Book Read Free

Rock Me Slowly

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by Dawn Sutherland

  Rock Me Slowly


  Dawn Sutherland


  No portion of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any print or electronic form without permission.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and coincidental. Any resemblance between persons living and dead, establishments, events or location is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © Dawn Sutherland.


  I want to thank a few people, without them this book would have been nothing but a dream.

  Got to firstly Thank my little group of squirtles who pushed me to get it finished. You know who you are

  Stephannie Tolitsky – You kept me sane. You didn’t think my ideas were crazy. I love you.

  Lisa Gross-Tuin – Thank you for reading those early versions.

  Kelly Allen – Endless phonecalls discussing various scenes that are now so much hotter. I love ya.

  Jane Seddon – You helped me laugh far too many times. I laughed and I laughed until I literally cried.

  Diane Rushbrook – You edited those very first chapters and gave me the confidence to continue. Thank You.

  Catherine Gallie – You always have my back. You kept me going through it all. Thank You.

  Thank you to the Smutty Book Whore Mafia. You all keep me sane and provided me with

  So much “material.”

  Chapter 1

  It’s a beautiful day in New York. The sun is splitting the sky and I can smell the strong aroma of Coffee and fried food stalls. This is a regular thing for all these New Yorkers that are buzzing past me at an alarming rate. I, on the other hand relish these new surroundings with a strong sense of abandonment.

  At last I’m free of the ropes that have been pulling me under in London. I hate living a regular, monotonous life that I have become subjected to. I’m a creature that needs to spread their wings. I can’t be tied down. Why live life with a certain road map to follow. I live life with no certainty, no given road to travel down; I want to be a free bird.

  New York is so full of possibilities, but even that is not my long term plan. I have been given the most exciting job of my life. The road to this very minute in my life has been hard with many bumps in the road. I graduated from Kings College with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design with honours. I had finally realised my dream and could begin to travel towards my final destination, working with rock bands. There is fierce competition out there for Designer jobs but I had made it my life mission to work with some of Rock’s most talented bands. I had some fierce ideas; I just had to be given a chance to show the world what I could do.

  Then out of the blue I get a call from my New Yorker buddy, Anna. That turned out to be the best phone call ever!

  “You will never guess what I’ve just been told? Like really, you are going to cream your pants when I tell you!” Anna’s boundless enthusiasm has me entirely intrigued. I met Anna at University, in our freshman year. She was another fashion design student and the connection we felt at each other’s awkwardness at starting University pulled us together. I love Anna although she is the complete opposite of me. She is brash, very forward and is the most beautiful girl I have had the pleasure of calling my friend. With her chocolate coloured waist long hair and matching eyes she catches guy’s attention everywhere she walks.

  “No I don’t think I ever will guess, so come on spill what’s so exciting? Must be good if it’s got your attention.” I say with a sardonic edge to my voice.

  “I got word from a contact of mine that the fucking pantie dropping rock band, Buried Alive are looking for a new Fashion Designer/stylist. This is huge news. They are going to explode on the Rock scene very soon and this is the only position their manager is looking to hire for.” Oh, okay so I guess Anna is trying to tell me she’s applying for the job. I’m pleased for her.

  “And…I take it you applied?”

  “No stupid, but you are.” Wait…What?

  “What do you mean I am? Don’t you want to apply for it?” Most logical reason for her call surely?

  “No, I got offered a job yesterday with a major fashion house so I’m good. Anyway it’s your dream to work with a rock band. I’ve already emailed you the application so fill it out and email it back a.s.a.p. I’m not kidding those boys are exactly what wet dreams are made of.” Anna squeals down the phone.

  “Okay, so tell me more about them. I need more to go on than just that they are what wet dreams are made of.” Although, that snippet of information sent excitable chills down my spine.

  Anna sighs down the phone dramatically. “You’re going to want to Google them but I will tell you that they are sex personified. The band consists of Mickey as frontman; he has a body to die for. His whole body is tattooed and he is in fantastic shape. He’s arrogant but god he’s so damn sexy with it. Lead guitarist is Josh. Tattooed to the hilt my friend. The things he can do with those fingers are insane, god such long fingers.”

  “Anna…” Please get on with it before I start daydreaming about these men.

  “Okay, okay bossy-boots. Rhythm guitarist is Zack, he is a sweetheart. Bassist is Blaine; I want him to bang me like he does his bass. Finally on drums is Tanner. Every time I look at the papers that guy is freaking off his skull, eyes glazed over and not really aware of his surroundings. He’s a party animal. Right, get off this phone and get the application filled out and sent back. Then get your sexy little ass online and Google these hot fuckers. You will not be disappointed.” With that Anna clicks off the line and I’m left to contemplate my next move.


  I did Google them and by they are out of this world. Their good looks would of knocked me on my ass if I hadn’t of been sitting down. Just looking at them had instilled a fluttering in my stomach. Forget about saying I had butterflies, I had frigging massive bats trying to break out of my body. I closed my laptop and put the image of those rock gods to the back of my mind. There is no way I was going to get the job anyway. I was just out of university just having recently qualified; no way on this green earth was I going to land such a huge role this early on in my career. No, I definitely would not be that lucky.

