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Laura and Gail Chronicles: Hot Lesbian Erotica Compilation

Page 9

by Miranda Mars

  “You want these. I know you do. You always do.”

  Laura swallowed. “Tell me why you're leaving.”

  “I'll tell you later.” Gail moved a few steps toward her. Closer. Too close. Laura could sniff her distinctive Gail odor: mingled yoga sweat and fresh athletic vigorous fuckable young body aroma.

  Yum. I can't resist her. And she knows it. I could never resist her.

  They were in dorko Larry's (as Gail called him) apartment again, her roommate Emily's boyfriend's place, where Gail apartment-sat when Larry and Emily were away, this time still in Washington state visiting his dorko (Laura assumed) parents.

  “Listen to those foghorns,” Gail said. She loved the sound of the foghorns and had often shushed Laura so they could listen. “It's so romantic, don't you think? Maybe you should kiss me.”

  It was romantic, Laura agreed. The fog was steaming in all around them, outside, in swirls and cottony veils. The foghorns were bleating and moaning. She wanted to get naked with this young girl under the covers and stroke her and kiss her and suck her and . . . do everything to her until they both came in wrenching fiery spasms. What was stopping her?

  She reached out and touched Gail's smooth dark brown shoulder. “Come here and give me those sugar lips.”

  Gail came submissively into her arms. Her quirkiness continually kept Laura off balance, but she could also be sweet and docile, as well as amazingly sexy for a coquette, and Laura could never resist. She let Laura kiss her. Laura kissed her as if she were the last girl she would ever kiss, searchingly, thirstily, as if she were dying to swallow Gail's mouth. She ran her hands all over Gail's naked upper body, finally letting them come to rest on the girl's lovely firm young breasts, squeezing them fervently.

  “You know how I want you,” she panted into Gail's smooth cheek. “You know I'll . . . just die without you.”

  “No you won't,” Gail said, a simple fact. “I can't stay here. I can't afford it. And what kind of a future is it for me, just working at Walgreen's? Being stalked around the store by people like you who want to fuck me.” She giggled and pinched Laura playfully in the ribs.

  “I guess it's just a curse, being born cute,” Laura teased her. “With beautiful little boobs like these.” She cradled them in her own palms, lowering her mouth to one, but Gail took this opportunity to pull abruptly back. “No. Not yet. I'm not in the mood yet. Sit with me and kiss me and listen to the foghorns. Tell me how much you'll miss me.”

  “I think I've just been doing that,” Laura said, irritated.

  “Tell me again.” Gail pulled her over to the sofa. “I never get tired of hearing it.”

  Oh well, Laura thought, why not? She took her top off, and I can just kiss her all over for a few more minutes. Until we both get so hot and bothered we have to do something about it. She sat down next to her and took her into her arms, running her fingers all over Gail's smooth naked back.

  “Yum! I love your body. Your back is so lovely.” She kissed Gail's neck, her shoulders, her collar bones, her throat.

  Gail kissed her back. She plucked at Laura's blouse with her fingers. “Here . . . take this off so I can feel you against me. I don't want to be the only one who's naked.”

  “You know,” Laura teased, “if I take it off . . . and we rub together . . . we might just go up in flames.”

  “God, I hope so,” Gail laughed. “I'm so horny I could explode.”

  “Mmmmm,” Laura buried her face in Gail's neck. “Is my honey horny for me? Does she want me to eat her alive?”

  Together they removed Laura's blouse and bra. Now they could mash their naked breasts together, which they promptly did.

  “Oh shit, I love how that feels!” Gail gasped.

  “Me too.” Laura sucked her neck, so hard that Gail had to wriggle away for fear of getting a hickey.

  “You can't give me a hickey!” she laughed, squirming away and down to the opposite end of the sofa. “At work they'll think I'm just a slut. And Jason will see, too.”

  “Jason again,” Laura said acidly.

