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Empires of the Mind

Page 47

by Robert Gildea

  Revolution, ‘Wall Street’, 207

  Rhine, Confederation of the, 145

  Rhodes, Cecil colonial enterprises of, 27, 30

  legacy of, 106

  quoted, 107

  ‘Rhodes must fall’, 12

  Rhodesia as a ‘new Australia’, 45

  Bush War in, 108

  economic development of, 27

  in Central African Federation, 70

  Northern becomes Zambia, 107

  self-government of (1923), 45

  Unilateral Declaration of Independence (1965), 108

  white settlers in, 107

  white supremacy in, 45

  Ridley, Nicholas, 152

  Rigby, Lee, 214, 216

  Roberts, Andrew, 10, 200

  Robinson, Ronald, 8, 16

  Rocard, Michel, 117

  Rome, Treaty of (1957), 91

  Rooney, Patrick, 110

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 39, 54death of (1945), 63

  prefers Vichy to Free French, 58

  questions legitimacy of French empire, 58

  signs Lend-Lease agreement (1941), 53

  Rorke’s Drift, Battle of (1879), 29

  Roume, Ernest, 34

  Rowlatt, Justice Sidney, 44

  Royal Dutch Shell, 119

  Rudd, Amber, 246

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 183, 188

  Runnymede Trust, 179, 283, 284, 288

  Rushdie, Salman, 170, 246on British ignorance of their history, 168, 261

  on the British nation, 138

  Satanic Verses, 164, 259

  Russia and Crimean War, 18

  as global power, 261

  in First World War, 41

  revival of after 2000, 6

  threat to British India, 24, 34

  Sagel, Captain Prem Kumar, 56

  Sahara, French, 99

  Saigon besieged (1860–1), 21

  contested (1945), 66

  occupied by Japanese (1940), 52

  Saint-Arnaud, Armand de, 19

  Saint-Denis police assault on (2015), 228

  Saint-Domingue, 16, 195

  Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, 58

  Sakiet Sidi Youssef, 92

  Salafism, 213, 221, 224influence on Muslim youth in Europe, 213

  Salan, General Raoul, 100and ‘Battle of Algiers’, 91

  traumatised by Dien Bien Phu (1954), 82

  Sandé, Emili, 211

  Sankara, Thomas, 251

  Sarkozy, Nicolas and Museum of the History of France, 222

  and policing of banlieues, 202

  intervenes in Syria (2011), 210

  on Algerian War, 173

  Sarraut, Albert, 38, 46

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 132

  Satanic Verses, 180crisis over (1989), 164

  Saudi Arabia, 117, 119jihadists from, 182

  Schroeder, Helmut, 187

  Schuman, Robert, 85evoked by Emmanuel Macron, 250

  Schwartz, Bill, 9

  Schwartz, Laurent, 92

  Scott, Paul, 168

  ‘Seattle, Battle for’ (1999), 190

  Seeley, J.R., 31

  segregation in American South, 123

  in colonies, 2, 74

  in the metropolis, 5, 124, 130, 226, 228, 229, 259

  Séguin, Philippe, 155

  Senegal, 78French conquest of, 26

  French rule in, 33

  Senghor, Léopold Sédar on reform of empire (1946), 78

  on Thiaroye massacre (1944), 62

  Sétif, 59

  Sétif massacre (1945), 64, 257as founding myth, 259

  commemorated (2008), 198

  Shanghai, 20, 50massacre of communists in (1927), 49

  Shantung, 42, 44

  Sharon, Ariel, 184

  Sharpeville massacre (1960), 104

  Shepard, Todd, 9

  Simon, Pierre-Henri, 92

  Simonstown, 70, 77

  Sind, 24annexed by Britain, 24

  Singaïny, Patrick, 226

  Singapore as a model for post-Brexit Britain, 234, 244

  fall of (1940), 54

  fall of (1942), 256

  port founded, 18

  Sked, Alan, 157

  slave trade, 2, 8, 12, 16, 18, 40, 255abolition of, 18

  abolition of, bicentenary, 12

  return of, 119

  slavery, 2, 16, 27in Caribbean, 4

  profits from, 12

  reintroduction of, 17

  Slim, General William, 60

  Smethwick anti-immigrant election of 1964, 126

  Smith, Adam, 16, 99, 234, 243

  Smith, Anna Marie, 123

  Smith, Ian quotes Churchill, 109

  supported by Enoch Powell, 126

  Smuts, Jan, 30, 45loses power (1948), 70

  on a decentralised empire (1943), 55

  on Africa as a ‘white man’s country’, 45

  on Britain with ‘nothing left in the till’ (1943), 55

  Solanko, Ladipo, 38

  Somalia, 214

  Sophiatown, 76

  SOS-Racisme, 140

  Sotoff, Steven, 223

  South Africa Africans disfranchised (1936), 45

  apartheid in, 4, 76, 104, 105, 257

  becomes a republic (1960), 105

  Confederation project (1877), 29

  Defiance Movement in (1952), 76

  investment in, 4, 76, 106, 257

