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Romance: Billionaire In Disguise (Inspirational Clean Romance Box Set)

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by Darcia Cobbler

  “I’m still me. I’m still the same guy who loves you. Still the guy I’ve been the last few weeks at your farm.” Amy tried to understand, tried to listen to his words over the manic pumping of blood in her ears.

  “When I first met you I was angry and confused. I just wanted to get away for a bit. Get away from everybody who knew me and just be me rather than the Billionaire Bore people saw me as.”

  “Billionaire what? Billionaire?” Amy felt like she was going to be sick. She had to get away from here, she had to get home, to her farm. It was like in a very bad dream. Who was this guy in front of her? She felt confused, angry, disappointed. Why was the destiny playing with her heart again? She started to feel dizzy, she needed to retreat. Stumbling slightly in her heels she turned and started to walk towards the gate.

  “Amy, wait!” Norman took her arm but she shook him off angrily.

  “No! You don’t get to touch me! I don’t even know who you are!”

  “What? That’s not true.” Norman looked at her with his eyes full of sorrow and panic. “Amy, please don’t do this. You’re the only one who truly does know me. I can explain you everything. I love you. All this…” He swept his arm over the castle, car and grounds. Amy was sure she could see a helicopter. “None of this matters. I meant what I said, I’ve found happiness with you. I know it sounds corny but you, the farm, everything we’ve built together so far fulfills me in a way none of this ever has.”

  Amy could see in his face that he was sincere, but it was too late now. If he’d just been honest before. She’d opened herself completely to him. Shared with him things she’d never told anybody else. He’d had plenty of opportunities to tell her. Before she’d said she loved him. Before he’d started a relationship with her based on a lie. Amy sobbed.

  “I’m sorry, Norman, I can’t do this.”

  She turned and began to run away, leaving Norman stood forlornly in the middle of his driveway.


  Billionaire In Disguise

  (Part 2)

  Chapter 1

  “It’s not good enough Roland. This was supposed to have been finished yesterday and now you’re telling me it’s going to be at least another day? I don’t care what it takes, just get the deal completed.”

  Slamming down the phone with a huff of annoyance, Norman pinched the bridge of his nose between his ring finger and thumb, trying to ease a headache that had been his constant companion for the last two weeks.

  Two weeks, that was how long it had been since Amy had left him, but it felt like so much longer. Every hour seemed to drag, especially at night when there was nothing to occupy him but his own morose thoughts. He’d been such a fool, why hadn’t he just been honest with her sooner? He’d known she wasn’t like the other women, only after him because he was a billionaire. She’d hadn’t even known about that and she’d fallen in love with him.

  He kept rerunning the scene over and over again. Her initial joy at getting to spend the evening with him in a beautiful castle, the confusion as it slowly dawned on her that he owned it and then, finally, the anger and hurt that he’d lied to her about who he was. The betrayal she had felt that he’d allowed her to fall in love with him, all the while knowing he wasn’t being honest with her. The sight of her walking away from him had been almost too much for him to bear.

  He’d tried to call her a few times, had even driven up to the farm to see her but she was either never there or purposely avoiding him. He could take a pretty good guess at which one it was.

  “Oh, so look who’s decided to return.”

  Norman stiffened as he was jolted out of his thoughts by his business partner Mark. Leaned against his office door, Mark was the epitome of business elegance. His suits were always bespoke and so, of course, they fit his slim physique perfectly. He was subtly tanned from his daily morning run and his dark blonde hair was never out of place. Norman often found himself wondering what he used to keep it like that.

  “Look, I know you’re going to be mad, and you have every right to be…”

  “Mad?” Mark took a deep breath as he pushed himself straight and walked towards Norman’s desk. “Oh, I’m not mad. I’m well and truly pissed. Where the hell have you been?

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Complicated? Last I knew you’d gone off on a break to get over some girl, found yourself spending a few weeks doing some good honest labor and falling for another girl. Then you disappeared. Didn’t return my calls, didn’t answer the door. You even missed my birthday party. Now, all of a sudden, today, you’re back. What’s the deal, Norman?”

  Sighing heavily Norman walked over to his drinks cabinet and poured them both a scotch.

  “I took Amy to the house, it was supposed to be a surprise but when she found out I’d been lying about who I was she flipped. Stormed off and I haven’t seen or heard from her since. I’m sorry, Mark. I didn’t mean to miss your party or so much work. I’m just…”

  “Distracted?” Taking the offered drink, Mark settled down into one of Norman’s leather chairs. “Look, I’m not the best guy to be giving relationship advice, but if you like the girl so much -- which you clearly do as I haven’t known anybody to put you off your game before -- then maybe you need to try and see her again. Be persistent. Take a tent over to her farm. Camp out if you need to. Show her that good old Norman determination you’re famous for.”

  As one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, Mark enjoyed the playboy lifestyle far too much to settle down, but sometimes he did manage to give sage advice. Amy needed to know how sorry Norman was. Needed to see that he loved her and that he was willing to do anything to get her back.

