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Mistake Page 5

by Ellen Hutton

  “Scarlet, I’m sorry.” He said, “I’m sorry for the way everything went down. I was a fool.”

  Scarlet bit back tears and once again she chastised herself for being so fickle. She had to be strong.

  “Oh, it’s no big deal.” She replied, “things happen, and people change. If that wasn’t the case, where would we be today.”

  She saw the uncertain look on his face and so she thought this was the perfect opportunity to begin her deception.

  She rested her hand against the front of his shirt very lightly and allowed it to rest there for a moment. Although she had meant it as a means of seduction she hadn’t thought of how her body would react to touching him. She inhaled as her hands began to heat up and she looked up to see him watching her intently.

  “We’re different people now.” She said licking her lip nervously, “our past is what it is, the past.”

  She noticed the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. She had accomplished her plan, but she was also being swept away by his beautiful brown eyes.

  “I agree.” He said

  She wasn’t prepared for it when he lifted his hand and covered hers so that it was pressed against his chest. She could feel his heartbeat and it felt so familiar she couldn’t believe all that time had passed.

  “Is it weird that it seems like no time has passed since you touched me like this?” he asked

  She looked up at him to see if he was joking but the genuine look of confusion on his face told her that he understood it as much as she did.

  “It is.” She replied pulling her hand away from his chest and away from his firm grasp.

  “I remember the day you taught me to listen to heartbeats.” He said with a slight chuckle

  “You were so scared to put your head on my chest.” She said, “you thought you would get cooties.”

  They both laughed as they reminisced about their childhood.

  “I would never have thought I could see you grow up to be a big titan of industry.” She teased

  “Look at you,” he said, “you’re nothing like the girl I knew.”

  They paused for a moment as they looked at each other.

  “I guess time changes people.” She said

  By all calculations, her plan was not going well. She didn’t want to rehash the past, in fact, that was the very last thing she needed to deal with right now. She wanted to sleep with him and then leave him. It was a simple plan and all she needed to do was follow through with it. Somehow it was easier said than done when she was looking up at the man who was once again sending her nerves into a frenzy.

  She turned away from him quickly and decided to maybe try another tactic.

  “This is a great thing you’re doing for your employees,” she said

  “They need the break.” He replied, “they’ve been working hard these few months to improve the company my father left behind.”

  “How did the rest of your family take his passing?” she asked, “you mother must have been devastated.’

  She thought of the woman as she had last seen her. She had been a tall beautiful woman with a beautiful smile but a cruel hart. In her childhood, Yvette had been encouraging of her relationship with Lucas but as they had aged and grown closer, the woman had shown her true dislike for Scarlet. She had never been outright about it but Scarlet saw it in her eyes every time she visited the house to see Lucas.

  “She’s hanging on in there.” He replied, “it gets hard but we’re trying to make it through.”

  “She’s lucky to have you.” She said, “you were always the son they never deserved.”

  She heard him chuckle softly at her reference to something the maid had once said to them as children.

  “The last day we saw each other,” he began

  She turned and took a step towards him and then reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. She caught the look of surprise on his face a moment before she reached up and kissed him. It was exhilarating, and she was happy that she had made the decision to sleep with him. She didn’t think she could kiss him like this and not want much more.

  “Let’s not talk about that.” She said, “let’s just live in this moment.”

  He pulled her closer to him and deepened their kiss. His lips we so perfect that she began losing herself in his embrace. She felt his hand sneak down her body and it left a trail of fire in its wake. It wasn’t until someone behind them cleared their throat that they released each other and stepped back. They both stared at each other for a moment blinking back their surprise.

  “Ugh, they need you for photos on the upper deck Lucas,” Elizabeth said shyly with her face flushed crimson red.

  “Thanks, you,” Lucas said, “I should get to that.”

  Scarlet waited until he was gone before she heaved a sigh. That had gone completely out of control. Kissing him was her way of shutting him up but the moment their lips touched, she had lost all control; just thinking about it made her eager to see him again.

  “I knew there was something between you two,” Elizabeth mumbled excitedly.

  Scarlet rolled her eyes and smiled at the older lady.

  “It’s not that serious.” She said

  “Not that serious?” Elizabeth asked, “it looked pretty serious to me.”

  Scarlet couldn’t help the laughter that came rushing out of her mouth. She hadn’t expected it, but a strange happiness filled her. She decided not to read into it and chalk it up to the fact that her plan was coming along smoothly.

  “Don’t get too excited Elizabeth dear.” She said, “there’s nothing between Lucas and me.”

  Without saying anything else she walked away from Elizabeth and moved closer to the bow of the boat. She looked over at the horizon and smiled. Things would work out; she would make it work as she always did.

  Chapter 12

  Lucas stared down at Scarlet who was happily chatting away with his employees. She stood out amongst them not only because she was the tallest and the only one with red hair, but she was also the most vibrant and open person amongst them. He smiled at the way the day was progressing. She had kissed him. Although it was clearly her way to get him to stop talking about their past, she had clearly been affected by it. He shuddered inside as he thought of the way her body molded against him. His mind flashed to the images his mind had been conjuring and it made it harder for him to not want her.

