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Ripped Open (The Infected: Ripped to Shreds Book 2)

Page 28

by P. S. Power

  A class ten… Well, that was a mythical statement, actually. What it meant, on paper, was that if the entire world, including all the other Infected, rose up against them, that the class ten would triumph. Almost every time. Against everyone.

  It was hard to think of little Sara that way, but her power fit the bill. As she got older, and learned things, she’d be able to do more, too. Which pretty much meant they either killed her right then, or they made sure she grew up being a moral and good person. Not that Cindy was the one to teach that lesson set.

  Still, given her life, the kid needed stability. Even if that had Cin there for the rest of her life, slaving away like a government wage peon. Unless she wanted the entire world to end, of course. That part was harder, since at the moment, she didn’t really care about everyone else. Besides, there was a pretty good chance that Sara was going to end up being fine. Even given her horrible early life.

  About thirty percent or so, even.

  Taking a slow breath, she shrugged.

  “I’m in, for now. With our side, I mean. After all, what other government agency would arrange for me to teleport to my favorite vacation spots?” She grinned, and looked at Brian closely. “That’s a hint, by the way. It should have been as your girlfriend, but I got you Karen instead. Unless that doesn’t work out. Even then, I’m totally hitting the beach this summer, don’t you think?” Probably with a little girl in tow, but it would still be fun, and she didn’t really have a style to cramp.

  Marcia gave her a sour look, but Brian actually lit up.

  “That… Actually, we should do that for everyone that works here. It had occurred to me, but now we can get them to places that weren’t an option before. The Moon, or even Mars.” He had stars in his eyes, and the Director softened a bit, her face smoothing from the scowl that had been on it.

  “I think that might be fun, for some of the people here. Don’t tax yourself too much though. Or let our best people get too far away. We might never get them back, if we start doing that. As it is, I expect to lose Tobin in the next few years. He’s cute now, and going to be taller soon? Famous already, and from what I hear, his singing didn’t suffer in the change at all. We don’t really have anything to offer him, given that, do we?” She meant it, her mind was actually searching for a way to get the man to stay on, so that his leaving wouldn’t cause an exodus.

  Lauren was kind of in the same boat. They could keep her for a while, claiming she was on probation, but after that was done, all they could offer her was the same life that she’d had for a decade. Only now with the ability to pack a bag and simply ride off in a taxi. Even giving her responsibility, their life wasn’t so great that most of them had a reason to stay, if the law wasn’t going to force them.

  Cindy nodded, and changed the topic a bit.

  “Except that no one is planning to leave. Not yet. Things are getting a bit better for the Infected, but believe it or not, most of the people here have a better life than they would otherwise. Even if this place sucks for them, it would be worse without the others. Not me… But I’m new and don’t have that many friends here yet. Not ones that I couldn’t walk away from. The situation is different for almost everyone else. You’re their family, in a lot of cases.”

  Marcia winced, but looked at Brian, instead of her. The man got the idea already, and kind of agreed.

  “Don’t forget the new travel perks. Really, the biggest drawback right now is that there really isn’t enough for everyone to do. We barely have Infected problems anymore. Half of that is the worst of them being dead, of course. The other part is that most of the police agencies have been actually trying not to be pricks to everyone for a while now. It doesn’t always work, but it really has shifted the dynamic around. I was thinking… We could take some of the people to other realities, for cross training? One of my contacts has an interesting set up with some magic users. If anyone wants to learn that kind of thing? It means language training, but I know that I’d jump at it if given the option.”

  Cindy could see that. She even got that he wasn’t just talking about one such set up, but several. In fact, one of the people he meant was trying to get people to work in a book store, and they actually spoke English there. It wasn’t a perfect world, but they didn’t have a bias against Infected people there. Just Vampires and Shifters. Even that wasn’t too bad.

  She nodded.

  “Sounds fun, really. After this trip though? For me anyway. I mean, how many people get to go to other worlds, for any reason at all?”

  Brian winked, and smiled at the same time.

  “That what I said! Though, you had a point, about Sara…”

  She nodded, but didn’t let that bother her too much.

  “She can come and go with us? Visiting and all that? It might be good to teach her how to do that kind of thing, adapt like that, early.” Or Cin could be totally wrong. After all, it was impossible to know what would work with someone like the girl in question. Letting her see a broad section of reality might ruin her. It might also be the one thing that saved them all.

  Marcia seemed to think she might be, but Brian was considering it. After all, Sara wasn’t exactly a normal kid. Teaching her that the world was bigger than most thought, right off the bat might be useful to her, later in life.

  Especially since there was almost no way that she wouldn’t be able to work out how to do that on her own. Not with people coming and going all the time like they were. Not that Brian was thinking about that part of things. He didn’t know enough to. Marcia did, but her response, when there was trouble, was to cling tighter to people, and keep them close.

  Cindy wasn’t like that though. Sure, Sara was seven, but she could kick butt, if she needed to. Keeping her in a cage her whole life wouldn’t make her stronger in the end, just fearful. A scared person that could destroy them all was the last thing they needed. Right next to a mean person that could do the same thing. So, the kid had to get out, be free and be led into doing good works, whenever possible. Regardless of the world she was in.

