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Horrible Harry and the Top-Secret Hideout

Page 2

by Suzy Kline

  Harry tied it around his waist, and we all lined up. Everyone was so hungry, no one even noticed he had a girl’s sweater around him. It just looked white. Most of the flowers were on the sleeves knotted in front.

  Dexter saw it, though, when he sat down next to Harry at our lunch table in the cafeteria. “How come you’re wearing Song Lee’s sweater? That’s weird, man.”

  Mary, Sid, Ida, and ZuZu waited for Harry’s answer.

  “Because I have to cover up the hole in my pants,” Harry replied. Then he chomped into his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  “I ripped it on the fence,” Harry added. “Right on my keester, as Grampa would say.”

  “Your butt!” Sid burst out. Then he cracked up.

  Mary immediately objected. “I hate that word!”

  “Maybe the nurse has a spare set of pants,” ZuZu suggested.

  “I don’t want to make a big deal out of it,” Harry replied. “I’ll just use Song Lee’s sweater.” When he flashed a toothy smile her way, Song Lee giggled.

  Suddenly, a voice came over the intercom.

  “Boys and girls, this is your principal, Mr. Cardini. Mr. Beausoleil has just informed me that he found a piece of material on the top of the chain-link fence that surrounds our playground. It looks like it came from a pair of blue jeans. If anyone saw someone climbing over the fence, please see me. That’s a dangerous thing to do. And we do not want that happening at South School!”

  Song Lee and Ida covered their mouths with their hands.

  Mary stopped eating. “Harry Spooger,” she said. “I thought you got that rip because you went through the hole in the fence to get our lost kickball. I was okay with that. For one more time only. But you ripped your pants because you went over the fence! That’s dangerous, and dumb! You could have broken your arm or leg! Someone could have seen you!”

  “No one was on the playground. It was the only way back!” Harry explained. “Mr. Beausoleil was busy repairing that hole.”

  Mary stood up. “I’m telling Mr. Cardini right now!”

  Deal or No Deal?

  “Wait!” Harry cried. “I’ll make you a deal.”

  Mary froze. She was still standing, but she was listening.

  “If I promise never to go over the fence again, and show you my hideout after school, you don’t tattle.”

  Mary slowly sat down. “You have a hideout? Where?”

  “In the lot,” Harry confided. “It’s really cool. I could take you there after school today. You could bring your sketchpad and draw wildflowers. Ida could see the tadpoles, and Song Lee, I’ll show you where the yellow-spotted salamander is.”

  No one said no.

  No one said yes.

  But everybody was interested.

  “We’d be withholding information,” ZuZu said. “Mr. Cardini wants to know what happened.”

  “The principal doesn’t want kids climbing over the fence. I’m not doing that anymore,” Harry promised.

  “I believe you,” I said. I didn’t want Harry to get in trouble.

  “This seems like a one-sided bargain,” Mary complained. “If we’re giving up not telling, what are you giving up, Harry?”

  “My hideout. It’s no longer a secret place if I show you.”

  “That is a lot to give up,” Song Lee agreed.

  “It is,” Harry replied. “But you guys are like family.”

  Mary started eating her chicken salad again. “I’ll think about it,” she said.

  “I’m in,” I said.

  “Me too,” Song Lee, Ida, and Sidney responded.

  “But what if that sweater slips off, and someone sees the hole in your pants?” Mary asked. “Then you’ll be in trouble even if I don’t tell on you.”

  Sydney snickered.

  “I’d better sew up the rip in my pants,” Harry agreed. “Do you have a needle and some thread, Mare?”

  It wasn’t an unreasonable question. Mary had more supplies in her desk and bag than anyone at South School. But she acted shocked. “Are you kidding? A sewing needle is sharp. It doesn’t belong in school.”

  Sidney suddenly stopped snickering. “Wait a minute, guys. . . .” And he reached into his pocket.

  We all watched him pull out that shower cap again.

