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Laura and Gail Chronicles: Hot Lesbian Erotica Compilation

Page 24

by Miranda Mars

  Sara shrugged. “I know.” She definitely didn't want to go further into this, Laura could see. For that matter, neither did Laura. It would certainly kill their moment. “Easier to keep the peace,” Sara said softly.

  Then, without further comment, she lowered her pussy onto the dildo, letting out a soft whoosh of air from her mouth as the thick blue shaft slid up into her body while Laura held it steady with the fingers of both hands. “Ohhhhhh! Oh . . . that feels good!” she threw her head back, beaming as it rode up deep into her.

  For a moment she was frozen in place, enjoying the surfeit of sweet sensations that filled her body, and Laura took the opportunity to run her hands all over the smooth, warm, available flesh of this lovely woman. Sara was still sitting straight up, eyes closed, and from this angle, from below, her breasts looked enormous, even though they weren't. They were beautifully proportioned to her body, not too big, not too small, just right. But her dark, swelling nipples looked even puffier than they usually did, and Laura could hardly wait to see them dangling over her mouth like ripe fruit, just waiting for her to inhale them.

  The hands she was busily running all over Sara's body came to rest on these magnificent breasts, squeezing them gently, lighting pinching Sara's large, dark nipples. “Give me these,” Laura murmured. “I want them.”

  This broke Sara out of her trance. She looked down, as if suddenly remembering that Laura was there below her, waiting for this exquisite encounter to resume. “Oh,” she said softly, with a beguiling grin, “now that you've got me where you want me, you just want to start sucking and fucking. Right?”


  Sara grinned even more broadly, slowly leaning down, planting one palm on either side of Laura's head, then rising up again briefly to pull down a pillow and tuck it under Laura's neck so that her mouth was raised into optimum position. Her breasts bobbed and swayed as she did this, presenting Laura with an almost unbelievable temptation.

  “How's that?” she smiled, swishing her amazing naked breasts in Laura's face.

  Without a word, Laura scooped the firm, dangling globes up in both hands and guided one of Sara's thick, bulbous, dark nipples into her mouth. She sucked it with undisguised passion, pulling it deep, lashing it with her tongue, hearing the breath catch in Sara's throat as her pelvis began to gyrate slowly on the dildo. Laura dropped one hand down to the base of the dildo again to keep it steady as Sara slid up and down on it.

  Somehow, she knew this was not going to last long. From the very beginning of their relationship Sara had informed her that she did not climax fast, that it took her a while, that Laura would have to be patient. Laura was familiar with such warnings. So many women were apologetic about taking a little time to get there. In truth, few of them had any idea how fast or slow they were, and Sara was no exception. She may not have come as quickly as she wanted to, but it was plenty quick enough for Laura.

  And this time it was quite clear there would be no waiting. Already Sara was chuffing and grunting softly and throwing her head back and gnawing her full lower lip and wheezing and undulating ever more rapidly. And Laura was so completely preoccupied by Sara's marvelous breasts that she could barely force herself to pay attention to how quickly or slowly Sara was getting to the finish line.

  She sucked each plump, beautiful nipple with feverish and wanton need, sucking them hard, knowing from past experience that Sara wanted it that way, hearing the crazy little yelps her sucking inspired welling up from Sara's tight throat as the sensations grew ever more intense.

  “Nnnggeee . . . ohnnmmmggg . . . nnggeeee . . .” Sara whinnied softly, grinding her cunt down hard on the stalk, mashing her breasts into Laura's face, closer and closer to completely losing control. “Oh yes . . . oh Laura . . . yessssss!”

  But Laura eased up a little bit, not sucking them so hard, or squeezing them hard either, unwilling to bring Sara to the pinnacle so quickly. Sara felt to her like she was going to come any second. She was pumping and swirling her pelvis on the strap-on dildo, and gasping, and mewling, and even grabbing Laura's shoulders with her hands, gyrating her body down onto Laura's groin. Laura did not even have to thrust upward at all since Sara was doing all the work.

