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Hartstrings: A Jaded Regret Novel (Jaded Regret Series Book 3)

Page 11

by L. L. Collins

  It was on my nightstand.

  I hadn’t wanted to wake up Andrew when I came back in from the bathroom, so I’d gotten dressed and left.

  Damn. So no talking to Tanner.

  It was probably best anyway, since how exactly do you tell your hot rocker “friend” you may be knocked up and your boyfriend may break up with you over it?

  But I knew better.

  Andrew wouldn’t break up with me.

  He’d be livid and force me to get rid of it.

  After what seemed like an eternity, I forced myself to look at the small test. I read the box again to find out what the results meant. When I saw what it said, the room swayed, and I held onto the small walls in the stall. No. This wasn’t happening. I could hear my pulse in my ears as my knees gave way and I fell to the floor. I held my head in my hands as my body shook. I sobbed, the tears leaking through my fingers and dripping onto the floor in front of me.

  He would never forgive me for this.

  I knew exactly what was going to happen now.

  * * *

  I sat in the driveway and willed myself to walk up to the door. He was more than likely awake now and would wonder where the hell I went. Not to mention, I’d left my phone, so if he’d called me, he knew I didn’t have it.

  I flipped the mirror down and examined my face, wondering if he would be able to tell that I cried all the way home. My hands shook as I put it back up. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Might as well get it over with.

  Once I stepped onto the front porch the door swung open. Andrew was shirtless, his lounge pants he wore to bed falling low on his hips, his fists clenched at his sides.

  He was angry.

  Scratch that. He was furious.

  Fear curled into my belly as he stepped closer to me. I wanted to step back and run, but I knew it was futile. “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “I—” Before I could try to formulate words, Andrew grabbed me and pulled me inside, slamming the door behind us. I whimpered as he pushed me back against the door a little too forcefully. My head hit the wood, causing an immediate ache behind my eyes.

  “Is he here? Were you meeting him somewhere while I was sleeping? Did you have my dick inside you last night and his this morning?” His nostrils flared and his pupils dilated. What the hell was he talking about?

  “Andrew, what do you mean?” I put my hands on his chest and pushed slightly, trying to get him to back off. I should’ve known better. He gripped my wrists so hard I cried out.

  “Have you been fucking him this whole time? Have you been laughing behind my back while you sneak off?” Spit flew into my face as the words sailed out of Andrew’s mouth like bullets.

  Fear made me want to cower and beg for him to stop, but I didn’t know what he was talking about. “Andrew, I don’t understand. Please, baby.”

  “Don’t baby me.” He shoved me back against the door again, his hands still gripping my wrists too tightly. “Did you call him baby, too? Did you take him in your mouth like you do me? Did he shoot down your throat, you fucking whore?”

  I willed a way out of whatever he was angry about. “I love you, Andrew. Only you.”

  “Is that right.” Andrew laughed, stepping back and dropping my wrists. I breathed out, my hands immediately circling my bruised wrists. He reached his hand behind him and produced my phone. Clicking a few buttons, he glanced down at the screen.

  My gut clenched. The only thing he could’ve found on my phone was…

  “Tania?” Andrew shoved the phone into my face. “Tania? Either you’re a lesbian now, or you’ve been lying to me all this time. Tania sent you a text message while you were out. Maybe you were supposed to meet him, whoever he is? Here’s what it says.” Andrew looked down at the phone. “Are you able to come? I can’t wait to see you.”

  It was Tanner asking me about the concert, of course. He rarely texted anything that could be misconstrued in case Andrew found it, but it so happened this time he did. “It’s not what you think.”

  Andrew sneered. “Is that so? I called my buddy, who traced that number to find out who it is registered to. I also know how many times you’ve talked to him. So do you want to tell me the truth or should I tell you?”

  “We’re just friends.” I knew it was lame because Andrew wouldn’t give a shit if we were neighbors.

