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Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 24

by Maia Starr

  "It is a celebration with food, music, and joy in honor of the two moons and the honored Kalazaron. I am the honored Kalazaron for this Govin.”

  “Look at that…” she said arching her head back and looking at the floating lights. I liked watching her be excited. She had a look of worry on her face and stressful over the last few days, and now it was gone. She was laughing again and she was joyful again. I wanted to take her right then and there to a private spot and ravish her, but I had to stay for the honoring.

  The doors on the sides of the arena burst open and Kalazaron females dressed in extravagant costume dress carried platters of foods and drinks. Tables were pulled to the floor of the arena and the platters were placed on them. The Govin was officially under way.

  “Come, let’s get you fed my champion warrior,” Jade said to me. I arched an eyebrow at her confidence. She was now leading me, but something else…she was comfortable in her environment. She was comfortable on her new planet of Kaethon. I loved her for that.

  Chapter 15


  The Govin as the Kalazaron called it was fitting of a champion Kalazaron warrior like Dalik Moscurn. He had proved himself not only to his warrior brethren but to me. He had proved that he could protect me from even hirer powers here on this cold blue planet of Kaethon. That was truly a relief for me. I could finally feel some sort of peace for the first time since I arrived on this planet. I had always had a sense of being on the edge of danger not knowing my fate. Now, I was able to let go of that and look at Dalik in a whole new light, my rescuer, my Kalazaron warrior.

  As we stood over the tables of food, I fed him a tasty morsel and he bit into it seductively.

  “You know, you’re bleeding,” I said touching the temple of his face. He had welts forming and blood that was beginning to dry on his face and body. “Should we clean you up?” I asked.

  “No, these are my badges of battle. I will wear them proudly,” he said with a delicious grin. Then he added, “It is the Kalazaron way.”

  In celebration, Dalik was surrounded by his kind and all who respected him. Even the Icannis field leader was there to congratulate him and converse with me. I liked already having a friend in my new community. But through out the dancing to drums and eating and drinking, I could only think of one thing…I wanted Dalik to take me into his bed.

  “I think it is time,” he said as he grabbed my hand sometime in the middle of the night.

  “Yes my Kalazaron master,” I said playfully. He laughed and led me out of the Govin and back to his quarters, our quarters.

  When we were safely inside and behind a locked door, Dalik put his hands on my shoulders and squared my body to his and looked at me with a serious stern look.

  “Now pay close attention. I want you to always know where this is,” he said as he pulled out the pocket sized projection tool and plugged it into his bedroom wall. I gasped at what appeared before us. It was Earth.

  “Home! What is this Dalik,” I said as I moved closer to the wall with tears in my eyes as various images of my home planet appeared.

  “It is a recording of all we know of Earth. But most importantly there is this,” he said as he pulled up a chart of sorts. “This is the flight path to Earth. This is why I showed you how to plug it into the escape pod. It will chart a course to Earth based on this.”

  Then I looked at him with fright in my eyes. Why was he showing me this? I finally felt safe for the first time since I had arrived. I had finally reached some sort of normalcy in my Kalazaron existence and now he was preparing me once more for an escape. My stomach hurt at this thought. What more could there be that I did not know about? Was I still in some sort of danger from another besides Commander Nankor Yun?

  “Why are you telling me this Dalik? Am I in danger? What is it? Are we not safe now?” I asked with my words trembling out of my mouth.

  “Yes, for now. But the line of life here on Kaethon is unpredictable for the Kalazaron. Commander Nankor Yun could return, those orders he was given have been overturned before by others. Perhaps he will be stationed closer on one of our moons like Tyla Wen. And besides him there are other dangers. If I should perish at any point my property goes to the Buildings of Order and they decide what is to be done with it. You are still my property Jade and that will not change. This…” he said as he moved his hand over my arm allowing the branding to appear. It clearly showed that I was his. Then he continued, “…this is forever. If I were no longer here it would be better for you to try to escape to Earth. Without me here to protect you anything can happen. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I said fully understanding what he was saying.

  Then he moved over to a wall and opened a compartment. He pulled the projection tool out from the wall and placed it in the small compartment. “Here, it will be here for you always. Remember this.”

  “I will remember,” I said. He moved to me and kissed me. Then the sensation was back, the fact that this could be fleeting and we could be torn apart. He was right that life was unpredictable and my fate was completely in his hands. I would try not to think about it. No sense in worrying about something that had not happened yet. Who could live their life in such a way? I kissed him back and put my arms around his neck. He picked me up and carried me to bed. We made love as though it was the last time. We took our time and enjoyed every inch of each other.

  Months later, after the day of the Stannis trial and the exile of Commander Yun I was happier than I had ever been, including my time on Earth. Not too long had passed since that fateful day of the trials when I thought that I would either become the slave of the Commander Nankor Yun, or have to escape in a pod to Earth alone. I could not imagine either one of those futures now that my life was almost perfect.

