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Insatiable Craving: 2 (Insatiable Nights)

Page 15

by Rosalie Stanton

  Razor studied her for a moment, then smirked. “Aria and I have never once been like that, and from where I’m sitting neither one of us have ever been tempted. The only woman who’s spoken to me, who’s made me want something like this…is you. No one since Natalie.”

  She swallowed hard. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I don’t know why. You flame, me moth, and I can’t figure it out. Every time we’re close, I…”

  Ginny released a shaky breath. “I feel it too. It freaked me out yesterday.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I’m wishing we were doing something other than talking.”

  Razor grinned and raised a hand to cup her breast. “I’m glad we talked,” he murmured, rolling a thumb over her nipple. “I’m glad knowing that the next time we make love, the next time you look at me when I’m inside you, you know who’s looking back.”

  Ginny shivered, her heart thundering. “Make love,” she repeated. “That’s what we’re doing?”

  “Something wrong with that?”

  “No. I just…I don’t think I’ve made love before.”

  The hand at her breast slid north, over her collarbone and up the side of her throat until her cheek was cradled against his palm. “Well,” Razor murmured, his breath fanning her lips, “we’ll just have to do something about that, won’t we?”

  Chapter Ten

  He didn’t want to look away from her, for the shine in her eyes was so overwhelming he was sure it would vanish if he so much as blinked. In the few times he’d idly fantasized about sharing himself with a woman—about getting close again, as awesomely impossible as the notion had struck him—never had he thought anyone would accept him so readily as Ginny had. Quite honestly, after she witnessed him transform, he’d thought he’d be lucky if he managed to stop her before she took to the streets screaming what she’d seen.

  Yet she hadn’t run. Razor still had no idea why but damned if he’d question it. Somehow Ginny had managed to see something he wasn’t sure was there to see. When she looked at him he felt completely exposed in ways he’d never considered, yet he wasn’t afraid. All he wanted to do was ensure the way she looked at him never changed.

  He meant it when he said he loved her. He did. It was fast—so fast he was certain he could already feel the shitstorm Aria would rain upon him when she discovered just how much of himself he’d shared, but he didn’t care. The speed with which things had happened didn’t alter the veracity a damn, and he’d be a fool to try. Ginny had opened herself to him in ways he doubted she realized. Even with her past as it was, the ghosts she’d allowed him to see remained very much present, and she had done her best to shove them aside. He could do the same.

  Ginny had shown him what he was missing, how wrong he’d been in assuming every woman was Natalie all over again, when Natalie had chosen her own fate. Natalie had come to him with a mind to kill. He wasn’t responsible for her failure, nor should he feel guilty for the crime of not making himself an easy target. Surviving was something he couldn’t claim he regretted, and it was time he stopped acting as if it were.

  Ginny made him want to do more than exist. He wanted to live again.

  Razor pushed her gently back onto the bed, his greedy eyes following her bouncing breasts before centering on the apex of her thighs. His hunger for her only grew each time they were together, but the need for hard rutting of only yesterday had matured into a deeper connection. Each time she drew away from him, the beast within warred with the need to grab her and hold her to him. He didn’t know what that meant, and could only hope Aria had the answers. Even before his former abstinence, Razor had never experienced such a deep primal draw, and though he wouldn’t regret whatever had brought them together for anything, that didn’t make his questions vanish.

  The draw between them was more than attraction, and had been from the beginning. The air separating their bodies had always felt like the pull between magnets, and once he’d touched her he hadn’t been able to stop.

  But that didn’t matter now. Not with Ginny on the mattress with her legs spread, her wide eyes on his face, her pussy glistening with juices and her nipples calling to his mouth. Razor grinned and knelt beside the bed. He hooked his arms around her knees and pulled her forward until her sex was against his face.

  Ginny raised her head. “What are you doing?”

  “Hmm.” Razor ran a finger up and down her slit, slipping between her wet lips to tease her clit. The moan that rode from her lips made his blood boil. “What does it feel like?”

