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Guardians of the Kingdom

Page 1

by Diana Flame


  of the


  Diana Flame


  Jewel of the Palace – Book 1

  Published by Yorkside Press

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © 2018 by Diana Flame

  This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without the expressed permission of the author or publisher.

  ISBN: 978-976-96059-9-2 (eBook)

  ISBN: 978-976-96059-8-5 (Print)

  For information contact:

  Yorkside Press

  York Hill District, Seaforth P.O., St. Thomas, Jamaica W.I.

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  Once upon a Kingdom…




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Books by this author

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  About the Author


  The Veiled Territories

  In the land of the Veiled Territories lives the Kisalese people. The land consists of twenty-eight kingdoms divided by East, West, North and South. A race similar to humans – yet somewhat different is separated by hierarchy.

  A kingdom divided will fall. One of these kingdoms must face the test of its strength. Can it withstand the evil within its own walls?

  A secret that could ruin an entire kingdom brings a king to his knees. While a war threatens in the battlefields, a conflict that could cause the fall of the most powerful kingdom of the north region transpires inside the palace.

  For thirty years, Gerdan rebels tried to conquer the kingdoms of The Veiled Territories. The rebel king laid siege on the east and lost the battle with Prasia and Loekem. Just when all seems quiet, Gerdan attacks Cronada of the North. Word across the Cronada Kingdom is that the Gerdanians have found the Jewel of Power, which now gives them new courage. It is believed that the one who possesses such a jewel would rule all.

  Gerdan, one of seven kingdoms in the north, now ruled by a rebel king is determined to bring down all the other kingdoms in order to achieve the world power. More than twenty years have passed since the rebels invaded the Gerdanian king’s castle and forced him to abdicate the throne. A rebel, a netherbred, now rules as king of Gerdan.

  With Gerdan’s star warrior missing, they strongly believes he is captured by the Cronadians. Gerdan’s rebel king bravely challenges King Syreus of Cronada to battle. When Syreus refuses his challenge, the Gerdanian rebels invades, forcing the king to war.

  However, the Cronadian king holds a trump card – the Fire Knight. Legend has it the Fire Knight is endowed with magical powers. No one knows whether that is true or not. Yet, one gifted the most magical beast throughout all the land must mean the legend is true, isn’t it?

  What the king doesn’t know is that there are others destined to save Cronada. The guardians they are, empowered in their unique strengths, gifted by the Gods.

  The King of Cronada may win the war with Gerdan, but can he win against his greatest foe? Will the enemy inside the palace bring the kingdom down or will King Syreus prove to be the formidable opponent everyone knows him to be?

  Veiled Territories – 28 kingdoms divided into 4 regions (east, west, north and south).

  Race – Kisalese

  Description – Dark brown skin, small pointed ears, almond shaped eyes. Eye color of all types. Hair color of all shades.

  Function – similar to humans

  Housing structure – similar to humans

  Food – species specific

  Kingdom Hierarchy

  Royalites: The king and those who would inherit the kingdom should the king die – such as the king’s siblings, parents and children born in wedlock. Only immediate relations can automatically inherit the kingdom. However, should the king die without an heir or immediate relative, a new king can be appointed from either distant relations or new nobility. Royalites and half-royalites receive the highest level of education available.

  Half-Royalites: A child born in wedlock between a royalite and noblite – such as a princess and noblite.

  Noblites: Royal relatives outside of the immediate royal family - such as cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, second, third, fourth and generations beyond. Noblite education is second to the royalites.

  Halabreds: (hala for short): An illegitimate child of a noblite or royalite, born out of wedlock where there is no hope of both parents getting married. If the parents should marry after, then the child becomes noblite or half-royalite (depending on situation). These children are trained to serve the royal family and noblites as chambermaids and servants. They can also become soldiers, knights or ministers and work in any position within the castle walls and palace. They are educated but minimally. They can also marry a noblite or netherbred, but never a royalite.

  Netherbreds: (nether for short): Also known as lesser borns (a derogatory term). We know them as peasants - not born of nobility or royalty. Cannot live or work in Kingdom City, unless summoned by the king or his ministers. They can peddle in the city market place as cobblers, merchants, silversmiths, jewelers and farmers or whatever skills they ply. They cannot marry anyone above the halabred class. Nethers are not expected to be educated, but are skilled at their chosen professions.

  Dergabreds: Also called derges (derogatory term). Children born to a netherbred mother and noblite/royalite/hala lover. An outcast due to the nature of the relationship, which could never be legitimized. Usually children born in these situations, their mothers are believed to be drabbeliers (whores). Dergabreds are considered bottom of the barrel and even some nethers see them as outcasts. If the king is found to have been with or impregnated a nether, he will face dire consequences.