  “I've got an idea. Let's take a bath.”

  “What?” Laura frowned.

  “You know. We'll fuck in the bath. I've never fucked in the bath before. We'll be all wet. And hot.”

  “I'm already all wet and hot.”

  “You know what I mean, silly.”

  Laura reached for her, even scooting after her across the middle of the sofa. Gail's eyes were on her jiggling naked breasts, which was half at least of Laura's intent. “I've got an idea. Let's go in on the bed and fuck. Then we'll take a bath. Afterward.”

  Gail shook her head vigorously, so vigorously that her large, thick blond pigtails swished wildly. “I told you, I've never fucked in the bath. It'll be something I can remember you by. Something we did together. Something special.”

  What could Laura do but give in? Several minutes later, in the bathtub, facing each other, knees up, out of the water, then kissing, Gail interrupted the kiss to lay her head sweetly on Laura's bare, damp shoulder. She could be sweet, as well as exasperating, Laura reflected. “I know you were avoiding me because I said I was falling in love with you,” Gail said softly.

  “Not true,” Laura lied, stroking her naked back tenderly, kissing her forehead.

  “Yes. True. But I got over it. I really was, for a while. You're special, Laura. You're different to me than everybody else.”

  “How so?”

  “I don't know. You don't . . . expect me to be different from who I am. You just accept me.”

  Laura ran her hands up Gail's wet body to her breasts and squeezed them lovingly. “I like you the way you are.” Mostly, she said to herself.

  Gail crinkled her nose. “You just like my skinny little girl's body.”

  Laura shook her head. “I love it. But I also like the rest of you.”

  “You know, I think I'm going to come fast again because you're getting me really horny.”

  Laura smiled. “Me too.” She dropped one hand under water, between Gail's lean, hard thighs. Her fingers quickly found the gooey slit below the patch of tight curls. She slipped two of them into Gail's warm, mucousy pussy.

  “Unh!” Gail let out an involuntary gasp. Her eyes rolled up.

  “What will I do without you?” Laura panted, sucking her neck again, and fucking her gently under water, slowly with her fingers. “What will I do without these pretty boobs?” She let her mouth slide down Gail's wet shoulder to her chest, then to one breast, which she cradled in her free hand. She immediately sucked Gail's large soft black nipple into her mouth and stroked it passionately with her tongue.

  “Oh fuck, Laura, you're going to make me come so fast!”

  “Maybe I should make you wait. Like Moira does.” Laura hated herself for this nasty little jealous streak, but at least both of them knew it was authentic.

  Gail was churning her pelvis under water, pushing her pussy into Laura's hand. “Don't . . . bring her up . . .” she panted. “She isn't anything like you.”

  “Oh good,” Laura said softly.

  She sucked harder, then switched to Gail's other swollen nipple, sucking it equally hard. Gail by now was churning, stirring up wavelets in the bath water, and gurgling a little with sexual excitement. She dropped her hand down too, finding Laura's crotch, slipping two fingers into Laura too, so that now they were fucking one another, and kissing, and sucking and nibbling and biting and licking.

  “Oh shit . . . Laura . . . you are . . .”

  “Yes, honey, yes. Do it . . . like that! Unghh! Yes!”

  “Mmmmm . . . mmmmm . . . oh!”

  “Are you going to come?”


  With her free arm, Laura encircled Gail's small, wet body, pulling her even closer, and sucking her neck in a wild, fierce spasm of sexual possession. She felt Gail's body quake against hers, and heard a crazy little half-demented wheezing emanate from the girl's tight throat as an orgasm began to wrench her flesh. The water in the bath
tub crested and broke all around them in violent splashes, some of it landing outside on the floor, as they pressed their wet bodies together in a hot seizure of coming.

  “Mnnneee . . . mnnneeee!” Gail began her tight, constricted wailing as she came, while Laura was only seconds behind herself.

