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A Sea of Smoke: A Dark Romance (A War of Hearts Book 2)

Page 34

by Karen Lynn

  “Did I ever tell you about the condo I bought on Miami Beach a few years ago? I was just complaining to Steve the other day that I don't go down there enough. So you just gave me an excuse for a long overdue vacation, not to mention, a good case always helps pay the bills. And that son of a bitch, Richard still owes me a round of whiskey.”

  She sat in stunned silence, unable to believe her ears. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard Micky speaking, his voice so garbled it could've been under water. When he called out her name, she snapped out of her daze.

  “You can practice in Florida? You know Richard Schwartz?” she murmured, afraid she had somehow misheard or misinterpreted.

  “Yes on both! I’m a well-rounded kinda guy! Things are slow here. I'll try to book a flight for tomorrow morning and let you know when I'll be there. In the meantime, I'll call Richard and tell him to cover the preliminary hearing if I can't make it. This way he can get out on bail and not have to hang in there. That should ease your mind, huh doll?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” After they ended the call, she broke down, her body wracking with sobs of joy. When her tears and energy ran dry, she lifted her head from her arms, trying to remember if she ever told him the reason for leaving New York City. She had no idea how long Jake had been standing behind her.

  “Jake, wait!”

  He froze without turning to her. She held onto his arm. “I had to talk to Micky about Logan! Nick didn't bail him out!”

  “When does it end Kristen? I thought we were free of him. I don't give a shit if he gets life. He deserves it for murdering Ray in cold blood. What about us and our life?” Disgusted, he ripped away from her.

  “We are free of him, but I just have to do this one little thing. What if he changes his story and blames me, then what? Can't you give it a little more time?” She grabbed his arm again; he stiffened, glancing down at her hand.

  “Why did you have to call that asshole? Aren't there millions of criminal lawyers right here in Miami?” I swear I won’t break down, or let her win. Even for Alex. Not this time.

  “I left a message with the attorney Logan gave me, Nick's attorney. No one called.”

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

  “It's Nick!” Her face lit up. Still holding onto Jake, she answered, forgetting all about her disdain for Nick.

  “Hey, did you take care of Logan?” she blurted out, regretting the choice of words as soon as she said them. Without realizing it, she dropped her hand from Jake and held onto the garden table for support.

  Jake let out a long, loud sigh, and slumped onto a lounge chair.

  “Yeah I got your message, but it’s time for Logan to take care of himself. He shoulda thought about it before he shot her!”

  Her jaw dropped in astonishment at the coldness in his voice and bitterness of his words, her hate for him flooding back. “I can't believe you! It was an accident! You're gonna let him rot in jail?”

  “Kristen, he's an idiot. Let him call Schwartz. If it was self-defense he'll get him off. As for me and him, I’m done! I'm sick of playing his daddy.”

  So Schwartz is the attorney! So why didn't he call me back? “What about bail?”

  “Call a bail bonds place or let him do it after the hearing. Unless, you wanna meet me for a drink, so we can discuss it more intimately...”

  Taking in the disgusted grimace on her face, Jake raised his eyebrows anxious to see where the conversation was going.

  “Fuck you Nick!” She wanted to really let him have it, to tell him exactly how much she wished he were dead, but didn't want Jake to hear. Her hands were shaking from pent up anger and frustration when she hung up. Blinking to push the tears away, she turned to Jake, laid out on the chair, his eyes closed.

  * * *

  Jake was desperate to get away. To run on the beach. To clear his head and think, without any distraction or outside influences affecting him. He needed it, and didn’t care that his leg wound still hurt. Instead, he found himself staring down at Alex's peaceful, innocent face as he slept. Somewhere, deep in his subconscious, he heard his mother’s voice. Stop running, face your problems. They're not going anywhere. You cannot outrun them.

  He bent down and kissed the baby’s soft skin, hoping it wouldn't disturb his sleep. “Enjoy it while you can little man.”