  Now that Dalik had proven himself a very powerful Kalazaron warrior, there was little that he could not do. His word was now seen as sacred and the warrior race seemed to have more respect for him than even the Master himself. It was inspiring to watch how different the Kalazaron now treated Dalik. It had been said that no other Consulate had gone through two Stannis trials before. This was the first in the Kalazaron history and because of that Dalik was almost god-like to them. Still in the back of my mind I knew that this meant danger for me. If he were to come to an uncertain end then I as his sole human female slave lover and mate would be seen as of very high value. That made the level of danger greater for me. For who would not want the human female companion of a god-like Kalazaron warrior as their own?

  "Are you happy Jade?" Dalik asked me as we sat in the middle of the Icannis fields. This place had become our solace. It was where we went to be alone in nature out in the elements. The tall plants hid us as we spread out on blanket with a picnic of Kaethon foods and Icannet juice. It had quickly become my favorite place, not only because Dalik and I had spent so much time here, but also because I was useful here. I enjoyed helping come up with the solutions used by the field leader. I felt like a scientist again when I was here and that made me very happy. Of course, on the other hand it was also a very private place to make love out in the open, as we often did. I looked to him. His blue tinted body shining in the silver white sun and his dark hair hovering over his eyes. I pushed a strand or two behind his ear and touched his face and smiled.

  "Yes Consulate, I am very happy. Happier than I ever thought I could be as a slave. Are you? Are you happy?"

  "Yes scientist, I am very happy. Others might see you as my captive human female slave, but I see no slave. I see a scientist and as of tomorrow my rightful mate. Of course when we are in bed, you are mine. I own you,” he said with a playful growl. He placed a light kiss on my lips and then continued, “Are you nervous about tomorrow?" he asked.

  "A little yes, because it is the first. However I am very excited as well," I said as I kissed him.

  "Well you have brought a lot of first into the capital city of Konthos. You are the first systems scientist that we have ever had. Now you will be t
he bride in the first human and Kalazaron warrior wedding."

  I smiled as I took in his words. He was right. After the trials I had proved myself worthy of being a scientist that analyzed the systems of the city and improved them. It took a while to show my skills but the results could not be doubted. Master Bresh had finally seen the results for himself and allowed the Consulate to give me the position as system scientist, under his watchful eye of course. It also helped that my long lost shipmate Lavender Prost was doing well in the medical field in the outpost of Belvenreed. It offered support to show that us human females could be considered an asset. I had not communicated with Lavender Prost, but Dalik did allow me to look at a few reports of her progress there. She was doing well. Belvenreed was a dangerous place constantly under small band attacks by the rebels. I silently wished her the best in my mind and hoped that she was being treated well as could be for a human female slave with the Kalazaron warriors.

  However, after all the work to prove myself and show that I was more useful than to just be used for female companionship, I was going to do the most basic female thing imaginable. I was going to be a wife. But unlike any other human female on the planet Kaethon, I was going to be the wife to a Kalazaron warrior high ranking official. It was a very unusual thing but as Dalik said, I had done a lot of first here in the capital city.

  The next day, I wore a wedding dress that I designed myself of white sheer muslin like fabric layered on top of each other to make a glorious flowing wedding dress. We were getting married in my first science project and favorite place, the Iccanis fields. The beauty of the cold planet could be seen all around us, even the Blue Mountains in the distance. As I walked down the aisle I stared ahead at my future husband. He was tall, gorgeous, and he was an alien.

  THE END (P.S. See next page to read Kalazaron Rendor)

  BOOK 2: Kalazaron Rendor

  (Blue Planet Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  The ship made an abrupt bumpy movement to the left and then back to the right. I was being thrown about in the infirmary of the ship where I worked. There was only one reason that the ship would make this sort of movement; it was because another ship had collided into us. This was the type of feeling one got when another ship was bridging onto a ship. Since we were not expecting any sort of contact or engagement with a ship, I could only assume that a pirate ship of sorts was boarding us. This type of thing did happen in the far reaches of space; however it had never happened to me when I had been aboard a ship over the last couple of years that I was an attending physician on various space travel missions. This was the first, and I was completely terrified. Boom! This sound echo throughout the entire ship as it resounded and expanded giving off the sounds of metal colliding with metal. When I finally got to my feet again I went straight to the intercom. I pressed the button that allowed me to communicate directly with the flight deck of the ship, "This is Dr. Prost in the infirmary! What has happened? Come in!" I waited and there was no reply, which only made me feel more panicked. Someone always answered intercom no matter what time it was. I knew that something must be wrong. It had to be something very big. The way the ship had moved from side to side was not something that just happened. I knew that we must have been boarded. I just needed to know if it was by earthlings or by something far more sinister. I tried the intercom again. “Come in! I am in the infirmary! Is anyone there? What is going on? Come in! Please come in! I shouted. Finally, there was a response, but it was just static.

