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Bella Vita

Page 6

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “It's beautiful!” I squealed in delight.

  “You like it, mia bella?” Doubt colored his words.

  “Like it? Ha! I love it!” I hugged him hard around the neck.

  “I'm glad it pleases you.” He smiled.

  “Dom, sometimes you're so strange.” I led him over to the chairs and sat down.

  What's wrong, Emma Bird? His concern was like a thick fuzzy blanket wrapping around me.

  I sighed. I'm not sure where to begin. I confessed.

  How about the beginning? He cocked his brow at me and grinned.

  “Smart ass!” I shoved him.

  “Ah, but you love me, so what does it matter?” He winked.

  It all started with another dream. My first since the one that haunted me for years. I told him everything from my vision, my trip to England, my staying with Betty, Bernie, and even Mike. Mentally I could show him images when I thought it was necessary. By the time I was done, the sun was rising. The sky had turned a beautiful scarlet. I was afraid to look at Dominic because I had withheld information about his sister for so long, and I had intentionally looked for Mike. I was really afraid of how he'd handle it all.

  I took a deep steadying breath and looked at him. He was staring at the sea that looked like a flaming liquid. His thoughts were dark- I could tell from the shade of green his eyes had turned- but I didn't think it was directed at me.

  “Emma, I need to know, how certain is this vision?” His voice was pleading for there to be doubt.

  “Bettina told me that all visions are possibilities, but if she doesn't change the path she's on right now, this will come to pass.” How could I be the one to tell him that his sister will die? I felt horrible.

  “Then we must help to change her path.” The finality to his voice startled me.

  “Eh, Dom? Don't you think I tried contacting her?” I was hurt by the thought that he believed I would just let something happen to Issy, especially since I had emailed her before I left England.

  “Clearly, it's the fault of this werewolf Jack. He must be removed from the picture.” Darkness surrounded everything that was Dominic at that moment.

  “Dominic! No! What if that is the whole reason why that vision happens?” I was shocked that he couldn't see the connection.

  “What?” He blinked at me, like waking from a dream.

  “The very action of you doing something to try and 'remove' Jack from the picture could put your sister in the very position that is shown in my vision!” Why did I even have to explain this?! My patience was running thin.

  “Hmm. Well, something must be done.” He was lost once more to these thoughts.

  “We can contact her, I can try to continue to watch her future, but I'm not very connected to her anymore- it'll be more difficult.” I sighed, stifling a yawn.

  The yawn seemed to bring Dom back to the moment, he got up and held out his hand to me.

  “You must be exhausted. We have to get you ready for school later today, you must rest now.” His smile was forced.

  “Thank you, Dom, but you have to promise me that you won't do anything without talking to me first, now promise?” I demanded.

  “I promise, mia bella.” His hand was firm in mine as he escorted me back to my room. “Sleep sweet, my love.” His lips gently brushed my cheek.

  I went inside feeling every ounce of my tired body filled with dread of what I had just started. I wasn't sure what he would do without consulting me, or how far this would go, but I knew that it was right to tell him. A small part of my mind was worried over how he allowed the Mike and Bernie issues to pass without any acknowledgment. But it was all something that I would have to worry about tomorrow- because the moment my head touched my pillow the world was gone.

  When I woke up I wanted to go back to sleep. The memories from my talk with Dominic washed through my thoughts right away. I cringed as the images I had shown to him played back through my mind like a slide show. This is going to be a long day. I told myself as I got up and headed for the bathroom. I took extra time brushing my teeth and my hair- stalling for time that I didn't have.

  By the time I got downstairs, the house was filled with people. I sighed, knowing that this was caused by what I had revealed to Dominic. I went to the kitchen to get a hot cocoa- if I was going to deal with all of this right away then I need some chocolate to get through it- and maybe some blood.

  The kitchen was clearly a command central. The moment I stepped inside, some part of my brain started screaming at me to run the other direction. Dom's parents were at a table with my grandparents. I couldn't see Dom, but I knew he was near. I threw blocks around my thoughts, and ones to ensure that I couldn't hear anything that was coming from others. In truth, I was just not ready for this. I walked to the stove and made my spiked cocoa. The sweet taste and strong aroma made my sense more attuned to the chaos around me. There was so much fear in the air that you could taste it. My mouth was sour the moment the feelings reached me. Yuck! I took another sip of my cocoa. I sighed. I didn't want to get involved in this right away, but it appeared I had no choice.

  “Emma Mary Hutchinson!” My grandmother's voice pierced my thoughts.

  I turned to her and took down my mental blocks.

  Yes, Grandmother? Good morning Grandpa, and Mr. and Mrs. DeDominico. I walked to the table they were sitting at.

  Why did you not respond? Her words were cold and crisp like cracking ice cubes out of the tray.

  I didn't hear you. I've learned the art of mental blocking. I'm sorry, Grandmother, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I hated bowing to her harshness, but it was her way.

  You what? Why on Earth would you want to do that? I tried not to roll my eyes as she asked.

  I think it's an amazing gift. I'm very proud of you, Emma. Grandpa's words were soft and comforting.

