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Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 14

by Maia Starr

  “You do?” I asked with a smile.

  “Yes, more than anything,” he said.

  I kissed him and was filled with joy at this declaration. I was relieved to hear him say it. I don’t know why I had been so worried. Then it hit me: I remembered why. I pulled away from him and gathered my courage. “I have to ask. Do you want me because of me, or do you want me because it is simply the Draqua way to want a human female mate to create offspring with?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I mean, do you love me? Did you love me before knowing I was with child?” I asked.

  “I do love you, Reena. I am not wanting you simply to create offspring. I am in love with you. I need you. Is that not obvious? I have risked my life for you. I have killed those that I thought would do you harm. You are everything to me.”

  “I love you too, Dekario,” I said smiling.

  He leaned in and kissed me. He let out a subtle growl. Then he pulled away from me and said, “Hold that thought.”

  His naked body moved from the bed and set the tray on the side table. Then he climbed over me. He kissed my chest softly. He pulled my hard nipple into his mouth and played with it. I rubbed my hand on his forearms and shoulders. He was so strong and solid. I felt so good to have him on top of me again. He was like a strong shield against the outside world.

  He moved his lips from my breasts and then down over my belly. He placed very soft delicate kisses on my tummy. Then he stopped and said, “I don’t want to hurt you. You are so small and delicate. We have to be careful with our baby.”

  “Yes, I agree. We do have to be careful with our baby,” I said, repeating it out loud because I liked it. “I think that if you don’t put your weight on me, we will be fine. But take it slow,” I said.

  “Yes. I am already afraid of kissing your bruised cheek and lips. I don’t want to add to any pain or discomfort. You have been through enough,” he whispered as he looked longingly into my eyes. His gaze moved to my cheek where Commander Triq had hit me. I guess there was probably a bruise there, but it was only slightly sore when I smiled. But I could tell that it hurt Dekario to see it. I pushed my fingers into his black hair, trying to distract him from thinking about it. I wanted him. I was hungry for him. My hormones were raging, and I was so turned on by his naked body on top of me.

  “Don’t start what you can’t finish,” I said in a seductive tone. He grinned at me and moved down my body again. This time he went past my belly and pushed his face between my thighs. His mouth moved on my wet center, and he licked me and played with me. I wiggled underneath him in bed. Then I felt the build up inside of me. I breathed heavier as I felt myself getting ready. I moaned and groaned as he worked on me in a lustful way.

  “I’m going to release,” I whimpered. Dekario groaned as he kept moving. Then, a few seconds later, I was releasing as I twisted the colorful fabrics on the bed in my hand. It was an intense release, and I felt the pulsing in my body move through me.

  Dekario moved up my body. He was grinning in accomplishment. It made me smile. He kissed my neck and then moved forward high above me. I felt the tip of his thick staff press against my center. We both moaned in ecstasy.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he said again. I opened my thighs wide, spreading my hips apart, and pressed my hands into his hips, pushing him toward me for encouragement. He slipped inside me another inch, and I sighed in relief of waiting for this moment. Then he moved further and further inside of me until he had reached the depths of me. “I missed this. I missed you,” he whispered.

  “I did too. I was worried that it would never happen again,” I said, putting my hands against his back.

  “Shh… don’t worry about that now. It’s over. You are safe with me. I will protect you, and I will protect our child,” he said. His words only turned me on more. I wanted him to be the one to keep me and my unborn child safe. I knew that now more than ever.

  Dekario moved slowly inside of me, in and out. He was careful not to put his weight on me. He held himself up on his strong thick arms. Through this position, I could see down his torso to where we met in union. I loved watching his strong, toned abs contract with each movement. I ran my hands down his torso as I watched. Dekario was moaning and growling a low growl as he moved in and out of me. I could feel him tensing up, and I knew that he was on the verge.

  “Oh, Reena, Reena,” he moaned out my name. As soon as he said my name, I felt the build up inside of me again in my sensitive state. I was already on the edge of another orgasm. Dekario’s perfect body was such a hot thing to look at that I was very, very, heated. I pressed my fingertips into his torso as I felt my body tighten and then release again.

  “I’m going to release,” Dekario breathed out the words.

  “Me too. Don’t stop,” I said. Then he kept moving a little faster and faster and then we both released together.

  “Oh, oh, Dekario…” I whispered as I enjoyed the pulsing ecstasy my body was gifting to me. Dekario was moaning and slowed down his movements until he was completely still inside of me. We stayed silent as we let the orgasms wash over us.

  Moments later Dekario was lying at my side. He put his hand on my belly and said, “Are you sure you are all right?”

  “Yes, I feel wonderful,” I said.

  “Good. I am glad to hear it. If you feel anything at all, you will tell me,” he said.