  “You expect me to answer that?”

  He chuckled and replaced his fingers with his tongue, nuzzling her wet flesh before sampling it in long, eager licks. “I just can’t get enough of your cunt.”

  “I like it better when you’re inside me.”

  “I think you’ll like this too.” He pressed a kiss against her clit, his index finger circling her opening. Her earlier confession weighed heavily on his mind, the story itself mostly put together before she spoke but no easier to endure simply because he knew the ending. Somehow hearing the events—hearing his theories wrapped in fact, hearing the things he’d suspected—had triggered the possessive animal in such a way he’d determined to erase all trace of what she’d gone through. The only times Ginny had truly tensed when they were together occurred when she couldn’t see him. When she didn’t realize he was the one with her, when he’d buried his face in the crook of her neck rather than look into her eyes as he moved inside her. Neither was a mistake he would repeat. When they were together, he wanted her mind nowhere near the past.


  He grinned and licked her clit again, pressing a finger inside her. He hadn’t answered to the name in years—shedding it around the same time he took to the road, abandoning his family and adopting a stage persona. Why it was so important that Ginny call him that he hadn’t known until his name tumbled off her lips for the first time.

  She was the first person who saw him—all of him. The boy he’d been, the wolf he was now and the man who embodied both worlds.

  “I love it when you call me that,” he murmured, trailing his gaze up her body until their eyes met. “Fuck, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  She shivered and lifted her hips in a manner he figured was subconscious. “You can show me.”

  “Mmm.” He nuzzled her wet flesh. “So you’re okay with this now?”

  “Reyvon, please.” She thrust herself against his mouth again. “Eat me.”

  A hard shudder seized his body. There was no denying her—not like that, not ever. He growled and buried his face between her legs, his lips closing hard around her swollen pearl as his fingers began a rhythmic plunging. God, she smelled fantastic and tasted better. They could have an eternity together and he’d never tire of sampling her, exploring her—never get enough of savoring her flavor on his tongue. He nipped and sucked, teased her clit until he was certain she’d melt under his fingers.

  When she finally surrendered, trembling hard as his name rode from her lips in a series of whimpered sighs, Razor felt as close to absolute bliss as possible. He left her pussy with a parting lick, then smacked his lips and rose to his feet. “I love the way you come,” he murmured, placing a hand on her knee.

  “I love the way you do that.”

  “Good. That’s the idea.”

  Ginny flashed him a goofy grin before her gaze refocused on his erection. “You planning on doing something with that?”

  “I had some ideas.”

  Her grin broadened and she scooted back on the bed. The warmth and faith in her eyes was enough to undo the most jaded of men. This time when he crawled over her, as his hard cock dragged up her wet flesh and nestled between her pussy lips, he didn’t look away from her face. It was important she understand that he understood—she was showing him how much she trusted him, especially on the heels of what they’d revealed about themselves.

  Razor dropped a kiss on her cheek, then a
gain on the corner of her mouth. “I love you,” he whispered, his length beginning the exquisite slide into her body. “I love you, Ginny.”

  “I know,” she replied breathlessly, arching beneath him. And while the words he wanted weren’t whispered, what she gave him was enough for right now. What she gave him was the world.

  And that was the kicker—the thing he couldn’t explain but knew now he couldn’t live without. A combination of perhaps knowing what he had with Ginny was more than he’d ever hoped to have with anyone and amazement he’d found her at all. When he was inside her, when her pussy was wrapped around his prick, he felt complete, which made their connection seem at times stronger than anything he’d encountered yet at the same time incredibly fragile. His body missed hers when they weren’t intimately linked, when he wasn’t thrusting into her, watching her face contort with pleasure as her pussy clenched and squeezed him new life. The animal needed something else. Needed something beyond words, which she hadn’t yet given and he wouldn’t push for. His need was entirely singular.