  Thank you, Grandpa. Could you tell me why everyone is here and all of this is going on? I gestured to the rush of people behind me.

  Unfortunately, Emma, we were hoping you could explain more to us. You see, Dominic informed us about the vision you had. The madness you see is a collection of people- both human and vampire- that want to try to stop this event from happening. Grandpa sounded tired.

  Here let me show you the dream. Please, everyone join hands. I asked of them.

  They looked at each other- apparently this wasn't a common thing in the vampire world- like I cared at this point.

  As you say, Child. Grandpa took my grandmother's hand, she tentatively took Dominic's mother's hand, she her husband's. They looked at me expectantly.

  Grandpa, I need your hand. I held out my hand for his. His cool fingers slipped into mine without effort. Please stay calm. I warned them as I followed the connection between each of them. Once I was certain I could get the images through to all of them at one time, I took a deep breath. Here is what I've seen. My face blanked as I played the vision for them.

  Each vampire at the table gave an audible gasp from the connection. I felt their tension, and unease. But I knew they would hold this position as long as I fed them the information they wanted. I tried to push the images from my mind into theirs, but I watched the scene unfold just as they did. By the end, tears were running down my cheeks.

  That's all of it. I said once the images stopped.

  Thank you, Emma. Dominic's mom took my hand and squeezed it. I know how hard it must be for you to intentionally watch that.

  Thank you, dear, for sharing that with us. Dominic's dad patted my arm. The information should prove to be most useful.

  I'm very impressed with your skill, Emma. It seems that your trip has opened new doors for your natural gifts. Grandpa reached up and wiped away the tears.

  My grandmother was staring at me. Her eyes were calculating in a way I had never seen before. I think she was seeing me for who I was for the first time. I didn't try to pry into her mind- which I could've done easily. Instead, I pulled a chair up to the table and sipped on my cocoa.

ds buzzed around the table, but I knew that they wouldn't change the future. The entire time I sat there, I was tuning on to this future- looking for the change to come from all of this action and excitement. Nothing changed. I didn't know if I should say something, but I figured that the actions would help Dom's family deal with this possible future. All I wanted to do was find the solution and get all this nonsense out of the house, but it wasn't there. No matter which way I tried to turn this future, I couldn't see the other options or other futures. Nothing is set in stone. I knew I was missing something.

  I sensed Dominic before anyone noticed him in the room. I didn't move to join him. I felt my temper close to the surface because he hadn't listened to me. I mean I totally understood why he told his family, but still- I felt betrayed a little.

  Em? I knew that he sent the message just to me. I could feel his uncertainty- but it didn't make me feel better.

  Yes, Dom? I tried to keep my emotions out of my thoughts.

  I'm sorry. Can you, please, join me? He was almost pleading in my head.

  Dominic! His parents cried out together.

  Yes, Mother, Father. He nodded to each one. I had never seen him so formal with his parents before.

  I'll come. I said rising from my seat.

  Thank you. His eyes caught mine.

  I'm sorry that I have to leave you so soon, but I have to start getting ready for tomorrow. First day, you know. I shrugged at them.

  Of course. Dom's mom smiled at me.

  Grandpa just waved me on and Grandmother seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.

  I walked out of the room and out to the veranda. The outdoors seemed to call to me, especially after going through that kitchen scene with so many people trying to fix something they didn't understand or could do anything about. I sighed into the cool early evening air.

  Emma? His voice was concerned.

  “Dom, I'm going to forgive you. I'm just annoyed.” I hated to play those games where you dance around what you mean.

  “Thank you. I'm sorry you feel betrayed. I had to tell them.” He looked down at his boots.

  “You know... what they're doing... it won't help. You know that, right?” I looked at him.

  “What do you mean? You can see this?” He knelt in front of me.

  “Yes. No one asks me though. This path leads to that future as well. I can't see a different path to take. But maybe something will change soon. I didn't want to say anything because I wanted them to feel like they were doing something.” I looked out into the purple hued sea, the sound of waves crashing was comforting.

  “Thank you for telling me. I truly appreciate it, my love.” He sighed and sat next to me.

  “What's the point of lying to you, I doubt it'll make you feel better. You are going to have to trust me. I'm watching this, looking for options, but right now... it seems like nothing is going to change it.” I had to be honest with him.

  “I understand.” He huffed out a breath. “So I asked the outfitters to come out in about an hour for your fitting.” He smiled at me.

  “My what?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “For your uniform.” I watched as he was holding back a snicker.

  “Uniform? Excuse me, no one mentioned a uniform!” My temper was set to come out, I stood and walked to the rail.

  “I promise it isn't a terrible one. In fact it's all black. And every student has the ability to add to theirs. But the school needed something that helped to keep people from nosing about too much- thus the private school look, and uniforms.” He was holding his smile back.

  “UGH!” I exhaled as much as I could.

  Apparently, Dominic felt that that was the straw that broke the camel's back because he burst out in laughter.

  “What the hell do you think is so damn funny, Dominic?” I snarled at him.

  “You, my dear.” He giggled at me.

  “Grr!” I went and sat noisily down.