  “I can tell why you like her so much,” Melvin said,

  “Why is that?” he asked not bothering to deny it.

  “She’s like a beautiful flower.” Melvin said, “she’s bright even amongst these dark duds.”

  Lucas laughed at the way Melvin described his colleagues. It was true they were pretty dull and they all flocked to her like moths to a flame.

  Picking up two glasses of champagne he took the steps to the lower deck where the others had gathered. Their cruise was coming to an end and so was the day. The sunset just beyond the horizon was scattering shades of pink and purple all over the sky which seemed to only emphasize the beauty of the woman he was focused on. When she saw him, her eyes lit up and he felt a strangely pleasing sensation that he was the cause.

  “Boss, you didn’t tell us you can’t ride a bicycle,” one of the women standing in the crowd said in a chiding tone.

  He looked up at Scarlet who was grinning from ear to ear. She had been telling stories. He should have known that was what she would be doing. She had a way of humanizing him in such a way that others seemed to admire. He realized that he wanted to kiss her now more than ever.

  “You’ve been telling stories about me.” He said in an accusatory tone.

  “I did no such thing.” She replied, “I was only telling them how I tried to teach a certain boss of theirs to ride a bicycle, but he couldn’t learn.”

  “I did learn.” He replied, “I can do it.”

  “He learned years later.” She replied, “when he was forced to get rid of his training wheels. Seems like the story o
f his life maybe.”

  Lucas didn’t miss the last part of her comment, but he chose to ignore it. She was smiling and engaging in meaningless banter.

  “I bet she didn’t mention that she had to be thrown into the pool before she could learn to swim.” He said,

  “I was three!” she insisted, “what three-year-old willingly jumps into water?”

  “She does have a point,” someone said,

  “I see you’re all turned against me.” He said jokingly, “you’ve picked the wrong team.”

  “I think with all her beauty and charm, this woman could take over the world.” Melvin said walking up behind him, “I think they’ve picked the right team.”

  Lucas was shocked when everyone agreed. He couldn’t blame them, he somehow wished he could leave his team and join hers.

  “Well, we’re heading back now.” He said, “I hope everyone had a great time, tomorrow is the last day so make sure you get the most of it.”

  At that, everyone took their hint to disperse and he was left alone with Scarlet. Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at him and he handed her the glass of champagne he had brought for her.

  “Thanks,” she said taking a sip of the golden liquid.

  “I’ve been thinking,” he began, “you should have dinner with me”

  “I should?” she asked

  “I think it would be a good way to end this weekend?” he said, “I can answer any questions you have, and we could catch up. I still don’t know how you’ve been all these years. “

  She looked over at him thoughtfully.

  “I’m very tired.” She said, “I don’t think I could keep up appearances for the restaurant scene.”

  “Even better,” he said, “I could prepare a dinner in my room.”

  She raised a brow and smile.

  “Is this the proper way to wine and dine a lady?” she asked

  He could tell she was slightly intoxicated by the way she slurred her words.

  “I just want to spend a bit more time with you.” He said, “I can’t deny that there is still something between us, but I will respect your wishes and keep my hands to myself if that’s what you’d lie.”

  “And what if that’s not what I’d like?” she asked biting her lip.

  He swallowed hard at her suggestive tone. His mind began to race with ideas of what she would like and all of them involved the two of them naked in his bed writhing with pleasure.

  “Well, let’s have dinner and see where it goes.” He said, “I don’t want to disappoint.”

  “Yes,” she said, “I will have dinner with you.”

  Lucas smiled, he felt a bit too excited for a simple dinner, but it was a small victory. He was on his way to getting their company and he would be spending more time with Scarlet. The thought that it could lead to something else was the only encouragement he needed. He would prepare her favorite meal and then he would see how the night went. If he was lucky, he would enjoy a night of passion with her and they would see how it went from there.

  Chapter 13

  Scarlet wrung her hand nervously. She shouldn’t have accepted Luca’s invitation to dinner and she should not have suggested that there could be more between them. She knew it was stupid, she knew it was dangerous, but she wanted him so bad it as almost painful. She knew this would be her only chance to see him like this and so if she did plan to do it, she would have to do it now. She looked at her reflection in the mirror by the door and smirked at the short dress she had chosen for the dinner. She hadn’t packed much evening-wear and so many of her clothes were more fitted for a day by the pool. She had returned to the room to shower and change for the dinner, but looking on, he didn’t know if she was ready; if she would ever be ready.

  Stamping down her doubts, she opened her door and walked across the hall to Lucas’ room and knocked on the door. In no time, he swung the door open. He had also showered and changed into jeans pants and a simple t-shirt. From inside the room, she smelt something spicy and her mouth watered. She didn’t realize exactly how hungry she was.