  leaves the Commonwealth (1960), 105

  Nationalist victory (1948), 70, 76

  resistance in, 76

  sanctions against, 106

  settlement in, 2, 22

  strategic importance of, 76

  Union of (1910), 30

  Soviet Union and Cold War, 72

  and Communist bloc, 90

  defeat in Afghanistan (1989), 159

  implosion of, 159

  invades Afganistan, 159

  invades Hungary, 89

  power after 1945, 63

  threat to Africa, 98

  threat to Middle East, 77, 88

  trains Chinese nationalists (1920s), 49

  Spaak, Pierre-Henri, 86

  Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 10

  Starkey, David, 219

  Stirbois, Jean-Pierre, 141

  Stoler, Ann Laura, 9

  Stora, Benjamin, 11, 173and 1968, 130

  Straw, Jack on multiculturalism, 179

  Sudan, French, 34

  Suez Canal, 27attacked by Turks (1915), 41

  British forces withdrawal from (1954–6), 87

  Company, 19, 26

  Suez Crisis (1956), 68, 91, 112not the last colonial intervention, 257

  repeat in 1990?, 161

  Suez Group, 88, 90

  Sukarno, 87

  Sun Yat-sen, 49

  superiority, doctrines of white, 259

  Swaraj self-rule movement, 35

  Sykes-Picot agreement (1916), 41

  Syria, 41air strikes on by USA and France (2014), 224

  Arab Spring in, 209

  as French mandate, 3, 47

  British and US air strikes on Assad’s chemical facilities (2018), 247

  British intervention debated (2015), 230

  civil war in, 212

  democratic oposition in (2011), 212

  French seek to regain (1945), 64

  independence (1941), 53

  independence proclaimed (1920), 43

  problem of intervening in (2013), 223

  refugees from, 247

  Taliban, 185

  Tangiers, 69

  Tanweer, Shehzad, 201

  Tanzania, 124

  Tasmania, 21

  Taylor, A.J.P., 157

  Tebbit, Norman ‘cricket test’, 166

  hostile to Europe, 156

  on ‘English-speaking armies’, 168

  Tecumseh, Shawnee chief, 22

  Teheran, 172

  Tharoor, Shashi, 236, 242

  Thatcher, Margaret and Zimbabwe, 111

  as Britannia, 113

  becomes leader of Co
nservative Party (1975), 136

  Bruges speech (1988), 151, 231

  criticises EEC budget, 149

  gift of A Tale of Two Cities to Mitterrand, 152

  ‘No. No. No.’ (1990), 153

  on Falklands War, 113

  on immigration (1978), 137

  on ‘island race’, 112

  on the British nation (1982), 138

  resigns (1990), 154

  Thiaroye, mutiny of (1944), 62

  Third World, 114and ‘new international economic order’, 118, 258

  debt of, 118, 258

  foreign policy responses to, 111, 114

  immigration from, 133

  resistance to globalisation in, 120revolutions in, 131

  Thompson, E.P., 113

  Tientsin, Treaty of (1885), 29

  Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 35, 41, 43

  Tillion, Germaine, 92, 279, 289

  Timothy, Nick, 244

  Tipu, Sultan of Mysore, 18

  Tirailleurs Sénégalais, 27, 40, 51, 62

  Tjibaou, Jean-Marie, 116

  Togo, 34

  Tojo, General Hideki, 56

  Tonkin, 66, 79as frontier of liberty (1951), 80

  French protectorate, 29

  torture and the British government, 202

  in French Algeria, 14

  in War on Terror, 186, 194

  Toulon, 18

  Toulouse jihadist attack in 2012, 214

  Touré, Sékou, 102, 103

  Tower Hamlets, 135discrimination against Bengalis in (1966), 125

  Pakistani self-defence in, 128

  Toxteth, 135riots of 1981, 138

  Trafalgar, Battle of (1805), 18, 52

  Transjordan, 41, 73

  Transvaal, 27, 29

  treaties, unequal, 2

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 8

  Tripoli liberated (2011), 210

  Trotsky, Leon, 42

  Trotskyism, 130, 134

  Truman, Harry, 63and Jewish state, 72

  Trump, Donald, 220and US intervention in Syria (2017), 231

  bombs Mosul and Raqqa (2017), 240

  Tunisia and Arab Spring, 210

  French bomb FLN rebels in (1958), 92

  French control of (1881), 26

  French protectorate in, 32, 81

  gains independence (1954), 83

  nationalist Neo Destour party in, 81

  new constitution (2011), 212

  Turkey question of inclusion in EU, 203, 204

  Uganda British colonisation of, 27

  Um Nyobé, Ruben, 103

  ummah (global community of Islam), 177, 181, 192, 201

  Union of Muslim Youth (UJM), 177

  Union, French (1946–58), 78, 80, 97

  United Arab Emirates, 117, 119

  United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and European elections 2014, 233

