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Are You Listening to Me? : A Detective Toby Mystery (9781927899403)

Page 21

by Cushnie-mansour, Mary M.


  Camden sat at the supper table and listened as Emma related the events of the visit from Jack and Tessa. Things were falling apart faster than he had imagined they would, and to top it all off, Andrew had not shown up at the gym today either.

  “What is going on, Cam? Why were they asking so many questions about you and your work and where we lived, and the reason for us moving here?”

  Camden wondered to himself how much he should tell his sister. He decided that a little knowledge would be better than none at all. Possibly it would quench some of Emma’s questions.

  “I think they are investigating a series of murders and they found some other similar cases where people who went to gyms were dying. For some reason, they are checking out employees of local gyms, as well.” Camden paused. “Paige said they were in the other day when I was off, asking everyone all sorts of questions,” Camden lied.

  “So, we really are leaving because Mr. Rawlings offered you a job in Nova Scotia?”

  After Camden had told Emma they might have to move again, he’d come up with the idea of Mr. Rawlings transferring him to another location. “I wouldn’t lie to you, Em. I’m sorry this has happened, but it has. Mr. Rawlings was good to me by giving me this job; I don’t want to disappoint him when he is caught with such a problem. And, he’s paying our way there,” Camden lied again. Emma didn’t have to know he’d been putting money away for emergencies. He’d figure something out once they got there and she found out there was no job. “I need you to get the packing finished because we have to leave this weekend––Saturday, hopefully.”

  Camden reached over and pulled Emma into his arms and gave her a warm hug. “You did well today, Em, not letting them into the house.”

  Emma pulled out of her brother’s arms. They didn’t feel as comforting as they once had. “I’d like to go and lie down for a while. When I get up, I can help with some more of the boxes.” Emma started up the stairs to her room.

  Camden was relieved because he had been trying to figure out how he was going to get more beans. He hoped there were enough because he had used quite a few in his last harvest.


  Toby decided to take a little jaunt over to Emma’s. He stopped behind a bush just outside the fence when he saw Camden by the castor bean plant. Toby watched as Camden picked the beans and slipped them into his pocket. Emma was nowhere to be seen. Toby hoped she was okay.

  Camden looked around nervously and then went back into the house. Toby moved so he would have a better view of the upper floor. He sat down and waited for Camden’s bedroom light to turn on. When it did, Toby headed up the tree outside Camden’s window. He slunk along the branch as far as he needed to get a good look inside. Camden had taken out his grinder and was dumping the seeds into it. Then he poured the powder into his baggie. Just as he was zipping the baggie shut, Emma appeared in the doorway.

  Toby held his breath. Would she be in danger if she realized what her brother was doing? “I’m not moving until I’m sure Emma is safe!” Toby’s tail switched nervously.

  Camden shoved the baggie into his pocket and turned to face his sister. Toby couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he saw the look of dismay cross Emma’s face. She turned and left. Toby waited a few more minutes before he climbed down the tree and headed home.

  Toby knew he needed to keep a particularly close eye on the gym tomorrow. He had no idea when Andrew would be working out, but he could not afford to miss him, especially if Camden was working. When Toby arrived home, Jack was relaxing in front of the television.

  “Hey there, Toby, old man; want to watch some telly with me?” Jack called out when he heard Toby in the kitchen. “Your favourite show, Law and Order, is on,” he added.

  Toby came through into the living room and jumped up on Jack’s lap. “Well isn’t this something, old man––what’s up?” Jack stroked Toby’s back.

  “If only I could tell you, Jack, but I just haven’t figured out how yet. So until I do, I’m going to have to do this one solo.” Toby curled up on Jack’s lap and went to sleep.

  Friday, July 3, 2009


  essa had been called out of town on Thursday for another profiling case, but Friday morning saw her up early and on her way to the Brantford station. She called Jack, but he said he had to wait for Andrew to drop off the email and then he would be over. When Tessa got to the station, she went straight to the computer Bryce had said she could use for the case and checked to see if she had any more information on the open cases out west.

