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Bella Vita

Page 37

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Your Majesties, Miss DeDominico is in the bed, I'll alert the pilot to leave now. I'll station myself by the door to the bedroom in case she needs anything.” The man said.

  “That won't be necessary. She won't wake up until I've lifted her sleep. I don't intend on doing so until we arrived safely at the palace.” I told him.

  “Then I'll sit up here, if you need anything, please just inform me. I'm Mario Levingtons.” He bowed formally to us and then went to make sure we could leave.

  After he left, my mind simply stopped and I fell into a sleep I couldn't control.

  Rest, mia bella. I'll wake you when we're safe. Dom's words were the last thing I was aware of.

  Chapter thirteen

  I was aware of being moved, but I just couldn't get my eyes to open. Sleep held me in its intimate grasp. The world floated by me as my body was carried inside another setting. As soon as we crossed the threshold I knew we were back in the palace.

  We need to come up with a great name for this place. My mind was trying to be logical.

  His breath caressed my earlobe, “Emma, mia bella, wake up.”

  It took all my control to focus enough to get my eyelids up.

  “Much better. We're home.” His fingers rubbed my shoulder gently.

  “How's Issy doing?” I blinked and sat up.

  “We don't know. She is still under whatever you did to her.” He looked at me expectantly.

  “Oh, sorry.” I closed my eyes and focused on the state I had placed her in- unweaving it was like pulling on an unfinished sweater, all I had to do was pull the right string and it unraveled.

  “JACK!” Issy's voice shrieked instantly.

  Dom rushed to her side. He held his sister. I wasn't sure if he was comforting her or restraining her.

  “Issy...” I let her name hang in the air.

  “Emma?” Her eyes seemed to focus on me.

  “Yes, it's me. Dom's here too.” I gestured to her brother holding her.

  “What?” She looked at him as if she hadn't even felt him in contact with her.

  “We saved you. You're at the vampire palace in Italy. You're safe.” I knew what would come next and I didn't want to have to tell her.

  “And Jack?” Her green eyes bright with tears held that defeated kind of hope in them.

  “He... didn't... make it.” I tried to think of a gentle way to say it.

  “Nooooooooooo!” The wail came out of her as though part of her had been cut from the Earth, and part of me knew that was how she felt.

  “Issy, I know this hurts, but we need to know what happened.” I wanted to get up and hold her.

  “I have no idea. If I could tell you what happened, I would, but I don't know.” Tears rolled down her cheeks- pregnant with her sorrow and rage.

  “Isabella, we can't help if we don't know what we're up against.” Dom actually chided her.

  She glared at him, and I stared at him open-mouthed.

  “I think what your idiot brother is trying to say is that anything that you can remember would help us fight this, and clear you.” I didn't want to have to beg for information or to take it forcefully from her mind.

  “Maybe you two don't speak English, but I can't tell you because there was nothing to see. The world got very quiet, Jack stopped and then he bled. End of story. Why him and not me? Why didn't I die too?” She was shouting at us now.

  Dom was so shocked he let her go and she bolted for the door. I wasn't sure where she was going, but I knew that if she left in this state she would do something stupid and rash. I spelled her once more and she fell to the floor.

  “Emma!” Dom leapt to his sister's aid.

  “She's fine. She's in a type of stasis until we can have a proper room set up for her and establish a guard and some kind of help for her. We can't fight her as we try to help her.” I hailed Yasmin mentally.

  “Yes, Mistress.” The woman appeared in cheery yellow- it looked good on her olive complexion.

  “Please send Derrick to us, and have the staff prepare a room for Miss DeDominico that is extra safe.” I saw the understanding register and Yasmin nodded.

  “Yes, ma'am.” She stepped out of the room.

  “Emma, how could you just leave her like this, in front of people?!” He felt humiliation for his sister.