  “Sidney!” Harry groaned.

  Then Sid pulled out a brownish-colored cloth for buffing shoes, and a plastic container with three Q-tips.

  Mary made a face. “Would you please put your free hotel stuff away? It’s grossing me out. I can’t enjoy my chicken salad.”

  When Sid reached deep into his other pocket, he pulled out a very small sewing kit. Everyone stared at the three threaded needles in a small clear plastic pouch. One had white thread, another had black, and the third had pink. A miniature pair of silver scissors was also in the pouch.

  “Yes!” Harry exclaimed. “That’s just what I need. Sidney La Fleur, you’re a lifesaver!”

  Sid slid the tiny travel kit down to Harry. Harry grabbed it and gave Sid a high five.

  “And I’ll take the square piece of cloth, too,” he added. “That will make a perfect patch to cover the hole!”

  Sid slid the soft fabric to Harry.

  “So who’s going to sew the rip in your pants?” Mary asked. “Not me!”

  Everyone looked at the other girls.

  Harry stood up. “I am, of course,” he said.

  We all stared at Harry in disbelief.

  “You know how to sew?” I asked.

  “Of course I do,” Harry answered. “Grandma taught me.”

  Harry disappeared to the bathroom for a few minutes. When he returned, he showed us his work. “Can I sew or what?” he bragged, turning around.

  It was a horrible job, but at least you couldn’t see his underwear anymore.

  “Okay, guys,” Harry said, sitting down at our table. “Are you with me or not?”

  “I have two demands,” Mary said. “You can’t even think about going over that fence again, Harry Spooger. And Sid, you have to take that sewing kit home today. You aren’t supposed to have sharp objects at school.”

  “I promise,” Harry replied.

  “Me too,” Sid said.

  “I believe you, Harry,” ZuZu said. “I’m in.”

  “I’m cool with it,” Dexter added.

  Mary was the only one left.

  While everyone waited for her decision, Sid took out a Q-tip and used it to spread mustard on his boloney sandwich. “This free stuff can really come in handy!”

  “Eweyee!” Mary groaned.

  After everyone laughed, Mary added the last word.

  “Okay, Harry,” she said. “It’s a deal.”

  After School

  The plan was to meet at the school playground at three thirty. Everyone went home, changed into old clothes, told their parents where they were going, and met at the ramp.

  Harry’s grandma was there to meet us. Then she walked us over to the Jordans’ house, introduced us, and sat with the elderly couple in their backyard. Just as we started to go through their back gate into the lot, Mr. Jordan turned to Harry’s grandmother.

  “I think I have a buyer already,” he said.

  Harry immediately stopped so he could listen. We did, too.

  “Some real estate developer wants to put in a courtyard apartment complex. If I don’t get any other offers, I’ll have to sell it to them. Our retirement checks barely pay for things. But I’m glad the kids can enjoy the lot for a little while longer before that happens.”

  “I understand,” Grandma Spooger replied. “That’s why I have my kitchen bakery—to earn a little more money.” When she looked over at Harry, she changed the subject. “You kids can play for an hour,” she called out. “Just holler if you need us.”
r />   Oh, man! I thought. The lot was in danger of losing all of its wildlife. Salamanders and tadpoles would have no home in a big apartment building.

  Harry shook his head. “There goes my hideout!”

  As we continued through the gate, Ida, Mary, and Sidney hugged their sketchbooks.

  Song Lee adjusted her camera strap.

  Dexter lugged his guitar.

  ZuZu carried a bucket and fishpond net.

  As we followed Harry, we could hear a woodpecker hammering on a nearby tree. When a dragonfly flew in front of my face, I jumped.

  “Don’t you love it?” Harry asked. He made it seem like Christmas morning. I wasn’t as crazy about some creepy-crawly things.