  She was in luck. There was an email from her friend in Vancouver. He had not only sent her his files, but he had also called Calgary and gotten hold of theirs, as well. His note was cheery…

  Hi, Tessa: thought you might be interested in both of these files. I have also included pics of the victims from here and Calgary. To tell the truth, it is kind of eerie how much the victims from each city look alike. I’ve also included copies of the emails received by some of our victims. If I find anything else, I will forward it to you. Til later, Cole Palmer

  Tessa pulled her files out of her briefcase and spread them out on the table while the printer was printing off the documents Cole had sent her. She gathered the papers from the printer and set them out beside the Brantford files and then stepped back. She turned and headed to Bryce’s office.

  “Bryce, I want you to see something; do you have a minute?”

  When Bryce saw the pictures, he immediately caught sight of what Tessa had noticed. The photos also confirmed what Cole had mentioned in his email. There was an eerie amount of similarity in the individuals from place to place. Tessa pointed to the sixth victim from Calgary and Vancouver.

  “Look at these two guys, Bryce; they could pass for brothers. They look familiar to me, but I can’t put my finger on who I know with a similar appearance.” She paused. “This guy is getting ready to kill again, and then he will disappear: we aren’t any closer to finding out who he is than we were a couple of days ago. I have my suspicions but no concrete proof.”

  “Does Jack agree with your suspicions?” Bryce inquired.

  “Not exactly.” Tessa went on to explain about Camden, Jack’s neighbour.

  Bryce nodded. When she was finished, he walked to the door. “I’ll wait until Jack gets here and then you two can go and have a talk with this fellow. Leave his sister out of it. By the sounds of what you said happened yesterday, she won’t say anything to incriminate her brother. She probably doesn’t even know what he has done––if it is him, of course––and if she does, she is too afraid to open her mouth.” Bryce returned to his office.


  After Andrew dropped the email off to Jack, he headed to the gym. He needed a good workout and knew there was plenty of time before he had to be on the job. Paige was at the front desk when he arrived.

  “Good morning, Andrew, you’re here early today.”

  “Missed yesterday,” he answered. “Have to keep this body in good shape for the girls.”

  Paige laughed. “Have a good workout, Andrew.”

  “You bet.”


  Jack turned to Toby as he was getting ready to head down to the station. “Want to come, old man? You haven’t been getting out much with me lately.”

  Toby looked up and then put his head back down on the couch and pretended to be asleep.

  “Okay then, you rest … you’re going to put on weight if you don’t start getting out and about,” Jack chuckled.

  “Won’t be putting on weight, buddy. I got things to look after, so get on your way so I can get on mine!” Toby opened his eyes to keep his lookout on the sidewalk. He knew Andrew was at the gym, but he hadn’t seen Camden walk to work yet.

  On the way to the station, Jack thought to stop in at the gym and double-check with reception about the names. Tessa’s statement that this was the only gym he hadn’t personally checked was nagging at him.

i, how can I help you, sir,” Paige greeted Jack.

  Jack flashed his badge. “I need you to check your files to see if any of these names are on your membership list.” Jack produced a piece of paper with the five victims’ names.

  “I can tell you right off that one of them is … actually, two,” Paige pointed to Tyler and Owen. “Give me a minute, and I’ll look up the ladies. If they don’t come in too often, I don’t always remember them. I remember the men because Tyler made a pass at me and Owen came in drunk the other day … I had to tell him he couldn’t work out.” She returned to the counter a few minutes later with the piece of paper. She had checked off all the ladies’ names. “Looks like they’re all members. Have they done something wrong?”

  Jack wondered what planet this girl lived on and if she ever watched the news or read the paper. Probably not, he told himself as he looked at her chewing her bubble gum. “No, they haven’t done anything wrong.” Jack thought not to tell her they were dead––not yet anyway. He thanked Paige for the information and headed out.

