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Are You Listening to Me? : A Detective Toby Mystery (9781927899403)

Page 19

by Cushnie-mansour, Mary M.

  “Yeah, probably her divorce. Now the guy can pretend to be the grieving widower,” Jack sneered.

  Tessa was thoughtful for a moment. “Did anyone ever check out her ex-husband?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I would think Bryce would have had someone go and talk to him.”

  “We’ll ask when we get back to the station.” Tessa looked around one more time before suggesting they leave.


  After Toby had been dropped off, he went into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and a drink. He had no idea how long he would be gone so wanted to make sure he was well-nourished. Once the belly was satisfied, Toby headed over to Emma’s; she was in her plant room. He meowed loudly. Emma looked up and motioned it was okay for him to come into the yard. She pointed to the house, indicating Duke was inside.

  Toby went up to the door and Emma let him. She looked sad. Toby rubbed around her legs and began to purr. She knelt down and scratched along his spine. Tears started to drop onto his fur.

  “Camden told me we have to move again. He informed me this morning I had to start packing. Cam said the owner has opened a new gym in Nova Scotia and he wants Cam to go down there and manage it. I asked my brother why him, and Cam said the guy who was lined up down there took sick and can’t do it now. Cam said Mr. Rawlings was paying our moving expenses.” Emma crumbled to the floor beside Toby and continued stroking him. “I don’t want to leave, Toby. This has never happened so quickly before; I don’t understand why we can’t be like other people and just put down roots.” Emma cleared her throat and sniffed. “It’s almost like all the moving around we did when we were in foster care has affected him to the point where he just can’t stay anywhere for too long. But this is ridiculous; we just got here. I’m sure Cam could have said no if he’d wanted to. I’m happy. I thought he was happy at work, too. He was for the first while, but then I noticed the signs: his moods when he came home, moods I’d seen before, moods that always got worse before our next move.

  “There are times when I think to ask him to just let me stay somewhere; I could manage on my own. But then I remember how much he has done for me, especially after the rape,” Emma was rambling on, providing Toby with a lot of information. “He was pretty angry when the guy got off on a technicality. We moved away and Cam started working at a gym. He’s been working at gyms ever since. He’s good at his job, I think. But now he tells me it hasn’t been going so well here; people are blaming him for stuff he doesn’t do … oh, Toby,” Emma picked Toby up and buried her face in his fur. “I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

  Toby stayed for another half hour before he decided it was time to leave. Emma continued to pour her heart out to him, and he learned more than he really wanted to. But without being able to talk, how was he going to get across his suspicions to Jack? He headed for the gym, climbed the tree, jumped on the roof, and sat down beside the skylight over the reception area. Camden was at the drink counter.


  Andrew grabbed a few hours of sleep after his phone call to Jack. He planned on heading to the gym before his four o’clock shift. When Andrew walked into the facility at two o’clock, he was still thinking of the young man he had dropped off at the hospital. He had called the hospital before leaving home and was informed Owen hadn’t made it through the night. Andrew swiped his card and headed for the change room, taking no note of who was at the reception desk. Toby saw him come in.

  Camden was cleaning the counter and arranging the shelves. Toby noticed how he had turned, ever so slightly, to follow the direction Andrew had taken. Toby saw Andrew come out of the change room and head to the warm-up area, and Camden leave his work area and start to empty the garbage cans by the machines, starting in the warm-up area. Toby observed Camden talking to Andrew. Andrew just looked at Camden and Toby didn’t see whether he answered or not because Andrew got up from his mat and walked away. Toby saw the look on Camden’s face, though.

  Toby spent the next half hour watching Camden watching Andrew. He got an eerie feeling that Andrew’s life might be in danger, and Andrew was Jack’s friend! Toby had to do something.

  Andrew came out of the change room after finishing his workout and went up to the drink counter. Camden served him. Toby watched carefully. They appeared to be talking and Andrew wasn’t happy after he took the first sip of his smoothie. Camden blushed, but Toby could tell by his body language he was angry. Andrew left the drink on the counter, bent down, picked up his gym bag, and headed for the door. Camden watched Andrew leave, his face contorted with anger. Toby had seen enough for now; he headed home.

  He was crossing over the parking lot when he noticed Andrew getting into his car. He jumped up onto the front of the car, stared in at Andrew for a minute, and then jumped off. “I got your back buddy; be careful.”

  Inside the gym, Camden was still fuming. He had made the drink exactly as Andrew asked. He was sick of this guy being so arrogant and ignoring his friendliness. What could he have been thinking, trying to make friends with him anyway, especially when Andrew looked so much like the guy who had gotten away with raping Emma!

  Jack and Tessa were in the living room going over the files when Toby arrived home. “Where you been, Toby? I thought you’d be sleeping all afternoon.” Jack looked up as Toby entered the room.

  “I’ve been doing your job, Jack––spying on the guy I think is murdering these people––keeping my eye on your friend––trying to figure out how to tell you.” Toby jumped up to his perch by the window, lay down, closed his eyes and went to sleep. He needed a cat-nap.

