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Cameron 3

Page 4

by Jade Jones

  “Oh yeah. And my girl told me she saw you and Marcus leave Club Earth together a couple months ago,” Pure Seduction added. She was smiling her ass off by then, and Cameron already expected her to drop a bombshell on her. “I just think it’s so funny that we seem to have the exact same taste in men.” She twirled a strand of wavy weave between two fingers. “I mean think about it,” she said. “First Silk…then Jude…then Marcus,” Pure Seduction giggled. “All I want to know,” she began. “Is if you truly enjoy having my leftovers?”

  Red burst into a fit of laughter. Cameron was fuming mad inside. She had no idea that Marcus and Pure Seduction had history, but now that she knew, that gave her all the more reason to leave his ass alone.

  Cameron’s jaw muscle tensed as she fought the urge to grab Pure Seduction by her weave and beat her ass all up and down the Coach store. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time she had whupped Pure Seduction’s ass for talking and behaving recklessly. One would’ve thought she would have learned from the first ass kicking, but that obviously wasn’t the case.

  Swallowing her pride, Cameron forced a smile and said, “If you need help finding anything, let me know.”

  Red looked at Pure Seduction and they both broke out laughing. “Oh shit, is this bitch serious?” Red asked. She then looked at Cameron with disdain. “Hoe, I could smack that stupid ass smirk off your face,” she said.

  “Later for that shit,” Pure Seduction spoke up. “This bitch ain’t even worth it, Red” she scoffed.

  “You don’t even know what the word worth means,” Cameron suddenly spoke up. “’Cuz why you’re rubbing in my face that you slept with the men I’ve dated, just know that’s all you were. Some easy pussy, while I was the one being splurged on and taken damn good care of,” she smiled proudly. “Jude and Silk loved me,” Cameron noted. “And all you were was just a quick nut.”

  Pure Seduction’s smirk was wiped clean off her face after that remark. She felt so insulted that she barely even had a decent comeback. “Bitch, that’s why you’re working here and I’m shopping here,” she spat.

  Cameron smiled, shook her head, and walked off.

  Feeling like she had a point to prove, Pure Seduction began grabbing random Coach bags, satchels, and wallets just because she could. After grabbing several items, she sashayed up to the cash register and placed the items on the counter.

  Cameron grimaced as she fought to bite her tongue. Pure Seduction was really trying her. After ringing up and wrapping every item, Cameron bagged up the purses, satchels, and wallets. “Your total is $2486.87,” she said flatly.

  Red looked confused as to what Pure Seductions motive was.

  Pure Seduction handed over her Visa. Cameron knew her ass was up to some shit, but what exactly she had no idea. After swiping the card, the transaction was approved, and Pure Seduction signed the proper receipt before taking her shopping bags and sashaying out of the store.

  Cameron watched as Pure Seduction and Red headed towards the exit, and stopped just before they completely stepped out. Pure Seduction leaned over and whispered some sly shit in Red’s ear, and Red turned around and smirked at Cameron.

  “What are these hoes up to?” Cameron asked herself. It was obvious that the pair was up to no good the moment they stepped inside the Coach store.

  Pure Seduction’s heels click-clacked as she strutted towards the cash register. “Um…can I see the manager?” she asked Cameron. “I would like to return these items.”

  Cameron’s eyes widened in disbelief. Not only was Pure disrespecting her at her place of business, but now she was fucking up her commission.

  “Wait one second,” Cameron said dryly before going into the back of the store where the office was located. She could hear Pure and Red giggling like two little ass kids.

  Her flamboyant older Caucasian male manager was seated at his desk looking through paperwork when Cameron sauntered in. “There’s a customer that wants to see you,” she said flatly.

  Her manager grimaced, and it was obvious that he didn’t feel like being bothered. He switched to the front of the store and put on a fake smile. “Hello ladies, how may I help you today?”

  “Hi…um…yes…I would like to return these items and get a full refund if possible,” Pure said before placing the shopping bags on top of the counter.