  As he was driving, Jack pondered about why Camden told him none of the victims were gym members. He was beginning to have second thoughts about his neighbour. A few blocks before the station, the van began to sputter. Jack looked at his gas gauge; it was below the red line. “Damn!” he yelled and hit the steering wheel. He managed to get the van pulled over to the sidewalk, got out, locked it, and began walking. He was not in the best of moods when he stepped through the door of Tessa’s temporary office.

  “Who ate your breakfast?” she smiled.

  “Ran out of gas.”

  Tessa laughed. Then she got down to business. “Got the email?”

  “Yep. And I got something else, too. I stopped by the gym down the street from me on my way here. All five victims belonged to that gym. Camden was lying to me, or maybe he just didn’t have the proper access needed to see the entire membership list. I don’t think he works front desk much.” Jack was still trying not to believe Camden was involved in such a horrendous crime.

  “Oh, I think Camden was lying to you, Jack,” Tessa wasn’t holding back any punches with her words. “By the way, what does the young man do at the gym?” she added.

  “I think he mentioned doing a lot of the cleaning,” Jack’s face went pale, “and he works the drink counter, making and serving the members drinks.”

  Tessa pointed to the pictures on the table. “These are the sixth victims in Calgary and Vancouver, both men, which we know the next victim here is going to be. Look at them Jack; look at how much they look alike. They remind me of someone, but I can’t put my finger on a name.”

  If Jack’s face could have gone any paler, it would have. His hands began to shake as he picked up the two pictures. “Andrew!” he breathed.

  “Oh, my God! Yes … Andrew! And he’s the one who’s received the email, isn’t he? Do you know where he is at the moment?”

  “At the gym. He was going there after he dropped off the email.”

  “We’ll take my car,” Tessa said as she headed out the door. “I hope we’re not too late.”


  About five minutes after Jack left the house, Camden walked by. He looked into the window as he passed and gave Toby the finger. Damn cat.

  Toby didn’t waste any time. As soon as Camden was out of sight, he raced to the kitchen, pushed through the cat door, and headed for the gym. He climbed up his tree and took his post at the skylight over the drink counter. Toby had peeked in one of the other skylights on his way to the front of the building and saw that Andrew was still working out.

  Camden was having a conversation with Paige, and he didn’t look happy about what she was telling him. His face was sullen as he prepared his area to serve the customers. A couple of women walked up, and he made them smoothies. Andrew was still working out. Toby repositioned himself so he could see the change room––so he would know when Andrew was getting ready to leave. He still had no idea how he was going to stop this, but Toby knew he’d do what he had to so Jack’s friend wouldn’t die!

  Finally, Toby noticed Andrew headed to the change room. Camden was watching Andrew, as well. He waited a few minutes and then began to mix another smoothie, even though there was no one at the counter. Toby watched as Camden poured the white powder from his baggie into the drink. He began to pace nervously around the window. Andrew was walking toward Camden, smiling.

  “Damn, he’s taking the drink. What to do? What to do?” Toby saw Andrew take a sip of the drink and then he nodded and put some money on the counter. He picked up his gym bag and headed out the door to the parking lot.

  “There’s only one thing for me to do!” Toby ran to the edge of the building, which breached the parking lot. Andrew was just passing by. Toby crouched on the ledge and then leapt off. He missed Andrew’s back but knocked the hand holding the drink. The cup went flying into the air and landed on the asphalt.

  Andrew cursed. “What the hell! … Toby?”

  Toby was lying on the asphalt. He wasn’t moving. He could feel the pain in his front legs and his shoulders. “At least Andrew can’t drink the smoothie now!” His tail flapped weakly on the ground.

  Andrew was kneeling down beside Toby when Tessa and Jack came roaring into the parking lot. Jack jumped out of the car and raced to his friend. When he saw Toby lying still on the ground, he fell to his knees beside his furry friend. “What happened here, Andrew?” Jack asked as Tessa came up beside him.