  He closed his eyes, fighting the tears, when he felt Kristen behind him.

  “He's gorgeous, isn't he?” Her eyes were glued on Jake.

  Without a word, he turned to her. Holding her face in his hands, he gazed into her eyes. For the first time in a few days he saw love and regret in them. He brought his lips gently to her face, kissing each eye, then sought her mouth.

  “Like his mommy,” he whispered between kisses.

  “Jake, I love you.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “Please don't leave.”

  A loud chuckle escaped his mouth. Not wanting to wake Alex, he stifled it, and effortlessly scooped her up in his arms, carrying her to their bed. She clung to his neck, even as he dropped her on the bed, refusing to release him.

  “Nothing's gonna tear us apart ever again baby.” He made the firm decision as he brought his mouth urgently to hers. How he would ensure that was another matter altogether.


  Attorney Richard Schwartz was a tall, burly man with years of experience in criminal defense and a head full of gray hair to prove it. Originally from New York City, he still had the sarcastic, hard hitting attitude. He wasn't happy when he listened to messages from Kristen and Micky Sedakis, his old law school buddy. The last time he dealt with one of Nick Lombardi's friends he almost got disbarred. Representing another of his crony's, even if it was just for the preliminary hearing, wasn't something he looked forward to. It's not like he needed the money anymore. This one was a long overdue favor for Micky, who by sheer coincidence knew them, and also seemed very fond of Kristen.

  As soon as he looked at Logan's pale, sleep-deprived baby face, he knew he wouldn't last long in prison. He didn't look like the type that would commit a violent crime. But then again, how many did? If his story was true, he felt confident he could work out a self-defense plea bargain with the district attorney. Assuming the victim pulled through. So far, there was a fifty/fifty chance. Unless he got really ambitious, which he doubted at that point, he’d probably leave all the dirty work to Micky. With getting in and out his main concern, he wasn't about to hold back, and got straight to the point.

  “So Logan, I'm Richard Schwartz. I think you know I've represented your partner and some of his friends in the past.” He paused, waiting until he received some indication from Logan that he wasn't comatose. “Perfect, and you also know Micky Sedakis, your wife, Kristen's former employer?”

  This time he noticed the surprise in Logan's eyes. Sure he had his attention, he rushed on before he lost him again.

  “He's flying down to represent you but he asked me to cover until he gets here. First off, I need you to be totally honest with me. The cops said Kristen's prints were all over the gun. So, I know what you told the detective, but I want to hear it directly from you. And I need to you be honest and truthful. Does Kristen have anything to do with Gina Maldonado's shooting. Are you covering for her?” He moved in closer, his eyes not blinking as he stared at him.

  Millions of jumbled thoughts collided in Logan's disoriented mind. This was the moment of truth. I can probably walk out free and clear if I tell the truth or a twisted version of it. Maybe I’ll be charged as an accessory or something. But if she ends up in jail, if I go back on my promise, she’ll never forgive me! That's if she even makes it out in one piece. And I have Ray's murder to worry about. That Jake asshole is dying to put me away for that. So, if I let Kristen take the blame, we’ll both be screwed.

  He met the attorney's stare, trying to get some insight into his mind, when he couldn't even figure out his own.

  “You said you know that lawyer my wife used to work with in New York also?” Not sleeping was really getting to
him. He roughly rubbed his knuckles into his eyes, hoping for relief.

  Schwartz continued sizing him up. He didn't look stupid but it was apparent he was very troubled. “Yes. We go way back. He's going to be your attorney. So level with me, Logan. You have a hearing soon and the judge will set bail.”

  “It's her gun but she had nothing to do with it, just like I said. It was an accident; she broke into the house planning to kill us. Don't they have her gun?” On the verge of nodding out, he longed for more coffee.

  “She, meaning Gina, your mistress?” Schwartz raised his eyebrows, thinking the case had crime of passion written all over it.