  and immigration, 5

  attacks EU, 232

  founded (1993), 156

  United Nations ambiguity on empire (1945), 63

  and black majority rule, 107

  and decolonisation, 3

  and Suez Crisis (1956), 89

  authorises intervention in Libya (2011), 209

  call for abolition of apartheid (1960), 105

  call for Algerian independence (1959), 99

  call for Israel to withdraw from occupied territories (1967), 132

  Charter (1945), 63, 257

  Convention on Refugees, 167

  Declaration on Granting Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1960), 90, 98

  fails to intervene in Syria (2012), 212

  founded (1945), 50, 62

  resolutions on Iraq war (2002–3), 188

  United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 118

  United States and equality of nations, 3

  and First World War, 42

  and new world order post Cold War, 160

  as hegemonic power, 6

  as the ‘Great Satan’, 159

  Civil Rights movement in, 126

  declares war on Japan (1941), 54

  financial crisis in (2008), 205

  in Second World War, 50

  liberal interventionism of, 185, 258

  ‘special relationship’ with Britain, 5, 91

  triumph after Cold War, 258

  Upper Volta, 34

  Urabi, Colonel Ahmed, 26

  Valls, Manuel, 229

  veil controversies in Algeria, 93

  in France, 5, 173, 197

  Venezuela, 117, 119

  Vénissieux, 136, 140

  Verdun, Battle of (1916), 40symbol of Franco-German reconciliation (1984), 149

  Verwoerd, Hendrik, 104assassination of (1966), 106

  Vicente, Rafael Sebastián Guillén. See Marcos, Subcomandante

  Vichy regime collaborates with Germany, 53

  Victoria, Queen, 45, 144proclaimed Empress of India (1876), 24

  Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 92

  Vieira, Patrick, 178

  Vietminh, 82

  Vietnam Japan takes full control of (1945), 66

  joins the UN, 98

  occupied by Japanese (1940), 52

  republic of (1945), 66

  students protest at 1931 Colonial Exhibition, 39

  US imperialism in, 131

  Villepin, Dominique de intervenes in Haiti (2004), 195

  Viollette, Maurice, 46

  Vorster, John, 106

  Voulet, Captain Paul, 27

  Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 21, 22

  Walmart, 119

  War Algerian. See Algeria: war of independence (1954–62)

  Boer, 30, 244

  Chimurenga (1896–7), 45

  Crimean, 18

  Desert, 161

  Falklands, 7, 114, 118, 138

  First World, 42

  Franco-Prussian (1870), 260

  Gulf, 171, 180

  Iraq, 191194Muslim demonstrations against, 192

  worldwide demonstations against, 188

  Napoleonic, 6, 18, 21

  of 1812, 22

  Opium, 20

  Peninsular, 19

  Second World, 62and British nationalism, 113, 157

  brings colonial powers to their knees, 256

  Britain’s ‘good’, 5, 157, 168

  colonial troops in, 4

  France’s disastrous, 157, 173

  German ambitions in, 3

  refought in Britain, 156

  Sino-Japanese (1937–45), 50

  Six Day (1967), 131

  Vietnam, 131, 147

  War on Terror, 9, 182, 183, 184, 208, 258brutality of, 186

  Warsi, Sayeeda and the exclusion of British Muslims

  on ‘British values’, 218

  resignation of (2014), 218

  urges explanation of terrorism, 216

  Washington consensus, 119

  Wavell, General Archibald, 53, 54

  Wealth of Nations, The, 16

  Welensky, Sir Roy, 94, 107

  Welles, Sumner, 54, 57

  Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, 17, 113

  Wellesley, Henry, 18

  Wellesley, Richard, 17

  white superiority, doctrines of, 15, 31, 44, 97, 262

  Williams, Eric, 8

  Williams, Henry Sylvester, 31

  Wilson, Harold and Rhodesia crisis, 108

  renegotiates deal with Europe, 147

  withdraws forces from east of Suez, 111

  Wilson, Woodrow, 39, 42, 43

  ‘Wilsonian moment’, the, 43

  ‘Windrush generation’, 7

  ‘Windrush generation’ affair (2018), 246

  Wolfowitz, Paul, 183

  Woolf, Virginia, 37

  World Bank, 118, 121financial imperialism of, 4

  World Social Forum at Porto Alegre (2001), 190

  World Social Movement denounces war (2002), 190

  World Trade Center 9/11 attack on, 182

  World Trade Organization, 190

  Wright, Richard visits
Gold Coast (1953), 73

  Xi Jinping, 252

  Yaoundé convention (1963), 145

  Yarl’s Wood, 244

  Yates, Kieran on ‘British values’, 218

  Yemen, 224

  Young Muslims of France (JMF), 177

  Young Muslims UK, 170

  Yuan Shi Kai, 42, 49

  Yugoslavia breakup of, 163

  Zaghlul, Sa’d, 43

  Zanzibar, 27

  Zapatista Liberation Army, 120

  Zeller, General André, 100

  Zephaniah, Benjamin, 259

  Zidane, Zinedine, 178

  Zimbabwe independence of (1979), 111

  Zionism resistance organisations, 65

  Zulus defeated (1838), 29

  defeated (1879), 22




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