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Gamer Girl Grinding the Dragon's Lair

Page 1

by Cat Wilder


  An Erotic LitRPG Adventure #3


  Cat Wilder


  Smokin' Hot Press

  Copyright 2017 by Cat Wilder

  Cover my Willsin Rowe

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  List of Cat's Other Titles

  About the Author

  * * * * *

  Gamer Girl Grinding the Dragon's Lair

  An Erotic LitRPG Adventure #3

  I hated my virtual life.

  “Can’t I delegate?” I asked, sounding rather petulant, even to myself.

  Mystique shook her beautiful head emphatically, her red tresses waving back and forth. I trusted her above all others, and she knew it. Yeah, she used it against me for my own good.

  “As your Chief of Staff, I can’t recommend that, Queen Carly,” she said, utterly serious.

  Queen Carly. I liked the sound of that. Far better than Slave Carly, which I had also experienced more than once in the game since Artimus had trapped me within it.

  “A queen’s duty includes seeing petitioners.”

  I frowned. “I’d rather be out adventuring, laying waste to dungeons, having wild, uninhibited sex – hell, anything other than listening to the petty problems of petitioners.”

  Mystique got that certain glint in her eyes. “You have a harem. And everyone knows about the wild sex you have with Faakr and Yakr.”

  I grinned, feeling my face heat up. She had that right. I hadn't practiced the best discretion when it came to my trysts. Being trapped in a "wench of easy virtue" avatar in the virtual reality MMORPG game Battle for Glory tended to lead me down certain paths. Yakr and Faakr proved eager and talented guides.

  “Best bodyguards a queen could have,” I said. My mind wandered to the previous night, making my heart race. “Yes, those two orcs keep me happy. Moreso than my harem. The men in it are too submissive.”

  Thoughts on the poor state of my harem soured my mood as we continued along the corridor towards the throne room. My diamond encrusted stilettos clicked on the stone floor with each step, an expensive reminder that virtual life wasn't all that bad.

  “Does that include Raax?” she asked.

  “Good god, no! That orc really knows how to use what he has. He’s rough, tough, and aggressive – just how I like my men – and he knows how to please me.”

  Mystique shook her head again. “I’d prefer it if you kept him in the dungeon and stayed away. He’s too dangerous to allow that close to you.”

  I waved that off. “I like the feel of danger; it excites me. Besides, I keep him on a short leash, under control as my slave.”

  Raax remained my only slave. I’d freed the others when I’d become queen, and had taken no others for myself. The men in my harem desired that position.

  Mystique stopped, forcing me to stop with her. She turned to face me, her expression as serious as it got.

  “I don't trust the talisman that keeps him under your control. We're both mages, so understand magic is unreliable.”

  “Don't worry.”

  The thought of that possibility sent a cold shiver down my spine, sucked the breath out of me. As the previous king – until I killed him and took up the Key to the Castle that he dropped – Raax had ruled with an iron fist. He had held me – and many others – as harem girls, had allowed his courtiers free access to us, making us little more than sex-slaves.

  “I'm careful,” I repeated, my voice sounding not quite as sure as it had the first time.

  I changed the subject. “Okay, so I'm a naughty little Queen that enjoys wild and uninhibited sex. Fine, but that doesn’t explain why I can’t delegate to someone – like you – the hearing of petitioners.” I grinned at her surprised look. “The Queen has loftier affairs to take care of,” I said, putting all the pomp I could muster into my voice and expression.

  Mystique laughed, then sobered. “And if you wish to remain Queen, you’ll not delegate where you don’t have to – even to one who loves you as I do.”

  “Why not?” She had piqued my interest. My friend had a lot more experience in Court.

  “Because delegation means the giving up of power. What's safe in the real world, isn't necessarily safe in the game – especially not in this kingdom. If you start delegating too much, I guarantee you’ll find your pretty ass back in the harem as the new king’s slave.”

  My frustration boiled over. “I’m bored. I want to go adventuring. Are there any enemy kingdoms I can lead an army against?”

  "No. You've gone out of your way to establish good relations with everyone," Mystique said. "The people lavish you with praise for bringing peace. You can't go warlike now."

  I sighed gustily. "Fine. How do I resign?"

  “Oh, that’s simple, then.”

  I stared at her. Didn't she realize it was a joke?

  “Simply hand over the Key to the Castle to someone else.” She shook her head as I opened my mouth to speak. “No, not to me. I don’t want it. I’m in the game to play. That’s why Pieter and I are leaving the Court.”

  And she brought up another sore point. I’d be losing both my Chief of Staff and my Grand Vizier – my only true friends – and I hadn’t figured out who to replace them with yet. If I couldn’t even do that, how could I choose someone to take the Key? Besides, I did like being Queen – minus the governing aspect of the job.

  What's to not like? Pretty servants braided my long, dark hair with golden threads and diamonds; my orcan bodyguards pleasured me in the bedroom in ways and with a frequency I’d rarely been pleasured before; I got to wear all sorts of diamonds, gems, and other jewelry; I could see with my own eyes the improvements to the living conditions of my subjects that my rule had brought about.