  The mating and wedlock laws - north of the Veiled Territories including Cronada

  A king must never take a netherbred lover even as a concubine. A king can never impregnate a netherbred or he must abdicate. A king can take a halabred lover, but can never make her queen or lady in waiting.

  If a noblite falls in love with a netherbred, he can petition the council for a permit to marry and so the netherbred will automatically elevate in status. However, since this is a prohibited marriage, the council may arrest the noblite for interfering with the wedlock decree. Because of this, no noblite has ever petitioned to marry a nether.

  A halabred can marry a netherbred freely but must now reside outside the palace and live as a netherbred. In Cronada, halas consider themselves superior to nethers and to date, no halabred has openly wedded a nether. There have been a few instances where halas and nethers have run away together.

  A dergabred can never marry above his/her class except a nether.

  Military laws – north of the Veiled Territories including Cronada

  Concerning the status of soldiers and their role in protecting the king, soldiers are drafted from noblites and halabreds.

  A netherbred can become a soldier, especially during the time of war. If the royal council decrees that soldiers are needed to aid in t
he war, they will draft from the nether townships. These soldiers will remain as reserves or may petition to join the regular army after the war. If granted to join the army, they will shed their netherbred status if they are promoted to Lieutenant and above.

  Knights are classified according to rank. First Class knights are those with the most experience, specialized combat skills and have been recognized as a hero by the king. Second Class knights are expert swordsmen, but do not necessarily possess any extraordinary skills and have not achieved any special awards. Third Class knights are those in training.

  A nether soldier can become a knight after being promoted. Knights are usually noblites or half-royalites who are trained specifically for the knighthood.

  A First Class knight or General in the army can take any nether and train them. If a First Class knight takes a nether to train as a knight, that nether will automatically shed the lesser born status.

  1162 – Kingdom of Cronada

  King Syreus scanned the map of Cronada Kingdom, spread across the long metal table in the center of the military meeting hall. The commander of the guard, General Hedgewick placed a white pebble on each secured fort along the kingdom’s border. On the garrisons still under construction, he indicated with a dark gray pebble.

  In the room were about twenty men, including the king’s most trusted generals, three knights and two ministers. The others were commanding officers of the different divisions of the Cronadian army.

  “We are reinforcing the forts along the coast of Cronada and the Sea of Zunzt, my king,” the general said.

  “We will also secure the settlements with fortifications,” the king replied.

  “But sire, only the nethers and derges reside outside the city walls, and we have already reinforced the strongholds here.”

  The king looked sharply at the general, his deep sea green eyes glinting. “Have you forgotten that half a century ago, all men were considered netherbreds until the people cried for a king? The same blood runs in all our veins.”

  The room fell silent as the general shuffled uncomfortably. A few of the other officers’ eyes fell to the floor as the king cruised their faces. The Prime Minister, standing at the opposite end of the table, held the king’s gaze with a smirk on his face. King Syreus lowered his voice as he returned to the General of the Royal Guard.

  “These are still my people and I will not leave them to the mercy of the Gerdanians. You will follow my orders and fortify these townships.”

  “Your wish is my command, my king,” Hedgewick replied.

  The rebels of Gerdan were cause for concern and he would not leave the people of Cronada to their mercy. As far as he recalled, there were more than three hundred thousand netherbreds living in thirty townships across Cronada.

  In the king’s mind, these people were of the utmost importance to the kingdom. Without them, there would be no food, clothing and weapons. The nethers produced every morsel on the royalite and noblite table. All the silversmiths, swordsmiths and blacksmiths were indeed of this class. Their skills were of great significance to the survival of Cronada.

  General Hedgewick addressed the king. “What will happen when the rebels realize their Black Knight was not taken by us?”

  The king had a feeling that he knew who was responsible. The Knight of the Phantom Dragon may have vanished more than two decades ago - a knight who betrayed the king and disappeared. However, taking a star warrior from a rebel camp was his modus operandi. The Black Knight of Gerdan was missing - disappeared into the night air like a ghost and no one knew where he was. There was only one such warrior capable of doing such a deed. However, it couldn’t be, as this warrior was no longer serving the king.

  The king’s gaze fell on the map as his mind drifted to his confidant and trusted Fire Knight - a young knight who was more like a son. Could it be him? He was a fierce combatant with such capabilities. Still, entering the rebel camp and snatching their most ferocious warrior beneath their noses? Did he do it?

  “My king?” the general’s call broke through Syreus’ thoughts.


  “We will secure the coast with a strong contingent, fortify the hamlets as well. All netherbred men under thirty five have been drafted into battle.”

