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All Fired Up

Page 6

by Madelynne Ellis

  Ash pursed his lips. ‘Something else. I’ll go somewhere else.’

  ‘Oh, that sort of up.’ Spook’s gaze flicked down to Ash’s groin then back to his face. ‘It’s nothing I haven’t seen a hundred times before. Come in if you like.’

  ‘Still trying to sleep here,’ Rock Giant complained. ‘Shut the frickin’ door.’

  Ash shuffled forward and closed the door behind him. He tucked himself up at the opposite end of the sofa to Spook and grabbed a cushion to hide what was going on inside his pants. It didn’t look as if he’d be getting any sort of relief any time soon.

  ‘Got interrupted, huh?’

  Ash nodded, while he valiantly resisted the urge to hump the cushion.

  Spook just rolled his eyes. ‘For God’s sake, why didn’t you go after her? I saw her outside. She was obviously hoping you would.’

  ‘Dunno. I guess my brain wasn’t engaged.’

  ‘Is it ever?’

  He shrugged. Occasionally it was. More, recently, than it had been for some years.

  Spook continued to pull ‘you’re a stupid shmuck’ faces at him, while shaking his head so that his long hair fell forward and shadowed his face. ‘Why not go now?’

  ‘Because I don’t know where she is.’ Ash shuffled around, trying to get comfortable. It wasn’t easy with a stick in his pants. ‘And if I head out Iain’s going to follow me. He’s a friend, but I’m not having him play gooseberry.’

  ‘I’m sure I could distract him for you.’

  ‘The glee you said that with makes me think that’s not such a good plan.’

  Spook shot him a look of absolute innocence.

  ‘That façade doesn’t work on me. I was there the time you chained Rock Giant to those railings. Plus, I know how much of a kick you get out of playing hard to get.’

  His friend leaned forward. ‘I don’t play at being hard to get, Ashley. I am hard to get.’ He sniffed. ‘The band needs a few contrasts. I’m the counterbalance to all the super sluts.’

  ‘Did you just call me a slut?’

  ‘Would you rather I used the term Lothario?’

  Ash stuck his tongue out at him. ‘I’m reformed, and so is Xane.’

  ‘Yeah.’ Spook gave another of those telling eye-rolls. ‘Course you both are. Well, you might be. Nothing on earth will ever reform Xane.’

  ‘Wha – t! Are you saying that he and Dani aren’t going to last?’

  ‘I’m saying nothing will reform him, and I doubt she’s got the stamina to keep him satisfied all by herself. I don’t think any single human being has. Anyway, getting back to your dilemma, do you want me to detain Iain?’

  Ash gave the proposition a moment’s thought. He did want to go to Ginny, but sneaking away now would result in a serious grilling tomorrow from one or another member of the band, and likely a lot of ribbing too. The best plan was to sit tight and do yogic breathing exercises or something. Flat on his back was the best position for that. Ash stretched along the length of the sofa, pointed his toes and pulled all his muscles tight before attempting to relax them one by one. It didn’t achieve a goddamned thing, other than drawing attention to his dick. ‘I couldn’t go out sporting this anyway,’ he said. ‘One, I wouldn’t get my trousers on, and two, I’d probably be arrested for indecency. The last thing I need is a night in the cells being some guy’s bubba.’

  Spook chuckled. ‘Reckon that’d shrink your problem fast.’

  Ash threw a cushion at him, which Spook caught and sent hurtling back at him immediately. It landed square on his loins, making him yelp. He rubbed his wound better with the spongy missile. ‘That hurt, fucker!’

  ‘You started it.’ Spook smiled at him showing an awful lot of teeth. ‘Remind me not to lean against that cushion in future, at least not until it’s been through a hot wash.’

  Ash contemplated beating him around the head with it, but he knew he’d come off worse. Spook fought dirty, and he always took advantage of his opponent’s weaknesses. Frankly, one blow to his cock was all he could take.

  Blow! What he wouldn’t give to be sliding himself into Ginny’s heavenly mouth right now. And to think, he’d never really liked blowjobs before he’d met her.

  ‘We could put on a movie,’ Spook suggested. Ash glanced across at him to find his friend regarding him as if there were some interesting factoid about him that he’d hitherto not noticed.