  Shrugging again, Cin took a deep breath.

  “We’ll work that out. Later. Right now, I need to make sure that everything gets set up. I’ve got Lauren and Sara. I’ll get in touch with Rachel, too. We should have Troy coming back in today or tomorrow, along with Tim Baker? He’ll need to meet with Felicia and Lobo. Not that I’ll be gone then, but just in case, we should expect them… Now.” Cin pointed at the front of the building.

  She spoke the words because the two men had just come through the door of the Red Hut. Along with another person, who was, from her story, also a wizard. The sister of Tim Baker. Taman.

  It was a strange name, but the book, written on what seemed like old fashioned heavy paper, was pretty clear about it all. On the good side, the girl, who was about seventeen or so, spoke perfect English already. Standing up, Cindy waved toward the front.

  “Which we need to go and see about right now. Shall we?” She meant that she and Brian should go, but Marcia stood up too, seeming serious.

  “I can’t say I love people just showing up like this. What do we even know about these people?”

  Brian looked bemused, but Cindy started speaking, her voice going smooth as she read things off.

  “Troy Lopez. He’s basically Tobin Peterson from a different reality. This one is a Line Walker, which means he’s learned to travel between worlds, under his own power. It takes about a thousand years to learn that kind of thing, and not everyone can manage it, so it’s a big deal. Tim Baker is a wizard. He’s…” She faltered then, since the man knew, for a fact, who his analog was there, in the world he was walking at the moment.

  Cindy had missed that part totally. Interestingly, Tim had nailed it down in their first meeting. Then, he was smarter than she was by a good bit.

  “Me. He’s actually me, even if we look nothing alike. Actually, that probably establishes how far the two realities are away from one another, doesn’t it? We have a few things in common
, but that’s all. Even one more thing being different, and we’d be separate people totally. Not that we aren’t, but he won’t come in looking like my twin or anything.”

  Brian seemed to think that was funny, but didn’t say anything about it. He just nodded.

  “Interesting. Anything else?”

  “Um… Tim is bringing a girl with him? Taman Baker, his younger sister. I think the plan is for her to learn how to do genetic changes using magic. Don’t underestimate her, however. She’s young, but one of their best people that way. With magic? I think they want backup for the skill, without everyone knowing she can do it, over there in their world? It makes sense. I think I’ll get her to do me first? That way I can become a bit taller. Like, five-six or so? Maybe get some muscles going.” She was kidding, but it was a great idea, if she could pull it off. Everyone else holding back to run with her on that hike had been annoying.

  They met the others coming in at the front door, since the plan was for them to always come in first thing. Wren was at the front desk, watching them all closely, since it wasn’t normal for people to rush to the door like that. Not unless dignitaries were coming in. To that end she stood up, behind her desk. Just so that her sitting wouldn’t be taken as rude.

  Troy flashed a Nixon era peace sign and smiled hugely. He was wearing a brown jacket and a tie that day, along with nice slacks. It was hard to see from the front, but Cin was willing to bet they hugged his ass in the back nicely. They had that look to them, and it was clear that Troy was into being a sharp dresser. Even his shoes were nice.

  “Hey! Brian, Cindy and…” He smiled at the others and then shook his head. “New peeps? I’m Troy. This is Timon and Taman. Baker.”

  As their names were spoken, they both bowed, so she did it back. Brian did as well, which got Wren to go. Marcia did it too, but only went half as far down. On purpose. She was in charge, after all. Better, her guess as to how that was done was right, and both of the new people understood exactly what it meant. To them she was even being polite about it, since she could have barely bowed at all and been within what was proper. It seemed like she was honoring them, going that low, without being servile.

  It wasn’t bad, for a guess.

  “Marcia Turner. I’m the Director of the IPB. Which probably doesn’t mean much to you, but this is our main base. The lady behind the desk is Wren, our secretary. As Mr. Lopez here just said, these others are Brian Yi, and Cinnamon Mableton. Welcome. Now, how may we be of help today?”

  Taman was staring a bit, at the yellow beaked bird girl, who had blue feathers on her head. She looked different enough that no offense was being taken… yet. The interesting thing there was that the short new woman was already trying to use magic to work out how to help the girl. If she wanted it.

  Changing her was going to take some care, since there was a core pattern there, that wouldn’t be easily shifting around. That was, Cindy got after a moment, the Infection. Mainly the power portion of it, to be exact. The thing there was that on Wren it affected her voice, nothing else. The bird motif was a subconscious after thought. A thing made real by how the girl had viewed herself at the point of her change.

  Interestingly, and on a subconscious level, Taman had worked out that the girl had a real power. A set of them, actually. She could focus sounds that she produced, and use them for various functions. Vaporizing water, starting small fires and stunning people in a fight. Even singing. What could be changed were the beak and the feathers. Also her secret mania, which involved a desire to sneak off and eat worms. That part was gross enough that Cindy was glad she hadn’t known about it before.

