The Suit Case

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The Suit Case Page 14

by DeMaio, Harry;

  The ambush was set in motion. The Falcon was the smooth talker of the pair. The Hawk, a munitions expert, did the heavy lifting. Posing as an entrepreneur interested in promoting Multi-universe exploration, the Falcom approached Dr. Shepherd and outlined his thoughts for a Quantum Mechanics and Multiverse Dynamics seminar.

  The Dog was interested, especially when he was offered a substantial sum of money to stage and lead the event. He would involve several of his graduate students. When he discussed it with Howard and Marlin, they insisted that no mention was to be made of the Electron Entanglement program. They were also concerned that the idea originated from a bird, a raptor. Not sure they would attend but they certainly couldn’t stop the Doctor from going ahead. They suggested that the seminar be held off campus, perhaps at a nearby hotel or motel.

  The wheels started to turn. The event was posted at the University and special invitations were sent to the Bear’s Lair and through a series of clandestine maneuvers to the offices of General Turmoil at the Pentagon. Other members of the Quantum Community were also invited, including Alfredo Armadillo. Howard contacted him and gave him the same warning he had given Dr. Shepherd. No mention of the Entanglement Project. Turned out he wouldn’t be attending but asked for a copy of any documentation that was generated.

  The seminar was posted for a half day at a Cambridge Holiday Inn, two weeks later. Strong debate among the Bear’s team as to whether to attend and if so, who? Otto, the Wolves and I finally emerged as the candidates, although none of us had much Quantum insight. Strictly observers and safety experts. The consensus was that the sponsoring birds were probably underlings of the Home World Protector. If so, they needed to be obstructed, restrained or even eliminated.

  The same thoughts ran through General Turmoil’s suspicious mind. Was this a setup? He definitely thought so. He would send his second in command. He might also be able to gain some more insight into Octavius Bear’s activities. (Not likely, but he didn’t know that.)

  The day arrived. We landed at Logan Airport in the Twin Otter flown by the Wolves and set off for the Holiday Inn near MIT. It was a typical hotel seminar room. A small group of mostly academics and would-be scientists chatted inside and outside the door in the hall.

  The room was laid out with a center and two side aisles and seated about sixty medium sized animals. The Horse would have had trouble being unobtrusive. So would Octavius. Just as well they weren’t there. Otto, in spite of his small stature, took a seat in the back and concentrated on raising his adrenalin level. Maury (that’s me!) was in the first row. The Colonel sat next to the door and the Frau was strategically located midway up the center aisle. There were two obviously military dogs, a mastiff and pit bull, occupying outboard seats in two separate rows. No doubt the General’s contribution.

  The Birds were not pleased that neither Octavius nor the General were in attendance and debated between themselves whether to release the gas bomb that the Hawk had constructed. Should they contact the Protector? No, the Hawk insisted. They were given the initiative and they would exercise it. They were tired of being second guessed by the Home World hierarchy.

  Show Time! The Falcon welcomed everyone on behalf of the International Institute of Quantum Science Development (Who?) and introduced Doctor Shepherd. He stood at a portable podium and began a rambling introduction as several more animals straggled into the room. Some fussing with the audio visual equipment. A Chimpanzee, probably the Doctor’s assistant, jumped up to get the pictures in focus and the computer sequencer going correctly. Then he ran to the back, shut the door and lowered the room lights, leaving just enough visibility for notetaking.

  The Hawk and the Falcon were standing near the exit under the alert and watchful eyes of the unnoticed Colonel and Otto. The Hawk had a suspiciously large utility case from which he had extracted several audio-visual devices. Was there something else in there?

  There was! The Hawk took out a softball-sized sphere, pressed a button and rolled it down the center aisle. It ran only a few feet before Otto spotted it, made a grab and zapped out of the building. He threw it into a clump of trees and braced himself for the explosion. No blast! Then he realized. Gas! Hopefully, it would rapidly dissipate in the open air.