  “You’re right.” Norman smiled at Mark’s ‘when am I not right’ shrug. “I’ll go over this evening. Don’t own a tent, though. Do you think the McLaren will be comfortable to sleep in?”

  Pleased to see his pep talk had worked, Mark laughed, before downing his scotch and leaving Norman to his plans.


  Driving down the track to Amy’s farm, Norman was feeling less confident than before. Would she refuse to see him? What if she was still so angry she called the police on him for trespassing? Norman couldn’t quite remember the last time he had felt so nervous, but he knew he didn’t like it.

  Pulling over slightly and checking to see he was alone on the track, Norman got out of his car and stood for a minute. Despite being lined with trees, he could just make out the familiar view of farmland, followed by mountains. The sun was just starting to set and the whole sky had a soft pink glow. Taking in the fresh air, Norman started to regulate his breathing. Big inhale in… hold... and slowly exhale. He repeated this several times until the knot in his stomach had relaxed.

  It was a technique he’d learned many years ago when he’d first started out in Real Estate. Coming from a building background he hadn’t really have any experience in presenting to people and found that he was almost sick with nerves every time he had to show somebody around a house.

  An old actor friend had taught him the technique for how he dealt with stage fright. At first, he’d thought it was too New Age for him but after growing desperate and trying it out a few times he’d been surprised to find that it worked brilliantly and he’d kept using it ever since.

  His confidence back Norman got into his car and continued down the track. It wasn’t long before the farmhouse was insight. Not sure why, Norman couldn’t help but think that something wasn’t right. An old truck that he didn’t recognize was parked outside and as he pulled up alongside it, he could see that Rolo was tied up outside. Straight away, Norman knew that something was wrong. There was no way that Amy would ever tie her beloved dog up. He was always eagerly following her around. Heart in his mouth, Norman jumped out of his car and called out. “Amy? Amy, it's Norman. I know you probably don’t want to see me right now, but is everything ok?”

  Seeing Amy’s farm door open, Norman felt a brief respite from the fear that had taken
over his body. It didn’t last long though as a man stepped through the door. Squinting slightly in the fading sunlight he took the steps painstakingly slowly.

  “Hello? Can I help you?”

  Norman took a deep breath, trying to calm all the wild thoughts running through his head, and composed himself.

  “I’m a friend of Amy’s. I was working here a few weeks back. Haven’t heard from her a couple of weeks, so I thought I’d come over and make sure she was alright.”

  The man’s eyes were suddenly full of sympathy. “Ahh, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you son. Amy was in an accident last week. She’d been painting the roof and she fell off the ladder. Why she was up there by herself I just don’t know.”

  Norman knew, though. She was up there because he wasn’t. He remembered her asking him if he was afraid of heights as she couldn’t afford to pay a professional to come and do it. Damn it, Norman! He thought to himself. Why didn’t you just paint the roof instead of trying to wow her with your money and big house?

  “Is she ok?”

  “She’d been knocked unconscious by the fall. Luckily the postman found her, what might have happened if he hadn’t doesn’t bear thinking about really.”

  Norman felt his legs giving way slightly and he leaned back, seeking the solid surface of his car. If she hadn’t been found she could have been lying there for days. She could have died, animals could have got to her. He shook his head, no, the man was right. He couldn’t think like that.

  “Unconscious? Did she hit her head? Where is she now?”

  The man, Norman really should ask him his name, took a step forward and awkwardly patted Norman on the shoulder. Clearly not used to showing any sign of affection.

  “I really am sorry. They took her to the hospital but I don’t think it’s looking too good.”

  Norman lowered his head briefly, not wanting the man to see the raw pain that must be showing in his eyes. His poor Amy. He had to get to her.

  “Thank you…err... Mr…?”

  “Ahh, it’s just Malcolm. No need for any of that I live at the farm next door.”

  “Well, thank you for telling me Malcolm and for keeping an eye on the farmhouse. Would you mind if I took over the farm from here? I bet you’re a very busy man anyway and I’m sure Amy wouldn’t want to trouble you any further.”

  Thankful to be released from the task, Malcolm shook Norman’s hand, handed over the keys and took off down the track in his truck. Leaving Norman to sink to his knees as the pain and fear overwhelmed him.

  Feeling a lick on his hand, he didn’t need to look, he just leaned forward and let the solid form of Rolo catch him. Burying his head in his soft fur he rocked back and forth slowly, trying to ease the pain in his chest. He’d thought that losing his relationship with Amy was the worst thing that could happen, but the idea of losing Amy all together was far worse. His heart felt like it was breaking into tiny pieces and each little piece had made its way into his bloodstream, leaving hundreds of small sharp cuts all over the inside of his body.

  Wrapping his arms around the dog he tried to draw strength from him. Rolo stood solidly, happy to provide Norman with all the support he needed. Feeling calmer and more determined Norman pushed himself back onto his feet.

