseille anti-immigration violence in (1973), 133
March for Equality from (1983), 140
Marshall Plan, 84
Martel, Charles, 134, 221
Martel, Robert, 87
Martinique, 77
Massawa, mutiny in (1942), 60
Massu, Jacques and ‘Battle of Algiers’, 91
in Free French, 91
recalled to Paris (1960), 100
Mathias, Peter, 8
Mau Mau, 74, 94and British anti-colonialism, 75
atrocities suffered by, 93
portrayal of in Britain, 75, 94
victims pursue compensation (2011), 95
Mauriac, François, 155
Mawdudi, Sayyid Abdul Ala, 48, 256
May 1968, 131
May, Theresa and ‘hostile environment’ for immigrants (2013), 216
announces Prevent Strategy (2011), 215
becomes prime minister (2016), 238
‘far too much tolerance of extremism’, 241
loses parliamentary majority (2018), 250
‘Mr Trump’s poodle’, 247
on ‘British values’, 242
triggers Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon (2017), 238
visit to India (2016), 244
Mbembe, Achille, 10
McArthur, General Douglas, 60
McCullin, Don, 74
McEwan, Ian, 113
Mehmet V, Sultan, 40
Mekhlofi, Saïd, 163
Mélanchon, Jean-Luc, 249
Ménard, Robert, 222
Mendès France, Pierre concedes independence to Tunisia and Morocco, 83
ends war in Indochina (1954), 83
holds on to Algeria (1954), 84
Menzies, Robert and the ‘old’ Commonwealth, 105, 144
on Greater Britain, 71
Merah, Mohammed, 213
Merchant, Ismail, 7
Merchant-Ivory films, 7, 235
Merkel, Angela, 250
Merlin, Martial, 46
Mers el-Kébir, French fleet sunk at (1940), 52
Meskine, Dhaaou, 203
Mesopotamia, 41
Messaoudene, Madjid, 228
Mexico, 111, 119landless movement in, 120
visit of Mitterrand, 111
Middle East centre of oil production, 117
contested in Second World War, 53
in First World War, 40
mandate system in, 47
‘new empire’ in postwar, 88
oil in, 65
oil money from, 171
pivot of British Empire, 65, 72
Milburn, Alan, 245
Miliband, David, 202, 205
Milner, Lord Alfred, 30
Miské, Karim, 226
Mitchell, Keith, 246
Mitterrand, François ‘a strong France in a strong Europe’, 155
and Gulf War, 161
elected president (1981), 111
locks West Germany into Europe, 149
on a new international order (1981), 111
re-elected president (1988), 117
Modi, Narendra, 252
Modood, Tariq on exclusive Britishness, 167
Mohammed V, Sultan of Morocco, 69, 81
Molenbeek, 214, 228
Mollet, Guy on Europe (1956), 86
requests emergency powers (1956), 87
survives Suez Crisis, 90
visits Algiers (1956), 87
Monday Club, 108
Monnerville, Gaston, 64
Montague, Edwin, 41
Montevideo, 18
Moore, Charles, 167
Mordillat, Gérard, 225
Morin, Edgar, 226, 228
Morocco claims independence (1947), 69
FLN bases in, 106
French protectorate, 34, 81
gains independence (1954), 83
Ishqlal party in, 81
Rif War in (1924), 46
Morrison, Herbert, 65
Morsi, Mohammed, 212
Mostefai, Omar, 228
Mosul bombed by Britain, France and US (2017), 240
occupied by British (1918), 41
taken by ISIS (2014), 223
Moumié, Félix, 103
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 60and withdrawl from India, 71
on Nehru, 72
Movement for Colonial Freedom, 75, 82, 94
Mozambique, 109
Mubarak, Hosni fall of (2011), 209
Mugabe, Robert, 109
Muhammed Ali Pasha, 18
mujahideen in Afghanistan, 4, 177
in Iraq, 177
in Mesopotamia (1915), 41
multiculturalism, 5, 9, 139, 166, 178, 179, 181, 259as an aspiration, 229
criticism of, 215, 216, 218
discarded from 2012, 212
revival of (2011), 210
Munich agreement (1938), 68, 88, 173, 189, 231
Murphy, Paul, 245
Museum of the History of France, projected (2011), 222
Museum of the History of Immigration, Paris, 211, 222
Muslim League, All-Indian, 41campaigns for a Muslim state, 48
fights for Pakistan, 71
founded (1905), 35
Muslims and prison population, 196
and question of integration, 213, 214, 219
Belgian, 227
British, 165, 167, 186, 195, 200, 201, 230attacked (2017), 241
demonisation of, 183, 195, 211, 216
denied French citizenship, 46
French, 172, 177, 195, 199, 228