  Cameron’s manager frowned. “Okay, I’m sorry to hear that, but I will be glad to assist you with that,” he said trying to sound as cheerful as possible although he was fuming mad inside. “And why, might I ask, are you returning these items?”

  Pure Seduction looked over at Cameron and smiled devilishly. “I was treated very rudely by this employee,” she said. “As a matter of fact, she just cost you $2500.”

  Cameron’s mouth fell open. “I treated you rude?!” she repeated in disbelief. “Get the hell out of here. You came in here disrespecting me off rip—”

  “Cameron! Cameron!” Her manager cut her off. “Calm down,” he told her. “Could you please go wait for me in my office?” His tone was laced with irritation.

  Cameron sighed in frustration, and slinked off to the back of the store like a child preparing to be reprimanded by their parent.

  Red and Pure Seduction cracked a sneaky smirk pleased with the trouble they had caused. After the manager took care of Pure, they left the store gossiping and laughing at Cameron’s misfortune.

  The manager of the Coach store immediately made his way to his office. Cameron quickly looked up the minute he stepped inside the room. There was a hopeful look in her eyes, but in her heart she felt desperation. She needed this part time gig. Classes were starting next week and she had maxed out her school loans. She needed the money…badly.

  “Cameron, I can’t have you disrespecting customers and costing this store sells,” he said in a serious tone.

  “I didn’t disrespect her,” Cameron defended herself. “She knows me from…,” Cameron paused. “School…and she don’t like me. The only reason she even came into the store was to start some mess with me—”

  “Look, whatever quarrels you two had with each other should never get in the way of your performance,” he said matter-of-factly. “The behavior you displayed out there was totally unacceptable.” He sighed deeply. “I’m going to have to let you go, Cameron…”

  Tears suddenly formed in Cameron’s eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. Her nostrils flared in anger. It felt as if her entire world was crashing down around her. She needed this job. She even considered begging for him to change his mind and give her a second chance, but Cameron had far too much pride to do that.

  Standing to her feet, Cameron stormed out of the office and out the Coach store. Once she was in the actual mall, she looked around to see if she saw either Pure Seduction or Red. She planned on beating the shit out of Pure Seduction, and then strangling her afterward.

  Cameron, for the life of her, couldn’t figure out why Pure’s sole mission in life was to make her life hell.

  “I swear, I’m gonna kill this bitch!” Cameron seethed.

  A few passing people looked at her as if she had just lost her mind, but she didn’t give a damn what they want. Cameron was pregnant, broke, alone, and angry. A horrible combination. She vowed that when she got her hands on Pure Seduction she would make her trifling ass feel her wrath.


  Jerrell walked through the prison rec room towards the table where there were several old heads playing cards. Unfortunately, he and his brother Jude had been placed in two separate correctional facilities, and Jerrell couldn’t help but feel like the judge had purposely done that shit out of spite.

  He pretty much stayed to himself for the most part, but when and if he felt like being social, he usually interacted with the older inmates. The younger ones were too rowdy and arrogant, and Jerrell didn’t have time to be trying to fight anyone and risking more time getting tacked onto his seven year prison sentence.

  Jerrell’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a str
ong shoulder knocked against his, practically causing him to lose his balance.

  “Oomph!” he grunted in pain. “Aye, what the fuck is your problem?!” Jerrell yelled in anger.

  The guy who had just assaulted him turned around and smirked. Jerrell recognized the nigga immediately. He was one of the guys Jerrell fought back at Buffalo Wild Wings Grille and Bar. Some cat had assaulted Cameron in the restroom hallway. He could remember the afternoon vividly almost as if the shit had happened last night.

  After Jude stole on his friend, his homeboys jumped in, and then he and his cousins joined the fight, and it was on and popping.

  Darnell mean-mugged Jerrell and waited for him to jump stupid. Jerrell had him as far as weight, but Darnell had the upper-hand in the height department standing at six feet three inches. “Nigga, you my mothafuckin’ problem!” Darnell spat.

  A few inmates turned their attention in the direction of the two men. They just knew a conflict was about to arise. There wasn’t a day that went by that a fight didn’t break out. Too much testosterone could do that to a place.