  When his fist connected to my right eye, I crumpled to the floor. Pain radiated throughout my head, making me dizzy. I groaned and tried to stand back up. I had to make him understand. Andrew lifted me and shoved me back against the door again. He twisted my arm until I cried out; it was the same arm from before.

  “You think I’m a fucking moron, don’t you, Kenz? Do you know how many years I’ve supported you? You’d be nothing without me. Yet here you are, whoring yourself out to any guy who will pay attention to you.” Andrew pressed himself against me. “Is this cock not good enough for you? I don’t give it to you well enough?”

  “Andrew, I love you.” Tears streamed down my face. “It’s just you, baby. You and me.”

  “Really. That’s funny. I seem to remember this rock star barreling into our hotel room to save you after I put you in your place before for wanting to spread your legs for a stranger. Then, not only do you spend the night in his hotel room, but now you’ve been talking to him? Where is he, Kenz? What hotel did you go visit to whore yourself out for him? He must be fucking good for you to throw your whole life away. You know what I’ll do to you. You’ll be finished in this town and your profession. So will your dad. You know how much he loves me. Well, you can kiss it all goodbye now. I hope the fuck was worth it.”

  “Please,” I begged. “Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what?” Andrew stepped back again, and I faltered, almost falling. “This?” He struck me, again and again. At some point I fell to the floor, so he switched from his fists to his feet.

  “Stop,” I cried. “Please stop. I love you.”

  Andrew laughed. “You probably say the same thing to Tanner while you have your legs spread for him. How many others have there been, Kenz, while I’m at home waiting for you? While I’m providing for you?”

  He put his weight on my ankle, and I heard it crack. I screamed, trying but failing to hold on to my now broken bone.

  “No one will want you once I’m done with you. Then you’ll see how good you had it with me. But no, you had to go and ruin it. I’ve done everything for you.” Andrew growled the words like he was a rabid animal. I guessed he was. He stepped closer and pulled his leg back. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

  I summoned all the energy and strength I had left. “Andrew, DON’T! I’M PREGNANT!”

  He froze, and I watched as his face morphed. If I thought he was angry before, that was nothing in comparison to the expression on his face now.

  “You’re what?” Andrew crouched next to me on the floor. Sweat streamed down his face, and he breathed like he ran a marathon. His eyes were wild and out of control, and his fists were covered in my blood. I could barely see him, and I definitely couldn’t sit up or move to get away from him.

  “I took a test.” The pain of what he had done was so strong I almost passed out. “Th-that’s where I was.”

  Andrew was so still, so quiet for so long that I thought maybe he had walked away. I drifted in and out of consciousness, wondering if he had left me alone. “You fucking whore.” I felt him grip me again, and I moaned, the pain so intense I had to fight to stay conscious. “It’s his fucking baby.”

  I shook my head, not sure if I moved at all. “N-no. It’s you, Andrew. Just you.”

  “Liar!” Andrew stood, his voice reverberating throughout our house. “You think I’m going to take responsibility for some bastard child? You spread your legs for God knows how many other guys, and you think you’re going to put this on me? No way.” I wondered how our neighbors didn’t hear him; he shouted so loud.

  I watched, one eye opened, as he picked something up o
ff of the counter and came back to me. I was still crumpled by the front door, unable to move. I wasn’t sure what it was he had in his hand, but then I saw a shiny gleam.

  Oh God. Please, no. No gun.

  “You’re going to learn your lesson this time.” Andrew’s low, calculated voice made cold chills break out on my body. “You only fuck me. You are mine. You do what I say, and what I say only.”

  I screamed and cried, begging him as he kicked me, over and over again in my stomach. The last thing I remembered was him throwing an object at me. It hit me in the head, and I passed out.

  Chapter Nine


  It felt so damn good to be home. Being gone on tour was fabulous, as was getting to meet fans and live the dream I never thought I would get to live.

  But it was exhausting.

  Traveling on a cramped tour bus and staying in hotel after hotel would wear on anyone.