  The doorbell woke him up. Jack answered it and let Camden in. When Toby saw who it was, he sat up and hissed. His tail switched back and forth, and he hissed again. Camden glared at him. Tessa was watching closely.

  “I checked the records, Jack,” Camden began, “Those names are not on our membership list. I just thought I would drop in and tell you because when I called earlier you weren’t home.”

  “Thanks, Camden, I appreciate you stopping by. I would offer you a drink, but Tessa and I have a lot of work to do here.”

  Camden gazed at the coffee table. He noticed there were five folders today. He couldn’t help the smile that crossed briefly across his lips. Tessa looked at him strangely, wondering what he thought was so funny. “Another victim?” Camden pointed to the files.

  “We think so,” Jack answered.

  “Any leads?”

  Tessa intervened. “We are following up a few leads, but are being careful what we release to the press just yet.” Tessa looked into Camden’s eyes. She shuddered, not liking what she saw there. “We are closing in on the killer,” she baited. Tessa saw the eyes darken.

  Camden put his hands up to his temples. His head started to pound. He needed to get home. “I’ll leave then and let you guys get back to work.” Camden was getting bad vibes off Tessa; she could be dangerous. He had to get home and make sure Emma was packing, and he had to send out the final email. Andrew would only get one; there wouldn’t be time for a second one before he and Emma would steal away in the night.

  Tessa sat down on a chair after Camden left and she looked up at Jack. “There is something weird about that young man,” she declared. “How long has he been your neighbour?”

  “He and his sister moved here in May,” Jack replied. “He’s okay, loves his sister. Came here because of her health; she’s seeing a doctor in Brantford, he said.”

  “What is wrong with her, Jack?”

  Jack thought for a moment and then realized he didn’t know. “Camden never really told me.”

  “Where did they live before?”

  “Vancouver, I think he said.”

  Tessa made a mental note to check Vancouver for unsolved homicides that may have a similarity to what they were dealing with here in Brantford.

  “Do the math, Jack. The murders started not too long after Camden arrived, and he’s getting ready to run again! Emma said so! I
’m even surer now … he’s the killer!” Toby jumped down off the couch and joined Tessa on her chair.

  “There is one thing I would like to do before calling it a day. I am going to head back to the station and take a look at the computer to see if there have been any other crimes like this anywhere in the country. I don’t think this is the first time this killer has killed.” Tessa put the files in her case.

  “Neither do I!” Toby rubbed his head on Tessa’s shoulder.


  Camden stormed into the house. Emma was sitting on the couch. She looked like she had been crying. The boxes he had stored in the basement after their move and had brought up for her to start packing sat empty on the floor. He didn’t have time to speak to her right now; he needed to send the email. He would deal with Emma when he was sure he had things in order. He rushed up the stairs to his room, turned on his computer, found his file, and sent Andrew his warning. Then he checked his baggie and saw he was going to have to grind some more beans. In his rush to get the email out, he didn’t realize he’d sent the second one.

  When Camden came downstairs, he found Emma had lain down on the couch and fallen asleep. How lucky could he get? He headed for the three-season room and was picking some of the beans when he felt Emma’s presence. He turned and saw her standing in the doorway.

  “What are you doing, Camden?” she asked.

  He hesitated before speaking. What excuse could he give her? “I was just picking the seeds before we moved because we won’t be able to take all the plants with us this time. I know how much you like the castor bean plant.”

  “It isn’t me who likes that plant, Cam––it’s you.” Emma turned and walked back to the living room.

  Wednesday, July 1, 2009


  ndrew had the day off. Most places were closed for the holiday, however, not the gym. He figured a good workout would be the best way to start his day. “What do you think, Bear?” Andrew’s dog, a Samoyed, smiled and wagged his tail. “You want to come along today? I’m going to stop by Jack’s after my workout; you can play with Toby.” Andrew walked over to his computer and turned it on. “Guess I’ll check my emails before taking off.”

  It wasn’t often Andrew checked his emails, and it took quite a while for them to download. The most recent one had a subject line, ‘ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME.’ Andrew was curious, so he clicked on it. “Dear Andrew: you are still being very, very naughty. I told you what happens to very naughty people. Did you think about it? Did you ridicule someone today … ignore someone just because … blame someone wrongfully? Were you nice to someone … really nice? Did you help someone today, just because … really help? I doubt you even gave my message a second thought. Oh, believe it … you are so pathetically naughty that I can’t stand it! You might still be able to turn this around and do something about it. I am being generous giving you another warning … but it is still up to you to seek reconciliation. If you don’t, retribution will come your way … and don’t forget all those selfish, naughty friends of yours who are just like you. Pass this on to them so they can get help too … for every friend you try to save the retribution on yourself might be lessened … you know the drill … six to ten, maybe you won’t die … one to five, you will … signed: 666.”

  Andrew turned his printer on and printed the email. He was sure Jack would want to see this. “We’ll drop this by Jack’s before my workout, okay, Bear?” Bear was just happy to be getting out for the day.