  “Dominic, I'm taking care of what needs to be done so you have a sister. She isn't right in the head right now. She has either been spelled not to remember or the witches have figured out a way to stop time! Do you not understand the severity of the situation! Your sister is fine, she'll grieve. And Yasmin has and will see enough that feelings humiliation or embarrassment are pointless.” I shook my head in disgust at his lack of comprehension.

  He glared at me, and for once I questioned whether Dominic could lead his people without emotional complication.

  “Issy was my best friend when we were kids, I understand your distress, but we have all our people to care for. Dom, once the room is ready for her, I want you to make sure she's comfortable and that we get the best care for her. I've got calls to make. Once we have the proper people here to help her deal with this, I'll take her out of this state. Until then watch over her if you want. I'm going to call Mike and Kelly and see what I can find out.” I stood and left my husband staring at me as though I had grown a new head and sprouted horns from them both.

  “Bonjour, mademoiselle Kelly Winters, s'il vous plaît.” I said to the French hotel clerk.

  “Un moment, s'il vous plaît.” The woman said and then I hear her switch the lines for me.

  “Ugh, Hello... oh, shit, bonjour?” Kelly grumbled into the phone.

  “Hey, sweet thing.” I laughed at her greeting.

  “I get the whole vampire thing, but do you know the time?” In all reality I hadn't bothered to look at any clocks.

  “Nope, I work on my own clock. This is important.” The laughter left my voice.

  “Okay, let me splash some water on my face. Hang on.” There was a thud as the receiver landed on the bed, and I could hear her movement around her hotel room- there was a slight shriek when I assumed she got the water on her face.

  “Now, what's up?” I listened to her grumbling her way back to the bed about ungodly hours and such.

  “Can witches bend time?” My question was blunt and to the point.

  “What? What do you mean?” Kelly was instantly alert.

  “Can they stop time, speed it up, anything like that?” My patience was running out.

  “Um, I'm not sure...” She replied.

  “Is it that you aren't sure if they can do it or unsure if you can tell me?” Anger licked my words.

  “Maybe a little of both.” Kelly seemed indifferent.

  “Isabella, Dominic's sister, was almost killed tonight and her fiancé was murdered. I need to know how it's possible that in a time frame of less than five minutes, she can't remember how her man ended up in pieces and dead!” I didn't care that I caused her to gasp- shock could motivate people to tell you things.

  “Shit. Is she okay?” Her words rushed out of her mouth.

  “No. I still need to know, Kelly.” I wouldn't be distracted from my goal.

  “I can't tell you. I'm sorry. I just can't.” Her voice pleaded for me to understand.

  “You've been allowed to see ceremonies from this community that no outsider has witnessed, and you can't answer a question that might save those people?!” My voice was incredulous.

  “I'm sorry.” Her voice quivered.

  “Goodbye, Kelly.” I had no time to sit and listen to her apologizing for her stubbornness- I hung up and called Mike.

  “Emma, love, what's wrong?” Just the right answer I needed.

  “I don't even know why I called.” I laughed into the phone.

  “Old habits die hard. What's wrong?” Mike's voice rumbled with sleep as he asked again.

  “Jack is dead. I barely got Issy out of the mob that was going to get their justice then and there. It took
less than five minutes to completely destroy him. But Issy can't remember it, it's like it didn't happen for her. I scanned her memories briefly to make sure. I called Kelly to find out if witches can bend time, and she wouldn't tell me. Can they, Mike?” My words flooded from my body.

  “Well, shit. This isn't good, Em. Jack was top in popularity. The wolves will want blood for this. Shit. I think witches can bend time, but I can't. I think it's like what you do with the future and past, but different. At least that's what I think. Did she tell you why she couldn't tell you?” He was thinking.

  “No. She didn't. We left the body.” I felt bad for leaving Jack lying dead in a London alley.

  “I doubt they would have let you carry it away with you. I'll send someone to the scene. You think the witches did this, then?” I could hear him giving orders to someone in the background.