  “Look, there goes a salamander!” Song Lee exclaimed. I took a step back while she snapped a picture. “Neato! Look at its yellow spots,” she observed. Then the slimy thing burrowed back into the soft dirt by the water.

  Mary sat down on a rock and started sketching a bleeding heart plant.

  ZuZu caught some tadpoles in the creek and put them in his bucket. “You can see them up close now!” he hollered. Ida came over to look. As soon as Song Lee got a good picture, ZuZu poured them back into the creek.

  After we’d had a chance to look around, I popped the big question. “Okay, Harry, where is your hideout?”

  “We’re very close now,” he said. “Just follow me!”

  The Hideout!

  We followed Harry a little farther by the water, then turned right and walked toward the oak tree. “See the puffball mushrooms growing near the trunk?” Harry asked.

  “They look like parachutes,” I said.

  He picked up an acorn cap, stuffed it in his pocket, and hoisted himself up onto the lower branch of the oak tree. “Welcome to my hideout!” Harry said. Then he made a ladder-like climb up to the fourth limb and sat down on it. It was long and sturdy.

  All of us looked up and clapped.

  “Come and have some tree time, guys,” Harry invited, swaying his feet.

  “I thought you were afraid of heights,” ZuZu said, setting his bucket and net down. One by one, we hoisted ourselves up and climbed to the thick branch just below Harry. Dexter waited and watched as he held on to his guitar.

  “I am, but I’m working on it,” Harry said. “Each month I climb a little higher. I’m up to eight feet now! Last month I could only make it to that third branch, the one you’re all sitting on.”

  “How do you know it’s eight feet?” ZuZu questioned.

  “You’ll see,” Harry answered.

  I positioned myself next to Harry on the fourth branch and dangled my feet. “I hate being afraid of heights,” Harry continued. “It really bugs me. I thought if I could practice, I might get used to being up high. I feel good sitting here now. That wasn’t the case last September, when I got the heebie-jeebies and goose pimples. I’m making progress. I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted to do this myself. But I’m telling you guys now, because I’m halfway to the top.”

  Dexter handed his guitar up to ZuZu, then climbed to the second branch. “Thanks,” he said, taking it back when he was comfortable.

  Harry pointed to a black box sitting on the thick limb beside him.

  “What’s that thing?” Dexter asked.

  “My old mailbox. It keeps my supplies. I used some twine on either end and tied it to the branch.”

  “What kind of supplies?” I asked.

  “Come and look,” Harry said. Some of the others stood up on the tree limb, held on to a nearby branch, and looked straight up at the black box. Harry opened up the snug lid and pulled out a handful of items. When he opened his hand, I could see what they were—the tops of acorns!

  “Every time I climb the tree, I drop one in that mailbox. I have collected two dozen since the beginning of March.” Then he dropped in today’s acorn cap.

  “Ohh!” Song Lee said with a big smile. “That’s awesome, Harry!”

  I could see how helpful it was to have a special tree for climbing.

  “I also keep other stuff in there,” Harry added. He took out a tape measure and pulled it out a bit.

  When it snapped back into place, ZuZu nodded. “So that’s how you know how far up you are.”

  “Yup,” Harry replied. Then he reached into the mailbox again and pulled out a big bag of gumballs. He gave three to each of us.

  Everyone sat back down on a branch and looked out at the lot, the vacant schoolyard, and the long creek behind us.

  “I like your hideout, Harry,” I said.

  “Me too,” Dexter added. “It has a cool view. It’s peaceful, too. Thanks for bringing us here.”

  Harry nodded. “I can’t believe this place may be destroyed for a bunch of apartment houses. This is a piece of heaven!”

  Song Lee snapped a picture. “It is,” she agreed.

  We just sat there for a while, chewing gum and dangling our legs. We listened to that woodpecker and to Dexter strumming an old Elvis tune on his guitar.

  Our peaceful thoughts were suddenly interrupted when we heard the red double doors of South School open and close. Two people were talking and heading for the fence.