  Jerrell clenched his fists tightly and walked up in Darnell’s face. “Well then, nigga, do somethin’ about it,” he said. “Don’t talk me to death.” His self-promise to avoid drama had completely gone out the window the moment he was disrespected.

  Darnell roughly snatched up Jerrell by the collar of his navy jumpsuit. “Nigga, I’ll break yo’ weak ass—”

  “Fuck off me!” Jerrell spat before shoving the hell out of Darnell.

  Before Darnell could even retaliate, Jerrell threw a vicious punch that connected with Darnell’s jaw. His head snapped back as he uncontrollably stumbled backwards.


  The prison alarm went off signaling that a domestic dispute was in progress. Every inmate in the rec room dropped down onto the dirty tile floor. Anyone still standing would be thought of as a threat. Correctional officers quickly rushed downstairs preparing to break up the fight.

  Darnell and Jerrell tried to rip each other apart, but with several correctional officers holding each man back, their attempts were useless.

  “Mothafucka, you dead!” Darnell screamed. His cheek had quickly swelled up from the vicious blow. “You hear me, nigga?! You fuckin’ dead!”


  Many thoughts ran through Jude’s mind as he was escorted to the prison visitation room. His emotions were in shambles, and Cameron was the one to blame. He hadn’t spoken to her since their last visit, and he truly didn’t know where they stood in one another’s life. He loved that girl more than he loved himself, but he would be lying if he said that Cameron didn’t hurt him with the painful words she had said. Jude honestly didn’t believe she knew just how much he needed her.

  Cameron slowly made her way towards Jude’s table where he sat with an expressionless look on his face. His dreads were pulled back, and she actually noticed for the first time that he was getting a little stockier. She wasn’t surprised though. Cameron knew there really wasn’t much to do behind bars but work out. The added weight and muscles actually looked good on him.

  Jude slowly stood to his feet the moment Cameron reached his table. She gradually made her way towards him. He pulled her into a strong embrace holding on as tight as he could without hurting her in the process.

  “I’m sorry baby,” Cameron whispered as she buried her head in Jude’s firm chest. She wrapped her hands around his waist.

  Jude kissed the top of her hair and hugged her tightly. He needed Cameron to know and feel just how much she truly meant to him. “Don’t you do that,” Jude told her. “Don’t you ever do that shit to me again, you hear me?”

  Cameron looked up into Jude’s earnest eyes and nodded.

  He bent down and kissed her passionately, not giving a damn about the CO in the corner of the room clearing his throat sarcastically.

  When they finally pulled apart to catch their breaths, they had a seat opposite of each other at the cold metal table.

  Cameron decided to speak first, and this time, she wasn’t going to start the conversation off about the baby she was carrying. It was already a touchy subject to begin with, and she still had yet to schedule “the appointment.”

  “I’ve been looking for a job,” she said. “Well…I had one,” she corrected herself. “I worked two days at the Coach store in Beachwood Mall and ended up getting fired.”

  Jude looked genuinely disappointed. “How’d that happen, bay?” he asked.

  Cameron snorted. “Hmph. Two words…Pure…Seduction.” Just saying the chick’s name left a bad taste in her mouth.

  Jude scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Bay, you can’t be lettin’ these hoes get under your skin,” he told her. Bitches just wish they had what you had,” he said. “Don’t give ‘em the satisfaction of knowin’ they got to you. Ya dig?”

  Cameron nodded her head. “I feel you,” she answered. “But now it’s a little too late for me to abide by it,” she said. “I’m right back at square one. My money’s dwindling. Classes start in a matter of days…I need books…bills need to be paid—”

  “Sell my car,” Jude suddenly said.

  Cameron looked surprised to hear him say such a thing. “Excuse me?” She had to be sure she was hearing her man correctly. Did Jude just tell her to sell his precious 2012 Fisker Karma? The prize of his life?

  “Sell my car,” he repeated. “Sell the furniture in the condo. Do what you gotta do—”

  “I can’t sell the things you worked hard for,” Cameron said shaking her head.