  The intercom was static for a while and then I finally got a reply, "Hide! We are being boarded by the Kalazaron! Hide if you can!" a voice shouted back at me through the intercom. My eyes grew wide in terror as I processed over what I had just received from the flight deck. The Kalazaron were known as a warrior race of alien from the cold blue planet of Kaethon. But they resided in the galaxy capital M823, and we were nowhere near that galaxy. Or so I thought. I spent a lot of my time in the bowels of the ship in the infirmary where I was either treating the crew for various illnesses, or working on my research. I could off and go days without visiting the flight deck or speaking to anyone else as I was deeply involved in my research activities, so if we had strayed off course I would not know. It was something that Captain White did not like about me. He said I was too defiant to be on his ship. Perhaps he was right. He said that being defiant to his orders would only put myself in danger. I believed him but it did not make me less defiant. I could not help it. It was in my nature. Now, I was in danger and did not know why because I was defiant in keeping up with the goings on of the ship.

  This ship and the crew had set out from earth for the purpose of scientific research. I was part of that research and a medical doctor not only was I attending to the crew as their doctor but I was also doing my own experiments in space or anywhere we landed. I was very excited about my work. It was my true passion. Now because of some mistake or other that work was going to come to a bitter end. I did not know what was happening exactly but it was not good. The Kalazaron had a known reputation as pirates. They were brutal. They were known to pillage and plumage leaving few survivors and usually just the females.

  I looked around the infirmary for a place to hide. I was a very small petite woman at only 5 foot one, and fairly thin. I should be able to find a place to hide. I moved over to the sleek stainless steel counter that went along an entire wall of the infirmary and slid open a cabinet underneath. There were many cabinets all along the counter, and I crawled into it and closed it behind me. Now what? I thought to myself. If they capture the entire ship, as they were known to do, they would eventually find me. If they did not capture the ship and let us go, then I would be all right. I knew that they were known to take female captives as slaves. I had heard many stories about this particular race of aliens being fond of capturing the ships that carry brides to the various mining planets. Therefore, I knew that they had a fascination and placed value on human females. I had quietly tried to regulate my breathing. I did not move a muscle for fear that I might knock something over inside the cabinet with me and give away my hiding position. A few moments later I heard the sounds of gun blasts. I bit my lower lip trying to keep quiet. Then I heard voices inside the infirmary.

  "This room is clear! There are no humans in this room! Continue the search! Kill all the humans except for the females!” the deep voice shouted. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I realized that all of my crewmates would be decimated. All except the other two females that were on the ship. The other female was a scientist Dr. Jade Roberts who I did not know very well, but I had a lot of respect for her and her work. The other female was a nutritionist and cook on the ship. She was not a scientist like Dr. Roberts and I, but she was just as important to the structure and system of the ship. We were all going to be taken captive. I struggled with myself between two choices. I could stay hidden within the infirmary, but what if they decided to blow up the ship once they removed the females back to their ship? Then I would be blown to pieces. Or I could come out of hiding and know that they would take me captive. I would be destined to be a slave to the Kalazaron and who knew exactly what that meant. I could be subjected to many terrors. I decided that I would stay hidden, mostly because I was so scared that I was paralyzed with fear. I could not move. In the quiet and darkness of the little cabinet, I waited my fate. And then I felt the ship move, it was a shocking experience. The warriors must be taking the ship to their planet. So either way, I was definitely headed to the planet Kaethon and an indefinite fate.

  Hours later it was very quiet. Then there was a loud ruckus. "Take it all apart! You know the drill. Anything salvageable send to our shipyard, and allow our engineers to examine the pieces. Get started!"

  Oh no, I thought. They were definitely going to find me. But I couldn't exactly stay in the cabinet forever. A few moments later I felt the entire cabinet shift. I instinctively let out a yell.

  "Did you hear that?
" I heard a voice say. The cabinet door slid open and two Kalazaron warriors were staring at me. I had never seen them before in person. I had only seen drawings of what we thought they might look like based on various bits of information. Because once you were captured by the Kalazaron warriors, you never returned to earth. As I looked at them, my scientific mind took over. I examined the blue tint of their skin on various parts of their muscular body. They did not wear a top or a shirt, and around their waist was a leather like skirt that I could only describe as something that a gladiator from ancient Rome might wear. On their waist was a belt with various tools and a blaster gun. Their arms were very strong and from the wrists up to the elbows were leather like cuff sleeves that I assumed came in handy for battle. This alien race of the Kalazaron warriors were male dominant, as in they had more males than females on the planet. It was a patriarchal society, and everything was decided by battle or fighting. This was not shocking to me because it seemed to be that way on earth whenever human males were left in charge of things. Judging by the look of the warriors in front of me, they were very humanlike indeed. They were much taller than humans at 7 to 8 feet. They had broad shoulders and long limbs that were proportionate to that height. They also exhibited a fierce appearance with thick furrowing eyebrows and piercing eyes. These two warriors had different hair, which made me think it was not standard to have one type of hair like in the military on earth. One warrior had long locks of hair that hung down to his shoulders, while the other one had a buzz shaved head. They both looked at me and then looked at each other and then smiled. My hand started to sweat as they grinned at me.


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