  Approximately one week later I received a call from Tony Daniels, Music Executive calling me to attend an interview for the position. Of course I’m over eager and fumble my way through the conversation with Mr Daniels. I really must learn to stop sounding like a rambling idiot, especially when it comes to important conversations such as this.

  I flew out to New York to attend the interview in my most professional clothes. My nerves were off the charts, I fidgeted the whole way there and I couldn’t shut my mind off of what could potentially be mine if I could impress the music mogul enough. I was so scared but my excitement was pulsing throughout my body. I could feel the adrenaline pumping in time with my heart. I just wanted to impress and I would do my utmost to do just that.

  Strangely enough I flew through the interview and I seemed to impress them with my sharp quick fire questions. We said our goodbyes and I was told they would be in touch within the next few days. I wasn’t very confident but I still had a small ray of hope that my personality had shone through enough for them to consider me an option. If anything it gave me the experience at being interviewed by some of the most powerful men in music. Even if I didn’t get the job I could be proud knowing I conducted myself in such a professional manner.

  A few days later I received a call from one Mr Tony Daniels. It was a short call. I expected to be told that I was impressive but hadn’t been successful. Everyone knows that graduates find it increasingly difficult to find jobs in such a com
petitive industry. Imagine my shock when I was told I was the successful applicant. Talk about taking the wind out of my sails! I was officially the new fashion designer for Buried Alive. Holy Shit!

  I thanked Tony Daniels profusely for this opportunity and told him that I wouldn’t let the band or him down. Once again I was berating myself for my over eager ramblings. I really needed to tone that down! I was starting my job a week on Monday and I had to be at Tony Daniels office that day to sign all the necessary documentation. Oh my god this is really happening!

  Crap, one slight snag in all of this is that I need somewhere to stay in New York before starting my job. I need to phone Anna, she always has the answers.

  I dial her number and she picks up on the third ring. “Well, I’m guessing your ringing to tell me you got the job, right? How in the hell did she know?

  “How in the hell did you know I would get the job? I really wasn’t confident at all. They were damn frightening and I felt like the bad girl called into the headmaster’s office.”

  “Please, credit me with a little more intelligence. You are amazing; they would have been fools to dismiss you. You were the only option. Oh my god, you are going to be fanning yourself day and night with all those hot bodies around you on that bus. I’m not afraid to tell you that I’m so jealous.” Huh, she has more faith in me than I do.

  “I called to ask you where I should stay before starting the job. I need to be in New York just in case there is a change of plan and I have to be on the bus sooner than anticipated.”

  “Um duh, you will be staying with me of course. Need my best girl with me whilst she’s in New York. Now go and get packed and get your little ass on the next plane over here. Text me the details and I’ll pick you up at the airport. See you soon.”

  And with that my life has been turned on its ass, but for the better. Life is going to get crazy and it’s that fact that has me excited.

  Chapter 2

  It’s the day I start my new adventure and I’m both nervous and excited. I grab my massive suitcase and lug it to the front door of the apartment. You don’t realise that you have so many clothes until you have to pack for a six month road trip. I have about twelve pairs of shoes and an insanely huge amount of handbags packed but it’s so freaking stupid because I’m never going to have the opportunity to use them all.

  I head back into the dining room and pick up my cell to phone for a cab to take me to Tony Daniel’s office to begin my much anticipated start to my career. I have ten minutes to wait for my cab so I check the contents of my handbag while I’m waiting. I have my cell phone, money, ipad, make- up and my girly necessities. I’m very nervous but I also know that this is the opportunity of a lifetime.

  I hear the horn of the cab and take one last look around the apartment. I head down the front steps and I’m met by a very friendly cab driver who insists upon carrying my case for me, for which I’m grateful as the thing weighs a bloody ton. I sit in the back of the cab ready and willing to start my adventure with Buried Alive.

  We finally pull up outside Tony’s office approximately twenty minutes later. I walk towards the building to meet with Mr Music Mogul. The office block tells me all I need to know about Tony, filthy rich. The building from the outside seems to have been constructed entirely from black glass, its awe inspiring. I open the double glass doors and head to the reception area where I am greeted by a very sleek and by all means snobby brunette.

  I place my case at the front of the desk and hand over my necessary papers to prove who I am and who I’m here to see. She eyes me suspiciously whilst looking over a diary placed on the desk.

  “Okay Miss Matthews you may go in and see Mr Daniels. He is expecting you. Just go straight across the hall there.” I leave Miss snotty and walk over to the glass door that has Tony Daniels, Music Executive inscribed in the glass. I knock twice and wait for Mr Daniels to motion me inside.