  “Unnnnuunnnn . . . unnnuunnn . . .” Sara groaned maniacally, her head thrown back, her breasts jutting into Laura's face.

  Laura was in heaven. She had done this before, countless times, with Sara, and each time she felt life could end right then and it would all have been worth it. Also, she had not been lying when she had said earlier that sucking Sara's huge nipples made her come too. It did, or nearly so. The pressure of the dildo jamming down on her pubic bone as Sara pumped herself with it, mixed with the wild, heady, hot, pulsing erotic pleasure of sucking on these big, pulpy, swollen nipples had Laura very close to the edge of a thrilling orgasm. It might not come as easily or quickly as Sara's was clearly going to do, but it would arrive in its own time.

  “Bite them,” Sara suddenly commanded, in a crazy, half-delirious voice. “Bite them, Laura, bite them! I'm . . . I'm going to . . .”

  They had been here before too. Sara did not mean for Laura really to bite them, not hard anyway, but just enough to give her arriving orgasm an extra hot squirt of rocket fuel. Moreover, she knew that Laura knew precisely how hard to bite, and Laura did.

  “Unh! Unh! Oh! Ohnngg!”

  Sara's wet breasts and hard, stiffened nipples, now completely black from engorged blood, danced and swished before Laura's mouth, and Laura stuffed one, then the other, into her hungry maw as voraciously as she could, sucking, pinching, now biting, sinking her teeth into the one in her mouth, gnawing it, but not hard enough to cause pain, just enough to send a stabbing flame through the lovely globe she was currently sucking.

  “Oh honey . . . oh honey . . . I love your beautiful boobs . . . and your beautiful body . . . are you going to come for me . . . come for me . . . now? Come for me? Now? Now?”

  “Yesssss!” Sara hissed, mashing her breast into Laura's mouth. “Ungghhh! Oh! Oh shit oh dear oh shit oh dear oh shit!”

  Even clenched in the transports of a thrilling fuck, Sara could not suppress her antic nature. But it was again quickly overwhelmed by the first spasms of a shattering climax.

  “Oh!” Laura gasped, realizing almost before Sara did that it was here. “Now? Now?”

  “Auunnggghhhh!” Sara suddenly cried out in a huge, bellowing roar. “AUNNGGHH!”

  Her tight body went into convulsions as the spasms of a horrific orgasm ripped through her. Her firm breast was still mashing into Laura's face, and Laura quickly sucked her big, swollen nipple into her mouth again, biting it as Sara had requested, biting even harder now, feeling the ripple surge through Sara's thrashing body as a fresh squirt of sexual fire shot through her. Laura's other hand slid down to anchor the dildo, since Sara was twisting and squirming so violently on top of her that she was afraid it would slip out. Sara continued to fuck herself on it, and to grunt and groan and yelp as the final spasms of her orgasm wrenched her.

  “Ohnnnngggg! Ummnngghh! Oh! Oh god . . . yes . . . oh god you can stop . . . biting now . . .” she gasped, finally coming to rest, panting furiously, on top of Laura.

  Laura did stop biting but did not release the thick, throbbing bulb of Sara's delicious nipple from her mouth. Instead, she held it gently, almost tenderly between her lips, laving it with her tongue. Sara gasped and whimpered. She made no attempt to move her body off Laura's. For her part, Laura, breathing through her nose, made no attempt to release Sara's thick wet nipple from her mouth.

  “I must say, Laura,” Sara finally whispered, a little hoarsely, having roared herself hoarse, “nobody ever made me come like you do. You gonna keep my nipple in your mouth forever now, or you gonna let me have it back?”

  Slowly, smiling, Laura opened her mouth and Sara pulled her breast free. “Even Darlene?” she couldn't help asking.

  “Even Darlene what?”

  “Even Darlene doesn't make you come like I do

  Sara gave her a cross-eyed, cuckoo stare. “What part of 'nobody' don't you understand?” She stretched, then climbed off Laura, letting the wet blue plastic dildo flop out of her pussy and land on Laura's flat belly. “Well . . . that sure took care of my problem. How about you?”