  “Yeah, but she wasn't my mistress,” Logan muttered, holding his head.

  “They have all the evidence, including Gina's gun. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. We can talk more tomorrow. See you in court in the morning.”

  Logan's jaw dropped in shock, a crazed look in his eyes. “In the morning? You said soon! I can’t stay here overnight! Someone already tried to fuck me up!”

  He looked like he was about to cry. Schwartz had seen it a million times before and it didn't faze him. “That's why they moved you. By the way, did Nick talk to you about my fee?”

  Logan's head still spun from the horrible prospect of spending the night in jail. The money hadn't even crossed his mind. Up until then, Nick had handled all of that.

  “No. This is between us now. Whatever it is, I'll pay it. Just give me the contract and get me outta here.” He pushed his hair frantically out of his reddened face, his eyes pleading.

  Schwartz nodded in agreement. Micky said he had money. At least that was a plus. He was too old to be running around after his clients trying to get paid.

  “Okay, I'll have it ready in the morning and we can get started. Hang in there, you'll be fine.” Letting out a loud grunt, he hoisted his body up.

  “Wait! Can you call my wife and tell her to arrange the bail then?” Logan’s eyes looked like they would pop out of his head. “She may have to pay you too. And what about that other New York guy?”

  “Wait, slow down, Logan. I'll call your wife about the bail and Mr. Sedakis will talk to you or Kristen about his fee. Okay? Just try to stay out of trouble.” He attempted a smile but it came off as more of an exhausted smirk. Through the corner of his eye, he saw Logan drop his head into his hands in despair. Disregarding it, he pulled the door open as soon as the buzzer went off. He couldn't wait to get out of there, and could already taste the beer and the many more to come once Micky arrived. Maybe it was time for him to retire. Putting criminals back on the street was really getting to him.


  Kristen was in the shower when Jake heard her phone ringing. Curious to see who it was, he picked it up. Schwartz, Attorney appeared on the screen. Not wanting to wake up the baby, he answered, told him to hold on and went to tell her.

  She almost slipped and fell in her rush to get out to talk to him. It would've been comical if he wasn't so damn furious about the whole ordeal.

  “Now what?” Jake rolled his eyes, hoping to appear disinterested.

  “I need to contact the bail people for him. He's not going to court until the morning.” She didn't know if she should look him in the eye and try to plead, or avoid him.

  “Whatever.” He shrugged, wandering back to the bed. “I don't understand why you have to be involved. And why is that other attorney coming down if this guy is representing him?”

  It was too late for an answer since Kristen was already on the phone with the bail office referred by Richard Schwartz. When the call ended, she bit her lip, worried about how Jake would take the news. She sat next to him, gently pushing some wavy strands of hair out of his face. He turned to her, his eyes soft but filled with suspicion.

  “I have to go into their office after they update the system with the bail amount. Schwartz is covering for Micky until he gets here, but he doesn't want the case. He hates Nick.”

  Jake’s body stiffened, a warning that she shouldn't tell him about her involvement in paying the retainer fee, especially since she was hopeful she could work out a lower amount with Micky. She had enough to stress without dealing with Jake’s repressed jealousy of Micky.

  “They're across from the police station and we still have to give those statements. We can do it all at once and bring Alex with us. Is that okay with you baby?”

  He gave her a frustrated shrug. “What do you have to do with the bail again?”

  “We still have a joint account and the condo. I have to sign off.” She continued walking to the bathroom, unwilling to deal with an eruptive reaction.

  Enraged, he bit his tongue and jumped up from the bed to storm out of the house. Instead, he found himself at the bathroom door.

  “When are you planning to file for that divorce?” His eyes narrowed.

  If this is going to work, I need to know. And now that I have to play nice with that jerk-off lawyer from New York, it’ll help.

  “As soon as I know I'm not in trouble. I don't want to mess it up. Please Jake, we discussed this.” A glimmer of encouragement shone in her eyes. “Maybe Steven can still do the divorce for me, since Micky has a license to practice here.”