  The Otter stood by waving passersby away from the hissing sphere. Two cruising Police Dogs jumped out of their squad car, covered their mouths and noses and set up a cordon around the trees. They called in for support and Otto directed the second pair to the room in the hotel. Pandemonium had broken out.

  Before they could get out the door, the Hawk was grabbed by the Colonel and one of the dogs got his teeth into the Falcon. Frau Schuylkill joined in and they finally had the two struggling birds under control but not before the Falcon had used his sharp beak to cut into the Mastiff. The Police took over but we warned them to keep a very tight grip on the two assailants. Without telling them where the birds came from, the Colonel made it quite clear that they were escape artists. One of the Policemen helped the Mastiff with his, thankfully, superficial wounds.

  The Chimpanzee graduate student was standing protectively in front of Doctor Shepherd who was visibly shaken. There would be no attempt to resume the seminar. Before the Police could round them up most of the audience had disappeared. We identified ourselves and the Dogs simply said they were from Defense Intelligence in Washington.

  After long interviews at Cambridge Police Headquarters, the four of us finally emerged. We had been vague about what we thought were the reasons for the raid and the Birds had been totally silent. However, there was more than sufficient evidence to prove they had made the attempted attack. The gas proved to be deadly so attempted murder led the list of accusations followed by assorted assault charges. It appeared that the Doctor was the primary target but the Birds didn’t seem reluctant to inflict collateral damage. If they had been there, Octavius and the Horse probably would have occupied the Victims of Honor seats.

  As we made our way back to Logan Airport, I reported in to The Great Bear and the rest of the team. We were positive that Biosphere X was at the root of all this. Once again, Otto came out as the hero he was. His popularity on Home World must be deep in the pits. We mentioned that two of General Turmoil’s merry band were there and helped subdue the murderous avians.

  Octavius said he would be awaiting a call from the Horse. There were a whole series of decisions to be made but he would wait for our return and any communication he might have with the General.

  Almost as a throwaway line, he said, “Oh, by the way, the Nevada State Police found the bodies of Susanna Shrike and Cornelius Cormorant in the desert outside Las Vegas. They had been dead over a week. It looked like they were pecked and ripped to death.”

  Birds killed by Birds! Those Home World raptors play rough. Well, there went our chances of developing any more insight into Biosphere X from them. I doubt if we will get anything more out of the Falcon and Hawk. They seemed to be the goon squad. No qualms about murder! But not too bright. I’ll bet they think Quantum Mechanics are a bunch of guys who fix cars. They probably killed the Shrike and Cormorant. I wonder why. One thing we do need to know is how many more Home World agents are here on Earth. Given the Supreme Council’s paranoia and passion for secrecy, there may not be many. Otherwise, too many loose ends. Curiouser and curiouser! Let’s go home.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The Wild Horse wants to twist off the necks

  Of the Council on Biosphere X.

  He just wants to pay back

  Their bloodthirsty attack.

  Make their palaces desolate wrecks.

  Back at the Bear’s Lair. Octavius was in a foul mood (So what else is new?) He had just spoken with General Turmoil or more accurately, was lectured by General Turmoil. The Wild Horse was breathing fire about the attack at MIT. He had already harangued Cambridge Law Enforcement and the FBI about bringing the Hawk and Falcon to immediat
e judgment on the charges of attempted murder and assault.

  He also knew about the now deceased Cormorant and Shrike and the prior demise of Covington Cougar and Professor Ovibos. Now, he was on Octavius’ case about our involvement with Biosphere X. If we hadn’t been trying to use Home World for our experiments, none of this would have happened. As of this moment, he was taking matters into his own hooves. The Business was quite capable of traversing alternate universes. Home World authorities could expect direct retribution very soon. Strong advice to the Great Bear. Stay away from Home World.

  Actually, this suited Octavius but he wasn’t going to admit it to the General. He wanted a new venue and some new players for the Electron Entanglement project. He called the team together.