  “You need the money,” Jude said as if she already didn’t know she was broke as a joke.

  “I just can’t do that, Jude,” Cameron argued. “I just can’t do that—”

  Jude reached over and lightly touched Cameron’s hands. “Bay, I’ma need you to push your pride to the back of ya mind for now,” he told her. “I don’t give a fuck about that car when it comes to you. Straight up,” he said. “I’m not ‘bout to sit here and watch you struggle if it’s somethin’ I can do—shit, if it’s anything I can do. You feel me? Sell the car,” he said with finality. “All the documents are in the glove compartment.”

  Cameron remained silent as she stared at her man. She couldn’t believe that he was sacrificing something so precious just for her. Suddenly, she felt really badly about the things she had said during their last visit. She felt worse for even thinking about giving up on him especially when he had displayed the requited love he had for her time and time again.

  There was an uncomfortable silence between them. She really wasn’t feeling the idea of selling his car, but he was right. She needed the money.

  “So...,” Jude began. “About the pregnancy—”

  “I don’t wanna talk about the pregnancy,” Cameron cut him off. She dreaded even thinking about it, but she just knew the topic would arise eventually. She was only a month pregnant, and it seemed to dominate her entire life.

  Jude sighed in frustration. “Okay,” he agreed. “We don’t gotta talk about the pregnancy right now,” he said. “But at one point or another, we’re going to have to.”

  Cameron grimaced. “Fair enough…” She cleared her throat and sat up in her seat. “So have you talked to your brother?” she asked, anxious to change the subject. “How’s he holding up?”

  “He’s straight. Just tryin’ to stay up. Still salty as hell they ain’t put us in the same facility,” Jude said. “But enough about my brother…I wanna know what’s up with you,” he said. “Are you with me, Cameron?” Jude asked.

  “Of course I’m with you,” Cameron answered. “I’m here aren’t I—”

  “Nah, you ain’t hearin’ me,” Jude cut her off. “I mean…are you really with me? Are you here ‘cuz you feel obligated to be…or are you here ‘cuz you really wanna hold a nigga down?”

  Cameron placed her soft hands over Jude’s. “I’m here because I love you,” she answered truthfully. “I know the last time we spoke I made you have your doubt
s about me.” She sighed dejectedly. “I was just going through some shit bay…I’m really sorry that I took it out on you. But baby, you don’t have to wonder about my loyalty because it’s with you…and it’ll always be with you.”

  Jude smiled hearing the sincerity in his woman’s voice. He nodded his head in admiration. “You just don’t know how good that shit makes me feel hearing you say that.” He chuckled. “Yo, I might be on lockdown, but that shit just made me feel like the luckiest nigga alive. Real talk.”


  “What’s up, young blood? How’d the visit go?” Jude’s roommate Larry asked. He then held his hands up in mock surrender. “My fault, is it aight if I ask you how ya visit was?” he said in a sarcastic tone.

  Jude took a seat on the stool in front of the desk. “It was straight,” he answered nonchalantly.

  Larry was confused. “So why do you look like somebody just damn died?” he asked.

  Jude shrugged and ran a hand through his dreads. “I hate the fact that my girl strugglin’ without me, you know?” he said. “She’s in school and shit…tryin’ to manage the bills and everything else…I’m just fucked up about the fact that a nigga can’t be there for her.” Jude then thought about how he had told Cameron not to resort to stripping, and wondered if he was selfish for being that way. But then again, what man would be content with their woman climbing a pole for a living? He sure as hell wasn’t.

  Larry nodded his head in understanding. “Finances could be a bitch, right?” he asked.

  Jude snorted. “A dirty bitch,” he added. “I’m in this mothafucka rottin’ away, and I can’t do shit to help her. I mean it ain’t like I can get money in this mothafucka,” he said bitterly.

  Larry’s eyes widened as he looked away. He obviously knew something that Jude didn’t.

  Jude didn’t miss the look. “Come off of it,” he said.

  Larry ran a hand over his balding hair and sighed deeply. “There’s ways…” was all he said.


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