  “Auunngghh! Ohhmnnggiiiee!” she cried out, hearing her own cries echo off the bathroom tiles, feeling the warm bath water splash against the upper parts of her body as she and Gail hugged and came and then unclenched, still panting and gurgling with happy, satisfied release from their quick spasms.

  They clung to each other for a few more minutes, even though their bodies were cramped and uncomfortable in the small bathtub. Their hands were still in each other's crotch. Gail even wiggled her two fingers inside Laura's pussy. “Maybe I can make you come again,” she murmured playfully against Laura's wet neck.

  “I think I will have a severe Charley horse if you do,” Laura said, now disentangling her body from Gail's. “Look. We splashed water all over the floor.”

  “Dorko Larry will kill me.”

  “We'll mop it up. We better get out, though, before it leaks through the cracks.”

  They drained the tub and dried each other off, before using the towels to clean up the water. Laura had a hard time not swarming all over Gail's sweet young naked body all over again while they were doing it. “Let's go in on the bed,” she said, pulling her close, again squeezing her small naked breasts.

  But Gail was not responsive. “I'm hungry. Let's go out and get something to eat first. Sex makes me hungry.”

  Laura laughed. “Just that little bit of bathroom fucking? Come to bed with me. I can really make you hungry.”

  Gail shook her head. “This is our last time together. Let's go to dinner. I know a place near here, down on Geary Boulevard, where they serve this pecan-crusted snapper that's to die for.”

  Laura smiled grimly. Given the choice, she wanted to fuck Gail again this instant. But she understood the request. “Okay. I'm taking you to dinner. Get dressed.” She reached for her own clothes. “And take down those pigtails. You're a grown woman. You can cut the act now. It won't fly in a restaurant.”

  Gail flirted and sucked her forefinger like a caricature of an ingénue. “Will you still want to fuck me without them?”

  Still only half-dressed, Laura grabbed the naked Gail and crushed her body in a sharp embrace. “Try me,” she growled, digging her fingers hard into the girl's splendid tight round bottom.

  “Ouch!” Gail yelped and laughed, wriggling to escape. “You're terrible. I can't even come close without you grabbing me.”

  “God, you're right. You can't,” Laura grinned, confessing.

  Reluctantly she released her. They went to dinner at Gail's favorite restaurant and returned to the apartment. The dinner was pleasant, the food delicious, and Gail a charming little vision of beauty and sweetness. Laura, who frequently could not believe her life, her good fortune, her amazing luck, looked at this sweet, though quirky, young girl across the table from her and had to keep reminding herself: I just fucked this darling thing in the bath, and after we're finished here I'm going to go back to the apartment with her and fuck her again. God, life is good!

  Mercifully, there was no talk of love, or of Moira or Jason. Instead, they reminisced a little about their first time, doing it in Gail's roommate Prentice's gay 'Casbah,' his dimly lit room containing only a huge mattress and a welcome selection of sex toys, one of which they had used enthusiastically. They also talked a little of Gail's future, whether she could get into UCLA, where boyfriend Jason went to school, or whether she should pursue her ambition of becoming a full-time yoga instructor.

  But now that they were back, Gail had to be wooed again, as she often did. She was not an easy let's-hop-in-the-sack type of girl but often had to be coaxed, though Laura somehow knew it was only Gail's self-adopted role of the Seduced Minor that had to be overcome, not any real reluctance. Gail loved to fuck but had to be sweet-talked and cooed to first. “I want you,” Laura purred in her pretty dark brown ear. “I want to do it with you.”

  “I'm still digesting my food,” Gail said, plausibly. “Let's talk for a while.”