  “Yes, I do. Issy didn't do it. I couldn't get to her, I was blocked with some sort of force field or something- yes, I know that sounds crazy.” I huffed.

  “Not crazy at all. It does sound like the witches. What happened with the wolves?” He wanted to know anything I could tell him.

  “They circled, said mean shit, threw rocks... I got mad and zapped some of them and then got us out of there using energy as a protective bubble.” I knew I probably shouldn't have lashed back at the people.

  “Don't worry about what you did. You're the flipping Queen of the Vampires. What the hell were they thinking?! I can't believe they threw stones! Are you hurt?” I could feel him probing my body for injuries through our bond.

  “Just a minor cut to the head, it's almost gone now. Issy is in a form of stasis, she's a danger to herself and us right now. I've got help coming for her and then I'll pull her out.” I figured Mike should know the state of our star witness.

  “Damn. And she really can't remember anything?” He was wistful when he asked.

  “Not that I can find. She said the world went quiet first and then he was dead.” I felt so bad for her, but that would have to wait.

  “Em, you coulda been killed. Why did you go there alone? Where was Dominic?” Mike sounded like he wanted to hit Dom.

  “I sent him back to the club for my purse. I had a bad reaction to the spells on the place.” My face burned just thinking of it.

  “Oh... I … see.” Mike laughed out loud.

  “Gee, thanks, poohead!” I huffed at him.

  “Like you care. Anyways, so you think the witches or witch froze time in the little bubble they created and then killed Jack, slipped away, and then unfroze everything?” It wasn't that far-fetched.

  “Yep. Basically.” I smiled at the phone, it was easier to talk to him.

  “Well, shit. I don't know, Em. This is really bad. I don't really know the witches here, the wolves usually try to keep to themselves. Everything I know, I've learned on my own. But this does look like another ploy to try and case us against each other.” He was trying to figure out what to do next.

  “I've got nothing. We need to investigate the area. I'll send people to check it out, and I request that some of your people be part of the team. We must show our peoples that we're working together. Maybe we'll get some answers. We also need to figure out what to do about Issy.” I had no idea how to save her from the wolves if we couldn't prove that she didn't do it.

  “Keep her with you until we have something. Don't let her leave that place. Have her watched. My people will probably be there first, unless you have people in the area already?” Mike didn't want to step on any toes.

  “I'll check and let you know if I have people to add to your team then. Mike?” My fear leaked out of me.


  “Why do you think someone would want us pitted against each other so badly?” I couldn't fathom why we were so hated.

  “Well, we're different, that makes us a target. And if you can take out two by just turning their fragile relations against each other- so much the better.” I could see him shrug as he said this.

  “It just seems so extreme.” I wanted answers and I only had more questions.

  “Yep, but not everything is as it seems. I'm sure we're missing something vital.” He yawned.

  “Okay, go back to sleep. I'll send someone to meet your team as soon as I have a good person. I'll send you a message once I do.” I wished I could hug him right then.

  “Okay, but only because I'm so tired and this is just going to lead to no sleep. You should get some rest too.” He yawned again.

  “Night, Mike.”

  “Night, Em.” I waited until he hung up.

  Dom, do we have any trustworthy people in London right now? I wasn't sure where he was.

  I believe so. Let me check with Derrick and I'll let you know. What do we need them for? He was mildly distracted.

  Mike has a team going down for cleanup and investigation. I'd like to have people on this team ASAP. I didn't want to have to snap at him again.

  Okay, let me go find Derrick and confirm who I believe is there. I'll let you know within half an hour. He broke away from our link.

  It took him the full half hour, but we had three good vamps to send to the site. I didn't know what to do. I let Mike know who to expect and then I sat in the library.

  Three hours later, I was still sitting in the library. I needed something to do, but I didn't know what. Just as I felt like I was going to fall into a deep hole of despair for our situation, Leland came in.

  “Your Majesty.” He bowed formally.

  “Cut the crap, whatcha need?” I sneered at his bow.

