The Suit Case

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The Suit Case Page 13

by DeMaio, Harry;

  “Frau Ilse, can you put together a repast that will reward our lawyer for his efforts in this situation. There are times when Wolford really bugs me but on balance, he has given us good service. By the way, is there any mead available?”

  “Ja, mein Herr Doctor! One keg of mead is on its way. I was in the middle of preparing a feast to celebrate the safe return of Herr Otto from that verdammt Biosphere X. Just invite him to join us.”

  He picked up his oversized smart phone and dialed the lawyer. “Wolford, it’s Octavius. You are invited to a special dinner being prepared by Frau Schuylkill to celebrate Otto’s safe return to us. What? It’s a long story. We’ll bring you up to speed. It affects the death of the Muskox. Dinner at seven, drinks at six. Come early. I want to discuss the fate of the Phox Law firm and the current thinking by our law enforcement friends about the Professor’s demise. See you soon.”

  He turned to me. “This has really been a circus over the past few days. I haven’t even had a chance to spend any time with my wife or cubs. How are they doing?”

  “Well, if McTavish and Arabella had their way, the Flying Tigers would be taking them out for daily joyrides in all of your aircraft. They also want to ignite the missile housed in the pagoda. They have a bad case of Space and Aviation euphoria. It doesn’t look like it’s going to go away soon. Fortunately, Belinda is also a flight junkie. They’ll probably bug her to ride in the helicopters when they get back to Polar Paradise. The Flying Furballs!”

  “I’ll spend some time with them after dinner. Join me when I talk with Wolford. I want to get that whole Detroit fiasco settled and buried. I don’t know what they’ll do about Covington Cougar. Interesting that a bird half his size could brain him with a tire iron. The Condor cut out all the Home World discourse on Otto’s recordings. The Police or FBI forensic teams should be able to identify the Shrike’s and Cormorant’s voices but not who they were speaking with. I’d like to keep Home World a secret, relatively speaking.”

  “Lots of luck with that. Any secrecy surrounding that world has been blown. We can only hope they keep to themselves. General Turmoil is going to be the wild card in all of this”

  “I know but he needed to be made aware of the Cormorant’s deception.”

  “This whole thing is a mess. Here comes Wolford. I bet he set a speed record getting here.”

  “Hi Wolford. Got any news for us?”

  “I do indeed, my Meerkat Friend. Several items! First, the offices of Muskoxen Atomic Propulsion Systems Ltd. (MAPS) are permanently closed. A sign on the door is all the announcement there is. I think any communications are being handled by the law firm.

  “Item Two: The firm of Phox, Fox and Foxx LLC has morphed into The Law Offices of Felicity Fox Esq. It seems the Weasel and Skunk both resigned, no doubt under pressure from the high-powered Ferret. I am not sure what, if any, steps the Michigan State Bar is going to take. I doubt if Phileas or Farrington will now be able to perform in the state and Felicity has her work cut out for her to preserve her own practice.”

  “I have had conversations with Agent Honey Badger and it seems the FBI, at least, has lost interest in The Professor’s extortion attempts, since he is now deceased. His death remains an open question. If they and the Police are satisfied that Covington Cougar killed the Muskox, they will close that case.”

  “Next we come to the Cougar’s demise. Since Commander Cornelius Cormorant has disappeared, perhaps with Doctor Susanna Shrike, Canaveral FBI and Police are putting the Cougar’s death in the suspense file. You must tell me about Otto’s adventure or misadventure.”

  “We’ll let him tell you, himself, Wolford. He is a courageous little character. He’s all set to go back to Biosphere X in spite of their threats to kill him. We are restraining him”

  “One final note, Octavius. You are no longer an ‘Animal of Interest’ in any law enforcement jurisdiction. I know you’re pleased to hear that.

  “I am indeed. Have a drink before Frau Schuylkill’s excellent dinner.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The Home World responds to a threat

  The Protector is highly upset.

  He’ll take on the Great Bear

  With a murderous pair.