  ‘No. I’m good.’ Porn wasn’t going to do it for him, and even the latest blockbuster wasn’t going to cut it as a distraction. He made a second attempt at the relaxation exercise, this time incorporating a visualisation. Alas, the only visual he summoned with any clarity was of Ginny in those tiny shorts, and how bloody glorious it had looked when he’d pushed his cock through the side leg of them and into her hungry cunt.

  Uh-huh! His cock nodded in agreement. That was totally hot.

  ‘Ash, you do know you don’t have to be shy? It’s not as if I haven’t seen you come before like a zillion times.’

  But only when there’d been a woman in the room. ‘I am not sitting here wanking while you watch.’

  ‘Sure?’ Spook drew his fingers through his long hair, tugging it back off his face. He gathered it at the back of his head before releasing the blond strands again. ‘Suit yourself, but don’t blame me later when you still can’t walk straight and it aches.’

  ‘At least mine remembers how to rise.’

  His friend gave a deep, weary sigh. ‘Don’t try and make this about me. I get plenty hard when something actually turns me on.’

  ‘Then how come I’ve never seen it?’

  ‘Because you don’t do it for me, dumbo.’

  Ash faked a sniffle, and wiped away fake tears. ‘But … but …’ he mumbled, before bursting into laughter. ‘I totally thought we were going to be life partners and everything. You’re telling me you’re not going to come over and stroke my dick?’

  ‘Ashley, I am never going to stroke your dick. Think I’ll happily stick to taking photos of it.’

  ‘You don’t do that either.’

  ‘I’m pretty sure it’s starred in a few of them. Do I need to provide evidence?’

  A swift shake of his head conveyed Ash’s thoughts about that. Mention of photographs did give him an idea, though. What if he showed Ginny just what she’d done to him? Maybe she’d take pity on him and … actually, he didn’t know. Other than talk to him, there wasn’t a lot she could do.

  ‘Phone sex,’ he blurted, sitting abruptly at the lightbulb idea. Ash reached for his phone, then realised he was wearing pocketless lounge pants, and a dismayed croak rose from his throat. ‘Where’s my phone?’ The damn things seemed to magically materialise legs and walk off. Most likely it was still in the pocket of the leathers he’d shucked off, but if he went back into the bunk room to look, Rock Giant would probably throw a brick at his head.

  ‘Ahem,’ Spook coughed. He held his phone aloft between his thumb and forefingers.

  Thank you, Jesus!

  Knowing how bad he was with his possessions, Ash had persuaded Spook to store Ginny’s number too. ‘Gimme,’ he insisted, reaching for the lifeline.

  Spook pulled it close to his body. ‘As if I’m going to let you molest it. Man, I know where your hands have been.’

  Ash was about to ask why Spook had bothered waving it about if he wasn’t going to allow him to use it, when his friend hit dial and raised the handset to his ear.

  ‘Ginny? Hi, it’s Spook,’ he said, grinning ear to ear. ‘Yeah, he’s fine. A little worked up. You know how it is. Nothing a bedtime story won’t fix. No, I can’t put him on. He’s not touching my phone unless he bleaches his hands.’

  Ash pouted. He wished he could hear both sides of the conversation, not only what Spook was saying. Ginny’s soft purr in his ear would go a long way to easing his frustration.

  ‘No, right at the minute, he’s just about restraining himself.’

  The bastard was grinning at him like the cat that got the cream. />
  ‘I’m sure a few words from you could change that.’

  What the hell? ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Talking to Ginny. OK, yeah,’ Spook said into the phone. ‘Of course I can relay a message. It’ll be a pleasure.’

  Ash repositioned himself upright, because the frankly malevolent glee in Spook’s eyes suggested a prone position wasn’t a good idea at the moment. ‘What the fuck are you up to?’

  ‘I just said. I’m talking to your lady.’

  ‘Well, stop talking to her and tell me what she’s saying.’

  Two ticks, Spook signalled, holding up a couple of fingers.

  Ash clenched his fists and waited, while his cock continued to strain the elastic of his waistband. Damn thing wanted out, and he was increasingly tempted to set it free. He repositioned the cushion before him, hoping that since Spook was distracted by his phone conversation he wouldn’t notice if he rocked his hips a bit.