  The new girl was, clearly, good enough to do the work. The thing there was that her brother hadn’t seen her do anything like that yet, and while she had, on a few animals, no one had let her try it on them officially.

  To that end, Cin raised her hand.

  “I was thinking that Taman could use me as a test subject first, and then practice on Wren, if you want to volunteer? It’s genetic level work, and Taman has no real experience, but someone has to go first. If I die, then I don’t have to go and answer to congress in a few days, so it’s still a win. Not that you can’t do it, Taman. I know you can, hence getting in on the freebies first like this.” She smiled about it, and while Tim was a bit worried, the man didn’t let it show in the slightest, just bowing at her. Thinking that she was insanely brave.

  He looked young, and cute enough that she couldn’t see herself in him at all. Not even around the eyes. Also, tall. Incredibly so.

  “That would be a good plan. There are others for me to meet with? Troy is needed in another world for the day, but has promised to come back in ten hours. Is that allowable?” He moved his bow over, his giant body going lower, and aiming directly at Marcia.

  She smiled back. To her that was pretty close to the right way for strangers to play things. Asking for permission, just in case they had strange rules that might make something like messing with her people against the rules.

  “That sounds workable. Do you need anything we can provide? Food, or something to drink? A place to work? We could use medical, I think. Doctor Burrows would love to see you in action, I bet.” Inside, the woman didn’t trust any of the new people, but it was only a bit worse than if they’d come in to say, work on the computers.

  Her tricky plan was to have the Doctor monitor things, to make sure her people weren’t being brainwashed, or turned against the IPB. That, or taken over in some other diabolical fashion.

  Rather than hide that part of things, Cin just made herself smile, going huge with it. It was kind of clear that both Timon and his sister would get that kind of thing off of the boss lady anyway, so lying was right out.

  “We can let them take readings while you work? If that won’t bother you too much. Marcia wants to make certain that we aren’t going to be turned into enemies. Especially me. I’m…” She doubted that she could explain that part, but Tim patted his little sister on the back once, reaching down a lot to do it.

  She was about Cin’s size, and he was well over seven feet.

  “She’s a lot like I used to be. Before Tor changed me. Though she already had some changes made, so that part isn’t as acute any longer. I do think that being observed will be all right. We should have done that last time. You use technology here? Machines that think and show images?” He looked around, but there was nothing obvious right around them. Wren had a computer, but the screen was facing the other way.

  Cindy checked out what he was thinking about though, and had to agree. What he was getting at was pretty close to what they could do.

  “About like you’re thinking. Come on and I’ll introduce you around? We need Lobo and Felicia. Could…” She was about to suggest that someone run and get them, when she realized that they needed Wren for the time being, and that sending either Brian or the boss wasn’t going to work very well. That meant she was going to end up being the one to have to go and do that part.

  Except that an adorable and tiny seven-year-old came in almost exactly then. She didn’t know who the other people were, so was very quiet, to start with. Right until Brian leaned in to give her a hug.

  “Hey! Exactly the girl we need. Can you go and find Felicia and Lobo, from Team Two? They’ll need to meet over at medical. Just for some boring tests.”

  She nodded, her face blank, though she moved toward Cin, and put her arms up for a reassuring hug. She wasn’t actually certain that the woman would give her one back, and nearly put her arms down before Cindy could smile and lean in. The whole thing played out, in crayon, above her head. Her being hugged back was a sign that the woman at least wanted her to think she was loved, which was a good thing.

  “They should both be in the main gym right now. You know where that is?”

  “Um… Yes. I can be right back. I… Was going to ask if you wanted to have lunch with me? Lauren said I could.”

  Which explained why she was off, alone, in the middle of the day.
That, and the fact that Lauren was busily getting lucky with Dave. Cindy could have felt scandalized, but it was a fair use of her lunch hour, when she thought about things carefully enough.

  “Sorry, kiddo. I can’t. Taman here, she’s the incredibly good looking woman, is going to practice making genetic changes to people. I was thinking that I should be a bit taller, don’t you think? Maybe a bit better looking? Possibly a tail?” She was kidding, but Timon smiled at the words.

  Playing for what seemed like the first time.

  “Who doesn’t want a tail?” His voice was rich and deep, due to his raw size.

  Sara looked down, embarrassed for having asked, and feeling a little bit like she was at loose ends.

  “I know, why don’t we send Brian off to get us lunch, and you can help Taman figure out what would be the best changes to make in me? Then, once she proves that she can handle an easy thing like that, we can figure out what we should do with Wren. I’m thinking African American for her…” The girl was clearly lighter skinned than that, where it showed through the feathers, but she didn’t seem averse to trying it. Really, she was willing to go along with anything these people wanted, after how they’d helped Tobin.

  “My parents are both Korean, if you’re looking for ideas? That might make the holidays run more smoothly, if I looked a bit like that?”

  Cindy waved at her, pretending not to be paying attention to that part of things.

  “Sure, sure… We could do that too, I guess. Still… I’m thinking we could do something a little more… Interesting?”

  Taman might not have been from there, but she understood basic teasing, and that Wren wasn’t being harmed by it. So she nodded, and moved with the others when they started for the door.


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