  “I promise I will tell you. I will even have Luka look me over. I am sure that she is anxious to do so. She is a doctor, you know,” I said.

  “Yes, I know. And you are a scientist. But Kavik has returned. He visited me while you slept. So I doubt that Luka has left her bed,” he said.

  “Kavik is back! I am glad to hear!” I said happy for our friend’s return.

  “Yes, so am I,” I said.

  “I guess that the three of us, Luka, Phoenix, and I, will need to meet with the king once more. We are to tell him that we all want to stay if Kelon will have us,” I said.

  “All? Phoenix too?” he asked.

  “Yes, I think he has fallen in love as well,” I said laughing.

  “This is good news. I do not think the king will protest, but yes, we must get his permission officially,” he smiled. “But we will see to such things tomorrow. For now, it is late again. I am hungry. I will call to have dinner brought to us from the kitchens,” he said as he kissed my head and got up out of bed.

  “I can stay in bed the rest of the night,” I said snuggling into the soft spot of warmth that he had just left on the bed.

  “And so you shall. We shall have dinner in bed,” he smiled as he moved his naked body out of the room. When he returned, he had a big grin on his face.

  “What are you smiling about?” I asked.

  “I had an idea,” he said.

  “What is that?” I asked, suspicious of what this idea could be to make him grin like that.

  “Well, I don’t want to hurt you when I am inside of you. You are carrying my child, and I don’t want to slip and release my weight on you something like that.”

  “Yes, go on,” I said.

  He got in bed and laid on his back and said, “You should be on top. You should straddle me and ride me. This way I can’t crush you,” he said with a big grin.

  “That’s what you figured out?!” I said laughing as I rolled on top of him.

  “Yes, I am very smart,” he said playfully.

  “Well I suppose we can try it,” I said kissing his long torso as I hovered above it.

  “Try?” he said.

  “Yes, try it and maybe…” I said teasing him.

  “Good, how about right now?” he said as he looked down at his cock. I looked down and noticed that his staff was rigid.

  “Already? We just finished only minutes ago,” I said playfully.

  “Well yes, but that was minutes ago. This new idea has me feeling ready to give it a try. Jus
t thinking about it has me turned on,” he said as he pulled me up to him.

  He kissed my mouth gently. I moved over him, straddling him. My legs were across his stomach. When he stopped kissing me, I scooted back until I was over his hard cock. I placed it in my hand and firmly moved my hand up and down. He groaned as I did so.

  I loved looking down at his long form from this vantage point. His long dark hair was messy around his head. His dark, thick eyebrows were hovering above his sultry brown eyes. His full lips parted, and he licked the bottom one. His strong jaw was tensed as I played with his cock. I could tell that he was really enjoying it. Then I pulled myself up on my knees and placed the tip of his cock inside of me. Then slowly I sat down toward him. He slipped inside of me slowly. I smiled as I watched him. He placed his hands on my breasts. I moved up and down and up and down again. I was really enjoying being in control of the movement. Dekario was moaning and groaning underneath me as he watched me.

  “I think I like this a lot,” he said.

  “I think I do too,” I said realizing just how deep he went inside of me in this sitting position. It was safer for our child too. In this position, there was no way that he could accidentally put all his weight on me. This was good in all ways.

  I pressed the palms of my hands against his six pack abs and used it to hold me up as I bounced up and down on him. Within seconds we were both exploding into orgasm. It was a good second round of love making and not the last, but we did have to stop for dinner.

  I was so happy. I had been through a lot, but it was worth it to get to this moment of joy. Dekario had declared his love for me, and I had nothing more to fear… or so I thought



  A child! A human Draqua hybrid child, and it was my child! It was the best news that I could ever receive. The female that I was deeply in love with was carrying my offspring, and nothing could be better than that. I was happier than I thought I could be. Even though I always got what I wanted when I wanted, I did not think that I would get Reena. So I was more than happy to spend the last twenty-four hours in bed with her. But after that, it was time to do some work.

  I had responsibilities to take care of after the mess of the battle. I needed to speak with the king. So I took Reena to be with Luka to do a check up, as she called it.

  “Don’t let them out of your sight,” I told Kavik, who sat in Luka’s hut.

  “I promise you I won’t,” he said smiling at me.

  I moved over to Reena and kissed the top of her hand, “I will be back.”

  “I know. Go see the king. He is waiting. I am fine here,” she said.

  I left her and went to the palace. I made my way up to the king’s chamber. He was looking over a report.

  “So you saw it? You saw them, the Aeriwana-Draqua hybrid?” he asked. “Kavik already gave me a report.”

  “Yes. I am positive that is what it was. They were in Riqov, and one of them was named Temuk. He tortured Kavik and I,” I said.