  I walk into Tony Daniels office and collect everything I need to get onto the tour bus. I sign for my security badge that I have to wear at all times so that security knows exactly who I am. Apparently security has been increased for the tour due to the ever increasing popularity of the band. Okay, so the band is a lot more popular than I imagined. I finish up my business with the Music Executive/Band Manager, who seems a bit of a dick if I’m honest; he loves himself just a little too much. I honestly think that he would suck his own dick if he could.

  The taxi takes me to the airport after I have signed all the necessary documentation with Tony Daniels. I cannot wait to get to L.A to start the super exciting rock journey. When we have made it through rush hour traffic and arrived at JFK airport I pay the taxi driver a generous fair and retrieve my suitcase from the trunk of the car. I wheel it through to the check in desk and place my passport down in front of the blonde desk operator. She opens up my passport and looks up and down at me several times before convincing herself that I am who I say I am. She passes my passport back over to me. I now make my way over to the luggage rack to load my suitcase. I am so freaking excited.

  I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel a large hand grasp my shoulder from behind. I am greeted by a huge man in a crisp business suit. The man smiles at me and I can feel the warmth of his features. Tony Daniels told me that I would be met by the bands head of security, Trev. In some eyes Trev will seem very intimidating but he is nothing but warm towards me.

  “Miss Matthews? I’m Trev, head of security for Buried Alive. You were informed I would meet you here, yes?” Wow, he has probably the deepest voice I have ever heard in my life. He will definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

  “Yes I was informed. In fact I’m very glad I’m going to have someone to ride on the plane with. I get very nervous when I’m flying, there just seems to be something very unnatural about a little jet being thousands of feet up in the air.” Unnatural is an understatement and so is nervous, proper puke into a bag nervous. Ugh I just can’t wait, not!

  “Brilliant well I’ll just radio in that I have picked you up. You head on into the departures lounge.” I bend down and pick up my purse and throw it over my shoulder. I walk over to the first class lounge. This is definitely the best way to have a flying experience. My flight is very early; it leaves at 06.30am so I have an hour to kill before departure.

  I am re-joined by Trev half an hour later to inform me that they are now allowing first class boarders onto the aircraft. I pick up my purse and head towards departures. Trev walks very closely beside me but also maintaining my personal space.

  Once we are on board the aircraft I find my seat and plop myself down onto the luxurious leather and make myself well and truly at home. I could totally get used to this kind of travel if it wasn’t for the fact that we will be up thousands of feet in the damn air!

  Just as we are about to be cleared for take-off I’m approached by a very pretty air hostess who asks me if I wish anything to drink or eat.

  How in the hell can I eat anything right now? My stomach is doing summersaults. On second thoughts, yes pass me the mother- fucking Prozac that may just numb my brain long enough for this damn flight!

  As the plane travels down the runway I feel like I’m going to lose my stomach through my mouth. Then the plane takes off into the air and I find myself gripping the armrests hard, this results in my poor knuckles turning a horrible shade of white with the pressure I’m exerting on them. Trev leans over from his seat from across the walkway. He can obviously sense my discomfort at the plane taking off so he starts chatting to me about random nonsense to take my mind off of it. I’m so very glad that he is here it makes me forget about the nausea that is rising up from my stomach.

  Once we are in the air for a good hour I decide to pull out my ipad from my bag and start to do some research on the band and its members. I try to switch it on but of course I forgot to charge the damn thing and I have forgotten the charger. What a dumbass move that was! Since I can’t do my much needed research I decide to recline my chair back and try to g
et some shut eye.

  Sometime later I’m being awoken by Trev who is shaking me by the shoulders to wake me up. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand and stare up into Trev’s big blue eyes in recognition as to where I am.

  “Sophie. Sophie, wake up. We have arrived at LAX, you slept the entire way here. The bus is waiting for us just outside. Come on I need to get you safely onto the bus now before any of the fans catches wind of just who is on the bus.” There is a serious edge to Trev’s instructions and I quickly gather up my purse.

  “Wait, what about my luggage?”

  “It’s already on the bus they did it as soon as the plane landed.”

  “Oh, Okay.” Ain’t things done fast in the world of showbiz.

  I follow Trev to the front of the aircraft and head down the steps onto the tarmac to where the tour bus is waiting. As we walk towards the door to the bus I suddenly feel very nervous as to what awaits me.

  What the hell have I let myself in for?

  “Come on Sophie I’ll show you around so you can get a feel for the place.” I follow Trev into the guts of the tour bus and my eyeballs seem to be having difficulty staying in my head. I honestly thought that tour buses were messy which resembled smelly boy’s bedrooms on wheels.

  “Sure Trev, I appreciate it.” He places his hand at the small of my back and shows me the cabins that the guys and I will be occupying over the next six months. They are nothing remotely comfortable looking but I’m sure they will serve their purpose.

  “Here are the bunks. You will be at the very end of the bus away from the guys so at least you will get some privacy, not much but some.” Trev lets out a very deep laugh that catches me off guard momentarily. He has a lovely face, piercing blue eyes and a beautiful and genuine smile that showcases his perfect white teeth. I could really grow to love him; maybe he would turn out to be the father figure that I never did have.


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