  ‘Um … uh-huh … like it,’ he kept saying. Then, ‘Are you sure you want me to relay that? Precisely as spoken?’ A faint blush rose along the ridge of his cheekbones. ‘Sure?’ His grin literally ate up his face.

  ‘What’s she saying to you?’ Ash slid along the sofa so that he was closer to Spook, hoping to catch a few of Ginny’s words, but Spook had the phone clamped so close to his ear there was no chance of that. ‘Spook, you’d better bloody tell me or I’m going to –’

  ‘You’re going to what, Ashley?’

  Ash let his shoulders fall. ‘Wait patiently.’

  ‘Good. She likes that.’ He hm-hmmed some more at whatever else it was Ginny was saying. ‘She says it’s only fair that you’re antsy, given that you didn’t give her what she wanted either.’

  ‘Yeah, well, I’m an idiot. We all know that.’

  ‘She, however, isn’t cruel, which means, if you’re a good boy, you’ll still get your treat.’

  Damn, Ash could almost hear her saying it. He could picture her exact expression too, as if she were standing in front of him holding that damned riding crop. Not that he wanted her to use it. He’d have a heart attack if it went anywhere near his skin. Still, the fantasy of her brandishing it remained compelling. ‘What do you mean, I still get my treat? What treat?’

  ‘Your reward, your release,’ Spook translated. ‘Now, here’s how this is going to work. Ginny’s going to whisper really sexy things into my ear, and then I’m going to tell you what she wants you to do. All you have to do is obey. Got it?’

  ‘What! Seriously? Spook, I am not …’ He wetted his lips, strangely turned on by what was being proposed. ‘I’m not jacking off in front of you.’

  ‘Sure? Then I guess I’ll just hang up.’ Spook lifted the device away from his ear and moved his thumb across the screen to end the call. He was on his feet now, no longer content to remain seated, but stretching and rising onto his toes, as if he needed to move in order to control the buzz he was feeling.

  ‘Wait. No.’ Ash breathed slowly, failing to calm the excitement building in his nerves too. ‘Is this … Is this what Ginny wants me to do?’ He wetted his lips, already perfectly aware of the answer. This was exactly the sort of teasing, subversive act she’d get off on, especially given the opportunity to involve Spook in it. ‘And you’re OK with it?’

  ‘I wouldn’t be holding the phone if I wasn’t. Get it out, Ash. Let’s not keep the lady on hold.’

  OK, this was officially weird, yet strangely exhilarating too. Ash couldn’t quite believe what he was doing, but somehow that didn’t stop his fingers from curling as instructed and his cock filling up his palm. ‘Tell her I’m stroking my big hard dick for her.’ If they were going to do this, then what was the point in being coy? If she wanted dirty, then he’d give her dirty. He’d give her something else too, the next time he saw her. Yes, he’d play her game, get himself all wound up in knots, but he’d make sure he got payment in return. That was only fair, after all.

  A sudden smile burst across his face, pulling his lips upwards at the corners as he thought about the sort of revenge he might enact, and where exactly that revenge might lead. In his mind it was always the same place – her very wet and welcoming pussy.

  ‘God, Ginny!’ It was killing him not being with her right now, even while she was dishing out instructions and lapping up his responses. He only wished it was Ginny’s sexy voice whispering all those words of encouragement, and not his best friend. Not that his brain had any trouble filling in the details of her voice. He knew her as if she was hardwired into his nervous system. If he concentrated on her, blanked everything else out, then he could smell her perfume mixed with the scent of her skin.

  His mouth opened, as he imagined the taste of her lips.

  ‘She wants you to pump that dick.’

  Ash’s head lolled against the sofa back, while he stretched his back straight and lifted his hips. His feet were braced wide apart on the floor as he blanked out his environment. All that mattered was what he could see in his mind’s eye and that his girl loved watching him.

  She liked the way he moved his fist, the flex of his tendons, the soft, wet sound of his hand moving against his shaft.

  Touch the head. Is it wet?


  Are you weeping for me? She did so love when he’d leak a little, saw it as a sign that his body couldn’t hold back. She liked to work those little beads into the head, flick her tongue against the eye and the extremely sensitive spot beneath it.