radicalisation of, 186, 200, 203, 211, 214, 230, 261
Salafist, 213
Shiites, 47, 194
stigmatisation of, 208
Sunnis, 47, 194
Mussolini, Benito, 113, 231
Mustafa, Mustafa Kamel. See Abu Hamza
Nagasaki, 66
Nanking massacre (1937), 50
Nantes, 16colonial past of, 222
Napoleon I and Egypt, 13
and Europe, 13
Napoleon I and India, 17
and Saint-Domingue, 17
in Egypt, 17
model for French domination of Europe, 145
statues of, 12
Napoleon III and Algeria, 22, 24
and Indochina, 21
/> Gaullist biography of, 155
Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 53military coup by (1952), 87
nationalises Suez Canal (1956), 88
obtains weapons from USSR, 87
union with Syria, 90
Natal, 22, 31
National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), 62
National Front, British, 180
National Health Service, 211, 233
National Society for the Construction of Accommodation for Algerian Workers (SONACOTRA), 130
nationalism Afrikaner, 70
Algerian, 64
Arab, 68, 81
Britannic, 30, 35, 39, 70, 105, 107, 109, 112, 113, 233
British, 127, 138, 179
Chinese, 49
defensive, 123, 183
English, 179
French, 130
Iraqi, 52
monocultural, 9, 164, 178, 181, 212, 217, 220, 259
Nationality Act, British (1948), 70, 124
Nationality Commission, French, 143, 176
Negri, Antonio, 190, 204
Nehru, Jawaharlal ‘colonialism must go’, 69
on black majority rule, 95
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 17, 113
Nemmouche, Mehdi, 214
neo-colonialism, 13, 98, 120, 257. See also: Falklands War; Françafrique; New Caledonia; Southern Africafailure to break with (1981), 111, 114
in Haiti (2004), 194
neo-imperialism, 258reinvented after 1979, 4
neo-liberalism, 190, 245‘Anglo-Saxon’, 204
New Caledonia as penal colony, 25, 115
Chirac’s Falklands, 117
economic boom in, 115
ethnic problems in, 116
French intervention (1988), 117
Kanaky Republic declared (1984), 116
nuclear weapons test site, 115
referendum (1987), 116
referendum (1998), 117
New York Occupy Wall Street Movement (2011), 207
New Zealand, 235exports to Britain, 147
settlement in, 70
Nguyen Ai Quoc. See Ho Chi Minh
Nice attack in (2015), 229
Nigeria, 117, 119colonised by British, 27
indirect rule in, 34
Nike, 119profits of, 244
Nkomo, Joshua, 94, 109
Nkrumah, Kwame activism of, 69
fights for independence of Ghana, 73
on black majority rule, 95
on neo-colonialism, 98
Noguès, General Charles, 51
Non-aligned movement, 118
Nora, Pierre, 8
Norman, Jessye, 117
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 85
Northern Ireland, 110as a settler colony, 111, 257
Bloody Sunday (1972), 110
British Army in, 110
civil rights movement in (1968–9), 110
Northern Rock, 206collapse (2007), 205
nostalgérie, 7
nostalgia colonial, 7, 231, 235, 242
imperial, 168
Notting Hill Carnival (1991), 170
race riots (1958), 123
Nottingham race riots (1958), 123
Nova Scotia, 23
Nucci, Christian, 115
Nyasaland becomes Malawi, 107
Nkharta Bay massacre (1959), 94
Obama, Barack, 218on Arab Spring, 210
threat to destroy ISIS (2014), 223
oil crisis (1973), 98, 117, 257
Okuma, Shigenobu, 44
Oldfield, Mike, 211
Oldham, 124, 135
Olusoga, David, 243
Olympics, London (2012), 211
Omdurman, Battle of (1898), 27
Operation Desert Fox (1998), 162
Operation Desert Storm (1990), 161
Operation Dragoon (1944), 62
Operation Inherent Resolve (2017), 231, 240
Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003), 191, 193
Operation Torch (1942), 58
Oppenheimer, Harry, 106
Oran, 52, 177
Ordre Nouveau, 134
Organisation de l’Armée Secrète (OAS), 100racist attacks in France (1973), 134
Organisation for Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America, 131
Organisation of European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 85
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 117
Ortiz, Joseph, 87
Osborne, Cyril, 126on ‘a white man’s country’, 125
‘Our ancestors, the Gauls’, 222
‘Our Island Story’, 199, 219