  “Torture, a favorite tool of the Aeriwana,” the king said.

  “Yes, and you were right all along. There is still breeding going on. There were at least four that I saw, maybe more.”

  “You think that Commander Triq was doing it?”

  “When I accused him of it, he growled at me but did not admit as much. It is possible that he was working for someone else,” I said.

  “If you would have left him alive then we would be able to find out,” the King said annoyed.

  “I know. I apologize, King. It was not the Draqua way to to do such a thing. I know that it is essential to gather as much information as possible when dealing with these things. I was not myself,” I said.

  “Yes, because he stole Reena. I understand. I would have done the same thing. How is she?” he asked.

  “Pregnant,” I said.

  “What? Really? That is good news indeed. I now understand your reason for killing him. Nothing should harm your pregnant mate,” he said. “I know from experience.”

  “Yes, that is true,” I said as I grinned, remembering the stories I had heard about King Hydros and Queen Melody. Then the king grew silent.

  After a few moments passed, he said, “We may have some answers yet, answers about the breeding of Aeriwana and Draqua,” he said.

  “Yes, in time we shall find out all that we can. I assume,” I said.

  “No, not in time. Soon. After Kavik told me about Riqov, I sent a mission there,” he said.

  “You did?” I asked shocked.

  “Yes, they are to bring the Aeriwana Draqua here if they catch any,” he said.

  “What? Here!” I was astounded that he would bring the awful creatures into our homelands. “But why?”

  “They will be prisoners, of course. But through them I should learn once and for all who is the one that is doing this,” the King said.

  “It just seems dangerous. These Draqua are very powerful, and they are not like us at all. I have seen them,” I said.

  “I am aware of the dangers. I would not put our village in danger, but it is in danger every day that goes by and we don’t know what these Aeriwana are doing. It is better that we catch them and keep a watch on them so that we know. There will be no surprise attacks. The fact that the opposition had a base here on Kelon in the Manta is unacceptable. Now we must keep better track of our enemies,” he said.

  “I understand,” was all that I said. I did not agree with him on this one but he was the king, and I owed him my loyalty.

  “Now go be with your human female. I know they will be standing in front of me in a few days as they have requested an audience. I will see them in time as I want to deal with this pressing matter first. You are dismissed,” he said.

  I nodded to him. I had so many questions. How long had it been since he launched that mission? Which warriors went? Where would the Aeriwana be kept, as I did not see our prison cells holding them? I made my way back to Luka’s hut. They were in the kitchen cooking as Kavik sat at the window peering out over the sky. He was keeping watch like a good warrior.

  “Welcome back! Did you have a good meeting with the king?” Reena said as she jumped up when she saw me and skipped over to me. She reached up on her tiptoes and wanted me to kiss her. I placed a very light kiss on her lips as I did not want to hurt her bruised jaw.

  “I did have a good meeting. I have much to discuss with Kavik,” I said, nodding to him.

  “Well, you warriors go ahead and leave us pregnant ladies out then. We will just cook and slave away in the kitchen,” Luka said in a joking way as she laughed a girly laugh.

  “Yes, feed us well. We need energy, for we are warriors,” Kavik said in response to her joke in his deepest voice. Reena laughed and moved back into the kitchen. I walked outside the door to the veranda. Kavik followed me. He shut the door behind us, and I whispered to him, “There could be trouble soon.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “After your report of the Aeriwana, the king sent a mission to Tiok. He has instructed the warriors to bring any back here as prisoners if they find any. He is looking for Temuk in Riqov.”

  “No, that can’t be good,” Kavik said.

  “No, it cannot. Let us hope that the mission does not find any,” I said.

  “But I see why the king is doing it. Waiting around until something attacks you is not a good position to be in. He wants to have control over the situation,” Kavik said.

  “Yes, I agree with that. Only why not keep them locked up on the planet Tiok? We can manage that. Not bring them here,” I said.

  “Yes, I am extra paranoid too now that Luka is with child,” Kavik grinned reading my mind.

  “It is almost excruciating. At first, we only had ourselves to think of in dangerous situations, and now that has changed,” I said.

  “Yes, Luka told me that Reena is also with child. Are you going to take her as a wife?” Kavik asked.

  “Yes. Are you going
to take Luka?”

  “Yes, I am, if she will have me. She has said yes, but I feel like she will change her mind at any second and you know the law since Queen Melody took the throne,” Kavik said.

  “Yes, I know it all too well. The human female must agree to be your mate as well in order to have marriage,” I laughed.

  “So what do you want to do about the Aeriwana situation?” he asked.

  “What can we do? We will just have to keep an eye on it. But for now, let’s say nothing to Reena and Luka. I don’t think that extra stress is good for them after everything that has already happened.”


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