  He needed…

  Ginny lifted her head and seized him in a fiery kiss, her fingers squeezing his biceps and her hips battling his. She seemed determined to reclaim custody of his cock every time his flesh dragged away from hers. She seized his tongue and sucked, trembling hard around him but demanding at the same time.

  When she pulled away, her eyes were shining.

  “Do it,” she whispered, then gasped.

  Razor frowned. “What?”

  “Whatever it is you need. Do it.”

  Was he that transparent? He shook his head and kissed her again, the wave he’d felt earlier crawling over his body. He felt patches of fur erupt over his arms and chest, felt his canines extend. His thrusts came harder now, more demanding, needing more of her than she had to give. When their eyes met again though, and hers betrayed no fear—only that complete trust he’d seen earlier, colored with absolute surrender—he lost the last part of himself. Razor’s mouth fell to her throat, his fangs teasing her flesh before the need to taste her completely overrode his senses.

  Would she hate him if he bit her? Could he stop?

  Didn’t matter. The animal had what it wanted in its sights. There was no going back.

  His fangs sliced into her throat and she bucked like mad. “Mine,” he whispered across her skin. “You’re mine, Ginny. For now and always.”

  She hummed something that sounded like agreement, and it jerked something in his chest. “Say it,” Razor murmured. “You’re mine.”

  “Oh yes. I’m yours, Reyvon.” She choked a sob and found his lips again, her pussy squeezing him into oblivion as her body spasmed hard around his cock, driving him with her over the edge.

  Razor roared in triumph, tears stinging his eyes.

  This. This was home.

  And so help him, he’d never let her go.

  * * * * *

  “You look nervous.”

  “Can you blame me? The last time I was here, I made a fool out of myself.” Ginny paused. “Actually, the last three times I was here I made a fool out of myself.”

  Razor smirked and squeezed her hand as he led her over the threshold and into the empty foyer of Electric Panther. It was just past three in the afternoon, which left around five hours to get ready for that night’s gig. And given that he’d dodged calls from Aria—whose phone messages became increasingly irate—he wasn’t sure he was in for a warm homecoming. He hadn’t meant to leave Aria hanging so long, but spending the last twenty-four hours in Ginny’s arms and a good amount of that morning either coaxing her back to bed or being chased out of the shower had just seemed more essential than, well, anything else.

  And meeting Ginny’s smiling eyes and exchanging secretive grins that spoke of everything they mutually wished they were doing instead of showing up for work.

  Yeah, Aria was going to blow a dog whistle just to annoy him. Didn’t matter. Nothing could matter today.

  Ginny was at his side and she was his. Every inch of her body and that firestorm of a mind belonged to him. She’d said it—she felt it—and more than that he knew she truly meant it. For the first time in his life, Razor felt completely connected to someone—felt he belonged somewhere—and the sensation was worth anything. Even a tiresome lecture on responsibility from his surrogate baby sister.

  “I guess we’re remembering things differently,” Razor said, leaning over to steal a quick kiss. “I don’t recall anyone making a fool of anyone. I do remember fucking you cross-eyed in my office.”

  A charming blush spread across her cheeks. “Yeah, and then Aria walked in on us.”

  “Aria better get used to it. I intend to have my wicked way with you in every corner of this place.”

  She blinked and looked at him in a way that told him she wasn’t sure whether or not he was joking. “Every corner? That might not be very hygienic.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  Ginny smirked and nudged his shoulder with hers. “That’s not what you said this morning.”

  A dark shiver of arousal tingled down his spine. Razor’s dick stirred and began to swell. She could push his buttons like nothing else. A small smile. A knowing look. A throwaway line dancing the boundary between banter and flirtation. At this rate, the sun would explode before he’d had his fill. “Unless you want me to shove you against the nearest wall, you might want to watch what you say.”

  “Hmm. Promises, promises.”