Oxford colonial past of, 12
Padmore, George, 69
‘Paki-bashing’, 128
Pakistan formation of, 71
migration from, 124
missions from, 171
Palestine Arab revolt (1936), 48
British abandon mandate, 72
Jewish attacks in, 65, 72
Jewish migration to, 48, 65, 72
Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), 132
Palestinian National Authority, 184
Palestinians as colonial subjects, 73
central to Muslim cause, 184
Intifada (1987), 159
launch Second Intifada (2001), 184
launch Third World revolution, 131
lead Arab struggle, 132
refugees, 73, 132
Pan-African conference (1945), 69
Pan-African Congress (1900), 31
Pan-Africanism, 38, 98
Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), 104
Pan-Asianism, 98
Papon, Maurice and massacre of 17 October 1961, 101, 174
trial of (1997–8), 174
Paradise papers, 244
Paris Bataclan attack (2015), 13, 228
liberation of (1944), 185
massacre of 17 October 1961, 101
massacre of Charonne Metro station (1962), 101
May 1968 in, 131
Peace Conference (1919), 43, 43, 256
riots in banlieues (2005), 13, 203
Pasqua, Charles, 142, 176
Pearl Harbor, 50, 54
Peking, 21
Percivall, General Arthur, 54
Peres, Shimon and Suez Crisis, 86
Persia, 24
Persian Gulf, 161
Pétain, Marshal Philippe sues for armistice (1940), 51
Philippines American recapture of (1943), 65
demands voice for colonised peoples (1945), 63
economic development of, 118
Phillips, Melanie, 216
Phnom Penh, 147
pieds noirs and coup in Algiers (1958), 93
and OAS, 100
as martyrs, 102
as victims of decolonisation, 222
Britain’s, 107, 110, 112
leave Algeria for France, 129
memory of, 222
move to New Caledonia, 115
nationalisation of (1889), 32
self-defence militias of, 87
‘Southern’ memory of, 130
support for Front National, 176
Pineau, Christian and French Resistance, 89
and Suez Crisis, 86, 88
piracy, 16
Plain Tales from the Raj, 7
plantations, slave, 2
Plassey, Battle of (1757), 17
Pleven, René, 85
Poitiers, Battle of (732), 134, 221
police arbitrary powers of, 5, 202, 228
Polynesia, French, 115
Pompidou, Georges, 147
Pons, Bernard, 116
Porto Alegre, 190
Powell, Enoch and India (1947), 71
compared to Jean-Marie Le Pen, 134
criticises membership of EEC (1975), 147
in Suez group (1953), 126
London dockers demonstrate for (1968), 127
on Detroit race riots (1967), 127
on exclusive Englishness (1964), 126
on Ulster loyalism, 110
opposes British membership of Europe, 148
‘Rivers of Blood’ speech (1968), 127, 170
working-class support for, 127
Powell, General Colin, 162, 183
Prevention of Terrorism Act (2005), 195
Prévost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole, 22
Project for the New American Century, 183
Prussia, 22defeats France 1870, 25
militarism of, 200
Punjab annexed by Britain, 24
‘martial races’ of, 24
migration from, 124
partition of (1947), 71
Pyramids, Battle of the (1798), 17
Q News, 169
Qatada, Abu, 216
Quebec, 23
Qureshi, Haq, 170
Raban, Jonathan, 192
Race Relations Act (1976), 137
racial discrimination, 259
Raffles, Stamford, 18
Raï music, 177
Ramadier, Paul, 84
Rampton, Anthony, 139
Ranavalona II, Queen of Madagascar, 27
Rangoon, 56
Raqqa bombed by Britain, France and US (2017), 240
bombed by French (2015), 227
bombed by US (2014), 224
Rashid-Ali, Iraqi nationalist, 52
Raspail, Jean, 133, 220
Rattle, Simon, 211
Reagan, Ronald at D-Day commemoration (1984), 149
Referendum Party (1994), 156
refugees and Brexit, 237
crisis of 2015, 230, 237
criticised as ‘illegal immigrants’, 216
increase in flow to Europe, 6, 211
Régis, Max, 33
Resistance, French, 14, 64, 79, 82, 92
Revolution, Bolshevik (1917), 39, 41, 42
Revolution, Chinese (1911), 41
Revolution, Chinese (1949), 79
Revolution, Cuban (1959), 131
Revolution, French, 16, 140Bicentenary of, 117, 152, 173
Revolution, Industrial, 211
Revolution, Iranian (1979), 158
Revolution, Mexican (1911), 111
Empires of the Mind Page 46