  Laura pulled her close and embraced her, rubbing her own naked breasts against Sara's still-damp ones. “Believe it or not, I was so close I almost came when you did. But then . . . it hit you so hard, I guess, that I got a little distracted.”

  Sara almost blushed. “Hard is right. I haven't come that hard since the old days with you.”

  Laura nuzzled her neck. “I'm glad. I'm glad I'm the one who makes you come like that.”

  “Well,” Sara purred into Laura's hair, “now we have to make you come like that. It's your turn.”

  “Mmmm, I think I will if we just lie here and cuddle for a few minutes. I think if you touch my pussy with these amazing sugar lips, I will go up in flames.”

  And, miraculously enough, she did come a few minutes later, simply from kissing Sara's voluptuous mouth and rubbing her aching pussy against Sara's fingers. Before Sara could even slide down to suck her, she came, having been primed to the bursting point by the earlier fucking. Her body was tightly wound and released its tension eagerly, and in minutes she was gasping and whinnying in Sara's arms, then laughing, giggling, embarrassed at having been so easy.

  “I guess a girl can just have her way with me,” she confessed to Sara. “Just touch Laura and she'll be your slave, she'll come like gangbusters, she'll go off like a firecracker, just breathe on her, just tweak her, just boink her two or three times, she'll shriek and explode. Right?”

  Sara giggled too, nipping Laura's earlobe. “Mmmmm, right. You are one horny little white girl. Give you a taste of hot chocolate and you just whimper and boil over like a pot on the stove.”

  “Mmm, but it was good, though . . .” Laura hummed, kissing her ardently. “We are so good together.”

  This was a mistake. It was always a mistake to recall their months together, when they had been 'in love,' when sex like this had been the rule, the norm, the gold standard. Now they had moved on, but moments like this could remind them of what they had shared, and it made them both a little sad. They looked deeply into each other's eyes, wondering if they should pursue it, this sadness, alone or together, to pick at it further, or let it lie.

  Finally, after a few solemn moments of honoring it, they seemed mutually to agree to pass it by. They kissed and smiled and thawed out frozen burritos in the microwave for dinner and returned to bed for another feast of loving, interrupted only briefly by a call for Sara from her new lover Darlene, who complained of her son's soccer practice and made a date with Sara for the following evening.

  “Better not tell her I fucked your ears off tonight with her strap-on,” Laura whispered to Sara as she hung up the phone. “She won't understand.”

  Sara kissed Laura's neck and pushed her marvelous naked breasts seductively into Laura's bare flesh. “Better do it again, then, while you got the chance. I think I got one more in me.”

  Laura nearly exploded with happiness. “Gosh, know what? I think I have one too.”

  The End

  Here is a sample from another story you may enjoy:

  She awoke in the middle of the night. Monk and Mingus, the two cats, were sleeping on the bed with her, and they briefly, drowsily, awakened too, offering their quiet reassurances. Makeeda was in Japan again, having flown there only weeks after her New York engagement, appearing at a regional jazz festival followed by two weeks appearing at a Tokyo club. The Japanese had an insatiable appetite for jazz, and Makeeda was better known and more popular there than at home.

  Laura had awakened in the dark because in her dreams she suddenly became certain that she did not know Bonnie’s last name. After all this flirtation, and even their disappointing little dinner in Bonnie’s apartment, even the exchange of phone numbers, they had not told each other their last names. Laura was sure of it.

  Not that it mattered. Even the dream she had had was not a sexual dream, for some reason. Bonnie was in it, but only as a member of a crowd, an anonymous crowd, and Laura could not remember what she, Bonnie, had been doing, if anything. Still, it troubled her very much not to know Bonnie’s last name, and she made it a point on the next day to go to the sandwich shop in the alley for lunch.

  “I realized I don’t know your last name,” she said to Bonnie as she was paying for her sandwich.

  Bonnie gave her a smile, unexpectedly, that warmed Laura’s heart and streamed from there directly down to the deep place in her pussy where she harbored her secret sexual longings. And yet, she reminded herself, it was the smile Bonnie gave everyone, as she deposited the change in their palms, letting her fingertips linger there momentarily in that sweet, intimate gesture that Laura had initially thought was just for her until she saw Bonnie doing it with everybody in line.