  Mystique shrugged, the motion causing her breasts to bounce a little in the low-cut gown she wore. She loved to display cleavage; she had the body for it, and it attracted the eyes of all the men – and some of the women, mine included.

  “My eyes are up here,” she giggled. “But if you wish, my Queen, I’ll gladly get Pieter and accompany you to your bedchamber –”

  My eyes went up, and I smiled. The smiled faded as she continued.

  “– after you hear the petitioners.”

  “Spoilsport.” My gaze drifted back down, and I thought of the threesomes I’d had with her and her mate, Pieter. I felt a little tingle down there. It got a little hotter, too. Yes, I might make that the next order of business – after the damned petitioners.

  “You could give the Key back to Raax,” she taunted.

  My eyes snapped back up to hers. To Raax? To allow my Queendom to return to his rule? No, I couldn’t al
low that.

  Mystique read that on my face, and shook her head woefully.

  “Yes,” she said. “I know. Your options are limited, and none promise you'll get what you want.” After a moment’s pause, she continued. “And you should know that if you give up the Key to the Castle, allow someone else to take the throne, they might free Raax.”

  I nodded, recognizing the truth of the matter. And Raax would not rest until he regained the throne and undid all the good I had done. And he'd come after me with a vengeance.

  “Come, Queen Carly, the petitioners await you.”

  Reluctantly, I resumed my walk to the throne room. It hit me that I’d gone from being King Raax’s slave to being the kingdom’s slave. And I could see no way to get out of it.

  We entered the throne room. I walked regally, enjoying the pomp and circumstance of the Royal Court. My male subjects bowed low as I passed, while the women curtsied even lower. All attended in their finest attire, though some of the orcs only owned one change of clothes, mostly barely cured leather and bits of armor won in battle.

  My lovely Chief of Staff held my hand as I ascended the few steps to the dais. Continuing to hold my hand, she escorted me to my throne. I paused to adjust the folds of my silken gown, before finally sitting prettily. Looking the part of Queen was half the battle.

  Mystique walked to the front edge of the dais and called for the first petitioner. I looked around. I'd changed the throne room's décor since my ascension to the throne. First thing, I had all that cold stone painted white, with lots of gild work and decorations. The floor remained stone, with a red carpet down the middle for the petitioners to walk upon. It ran up the steps of the dais, and stopped at my throne. My noble subjects and courtiers filled the chamber, with only the red carpet open.

  The huge double-doors opened. An orcan officer announced the tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome man that entered. A pair of my orcs followed him in carrying a heavy chest. At the same time, four ranks of orc warriors rushed in to line the red carpet, two ranks per side. All carried long spears.

  "Lord Garikarous of the Dragon Realms! Envoy from the Dragon Throne."

  "Oooh, dragons," I said, my interest piqued. Just the thought of dragon-shifters made my insides melt. Yeah, I'd read way too many paranormal romance books about them for my own good. They had their own kingdom, called the Dragon Realms, off to the east somewhere. "Maybe I should go to the Dragon Realms for a royal visit."

  I'd learned a little about the kingdoms on Gotari's borders during my short time as Queen. The Five Kingdoms of the Dragon Realms bordered us on the east, and included the Wyvern Mountains. Jessarous had been elected High King, ruling over them all, for life.

  The envoy carried himself with supreme confidence, if not arrogance. I sat up, scooted to the edge of my seat, and watched how well he walked with interest.

  Lord Garikarous had to be six foot five, if not taller. He had broad, thick-muscled shoulders, a narrow waist, and a flat belly. I imagined him having killer washboard abs. The only thing I didn't exactly like was his dark red eyes. At least he didn't have slit pupils.

  I pulled up my Heads Up Display, allowing me to check him out through the game.

  Dragon-shifter knight.

  That one line above his head indicated a Non Player Character. Shame. That would be an epic avatar to play. Of course, even a mob could be fun in bed. My two favorite orcan bodyguards proved that day in and day out.

  Oh, baby, I want to have diplomatic relations with you.

  "Welcome, Lord Garikarous," I said as regally as I could. Then our eyes met, and locked. Talk about intense. His hungry gaze took me from cool and collected to white hot and squirming in five seconds flat. "I'm very eager to get to know you more intimately after – "

  "My Queen," Mystique interrupted. "Lord Garikarous brings you a gift from High King Jessarous of Dragonkind."

  I broke eye contact with some difficulty. I noticed an arrogant smirk, which kind of ticked me off. He thought me easy? Well, I might be easy, but not that easy. Not always.

  I shook myself, regaining some of my wits. That gorgeous shifter pushed all my buttons, but I had work to do before I could think about playtime. I prayed the next two petitioners proved to be elderly women with petty squabbles to settle. No one could expect me to meet three men in a row like Garikarous and maintain my royal dignity.

  "Nice. Let us see what High King Jessarous sent," I said. Instead of looking toward the chest, I looked Garikarous up and down. "So my lord, will you indulge me and shift into a dragon? I love dragons, and it would please me immensely to see what your dragon form looks like."