  Of the nastiest birds he can get.

  (Location: Biosphere X aka Home World)

  The Protector was not happy. Neither was the Supreme Council. The Otter slipped through their talons and had probably returned safely to Earth. He did not know where Susanna Shrike or Cornelius Cormorant were. They had stopped communicating. Now there was this other possible threat. Who really was this General Turmoil? The Cormorant had been working for him as a member of the military to keep the Supreme Council informed of possible perils from Earth. But now that source of information seemed to be closed off.

  Had the Otter told the Earth authorities of the Cormorant’s murder of that ridiculous Cougar? Did he reveal what else he had learned about Home World? If so, that might explain why both of those birds had gone under cover. Nevertheless, this knowledge vacuum was intolerable.

  The Protector had a session scheduled with the Supreme Council shortly. He needed to give them a solution that would return the status of Home World to equilibrium. He had several choices. There were two other Home World agents on Earth. Neither of them had been as effective as the Shrike and Cormorant but you used what you had. Should he send them off on a search for the two fugitives? Or should he concentrate on this General Turmoil? He might have to do both. He needed more information on what this ridiculous Horse was capable of. Was he a genuine threat to Home World? Probably!

  Of course, the paranoid Supreme Council believed every entity was a serious threat. They wanted to exist in splendid isolation. It was heresy on his part, but the Protector believed that was no longer possible. In truth, it was never possible. Their world was vulnerable, and they must learn to live with it. Did he have the courage to face them down on this issue? If he did, assuming he kept his job, he would have to develop a major defense system far beyond the current monitoring activities they were engaged in. He hesitated to consider an offensive program. How would they mount that and against whom? Earth, no doubt, would be one of the first candidates.

  His screen crackled to life. The Supreme Council members were there along with representatives of the Military.

  The Vulture spoke “Have we heard from the Cormorant or Shrike, Protector?”

  “No, we have not. I have organized a search by our other agents on Earth.”

  “Have they betrayed us and turned back to their employers on Earth?” This from the Owl who was the Vulture’s chief advisor.

  “If they did, the Cormorant would probably be under arrest for murder. No, I don’t think they would do that.”

  It was the Eagle’s turn. Smaller than the Protector but extremely fierce, he headed up Home World Military. “What do we know about this General Turmoil? I understand the Cormorant is in his employ.”

  “The Cormorant is a member of the US Navy. Earth is 72% water and the US Navy is the largest fleet afloat. He is based in the Pentagon, a giant building housing America’s War Machine. In that same building is a top-secret organization called The Business. No, I don’t know the origin or meaning of the name. It is engaged in clandestine operations and is headed up by a formidable Horse named General Turmoil. While retaining his naval status, Commander Cormorant has carried out some assignments for the General. He has reported to me on those assignments. Most of them have to do with parallel universes. The General is very interested in them and may have plans for overtaking certain worlds. We may be one of them.”

  “That is intolerable. Have your agents eliminate this General immediately along with his immediate staff!”

  “That is easier said than done.”

  “If you can’t handle the assignment, we will select someone who will.”
br />   “You may be inviting strong retaliation.”

  “Well, make sure we are not identified.”

  With that, the screen went black.

  The Protector’s secondary team on Earth had been tasked to find the Shrike and Cormorant. A Peregrine Falcon and Hawk, they were members of a revolutionary cell whose primary purpose was assassination. The Eagle put out a call to them.

  “Yes, Protector!” it was the Falcon.

  Have you any news of the Cormorant and Shrike?”

  “Yes, they are both dead. They were hiding in a city called Las Vegas. We found them, and they resisted coming with us. We had to kill them. Their bodies and possessions are all buried in the desert.”

  “You idiots. They were my primary sources of information on Earth’s plans to control alternate universes. You two could not possibly replace them. You have neither the knowledge nor the credentials. It took us twelve Earth years to establish their positions. The Supreme Council will not be pleased.”