  He growled, fur sprouting and pressing against his clothes and his world exploded into a bombardment of sensations. Ginny released a high-pitched giggle-shriek, taking off toward his office. A rookie mistake. Once he got her behind closed doors—

  A bright wave of blue knocked him off his feet before the thought could mature. Razor yelped and shook his head, the parade of overwhelming sensations retreating at the onslaught of a throbbing headache. He blinked until the spots disappeared, then looked up to see Ginny’s concerned face hovering above his.

  He grinned in spite of himself. “Hello, gorgeous.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. Tell Nana to get me a fruit cup.”


  Razor shook his head again, forcing himself to sit up. “No, it’s good. I’m okay. Just think I threw my back out.”

  “What the hell was that?”

  He opened his mouth to answer her but another voice beat him to it.

  “That was me,” Aria said from what sounded like a thousand miles away. In actuality, she stood in the mouth of the hallway, looking a little sheepish, her hands still up as though she was trying to determine whether or not to send another antidotal wave his way. “Sorry. Razor starts to wolf out and I knock it out of him.”

  He groaned and rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Aria. Next time try not to knock me all the way to Singapore, will you?”

  “Hey, you were going all furry. I just did what you’ve wanted me to do every time that’s happened.”

  “Well, don’t do that anymore.”

  “Really?” Aria’s voice rang with incredulity and excitement. “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” Among other things, he had decided not to keep his wolf bottled up. It did little to diminish the animal’s power or call. If anything, it seemed worse—more dangerous and less predictable—trying to contain the beast.

  But that was a conversation for another time. Razor drew in a sharp breath and forced himself to his feet. Then he tossed a cautious glance at Ginny. They hadn’t discussed much what would happen after they arrived—actually leaving the apartment had been a large enough step.

  She hadn’t exactly been thrilled at the prospect of leaving—afraid, as he’d been, the harsh light of reality would shatter what they’d managed to build together. She hadn’t said as much, of course, but he felt it. This was new for her, and God knew it was new for him. For the first time he stood with something beyond his life to lose. He had someone he loved, someone who meant more than the world t
o him, and while their connection was strong it was also incredibly young. He hadn’t felt like taking it for a test spin.

  Yet the world wouldn’t wait forever. Nor would Aria, from the messages she’d left. They had to return to reality at some point.

  “Aria,” Razor said slowly. “You remember Ginny, right?”

  Ginny hurried forward and stuck out her hand as if she were an insurance salesperson. “Ginny,” she said. “From the dance floor and the bathroom and Razor’s office.”

  Aria cast her extended hand a somewhat amused glance. “Yes, I remember you. You’re Razor’s mate.”

  Razor blinked. “Guess that settles it.”

  “Also the reason he hasn’t returned my calls in two days.”

  “It hasn’t been that long,” he argued. “She’s really my mate?”

  Aria snickered. “This is why you answer your goddamn phone when I call, Romeo,” she drawled, then nodded to Ginny. “Judging by the beauty mark on your neck, Razor’s already made it permanent.”

  “My mate,” Razor echoed. Warmth spread through his chest.

  “What does that mean?” Ginny asked, shuffling close to him. “His mate.”

  Aria studied them a long moment, then finally settled her focus on Razor. “How much does she know?”


  “Well, I’m guessing you flashed some fang at some point to give her that mark, and you seemed a little devil-may-care with wolfing out just a moment ago. Does she know everything? About you?”

  Ginny waved a hand. “She is standing right here. And if you’re talking about Razor being a werewolf, yes, we covered that.”

  The blonde inhaled deeply. “Good. And you seem…okay with it.”

  “Well, I’m still in a bit of a shock. But yeah.” Ginny tossed Razor a look, and his heart warmed at her smile. “I’m okay.”

  Okay was such a mild word. In the thousand and one other things Razor had to be thankful for, Ginny’s seemingly endless source of understanding and patience ranked at the top. “She’s amazing,” he whispered. “Absolutely amazing.”


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