  He looked surprised. Mystique gave me a sharp look, but I ignored her. Instead, I smiled encouragingly at the noble shifter. Garikarous looked uneasily around, and that's when I noticed how my subjects had tensed up. Apparently, not everyone appreciated a good dragon-shifter. Orcs and dragons didn't care much for each other.

  "Please," I asked, using all my allure and charisma on him. Few men could resist a level 96 wench of easy virtue. Only wealth and power had more appeal than sex, both in the real world and in the game. "I'd be very, very grateful if you did."

  "Very well, your Majesty," he said with supreme reluctance.

  The ranks of orcs to either side of him lowered their spears. Mystique kept me from ordering them back. Was there a danger I didn't understand? The thought of death and danger made me squirm even more. My insides became so hot, mushy, and tingly.

  Living the dream.

  After waving the treasure chest away, Lord Garikarous sucked in a deep breath, braced himself, and locked eyes with me. My skin crawled with the feel of magic filling the room, and then he blurred before my eyes. In just seconds the handsome envoy flowed into a massive, hundred foot long dragon.

  Garikarous practically filled the throne room. Orc warriors fell back, spears held steady and aimed at him. The courtiers had to give up ground too, since his size increase included girth. Before I knew it, Garikarous' head appeared just a foot before me, while his tail smacked the closed doors.

  "Wow! You're gorgeous!" I cried, jumping to my feet.

  Cobalt scales covered the dragon, and horns protruded from a vicious-looking head. Two especially wicked looking horns hooked up from just behind his ears. A puff of smoke rose out of his slightly open jaws. Four-legged, Garikarous had batwings folded against his back.

  One of my warriors lost his nerve, and thrust his spear into the dragon's flank. The razor-sharp spearhead proved inadequate and slid across thick dark blue scales. The dragon rumbled deep in his throat as his head swung around and mouth opened.

  "No!" I cried. "Back off. Leave him alone. Lord Garikarous, I apologize for my soldier."

  The dragon shrank back into a man. Strangely, I didn't feel any loss. I held the envoy's eyes much more daringly as I stepped forward.

  "Mystique, I want to have a feast and ball tonight," I said. "To welcome and honor our esteemed guest, Lord Garikarous."

  "You honor me, Queen Carly," he said. "But, I also come bearing grim tidings."

  Not good. I arched a brow, trying to appear attentive, but unafraid. He looked grim.

  "One of our greatest dragon-knights, Vikarous, Grand Master of the Order of the Flame, has been defeated and cursed," Garikarous said. "He is now trapped in dragon form, and has gone feral. I'm afraid he has begun terrorizing the countryside, including parts of your kingdom."

  "Terrorizing?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "The usual. Kidnapping maidens. Eating cattle and horses, and demanding sacrifices and tribute from cities and towns."

  "You can't send an army of dragon-knights to kill him?"

  "We would, but he cursed the land around his lair. As long as he is in dragon form, no other can shift into a dragon within the hunting grounds he claims. We are looking for someone capable of challenging a full-grown dragon."

  "Challenge accepted!"

  "Carly!" Mystique cried. "No. You are Queen of Gotari now. No f
ighting monsters for you."

  That's what she thought. "I'm a warrior queen. I won this throne through my skills with arms, and I'll lead my army into battle."

  "Very noble and brave, Great Queen," Garikarous said. "But the Dragon Realms fully intends to take care of this problem. We might request some support, though."

  "We'll see," I muttered. I bit my lip, and a tingle of pleasure coursed through me when Garikarous reacted positively, staring at my lips hungrily. "My Lord, I pray you will meet with me in private this afternoon, so I can, um, pick your brain about dragons and defending my people from rogues."

  He smiled roguishly. "It would be my pleasure, Queen Carly."

  Chapter 2

  "Uggh. Uggh. Uggh," I grunted with every long, deep thrust. Faakr's hands tightened on my hips as his cock thrust in deep and his hips slapped my butt cheeks. Then Yakr palmed the back of my head and forced his way into my throat. Before I knew it, I found my lips wrapped around the base of his cock and his balls slapping my chin. "Hmmmm."

  I might be the almighty Queen of Gotari, but once one of my orcs got his dick inside me, they both went crazy on my ass. They dominated me in bed, making me their queen bitch. I loved it. They really knew how to take good care of me and my base needs.

  They had me on all fours in the middle of my huge bed. I loved how they spit-roasted me like that. Those two big, ugly orcs did everything together, and they always did it well.

  Funny thing is, I had a regular harem of eager lovers. It consisted of only three pigmen, a goblin, four kobolds, an orc warrior, and Raax. No humans or elves volunteered to be in my harem, but Pieter and Mystique warmed my bed on occasion.

  "No spitting out my seed this time," Yakr said with a strained voice. "Queens of easy virtue always swallow."

  I had to find out how all of the NPCs found out about my Wench of easy virtue avatar. Only actual players could see that information, so one of the players in my Royal Court had blabbed. I had Pieter looking for a spell to conjure up the answer, but until then we had a leaker in our midst.


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