  Unfortunately, when Andrew got to Jack’s, his friend had already left. Andrew scribbled a note on the paper and stuck it in Jack’s door, then headed off to the gym. Camden was working the front desk: Paige had called in sick. Of course, Camden had thought. It was a holiday and yesterday he’d heard her making plans with Vincent.


  Toby didn’t accompany Jack Wednesday morning. He wanted to keep an eye on the home front. Soon after Jack left for the station, Toby headed out the door and took his position on the gym roof by the skylight. He watched Camden at the front desk. Being a holiday, there were not a lot of people coming and going, so Camden was looking after reception and the drink counter. Toby was just about to doze off when he saw Andrew walk in. He saw a peculiar smile creep over Camden’s face.

  Andrew stopped momentarily at the counter before heading to the change room. Toby watched as Camden mixed a smoothie and he saw him take a little bag from his pocket and pour some white powder into the drink. At first, Toby thought Camden was making the drink for himself, but then remembered seeing a little bag like that when he had been spying on Camden. Camden put the drink in the fridge.

  Toby’s heart beat faster when he saw Andrew come out of the change room and head toward the door. Camden took the drink out of the fridge and called to Andrew, offering him the smoothie.

  Toby paced around the skylight, panic setting in. He knew what was in that baggie. Emma had told him how poisonous the seeds of that plant were. To his relief, Andrew was shaking his head. He raised his hand, gesturing ‘no thank you,’ and then turned and continued on his way. Toby breathed a sigh of relief. He watched Camden’s face when Andrew refused the drink. At first, while Andrew was still within sight, Camden had been cordial, but once Andrew was out the door, Camden looked irritated. He took the drink and dumped it down the sink, rinsed the paper cup, and threw it in the wastebasket. Then Camden took the garbage bag from the basket and proceeded to the back of the gym. Toby knew the evidence was headed for the trash. He would wait until Camden was back inside before leaving his post. Toby was confident he had the right guy and he was sure the next victim was Andrew!

  Andrew was pleasantly surprised by Camden’s offer of a smoothie, but he had other plans for lunch and didn’t want to spoil his appetite. He had thought, on more than one occasion, Camden was a bit weird, but had rationalized that the young man was probably just trying to do his job. He looked like he had a lot on his mind most of the time. Andrew dropped Bear off at his house and then called his friend, Jody. They had dated a couple times, and since it was such a beautiful day, he asked her to go to Port Dover. They could stay, have supper, and then take a long walk on a quiet beach after the crowds left. Jody was happy he called and said she would love to go to Dover. Andrew said he would pick her up in half an hour.


  By the time Jack arrived at the station, Tessa was already sitting at a computer with a smug look on her face. “I was right,” she said as Jack entered the office. “He’s killed before. I have pulled up two files: both unsolved crimes, both had six victims who died from poisoning, both were three females, three males killed in no particular order. And, just as the police were making significant progress, the killings stopped and the trails went cold.” Tessa pulled up a file on the computer screen. It was dated September 2006 and was from the Winnipeg police department. She printed it off. Then Tessa pulled up another file dated June 2007, and then two more, March 2008 and the most recent one, May 2009. “The last one is from Vancouver,” Tessa pointed out as she printed the reports off.

  Tessa gathered the papers and laid them out on a table by the window. She motioned for Jack to come and take a look. She had a highlighter in her hand, and as she skimmed down each page, she highlighted all the similarities in the cases. The pink lines glared revealingly at the two detectives.

  Jack sat back in his chair. “This means there will be one more victim––a male. But I’ve checked all the gyms in the area: not one of our victims are registered with them. Do you think the killer is changing his MO?”

  “I don’t think so; everything else is exactly the same––except for one thing. There was more time between the killings in these others. Since Vancouver, there was only about a month before they started again. The killer is escalating his kills, which means he is probably getting desperate about something. He will be packing to move again as soon as the sixth victim is finished; actually, my guess … he probably is out of the area even before the sixth victim dies.
” Tessa put her highlighter down, stood, and walked over to the window.

  “How well do you really know your new neighbour, Jack?” the question was asked pointedly.

  Jack looked up, surprised. “Well,” he began, “as well as anyone can get to know someone in a couple of months. He pretty much works and looks after his sister. Stops in at my place once in a while for a chat.”

  “What I’m getting at, Jack,” Tessa continued, “is this … he came here from Vancouver around mid-May, right?”


  “He worked at a gym in Vancouver, right?”


  “Did he mention to you where he worked before that?”

  “I believe he has always worked at gyms…” Jack shook his head. “No, Tessa. I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. Camden is a very gentle young man. He’s devoted to his sick sister. He…”

  “Is beginning to fit the profile, Jack. Face the facts.” Tessa returned to the table and sat down beside Jack. She pointed to all the highlights. “Look … all the victims of these other crimes were members of a gym … the same gym in each city where the crime was done … three males, three females, random; each time … poison, which always threw the doctors off at first because it just looked like the victims had a severe flu or food poisoning of some sort. By the time they realized it wasn’t the flu, the killer was almost finished and had moved on, leaving the trail cold. But here is the clincher: there were emails found. Not for all the victims, but I would bet my last dollar, if the police had investigated further, they would have discovered all the victims received the same emails.


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