  “It really isn't so bad. You'll see soon. As for your books, they will have to wait until we get your schedule tomorrow. I've arranged for us to be there a little early so we could get you settled.” He beamed at me, as though it replaced his laughter from earlier.

  I remained silent.

  “Oh, come on, Emma, you can't truly be mad at me for laughing at your silliness.” He nudged me with his arm.

  “Yes, I can!” I protested.

  “Okay, fine, sit there and pout. I guess I'll have to eat these tasty calzones all by myself.” He said as he pulled two silver covered plates from behind the outdoor bar.

  “That is so not fair! Using food when you know I've not eaten yet.” I sighed in mock despair.

  “You know I would give you the world, mia bella.” He handed me a plate that felt the perfect temperature.

  I pulled the lid off and bit into the doughy turnover. My mouth watered as the salty tartness from the green olives and the artichoke hearts blended in my mouth. My favorite! Yummy! I could no longer pretend to be upset.

  “Thank you!” I smacked a loud wet kiss on his cheek.

  “You're welcome and that is only slightly gross- less calzone next time.” He smiled as he slid his hand across his cheek.

  We ate in silence- just watching the waves roll on the sea as it darkened to a midnight black.

  Once the outfitters arrived I was rushed upstairs into an actual fitting room- apparently I had not been in every room. It had mirrors everywhere and a pedestal that I had to stand on. There were drawers on every surface that didn't have a mirror reflecting a different angle of me. There were two women and a man. I didn't understand why I needed three people to dress me until I learned that they each did something different as the others worked on alterations. After two hours of them turning, poking, sticking, stitching, cutting, and hmming around me- they finally finished. In the end, I walked away with two plain black pleaded skirts, a pair of black slacks- much like Dickies, a pair of black capris, two long and two short sleeve button ups, a black knit vest with an emblem of a moon with a bat, and several pairs of knee high stockings. I love black and all, but I seriously thought that someone should've thought the apparel out a little better- this stuff stood out more than street clothes.

  “How are we supposed to lay low if we're dressed like some sort of gothic reject school?” I asked once the outfitters were gone.

  Dom chuckled. “Em, I told you this is the basic, bare minimum. No one wears only black. They mix it up. I've ordered more vests for you, that is one of the things that you do have to wear, but everything else is subjective.” He smiled at me.

  “I think you have an evil bone in your body- like the monster that Igor makes in that cartoon movie.” I stared at the reflection of myself, clad all in black. This would've been my dream back in my normal life. I hated to have to remind myself that my 'normal' life was long gone.

  “Of course I do. I'm a vampire, after all.” He smiled and kissed me.

  “I love you, Dom.” I replied.

  “And I, you.” His breath was warm on my neck.

  The rest of the evening was spent trying to get me ready for the next day. I was frightened to go to a vampire school. What if I was different and no one liked me? I know, it was a stupid fear, but these were supposed to be my people- the ones I might die for- and I really wanted them to like me. I got out my messenger bag that I used in high school- it would serve me well again. I pulled out some blood red fishnets, my black combat boots, one of the black skirts, the vest, and my favorite tee- cautioning those around me that I bite, even if they couldn't read it. I packed up some paper and pens, but left the rest of my bag empty except for my wallet. The night seemed to fly by, and soon I was back in my bed for the night. I stared at the ceiling until the blackness took me.

  When the alarm went off at seven in the morning, I knew I hadn't set it. The annoying beeping bounced off the stone walls of my room, making my ears ring like bats in a belfry. Why is that on? My desperate attempt to turn it off was useless- especially when I en
ded up toppling out of my bed. The soft fuzzy texture of my fluffy rug tickled my face.

  “Ugh! Damn you, stupid alarm clock! Turn off!” I was just reaching for my boot when my door opened.

  “Good, it woke you.” Dom came in full of smiles, sunshine, a cup of coffee, and didn't ask why I was crawling on the floor holding my shoe.

  “You! You set that beast of a machine!” I snarled at his cheeriness.

  “Si, cara mia. Today we go early to school, remember?” He looked at me quizzically.

  “It's a vampire school, isn't it at night?” I pleaded.

  “Emma, you know we're not like Dracula. We live in the human world. Besides, most classes don't start until at least noon.” He smiled.

  “But!” That was my best protest.

  He handed me the coffee, pointed to my clothes, and left.

  “Grr!” I shouted at the closed door.

  I grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom. I took a quick shower- longing to just relax in the perfect water. My clothes felt new, like I was trying on a new me. Even though I would've bought something similar to this, it still felt foreign. I brushed my straight hair and expertly pulled it into two braids that fell on either side of my head. I lightly did my normal black eyeliner. The red shimmer eyeshadow was a bit dramatic for the first day, but I figured I couldn't tone down all of me. I briefly wondered if everyone walked around with their fangs elongated all the time at school as I applied the deep red gloss.

  Once I was put together, I slipped my messenger bag over my shoulder. I checked to make sure my little bat pin was still attached before I headed downstairs.

  Dom looked very handsome, and seriously toned down. His usually spiked hair was gelled back. He wore black slacks, a heather gray version of my vest, and a crimson button-up. I couldn't see one tattoo. I did notice that he wore bright red chucks.

  I giggled as he held the door for me.


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