  Unless it would be a conflict of interest. Then I’ll have to start searching out here. That will be a royal pain in the ass!

  Noticing the sudden brightening of his face, she rushed forward to grab his arms. The towel she had tied around her loosened, slipping down to reveal her breasts.

  He opened his mouth to respond, then immediately closed it. The anger in his eyes dissolved as they swept over her. Without a word, he yanked the towel away, crushing her body against his with an unexpected ferocious urgency.



  Everything was getting very complicated. Kristen never realized how much money and preparation were involved in a criminal case, since that had been Marty's department. Although Micky’s handling of Logan's case took a heavy weight off of her shoulders, she well aware of the issues it would cause with Jake, and the terrible nightmare it could become.

  When Jake’s nagging convinced her it wasn't good for a newborn to be exposed to all the germs that inhibited police precincts and bail bond offices, she arranged for Cassandra to take care of him. It felt awful leaving the baby behind and the only way to console Jake was promising to return as fast as possible. Since Alex loved sleeping as much as he did, he probably wouldn’t even notice they were gone. And with a little extra luck, he’d continue sleeping through the night, because she had more than enough stress keeping her awake.

  Quick Response Bail Bonds was on the ground floor of a ten-story office building two blocks from the Miami Beach Police Department. They sat in the small waiting room while the flustered receptionist juggled the constantly ringing telephone.

  As Kristen surveyed the room, a nervous, very distraught woman sitting across from them, made her reflect on what a horror story it would’ve been for her if Logan hadn't taken the blame.

  Leaving Alex, jail, trial and worst of all, prison. There’s no way I would survive. I’d kill myself first.

  After several harsh shudders rocked her body, she pushed the depressing images out of her mind and glanced at Jake.

  Jake’s jitters and irritability wouldn’t allow him to stay seated. As soon as Jim, the high strung bail bondsman started his spiel, he couldn’t take it anymore, mumbled something about needing air and fled outside.

  Emotional outbursts went hand and hand with arrests and bail procedure. Jim took it in stride and the meeting proceeded without any issues. Kristen co-signed the agreement and gave him the account information. Now all they needed to process the payment was a firm bail amount.

  Only 11:00 a.m. and she was already plagued by mental and physical fatigue when they reached the police precinct for the statements.

  “I thought you said it was across the street,” Jake complained, annoyed by the late morning sun beating down on him.

  She shrugged. “I wish we could do this together.” She squeezed his hand in hers.

  Jake looked into her eyes, struck by the startling realization that since the shooting neither of them mentioned Gina's condition. All everyone cares about is their own necks. Just like with Ray's murder, so unbelievably easy to cast aside. No one gives a shit.

  He held the door open for her, determined not to dwell on it. “Don't worry. You'll be fine. I just hope it doesn't take too long we need to get back home. I'm tired of all this shit already.”

  The memory of their night together, brought an instant smile to her lips. She welcomed the eruption of passion and affection back in her life. Whatever it took, she would ensure that it didn't fade away again. She inched closer to him, comforted by the heat of his body infusing hers.

  “Me too,” she whispered, aware that this was just the beginning of a long, difficult journey. The police precinct brought it all back to her. As Gina's bloody image took possession of her mind, fear choked her.

  What will happen to Logan if Gina doesn’t make it? Or if her family finds out I shot her?


  Home again. It felt like walking back into a nightmare. The detective made him sign a consent, giving permission for their investigation to continue as needed with full access. The bail had been paid and an arraignment date set. All he needed now was that Micky guy. There had never been any great affection between them, but it couldn’t be worse than trusting a complete stranger. Happy that Kristen came through for him after all, he couldn’t help smiling. First the bail, now the lawyer. It was more than he could say about Nick, whose abandonment didn’t come as a complete surprise, yet pissed him off big time.

  As he wandered around the living room, a staggering desperation hit him out of nowhere.


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