  “Your cat just jumped from out of nowhere and hit me, Jack––spilled my drink all over the place. What has gotten into Toby? I thought he liked me.”

  Jack looked at the empty cup on the ground. He looked at the liquid surrounding it. “Who made the drink for you, Andrew?”

  “The young fellow at the beverage counter; Camden is his name, I think.”

  “How much did you drink?”

  “I just had a couple of small sips before Toby knocked it out of my hand.”

  “I think Toby just saved your life,” Jack notified Andrew. “Tessa, we need to bag this cup and some of the liquid and get it sent to the lab for testing.”

  Tessa reached into her car and grabbed a plastic bag. She also put on a pair of gloves before she picked up the cup. “We’ll need to have this dusted for prints,” she pointed out.

  Jack turned to Tessa. “I hate to request this of you, but I need to ask you to get Andrew to the hospital and then take Toby to the vet.” He took out a piece of paper and scribbled down an address. “I have someone we need to talk to.”

  “I didn’t really have that much, Jack. I should be okay,” Andrew stated.

  “Get checked anyway,” Jack ordered. “This poison that is being used is pretty lethal, and if my guess is right, there was probably an extra-large dose in your drink. You will start to get cramps, and you will get the sweats, and then vomiting and diarrhea. Don’t take any chances.” Jack knelt down beside Toby and stroked his fur. “It’s okay, old man, you’re going to be okay. Tessa is going to get you to the doctor. You’re a tough old detective…” A tear dropped down onto Toby’s side. Jack wiped his cheek.

  Jack gathered Toby up and handed him to Tessa. She’d already pulled a blanket from her trunk and had laid it on her backseat. Jack didn’t wait for Tessa and Andrew to leave; he was already walking toward the gym entrance. Not seeing Camden, Jack approached Paige and asked her where he was. She pointed to the back door.

  “He took the garbage out about five minutes ago. He hasn’t returned yet. He might be in the washroom. I didn’t see him come back in the building because I was serving a customer. What do you want him for?”

  “I just need to talk to him,” Jack replied.


  Camden was taking the garbage out when he noticed the commotion in the parking lot. His head began to pound. It was all over. He knew it would be one day. Maybe now he could get some help––maybe. Or, maybe they didn’t really have enough evidence and he woul
d walk free. He had Emma to think of. He couldn’t leave her. If he could buy some time, they could just throw a few things in the van and leave. Camden waited behind the dumpster until Jack walked into the front of the building and until Tessa drove out of the parking lot before he took off for his house.

  He burst through the front door. “Get your things, Emma! We’re going for a ride. Bring Duke.”

  “What do you mean, my things, Cam––what things?”

  Cam was pacing in the foyer. “Think … think,” he mumbled, hitting his head with the palm of his hand. “Don’t panic her.” He turned to Emma: “Just your purse. I want to take you out. You have been too cooped up here. Thought you could join me to pick up a few items for our trip.”

  “Why does Duke have to come with us; wouldn’t it be easier to leave him home?”

  “No, just get your purse and get in the van; I’ll get Duke!” Camden yelled.

  Emma was climbing into the van when Jack walked up. “Emma, where is your brother?”

  “Inside. We are going shopping. He’s just getting Duke. Why, Jack?” Emma’s eyes grew round with fear. “You’re scaring me, Jack; what’s going on?” She started crying.

  Camden saw Jack at the van. His head was screaming with pain. Duke was barking, and then he started running from the front to the back of the house. Camden decided he had to leave. He headed for the back door. As he went through the three-season room, he stopped for a moment and picked whatever seeds were left on the castor bean plant and popped them in his mouth. His teeth came down on the seeds, and he crunched them as quickly as he could, and then opened the door to flee. Emma would be better off without him. Maybe Jack would look after her.

  Jack had caught a glimpse of Camden in the three-season room and noticed him putting something in his mouth. Jack hurried through the house and into the backyard as fast as he could to get to Camden before he swallowed whatever it was he’d taken. But Camden was running now, and Duke was also in the backyard.


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