  Laura had no objections to conversation, though with Gail it was usually limited to Gail and her interests. They sat in the living room and listened to the fog horns, and Gail told her how she did not really love her but felt more strongly for her than she ever had for any other sex partner, including Jason, who did not know about her lesbian leanings, caused by Laura herself, and encouraged by Moira, also known (to Laura, after Gail's description) as Elvira, since she was, in Gail's words, 'an old goth' who wore too much eye shadow and practiced weird and kinky things like Kundalini yoga. After a while Laura took her hand. She caressed it with her fingers. In a way, Gail reminded her of the young girls she, alas, often got on the Suicide Hotline, who were sincere and slightly vacuous and troubled often in ways they did not understand; as well as pregnant, or addicted to meth or coke or Vicodin, or abused by their boyfriends or husbands, or hated by their mothers, or fucking their boyfriend's buddy on the side. Mess and muddle, Laura thought of it. And you think your life is complicated, she told herself.

  “I don't really love you,” Gail said, finally, again, but her eyes were shiny when she said it, and Laura's heart was aching for her. Some people didn't know how confused they were until they suddenly ended up talking to a stranger over the phone about killing themselves.

  She leaned close and kissed Gail on her cheek. “Let's call it deep affection, okay? Something like that. We really have deep affection for each other. I certainly do for you. You're not just some stranger I like to have sex with.”

  Gail burst out in a self-satisfied smile. “But you do like to, right?”

  “Oh god, yes. You don't know how much. When I saw you buying that ice cream cone, I just about lost it. I have to make love to that girl, I said to myself.”

  Laura knew women and girls, even she herself, loved to hear this. Loved it. Loved it almost desperately.

  Gail melted and scooted closer to Laura on the sofa. “I'm feeling more like it now,” she murmured. “Let's go in on the bed and . . . you know . . .”

  Laura kissed her and ran her fingers through Gail's long blonde curls, now hanging down around her neck since she had taken down the pigtails at Laura's earlier request, before dinner. She was more a sweet, confused, and very desirable young woman now than a faux teenager, and Laura could not help wanting to hold her like that for an eternity, while she ran her lips all over her smooth dark neck and her silky cheek and got her hands again under the blue basketball jersey and brought them up to Gail's sweet little breasts, already covered again by the black bra, which she intended to remove in just minutes from now.

  “The bedroom it is,” she murmured back, squeezing her.

  Dorko Larry had a queen-sized bed, plenty of room for loving, and once they were naked again Laura took Gail in her arms and simply held her close for several long minutes while they kissed tenderly and listened to the moaning foghorns outside. It was very sweet. They were alone together, their warm flesh pressing everywhere, their blood beginning to sizzle and throb in anticipation of a very thrilling and emotional mating.

  “I love to fuck with you,” Gail whispered. “Nobody else is like you.”

  “Will you let me fuck you with my pussy?” Laura whispered back. “We've never done that.”

  Gail's eyes were wide and shiny in the dim light. “You can fuck me any way you want,” she said. “Even in the ass, if you want. And I've never done that with anyone.”

  Laura smiled. “Maybe later. But I want your pussy.”

  “You know it might take me longer to come that way,” Gail said solemnly.

  This was true, and it was only acknowledging something they both already knew. Though the excitement of the moment sometimes, rarely, made her climax fairly quickly, Gail more often was one of those girls who required a slow, patient buildup, a
lengthy crescendo, before she could finally achieve a satisfactory conclusion. This was never a drawback to Laura, who thoroughly enjoyed each excruciating moment on the journey.

  “What if it doesn't?” she teased.

  “Oh god, you're making my heart beat fast,” Gail broke into a grin, pointing to her left breast.

  “Well, since you've never done it, you won't know until we try, right?”

  Ever the truth teller, Gail made a sad face. “I did try it once. With Moira. I couldn't come that way.”

  This, though it seemed completely without guile, was enough to spark Laura's competitive instincts, never far from the surface. That fucking cunt Moira again! I'll show her! She began to kiss Gail, her mouth and her naked body, more aggressively now, more passionately, again visiting the girl's delectable small breasts to suck her thick dark nipples hungrily. Until Gail began to twist, and yelp softly.


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