  While we were in New York, we met with our label as we often did while we were traveling. We did some promo, some photo shoots, and interviews with our affiliates in New York. We also found out we had a new rep, Kai Pierson. Allan had been with us since we hit the big time, but he got a promotion and wouldn’t be working one on one with us anymore. It sucked because he was a great guy, but we looked forward to meeting Kai. From what we heard, he was young, barely into his thirties, and quickly climbed the ladder at the record label. He was out of town the day we were there, which disappointed all of us, but we talked to him on the phone. He hoped for even bigger things for Jaded Regret, so that made us pumped. First on his agenda was an international tour, and that was epic. He said something about moving us to New York, but Bex was quick to shoot that down. Florida was home.

  It was early, and I should get up and shower, but I enjoyed lying in my bed way too much. My thoughts shifted to Mackenzie, and her angelic face appeared in my head. I thought of her long blond hair and her wide blue eyes. I tried not to think about the fact that the only two times I saw her was when she was hurt.

  I wanted to see her more than I wanted anything right now, and I refused to read into that.

  When I woke up earlier, I sent her a text asking if she thought she could come. She hadn’t answered me yet, but I didn’t expect her to. It was early, and Andrew was more than likely home.

  I rolled out of bed and checked my phone one more time before I walked into the bathroom. After enjoying a hot shower and some one on one action with my hand, I wrapped a towel around my hips and went back to my phone.

  One missed call.


  No voicemail. No text.

  A flicker of worry went through me before I forced it away. It could mean anything, right? Maybe Andrew came back home. Maybe he called her.

  Maybe, maybe, maybe.

  I hit her number and put the phone to my ear, waiting to hear her voice. When it rang and rang, my gut twisted. Something didn’t feel right. I called again and again with the same result.

  “Shit!” I tossed my phone on my bed and glanced at the clock. It was barely eight in the morning. If I made good time, I could be to her in less than two hours.

  What if you’re overreacting? I paced the room. But what if I’m not? Call her one more time before freaking out, Tanner. Maybe she was in the shower like you. Maybe she’s making love…

  No. I couldn’t think about that. I grabbed my phone again and put it to my ear. “Come on, Mac. Answer.”

  I heard a click and then nothing. I watched the screen and saw the time counting, so I knew someone was there. “Hello?” I didn’t care if it was Andrew at this point; at least then I would know if she was okay.

  “Hello?” It was another female voice, but not Mackenzie.

  “Is Mackenzie there?” I wondered who that was, especially since she didn’t seem to have any close girlfriends.

  “Who is this?”

  I paused. Should I tell this person the truth?

  “This was the last number dialed, and it says Tania. Who are you to Mackenzie?” The voice sounded…official, and I heard voices behind her.

  “My name is Tanner Hart. What’s going on?”

  “Are you her emergency contact?”

  Emergency? What? I wasn’t, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to admit that. “Yes.”

  “Mr. Hart, Ms. Shepard has been the victim of a home invasion. She’s being taken by ambulance to the hospital. My name is Joana Welch, and I’m the police officer who responded to the 9-1-1 call.”

  “Home invasion?” I repeated. What in the ever loving f— “Is she okay?”

  “She has some severe injuries and may have internal bleeding. You may want to meet her at the hospital.”

  Before she finished the sentence, I grabbed my keys and headed for the door, dialing AJ. Home invasion my ass. Andrew had done this and then covered it up.

  The motherfucking prick had done this for the last time. If it was the last thing I did, I would stop him.

  * * *

  I careened into the hospital parking lot. After calling four hospitals on my ride over, I finally found out where she was admitted. Of course, they refused to tell me any medical information over the phone. I was by myself, refusing to stop and get AJ. I told him where I was and that would have to be good enough. I would deal with whatever I came across. I had to get to Mac.

  I ran full speed to the entrance. I needed to see for myself that she was okay, and then I needed to find a police officer and tell them this was no home invasion. I would bet my rock career and my well-endowed manhood and equally well-endowed bank account on the fact that Andrew did this.