  The king nodded. “Hmm. What about those robust enough to fight over that age?”

  “They will stay inside the fortresses and safeguard the women and children.”

  For the first time since the hour-long meeting, the king relaxed his shoulders. “Well done, General.”

  “Sire,” a deputy commander approached. “About the troops from the east - any word?”

  The kings of Prasia and Loekem had fought and won the war with the rebels. With this in mind and the fact that the rebels had murdered the only son of the Prasian king, Syreus requested aid. The Fire Knight should return soon with reply from Prasia.

  “I am still awaiting word,” the king replied. “But I do believe I will find favor in King Konush’s eyes.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Make sure the river is also secure. Can’t have the people without water,” the king added. “The rebels will come from the mountains and plains, drive them back to the Dark Serpent Valley. There will be the battle field … contain them there.”

  “Will they not come by sea?”

  The king eyed the young commander. “The rebels in their haste to conquer Gerdan, set afire the ships of their king. They have not rebuilt the ships since.”

  “You know many things about these rebels, my king,” the deputy beamed.

  The king sighed. It was all thanks to a secret messenger whom he’d never seen. Who was he that knew the king’s secret passage? It was two weeks to the day and he was getting ready for bed. The flame of the oil lamp flickered twice before going out. As he moved to relight the lamp, the hairs on the back of his neck stood erect. He stiffened and waited, but nothing happened. When he relit the lamp, there was a note wrapped in a rock on his desk.

  His head whipped around, perusing the room. No one was there. The first instinct was to alert the guards, but something held him back. Curious, he picked up the note and unfurled it. “The Gerdan rebels are planning to conquer Cronada. Come to the secret passage door.”

  Quickly snatching up his sword, he moved stealthily toward the door. “Who’s there?” he demanded.

  “I am a loyal servant of the king,” a voice said through the door.

  “How did you get in?” the king pressed. “Identify yourself or I will alert the royal guards.”

  “If you do that, Your Majesty, you will never know what the Gerdanians are plotting against the kingdom.”


  It was unusual for a king to have consult with an invader in the palace. Yet, he’d listened and agreed that the secret messenger could visit him with news whenever necessary.

  “I shall return with more for you, King Syreus,” the spy-messenger had said. “I will whistle three times and knock the secret door twice after midnight. Hence you will know it is I.”

  Since that night, the messenger had returned several times with news of the Gerdanians. Through him, the king learned many of the Gerdanians plans of attack, when they will attack and via what route. Because of this information, the king was able to make a treaty with the rebels. They would fight an organized war, the way kingdoms fought and if Cronada should lose, the kingdom would belong to the Gerdanians.

  Regardless of the fact that someone breeched security to enter his chambers, King Syreus was grateful for the spy in the Gerdan camp. On the last night the messenger came, they made a pact.

  “The war is at hand and I am needed in battle,” he said. “I shall return.”

  “I am most grateful for your assistance,” the king said. “Everything you have told me has come to pass. Name your wish and it shall be granted.”

  There was a moment of silence and then the messenger spoke. “On the day I make my request, you will promise to hear it. That is my c
urrent wish.”

  “Yes, but how will I know it is you?”

  “On the day you hear these words, you will know it is I,” the voice had said. “Quench the fire in the dragon’s eye.”

  “Quench the fire in the dragon’s eye?” the king repeated.

  There was silence and he knew the messenger was gone. Those words now played in the king’s mind as he waited for the day to hear them.

  Netherbred township of Frogsgrave … one month later

  The day was like any other. Feeding the animals, cleaning house and helping with the farm was Catrain’s diurnal routine. As the golden sun slowly sank behind the Black Eagle Mountains, she casted her eyes across the late afternoon sky.

  In the open field in the center of the village, children played. Their laughter and voices a welcome sound to the noise of battle. Catrain smiled. The children were innocent, unaware of the war.

  On her way to fetch the final pail of water and take a well-needed bath, she trailed a path other than the one she used earlier. This route led to a special place she adopted as her own. Although this was her umpteenth journey to the river since daybreak, she much looked forward to this trip. Fetching water for the cattle, cleaning the house and cooking was for chores. This trip was her luxury.

  In addition, helping with the animals and tending to the house made her quite grimy and smelly by the end of the day. Therefore, taking a bath was a necessity. As she made her way upstream, she turned her face up to the sky, trying to catch the final rays of sun before it disappeared.

  The Silver Stone River separated Frogsgrave from the Phantom Shadow Forest. Beyond the forest was Kingdom City. Making her way to her favorite bathing spot, she wondered what the city was like. She’d heard of it but had never gone beyond the edge of the forest on the opposite bank of the river.


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