  “I’m glad you decided to come.” He said stepping away from the doorway and allowing her to walk in.

  She walked into his room and realized it was the same as hers.

  “So, what’s for dinner?” she asked turning to face him.

  “Well I know you love seafood, so I got us a seafood platter, some sparkling white wine and for dessert, there’s chocolate cake.”

  Scarlet smiled, this was the perfect dinner and something she made for herself on her cheat days.

  “Sounds lovely.” She said

  He led her to the dining table which sat next to the balcony. The doors were closed, and she assumed that was to prevent the calm breeze from snuffing out the candles he had placed in the center of the table.

  “It’s lovely.” She said as she looked at the spread he had prepared.

  “Let me help you with that.” He said as she pulled back her chair

  She accepted his help and then waited for him to take his seat.

  “So,” she said reaching out and taking up a tray filled with oysters. “I hope this wasn’t any trouble. I actually thought we were going to have a plate of chicken and green beans.”

  He smiled,

  “Not tonight.” He said watching her intently as she picked up one of the shells and held it to her mouth. She slipped the muscle into her mouth and swallowed allowing it to slip down her throat. She closed her eyes and savored the taste before opening them to find Lucas’ eyes on her.

  He cleared his throat and looked away quickly.

  “It was no problem,” he said

  She picked up another shell and squeezed a bit of lime unto it before slipping it into her mouth. All the while she was aware of Lucas watching her. She suddenly realized that she could eat no more. Her entire body was alight with anticipation.

  “So,” she said letting out a pent-up breath. “you wanted to talk business?”

  “I did,” he said, “not so much anymore.”

  “I see.” She replied, “what would you rather to talk about.”

  She bit her lip trying to fend off her nervousness.

  “Nothing.” He replied pinning her with an intense stare that told her that he was just as aroused as she was.

  “Okay.” She replied

  She reached out her hand to pick up her drink, but he caught it. Her eyes flew to his and in that instant, she knew that it was now or never. He stood and pulled her towards him.

  “You can tell me to stop whenever you’re ready.” He said lowering his head to her neck.

  Her head fell back, and she let out a low primal moan as he let his tongue roams her neck and shoulder.

  “Lucas” she whispered

  He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. One hand rested against her back while the other came up to rest against the side of her face. His thumb massaged small circles on her cheek and she couldn’t resist the pull in her stomach that begged to let him take her. Reaching up, she wrapped her hands around his neck and brought his head down to meet hers.

  “I want you” she whispered right as their lips met.

  He pressed her into him and her body responded, molding so that they were inseparable. She felt his hand fall to the hem of her dress and heat began pooling between her legs. He lifted the short dress and placed his hand on her exposed flesh. His and pulled her leg up so that she stood on one foot while the other was wrapped around his waist. She felt the length of him pressing against her center and her hips instinctively rocked against him trying to pull him closer

  “You’re killing me.” He said as he pulled away. “God, you’re so damn hot.”

  Scarlett didn’t know what to say, she felt like a prisoner of her desire and she would do anything to satisfy herself.

  “I want this” she whispered, “I want you, Lucas.”

  At the sound of his name, Lucas hoisted her up and carried her into his bedroom where he threw her down on the bed. S
he wasted no time and tugged her dress over her head before reaching up to tug his shirt off.

  “You really are all grown up.” She said looking at the impressive muscles he had gained over the years.

  “I could say the same thing.” He replied pushing her back unto the bed.

  He settled himself between her legs and once again began kissing him. She could feel him pressing against her and she was almost begging for him to take her. Instead, his hand sneaked down, and she felt as he pushed her underwear aside and sunk one finger inside her. She gasped at the intrusion, but he didn’t relent. She was almost at her climax when he stopped and pulled her up and then turned so that she was straddling him.

  “I’ve missed you.” He said reaching up to grab at her exposed breasts. She gasped and threw her head back.

  “Scarlet,” he said

  She looked down into his eyes and she knew they could wait no longer. Undoing the belt of his jeans she released his throbbing manhood and gasped, it seemed much bigger now than it had been all those years ago. He kicked off his pants and she hovered above him waiting to savor the feel of him as he entered her. It was even better than she remembered. Her eyes widened as he stretched and filled her, for a moment neither of them moved.

  “Dear God” he whispered gripping her hips, “you feel so good.”

  She took the initiative and began grinding her hips against him. It was blissful but with a low grunt, Lucas toppled her unto her side. Without breaking their contact, he began thrusting hard and fast and she thought she would go crazy.

  “Oh, yea, Lucas” she cried, “please.”

  He turned her unto her back and settled between her legs. From here she looked up at him and could see the desire in her eyes. As he made love to her she tried to suppress the tsunami of feelings that flooded her. Instead, she focused on the way he made her body feel. Not long after, she felt her orgasm crashing into her. It was so powerful that she wondered if she would black out. Lucas was right behind her, in one last powerful thrust he was done and they both lay spent and satisfied.


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