  “It’s ok boy. I’m here now and I’m going to take care of you and Tabatha. Then I’m going to take care of Amy and I’m never leaving any of you ever again I promise.”

  Almost in understanding Rolo lifted a paw and placed it against Norman’s knee. For such a big dog the Great Pyrenees could be delicate when he needed to be. His confusion at being chained outside and not knowing where his beloved Amy was, had been calmed somewhat by seeing his friend Norman again but he wouldn’t be able to settle completely until Amy was home. He whined softly at Norman, hoping he’d understand what it was that he wanted. Norman rubbed his ears in the spot he knew he liked.

  “I know, boy, I know, boy. I’m going to bring our girl home as soon as I can.”

  Chapter 2

  The drive to the hospital had gone in a flash, Norman couldn’t really remember any of it. Pulling into the hospital carpark he couldn’t help but be concerned by how small and old fashioned it looked. Surely this wasn’t a suitable place to treat head injuries? It looked like it had been built in the last century. Making his way through the building and trying to find the correct ward did nothing to alleviate those fears. The corridors were dark and dingy and whilst everything looked clean, it didn’t really look modern. He didn’t need any more convincing that this wasn’t the right place for Amy to be treated.

  Reaching the intensive care unit, Norman made his way to the reception desk and waited while the receptionist finished her phone call. Once she was finished, she turned to Norman and smiled warmly. It wasn’t every day that a tall well-dressed handsome man turned up at her desk.

  “How can I help you, sir?”

  “Hi, I’m here to see Amy Cahill.”

  The receptionist consulted her notes. Amy Cahill is in room 263, it’s just down the corridor on your right. If you could just wait here a few moments though, I’ll find a doctor who can explain her situation to you.

  Not really wanting to wait but knowing there wasn’t really much he could do at the moment, Norman attempted to get comfortable in one of the small plastic chairs in the waiting area. He couldn’t stretch out his legs because he would have ended up blocking the corridor but if he sat upright his knees somehow ended up next to his ears. The wait did, however, give him some time to start putting his plans into motion, all that he needed to do now was make a couple of quick phone calls.

  A few minutes later and a doctor walked up to him, his hand outstretched. Norman stood up and shook the doctor’s hand firmly.

  “Thank you for seeing me. What can you tell me about Amy’s condition?”

  “Not a problem at all. I’m doctor Miller. I’m not sure how much you know about Amy’s accident? It seems that when she fell from the ladder she hit her head. Her back is also injured. Scans show that she has a couple of fractured vertebrae. The good news, though, is that I don’t see any reason why this should result in any permanent damage.”

  Fractured vertebrae? Norman’s mind was racing again, what would that mean for the farm? Surely it would be a long time before Amy would be able to work again.

  “What about her head injury? Has she regained consciousness at all?”

  Doctor Miller shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid not, and that is the most worrying thing about her situation. Unfortunately, at the minute, there is nothing else we can do apart from waiting.”

  The pair had been walking slowly as they talked and now they stood outside Amy’s door. Norman was suddenly nervous, he wasn’t really sure what to expect.

  “Is it ok for me to see her?”

  “Of course. I do have to warn you though that she is hooked up to a lot of machinery. Try not to worry too much about that. It’s all there to keep her alive.”

  Norman paused before entering and took the time to thank the doctor. It must be such a hard job, he thought to himself. Always working, always overly busy and overly tired but all the time knowing that you hold somebodies life in your hands, knowing that you can’t afford even one little slip.


  The sight of Amy lying still in the bed and the sound of the soft beeping of the life support machine was almost enough to bring Norman to his knees again. To see his beautiful, sparkling Amy like this was unbearable. He approached the bed and bent down, softly kissing the top of her head.

  Amy, sweetheart, it’s me, Norman. I don’t know if you can hear me or not but I wanted you to know that I was here. I’m so sorry about what happened and I feel so guilty. You’d never have been up on that roof if it wasn’t for me.”

  Norman stopped and swallowed down the lump in his throat. “I’m going to see to it that you get the best care possible. I’ve already started to arrange things. I’m going to have you moved to the best privat
e hospital in the city.”

  He couldn’t help smiling as he took hold of her hand and squeezed it gentling. “Oh, I’ve no doubt that when you wake up you will berate me for it, but I won’t care. If you are angry and shouting at me then that will mean you are awake, and that alone will be enough to make me the happiest man in the world. In fact, my grin will be so big you’ll have no choice but to stop shouting at me and start grinning also.”

  He lowered his head so it rested against both their hands and allowed his tears to flow unchecked, he kissed her hand over and over, somehow hoping that his kisses would be enough to wake her up. It worked in the fairytales, so why not real life? Eventually, his tears stopped and the sounds of the various machines whirring and beeping seemed to merge together into a rhythm and it wasn’t long before Norman fell asleep.


  He was awoken by a hand squeezing his shoulder briefly, taking a moment to come round, he yawned, stretched and then focused on the individual standing beside him. He was surprised to see Mark.


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