  A thought crossed his mind. One thing these two were good at was killing. If the Supreme Council wanted General Turmoil eliminated, they would probably be the birds to pull it off.

  “However, there is an opportunity to redeem yourselves. Another target. There is a Horse who represents a serious threat to Home World. He is the head of a secret organization called The Business. He is based in Washington DC at the Pentagon. The Supreme Council wants him and his lieutenants eradicated. His name is General Turmoil. Do you believe you are capable of carrying out this mission?”

  The super-confident Falcon screeched, “Never attacked a Horse before, especially a military Horse but that shouldn’t present a problem. Is there a timetable for this? The Pentagon is not impregnable, but it would be easier if we could get him and his staff to a neutral venue. If we are going to take out his team as well, we’ll have to work up an explosion or perhaps some poison gas. Gas is the Hawk’s specialty.”

  “We want it done as soon as possible but remember, leave no clues. We don’t want this traced back to Home World. I must call the Supreme Council. Report back when you’ve accomplished your mission.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Our friend Howard’s a smart Porcupine.

  He may look like he’s rather benign.

  But when he gets upset,

  In response to a threat,

  He’ll run backwards and plunge in a spine.

  (Location: Back at the Bear’s Lair.)

  Needless to say, dinner was a huge success. Frau Ilse had once again outdone herself. The Cubs had pawsed in their incessant chatter about space and flight and stuffed themselves with broiled fish. There were other delicacies to suit individual tastes. Several toasts were proposed to Otto, the intrepid interplanetary voyager. Glassy eyed from a surfeit of food, vodka and kelp juice, he attempted an acceptance speech. The fact that the Bearoness was there and had personally raised a bowl of champagne in his honor rendered him totally tongue-tied.

  Octavius was polishing off his second keglet of mead. I was waiting for his narcolepsy to kick in but so far, so good.

  Chief Inspector Wallaroo looked over at the Bear and asked, “Well, Ocko, do we close the books on this one? It seems to be wrapped up and you’re back in the clear. The Muskox and his lawyers are in the dunny.”

  “I’m still not satisfied, Inspector. What happened to the Shrike and Cormorant? No one at Caltech has seen hair nor feather of the Shrike for over a week and her nest in Pasadena hasn’t been occupied. Her co-workers in the lab don’t know what to make of it. As for the Cormorant, he seems to be AWOL from the Pentagon as well. Senhor Condor, were you able to hack into the flight logs at Joint Base Andrews?”

  “Yes, Octavius. Not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. It seems the Commander has flown in and out of Andrews several times in the past month: twice to Cape Canaveral, once to Chicago and once to Las Vegas last week. There was no return logged for the Las Vegas run.”

  “Unusual! Could he have booked himself back to DC on a commercial flight?”

  “Possible, but more likely, he’s still in Vegas. The Shrike may be with him. It’s a 260-mile trip from LA to Vegas. Less than four hours as the Shrike flies or drives.”

  “Maury, just for the hell of it, why don’t we contact Agent Bobcat and Lieutenant Beaver at Canaveral and ask them to check with the Las Vegas police department on the possible whereabouts of those two. I want to be convinced that they haven’t gone back to Home World. And I’m not going to send Otto to find out.”

  Agent Maury once again on the trail of possible villains. “Agent Bobcat. Hi! Maury Meerkat here from Octavius Bear’s staff. Yes, we’re delighted he’s in the clear. One open switch, though. Both Doctor Susanna Shrike and Commander Cornelius Cormorant have gone missing and we don’t know why or where. We all believe the Cormorant killed Covington Cougar, but it would help greatly if we could face him down with it.”

  “We have some evidence, admittedly sparse, that he and the Shrike may be hiding away in Las Vegas. Is there a chance that you and Lieutenant Beaver could contact your counterparts in Sin City and set up a search for them? No, we’re not sure whether the two of them are alive or dead. My guess is alive, but I’ve been wrong before. Thanks, that would be very helpful. You can have the Las Vegas authorities contact us directly, if they want to.”