  Was he crying? Very much so.

  A tremor rolled through Ash’s body, making his already tensed muscles jerk. He needed this so much. He was furious and ravenous. Her words were soft but so full of power and temptation. He couldn’t help but obey.

  Would you like to be inside me now? Driving your cock deep, melding us together, our sweat mingling, mouths locked?

  ‘I want you so much, Ginny.’

  She must have asked Spook to move closer so that she could hear the slide of his fist pumping his shaft. He did it exactly as he knew she’d want him to, without fear or artifice, as though he was seemingly alone and this was in fact her own private peepshow. He tried not to think about Spook at all. Of course, that was rather difficult when he could hear his breathing and sense his very solid form, even when he wasn’t relating messages.

  The true buzz came upon him in a rush.

  Ash immediately snatched his hands away from his cock, and planted them on the leather banquette. ‘No,’ he insisted. ‘Too much, too fast. Need to catch a breath.’ This was all wrong on so many levels he didn’t know where to start, and yet it was so unbelievably fucking hot. Nought to sixty in under three seconds wasn’t good for a man, unless he wanted to be up again in another ten. ‘Need to slow down a little,’ he huffed.

  ‘That’s not what Ginny thinks. Enough resting, Ash. She wants to hear you come.’

  If he so much as touched himself right now he’d do just that.

  ‘This better not go outside this room.’

  ‘I’m sure the guys are all lined up with their ears pressed to the door listening in,’ Spook replied, prompting Ash to glare at the door in horror. ‘Mate, they’re snoring. Paul’s responsible for the bass notes, and I assume Iain’s the one responsible for the percussion sounds. Chill. When have I ever spilled your dirty secrets?’

  ‘Never,’ Ash admitted. Spook didn’t even joke about that sort of stuff.

  ‘Exactly. So there’s nothing to worry about besides getting off so that I can get to bed.’

  ‘There’s nothing stopping you going now, if you just pass me the phone.’

  Spook actually appeared to consider it, before he gave his head a decisive shake. ‘I would, but I’m actually quite enjoying listening to Ginny get all hot and breathy. You know she’s masturbating too, right? I think her pussy is pretty wet right now, and I’m not sure, but I think she might be using her electric boyfriend to get herself off.’

  Ash growled. If Ginny was getting off, then he ought to be the one listening
to it, not Spook.

  ‘If you start getting off to the sound of my girlfriend coming then I’m going to kill you,’ he spat in warning.

  ‘You’re killing her already by not giving her what she needs. Let’s see some more wrist action, Ash and maybe I’ll put her on speakerphone.’

  ‘Put her on speakerphone, and I promise they’ll be able to hear me coming right across Paris.’

  ‘That’ll make for an interesting headline,’ Spook observed, but Ash didn’t really hear him, because he was already narrowly focused on the sounds of Ginny’s hot, needy breaths and the mesmerising hum of something buzzing away in the background.

  Chapter 8

  Ginny wasn’t sure what had got into her. She liked to push boundaries, and yeah, sometimes she flouted conventions, but this was taking things to extremes even for her. Then again, Spook wasn’t exactly protesting, was he? He could have said no. He could have hung up the moment she made the suggestion, or passed the phone over or plain walked away. Instead, he was listening to her and relaying her words in his delicious, slightly accented English. What’s more, she’d swear he was enjoying himself. Not in an overtly sexual way, perhaps not in a sexual way at all. She didn’t think she was turning him on describing what she wanted to do to Ash, and what she was demanding Ash do to himself, but he was definitely getting a kick out of something about this.

  Control, maybe.

  Spook definitely liked to be in control.

  ‘He’s being a good boy again now, Ginny.’

  ‘Describe him to me.’

  Was that pushing this too far? Maybe it was. Relaying her words was one thing, asking one guy to get poetic about another guy’s cock might be something else entirely.

  ‘Scratch that. Take his picture, film him for me. I want to see everything.’

  ‘Filming will cut the phone conversation. Pics I can do.’

  ‘You do realise it’s illegal to share photos of people without their permission,’ Ash interjected. She could hear the wariness in his voice. He might be doing her bidding, but there were lines he’d refuse to cross. ‘So don’t, unless you fancy two years in jail,’ he warned Spook.


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