  I skidded to a stop at the nurses’ station. Two nurses looked up at me and then at each other. “Can we help you?” Recognition flitted across both of their faces.

  “Room number for Mackenzie Shepard. She was brought in a few hours ago.”

  They stared at me for a beat too long, and I almost jumped the desk to check myself. Now was not the time for undressing me with their eyes. “Yes, of course. One minute.” The younger one clicked a few keys and then met my gaze again. “She’s in the ICU on the third floor. When you get up there, you’ll have to stop at the nurses’ station to check in. They’ll tell you if you’re able to see her or if you have to wait.”

  I nodded and stepped back. Just as I turned to walk away, I heard the older one call my name. “Mr. Hart?” I knew they recognized me.


  “We’re big fans.” She indicated the girl next to her. “We hope your friend is okay. Let us know if we can help you with anything while you’re visiting.”

  I nodded and walked away. I had no time for fans, even if I was flattered. I had to see Mackenzie.

  It felt like the elevator took ten years to get me to the third floor. Once the doors finally opened, I walked with a purpose up to yet another nurses’ station. This time, a male nurse considered me, no recognition apparent in his gaze.

  “Mackenzie Shepard,” I repeated.

  He lifted an eyebrow but said nothing as he glanced down at his chart and then at some monitors behind the desk. “She’s in room 323.”

  “Is anyone there with her?” That was all that I needed, to run into Andrew.

  He looked back at the screen. “No. She’s sedated, though, so you can’t stay long.”

  “Did a police officer come in with her?” I wanted to know where the prick was. I remembered her telling me that he was the police, and no one would protect her against him. Not if I had anything to do with it.

  “I just got here,” he explained. “But I haven’t seen anyone since I got here.”

  “Do me a favor.” I glanced back at the elevator and then down the other way, closer to her room. “Get me a police officer.”

  “Is everything okay?” He furrowed his brow at my request.

  “She was attacked in her home. I want to talk to a police officer about it, and I want her to tell them what happened when she wakes up.”

  He nodded. “I’ll call them, bu
t she may not wake up for a while. She’s got a broken ankle, ribs, arm, and severe lacerations, not to mention they’re monitoring her for any internal bleeding after the loss of the baby. If there was a police officer here, I’m sure the doctor sent them away until she was more stable.”

  Did he just say, baby? Had she been pregnant with that asshole’s child? Rage surged through my body like hot lava, and I wanted nothing more than to do to Andrew everything he did to her. What a fucking prick. Instead of responding, I walked away, steeling myself for what I was about to see.

  That’s why she hadn’t been feeling well. She’d been carrying his baby, and he killed it and almost killed her. For what? Then again, there was no good reason for a man to hit a woman. He didn’t deserve one more of her tears or one more day looking at her beautiful face.

  I reached the glass doors of her room and stopped. The curtain was pulled so I couldn’t see her lying there. I tampered down the urge to run out of this hospital and find wherever the worm was hiding because Mackenzie needed me. If there was ever a chance of getting her away from him, it had to be now. It had to be me. I couldn’t let one more victim die because I wasn’t man enough to do something about it.

  I took a deep breath and slid the door open. I pulled the curtain back and gasped at the sight of the woman who’d taken my breath away all those weeks ago. The night I took care of her was nothing compared to what I saw lying in the bed in front of me.

  Both of her eyes were swollen shut, both red, blue, and purple. Tape covered her nose, and she had small lacerations on her cheeks. I scanned her body, taking in the cast on her arm—the same arm he’d hurt weeks ago—and the bruising that traveled the whole length of her body. The ankle on the same side was casted and sticking out from the blanket. I noticed her bright pink toenail polish and smiled.

  I stepped up to the bed and took her bruised hand in mine. “Mackenzie. It’s Tanner.” I cleared my throat, an unexpected lump taking residence there. “You scared the hell out of me, sweetie. What are you doing here?” I slid my thumb over her hand, watching her face to see if she had any reaction to my touch.


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