  “I have just been waved off Home World by General Turmoil. He is promising to rain down retribution on their government in retaliation for the attempted murders in Cambridge. Whether this sets off a small war is anyone’s guess. Howard, in addition to reconstituting the research team, we need to pick a new alternate universe to conduct the electron experiments. Work with Senhor Condor, Marlin, Colonel Where and Ursula on that.”

  “Home World leaders have proven their bloodthirsty nature and they may target us. I’m sure Otto is not very popular with the Protector or the Supreme Council, assuming they survive the General’s assault. I want us to go on high defensive alert. Ursula, that includes you. I’ll be releasing you from your defensive restraints. Stand by for the enabling codes. Any questions or comments? No? Good!”

  “Belinda, I think it’s time to take the Cubs back to Scotland. They won’t be happy. I’ll have Ursula set up a space simulator at Polar Paradise. That should keep them busy.”

  The Bearoness disliked the idea of leaving Octavius and the team but she saw the logic in taking protective measures. The General was quite capable of inducing firestorms. Back to the Shetlands with the Cubs.

  One hour later, a single line of unsigned text crossed my smartphone. “The Protector and Supreme Council of Homeworld have met with tragic, life-ending accidents.”

  “Well,” said I, “He’s done it. We don’t know who their replacements are but I’m sure they will carry on the paranoia and rage. Will they stay quietly on planet or will they plan an attack? Defensive alert on our part seems to be the appropriate action plan.”

  Bruce popped up, “I think I’ll check in with my law enforcement mates. Time to follow up on those two killer birds.”

  No sooner had he said that and a message came in from the FBI. The Hawk and Falcon had escaped from custody. “They just disappeared as we were taking them to a high security facility.”

  Shades of Winnipeg when two captured killers transferred back to their alternate universe. (See Book Four - The Lower Case) They are probably on Home World now, seething with revenge.

  * * *

  “You will return to Earth stealthily and wreak havoc on that Bear and his cohorts. Only in this way can you make amends for the botch you made of the Cambridge seminar. Make the event seem accidental. A major fire or explosion, perhaps. Do not allow yourselves to be identified. We do not want a return visit from that odious General and his minions. But our loss of the Supreme Council and my predecessor must be avenged. If you succeed and survive, you will be permitted to return here. A second failure will not be tolerated. You will outline your strategy and seek my approval before acting.” This from the New Protector of Home World to the Falcon and Hawk.

  They left and set up nests near UUI in Kentucky. From there, they probed and observed and located the Bear’s Lair. Then, they hatched their plan. The Hawk would destroy the mansion and UUI Headquarters. The Falcon would take out any survivors. They passed their scheme on to the New Protector (a Vulture) for approval. He limited them to the mansion. Two “accidental” fires or explosions would raise suspicions. The Hawk then went about surreptitiously buying and accumulating incendiary materials for his bomb making. The Falcon scouted the mansion for best placement, maximum destruction of property and personnel especially the Otter.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Omigosh, can it really be true?

  One electron but now there are two!

  Have they won the great race?

  Bringing matter from space!

  Quantum science has just broken through.

  Howard, Marlin and Ursula pored over Susanna Shrike’s and Karl Shepherd’s experiment notes. They were dubious about some of the Shrike’s material. For instance, she never did place an electron generator on Home World, regardless of what her notes said. They had spoken with Shepherd who no longer wanted to participate in the program courtesy of the attempt on his life in Cambridge. He did, however, submit all his related work products to Howard.

  The search for a new alternative universe yielded several candidates. Before selecting one, they had to ensure it was uninhabited. Otto and the Colonel chose a small planet that lacked a breathable atmosphere and then surveyed it for any form of life. Nothing. They named it Biosphere Z and installed the electron generator that the Shrike had lied about. They activated it and returned.