  “Holland,” Bonnie said, still smiling. “You know, like the country. Yours is . . . Roberts?”

  “Robbins. Did I tell you?”

  Bonnie nodded. She leaned close. “Better move on. I gotta get to these folks.” With her head she indicated the people behind Laura in the line.

  “Of course. Sorry.”

  Again, there was no time or opportunity to go any further. Laura was glum but resigned. It had been two weeks since she had given Bonnie her phone number, her work number of course, and yet Bonnie had not called. Somebody else, some man, alas, was going to get his hands on that sweet girl’s sweet body before Laura ever would.

  And Laura stewed and simmered. For days. Bonnie never called her. After all, I’ve given her every chance, Laura thought. I didn’t even push it. That time when I went down there to the alley to find out her last name, I didn’t even push it. I didn’t even suggest we get together. Nothing. You’d think if she had a little interest, even a little, that she would phone. Just for a coffee date or something.

  But she also realized that Bonnie was shy. She was not like LaVonda: feverishly curious and eager. Instead, the knowledge that Laura might desire her sexually had made Bonnie nervous and withdrawn. A part of her nature might want it to go on, might want Laura to make further advances, but her general wariness would not allow it.

  That’s it, I’m just going to have to draw her out, Laura thought. It’s up to me. If I wait, she’ll never call. I’m going to have to risk the whole thing, just to get her attention.

  Just when she became resolutely determined to march down to the alley sandwich shop that very afternoon and boldly ask Bonnie to dinner, or to a movie, or to go for a nice evening stroll around Lake Merritt, she got a call from her on her cell phone. “Bonnie? Oh god, you called!” Laura let this slip out before she realized that it wasn’t exactly wise since her exclamation made it seem like she was sitting on the edge of her chair waiting for Bonnie to call.

  Bonnie was shy, fulfilling Laura’s prophecies. Her voice was barely audible. She wasn’t shy when she was doing her job, nor had she been when Laura had eaten dinner with her in her apartment. But now that the terms of their relationship had altered, now that she knew why Laura was attracted to her, that it was physical as well as friendly, she was shy. “Cooking tonight. More slum gullion. Thought you might want to have dinner.”

  If someone offered me a million bucks, I wouldn’t want it more, Laura’s inner voice was crowing happily. But she restrained her delivery. “Why . . . I think that would be wonderful. If you can hang around until about five-thirty I could give you a ride.”

  Bonnie snorted and snuffled nervously. “I don’t think so. That’s an hour and a half. I could be home by then on the bus. I could already be cooking. Why don’t you just come by when you get off.”

  Laura smiled. I can’t wait, my darling. “I’ll be there with bells on,” she said brightly. She didn’t know exactly what that meant, but her mother always said it.

  And somehow this brightened Bonnie’s
mood; maybe her mother always said it too; or maybe it was simply that Laura had accepted her invitation. She was upbeat. “Good. I’ll get down that bottle of vodka and have it ready for you.”

  Laura clucked into the phone. “Bonnie! You act like I’m a closet tippler or something.”

  “Only kidding.” This easy badinage was thrilling to Laura, and she guessed it might be to Bonnie too. “See you then.”

  She stopped on her way to the parking garage to her car and bought half a dozen yellow roses. She did not buy red since that might seem inappropriately romantic somehow, but yellow seemed okay. And yet, when she got there she left them in the car. Bonnie was too sweet and unpretentious, and also clearly a little nervous about this invitation, and Laura figured that underlining it with a gift of flowers would be too brazen, as if she were saying “Okay, girl, let’s get on with it. You know what I want.”

  That was too crude and too rude. This, on her way up the elevator, made her grin as it reminded her of the old limerick about a guy named McGruder who liked his girl nude when he screwed her. She giggled softly to herself and carefully composed her face into a mask of pleasant friendliness, banishing such crass rhymes completely from her mind before knocking on Bonnie’s door.


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