  “Nothing. I know that Dominic is currently occupied with his sister, and that you disappeared and had not left in hours. I figured you might need some company.” His smile was brilliant.

  “Company would be nice.” I conceded.

  “What's the plan, mate?” His Australian roots always showed in odd moments.

  “Quite frankly, I don't really have one. But I need one.” I pouted.

  “Well, let's see if I can help ya out, darl.” He came and sat next to me.

  “Before I go and spill everything to you, I want to know about you, Leland.” My stare was hard- I wouldn't endanger my people anymore.

  “You could easily look into my mind and see everything.” He raised his brows at me.

  “True, but that would violate you in a way that I don't like.” I looked him in the eyes.

  “Welp, I'm the only child of two Australian vampires. We raise horses. Well, raise 'em and more. I grew up knowing myself and I came into my abilities very quickly after my change. You know my special skills... some I didn't even know I have until I met you.” He smiled at me. “ I waited for the change to be like my folks, darl. Life was nothing hard. Our place is obviously in the outback. Oh, I once saw a friend get ripped to shreds by a boomer- that's a big ol' buck of a roo. I don't know what to tell you.” He shrugged.

  “I don't either. I just feel like you know a lot about me because of who I am and I don't know enough about you.” I frowned.

  “Well, time will allow us to learn more about each other. I mean, shit, you're my best mate's lady- I'm bound to learn aboutcha.” He smiled.

  “Yeah, I suppose.” I wasn't thrilled that this was how things would be, but my mind was too scattered to try and piece something together to tell him or ask him.

  I broke down and told him everything I knew- a lot I hadn't even had a chance to tell Dom and I wasn't sure if it mattered at this point. He listened with an expressionless face.

  “Darl, you've done all you can for now. I'm not sure what to make about the witch thing. Your friend might be sworn to protect her family secrets or somethin'. I just can't say. Maybe she's just being an ankle biter. Try not to focus on it, sweet thing. I hear that the doctors for Issy have made it here too.” I could tell he hoped this would cheer me.

  “What do you think about her and all of this?”

  “She'll be apples. Everything will turn out right.” He winked at me.

I better go and take her out of the funky state I put her in.” I sighed.

  “Probably for the best.” He held the door for me.

  Isabella DeDominico was the spitting image of Dominic, only female. Her beautiful blonde hair had been arranged on the pillow like Sleeping Beauty awaiting true love's first kiss. I knew that once I unspelled her mind that her eyes would pop open and I would see that beautiful shade of green that could change depending on her mood- just as Dom's did. They were both the same height, but Issy's frame was smaller and petite.

  When I went into her new room, several doctors stood by her bedside taking readings from their machines. I wasn't exactly sure what they were reading- but I knew that these readings would be useless once she was awake. Her bed seemed to swallow her and hold her in its tender embrace.

  Time to wake up, Issy. I thought to her as I unweaved my form of magic doing to her- it wasn't really magic, rather a manipulation of the mind.

  “Where's Jack?” She sat up calmly, her eyes a gentle jade for the moment.

  “I believe you already know, dear sister.” Dom came and took her hand.

  Her eyes unfocused for a minute as she tried to remember what had been locked away from her, and then they turned a sharp beer bottle green.

  “You...” She pointed her finger at me.

  “Whatever you think I've done, I haven't.” Leland came to stand behind me in case she decided to attack me.

  “You did this, Emma Hutchinson. I know you didn't kill him, but it's your fault!” She howled at me.

  “That doesn't seem exactly fair there, darl.” Leland's causal term seemed to spark more anger.

  “You shouldn't even be in here. My brother has taken our throne. You're not royalty and shouldn't be allowed into such personal matters.” She could've slapped him just as easily, instead of implying that he was less than us because we were royal now.

  “Now you hold your damn tongue, Isabella!” I snarled at my once best friend.

  “You probably only married my brother for the position of power it gave you. All the wolves know you're in love with Michael O'Shanold.” She sneered at me.


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