  Meanwhile, a debate had arisen as to whether the research team ought to be reconstituted. Marlin was leading the “let’s go it alone” contingent while Howard wanted some external validation of their work. The Armadillo was the only original member left and he was in it strictly for the results. The consensus was to identify and vet potential candidates but hold off on invitations. They also decided that Ursula would have a more active role in design, development and execution of the experiments.

  As this discussion was going on, a screen lit up and an alarm went off. Fearing the worst, Howard called up the Tangling Algorithm and gulped. An electron originating in Biosphere Z had just coupled with one in the Research Team’s pool. A screaming Porcupine is an unpleasant and highly unusual sound but there it was. “It’s working! It’s working!” Everyone in sight ran to view the screen, laughed and applauded. The program was on its way!

  Octavius rumbled through the door, a smile on his face showing his immense teeth.

  “Well done, all. Project Multiverse enters the Quantum Age! Frau Schuylkill, break out the drinks.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Hawk and Falcon have laid out a plan.

  Make the mansion a huge frying pan.

  It’s a cold-blooded plot.

  Cook the Bear’s home white hot

  And get out just as fast as they can.

  Meanwhile, in a barn not far from the Bear’s mansion, the two raptors were busy constructing fire bombs and laying out a plan of attack. They would strike at night, destroying not just the mansion but the aircraft hangars, missile silo and outbuildings. The Polar Bear and her cubs had flown off yesterday but everyone else seemed to be present and accounted for.

  Both birds would fly over the property, arming the incendiary bombs and dropping them on targets of opportunity. They would then contact the New Protector, announce their success, traverse space and time and re-enter Home World, this time to stay. No one would be able to prove an attack had taken place. Just a tragic conflagration that spread like “wildfire,” set off by one of the many electrical subsystems in the Bear’s Lair. A great loss to the nation and the Earth.

  A pity they would not be able to destroy UUI Headquarters, but the New Protector was right. It would have been a very suspicious coincidence given the fact that UUI was in Kentucky and the Bear’s Lair in southwest Cincinnati. Perhaps at a later date, a different crew might try but not for quite a while and using a different MO. Let things rest.

  It was an overcast evening. The moon was bearly visible. The Bear’s Lair complex was well lit and presented easily identified targets, but the sky above was dark and non-reflective. The Hawk and Falcon each carried a pouch filled with their projectiles from Hell. The Hawk went off to the west of the mansion and the Falcon fle
w in from the east. At a pre-arranged signal, they crossed and dropped the first wave of incendiary missiles which promptly bounced back at them and set them afire. The remaining bombs in their pouches were touched off and exploded, turning the two attackers into flaming meteors. Failure for a second time, but this time it was fatal.

  The Colonel and Frau rushed out in time to see the airborne inferno, followed by the Condor, Otto, Maury (me) and finally the Great Bear. Howard turned on Marlin’s video. They all watched as the bombs exploded harmlessly after having taken out the Hawk and Falcon. No one was quite sure what had happened, but Bear’s Lair was intact. And all were safe.


  So how did it all come about?

  The two birds were completely burned out.

  And that criminal pair

  Were both killed in mid-air.

  It was Ursula’s doing, no doubt.

  After the dust had literally settled, it occurred to me that one member of our team was not in attendance. “Hey, Ursula. Que pasa? Where have you been or not been?

  “Hello Maury! Since Octavius relieved me of any restraints on defensive activities, I have been tracking the Hawk and Falcon. I caught up with them in a nearby barn and watched while they prepared their attack.”

  “Why didn’t you clue us in?”

  “First off, I wasn’t sure what they were going to do. Second, I wanted to see if anyone else was involved. Turns out it was only the two of them. It seems they had committed to the New Home World Protector that they would avenge the deaths of the Supreme Council and the former Protector. I picked this up from their conversations with the New Protector. They were pretty gabby about what they were going to do and how they were going to do it. I devoted a major subsystem to observing them.”


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