  “Look who’s coming!” Ida shouted.

  A Few Surprises

  “That’s Mr. Cardini and Miss Mackle!” Sid blurted out.

  “Mrs. Flaubert!” Mary corrected. She and Harry were the only ones who didn’t have trouble remembering our teacher’s new name.

  “Why are they coming over to the fence?” I asked.

  “Mrs. Flaubert said she was going to talk to the principal about using this empty lot as a nature center,” Harry explained. “They’re probably checking it out.”

  “Who’s in that tree?” Mr. Cardini boomed.

  We climbed down and landed in the dirt. We met them over by the fence so they could see who we were.

  “All eight of you!” our teacher exclaimed.

  “This lot is a cool place,” Harry said. “You should see the yellow-spotted salamander or hear the woodpecker.”

  Mr. Cardini was not going to be distracted by an amphibian or a bird. “You are on private property, kids. You should know that.”

  “Yes, sir,” we answered.

  “Do your parents know you’re here?”

  “We’re here with my grandma,” Harry explained. “She’s visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jordan next door. They said we could play here.”

  “All right, then,” Mr. Cardini replied, immediately changing his tone of voice. “Glad you got permission. You did it the right way!”

  Mary beamed. She liked getting praise from the principal.

  At that moment, the Jordans and Grandma Spooger showed up. “Just checking on you kids,” Harry’s grandma said.

  Mr. Cardini waved. So did our teacher.

  Mrs. Jordan came closer. “I remember you,” she said.

  The principal smiled. “Mrs. Jordan! Mr. Jordan! Hello! It’s been a long time.”

  “It sure has,” Mr. Jordan answered. “I remember when you were just the same age as these kids. You used to like playing over here, too!”

  Mr. Cardini looked a little embarrassed. “Yes, I guess I did play down by the creek a lot when I was growing up in this neighborhood.”

  “Did he always get permission to go into your lot?” Sidney asked.

  “I caught him going over the fence once.” Mr. Jordan chuckled. “But just once. His dad saw to that!”

  Everyone looked at the principal and giggled. Then they looked at Harry. He was nodding.

  Mr. Cardini’s face turned red. “I’m happy to report I’ve changed my ways, Mr. Jordan. I don’t climb over fences anymore!”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I see you’re selling this lot,” Mr. Cardini added.

It’s time. We need to make some improvements on the house, and the extra money would be helpful.”

  “Well, I’m hoping the city will make you a good offer, because South School is going to need more space next year for some portable classrooms.”

  Song Lee and Ida started jumping up and down. Selling the lot to our school definitely seemed better than selling it to someone who was going to put up a big new apartment building.

  “But what would happen to all the plants and animals here?” Harry objected.

  “We could preserve most of the lot as a nature center, especially by the creek. We’d just use a little bit of the land for two portable classrooms.”

  Now all of us were jumping up and down.

  “Make me a fair offer, and the lot is yours,” Mr. Jordan replied.

  “I’ll see what I can do at the school board meeting!” the principal said.

  “I’ll be rooting for you,” Grandma Spooger told Mr. Cardini.

  Once the grown-ups said good-bye, Grandma Spooger reminded Harry, “You kids just have ten more minutes.”

  Harry groaned. “I know.”

  I tried to cheer up my buddy. “Your hideout is the best!”

  “It sure is!” Song Lee agreed.

  The rest of us nodded.

  “Well,” Harry replied, “let’s hope the school can buy this lot so we can have it forever!”


  Mr. Cardini and Mrs. Flaubert took the eight of us to the next school board meeting. Harry read his A to Z list, and Mary and Sidney shared their drawings of wildflowers. ZuZu and Ida reported on the life cycle of the frog. Dexter played a song with lyrics he made up about “Life in the Lot” while Song Lee’s mom helped Song Lee show a slideshow. Everyone enjoyed her pictures of the salamander, tadpoles, and woodpecker.


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