  “Oh, by the way, Octavius’ Cubs are absolutely crazy about space flight. They’ve been bugging all of us ever since we came back from Canaveral. They want Octavius to buy the Kennedy Space Center and move some of it to Cincinnati and the Shetlands. That’s what happens when you’re the offspring of a couple of gazillionaires.”

  When I hung up, Howard came over to me wearing a hang dog (hang porcupine?) look on his prickly puss. “Maury. I feel like a major screw-up here. I’m really good at science, but project management doesn’t seem to be my forté. I’m afraid I’ve let Octavius and the rest of the team down. Marlin keeps trying to cheer me up but I think we need to re-shuffle this whole activity or shut it down.”

  “Oh, for pity’s sake, Howard, get a grip. There is no one who understands the science and mechanics of the Multiverse like you do. We’ve all been hoodwinked by a couple of sleeper agents from a paranoid world and there’s no one who’s going to blame you for what happened.”

  “Tell you what! Let’s get the Colonel, Frau, Ursula and Condo together and work up some well-vetted and solid staffing for the next go-around. Octavius has no intention of pulling the financial plug. We still have Home World and General Turmoil to worry about. But, if the whole entangled electron process is worth investigating and pursuing, then you’re the guy to lead it.”

  “I’d like to hear Octavius say that.”

  “OK. Stand by. I’ll get him.”

  I called the Great Bear back into the dining room. “What we have here is a demoralized Porcupine. Howard feels that this mess was all his fault. I have tried to assure him that the project is worth continuing; that no one blames him for the duplicity of the Shrike and Cormorant. They had impeccable credentials and skill. Unfortunately, they owed their allegiance to a hostile world. He’d like to be assured by you that the project should go on. I’d like you to convince him that he is the one to continue to lead the process.”

  Octavius looked Howard in the eye. Then he pawsed. “Get Marlin on the line, too.”

  “OK, you two. Here’s how I see it. Your work on entangling electrons in alternate universes is a very important contribution to science in general and Multiverse studies, in particular. No one I know has more expertise and talent in this arena than you. I’m putting a significant investment in this program and I don’t want to see it wasted. I don’t want anyone else to take the lead, either.”

  “Now, if you’re concerned about forming up a new team, let’s see what we can do about enhancing the vetting process. Clearly, both of you
should determine the skills and credentials of any new team members. Let’s add the Colonel, Frau, Ursula and Condor to the screening process. We need some deep investigation of the character, loyalties and prior history of the candidates.”

  Marlin squeaked, “We might want to look outside the United States. After all, I’m a native of the Scottish North Sea, myself.”

  “Good point, Marlin. All right! Let’s rebuild the team. You also might want to have another look at Karl Shepherd and Alfred Armadillo. Let’s make sure that none of the players are in the employ of General Turmoil. He’d like nothing better than to take over this work and I’m not going to let him do it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The assassins are hatching their plot

  To spew gas at the seminar spot.

  But the Bear doesn’t go

  And the Wild Horse says “No!”

  But the birds opt to still take a shot.

  The Falcon brought the Hawk up to speed on their assignment.

  The Hawk said, “I don’t want to deal with the Pentagon’s security system. We need a way to get them out of their offices and into a less protected environment. Any ideas?”

  “One. Let’s stage a seminar on Multiverse Dynamics. Unfortunately, we have killed off two of Earth’s experts but there must be others we can get to act as the Chair animal for a research discussion. We might even be able to get this Horse to sponsor it. Let’s discuss it with the Protector.”

  The Protector thought over the proposal and approved it. “The event must come soon. The Supreme Council is anxious to eliminate all threats. See if you can invite that odious Bear and his cronies. That way we can eliminate several threats at once. There is a member of his research team who was working with the Shrike. Doctor Karl Shepherd at MIT. Approach him to act as the principal speaker and host. Offer him a substantial stipend. Have him contact General Turmoil as well as the Bear’s team. Can you get conference space at MIT?”


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