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Mistake Page 6

by Ellen Hutton

  Chapter 14

  Lucas let out a whistle as he settled himself in his bed. He was satisfied beyond his wildest dreams and it had everything to do with the woman who lay next to him. She looked over at him with a smile. Just as quickly as the smile came, it was gone, and she was leaving his bed. He was so confused that he wondered for a second if he hadn’t done a good job pleasing her. He immediately dismissed it knowing that she had climaxed just as powerfully as he had.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked as she began picking up her clothes and slipping into them.

  “Yah.” She said looking at him as though she didn’t quite understand his question.

  “Where are you going?” he asked,

  “What do you mean?” she asked, “to my room.”

  He scratched his head in his confusion.

  “You could stay here.” He said, “I would be perfectly happy to share my bed with you.”

  “And what?” she asked, “sleep with you?”

  There was a bitterness to her words, the same bitterness he had heard earlier. If she felt that way, then why had she decided to sleep with him. His confusion mounted.

  “I didn’t think you’d just get up and leave.” He said, “I was wrong.”

  “You were.” She replied, “come on Lucas, what did you think this would turn out to be?”

  “I have no idea” he replied honestly, “I still don’t know what it even is.”

  “It’s a one-night stand.” She replied, “we both get closure and an amazing night.”

  Lucas slid off the bed and walked over to where she stood to redo the buttons of her dress.

  “You’re telling me that this is all you want?” he asked gesturing towards the bed.

  “With you?” she asked, “yes, that’s all I wanted.”

  Lucas was so shocked he had no idea what was happening. Where was his beautiful innocent Scarlet who had fallen for him? Where was the woman he had made passionate love to only minutes ago? He reached out and held her hand to stop her from doing the very last button on her dress.

  “What are you doing Scarlet?” he asked, “is this some sort of revenge plot?”

  She looked at him and crooked her brow.

  “You’re full of yourself.” She replied, “so a woman can’t want a one-night stand with a man?”

  “You don’t do one-night stands,” he said, “we made love just now, you can’t tell me that this is it?”

  “You don’t know me anymore.” She replied, “you have no idea who I am anymore.”

  She wrenched her hand away from him and began walking away from him. He followed, grabbing the robe from the chair by the door.

  “Not for a lack of trying.” He said tugging on the robe, “you won’t even talk to me and then you beg to come into my bed and then leave as soon as its over?”

  “And what would you say we do instead” she used, “pick up where we left off?”

  Lucas realized that they were both shouting, and he knew this wouldn’t lead to anything good.

  “No, I want you to talk to me.” He said with all the sincerity he could muster. “why won’t you talk about it?”

  “I have nothing to say.” She replied, “there’s nothing here but broken promises, hearts and dreams.”

  With that, she stormed out of his room and into the halls. In a fit of rage, Lucas picked a nearby vase and threw it against a wall. He was spiraling and all because of a woman he had banished from his memory a long time ago. How did she manage to wind him up like this and why had he allowed himself to feel anything for her?

  Lucas couldn’t help wondering if his father had been right all those years ago when he told him she wasn’t the woman for him. Lucas quickly banished the thought, he couldn’t ever think that about her. She wasn’t the same woman now that she was then and it wasn’t her fault. It was his. Running his hand through his hair again, he went back to his bed and lay down. He began to think about what had just happened. He had held her in his arms and they had made passionate love like they never did before. It was ruined when he thought about the bitterness in her voice only moments later. What could have been so bad between them that she would do this? There were many people who had been through what they had been through but didn’t hold each other in such high contempt. He decided he would let it go. They had to interact for the sake of business. It would be good for him if he recognized where she stood and left her there.

  Chapter 15

  Scarlet stumbled into her apartment building blinking back the sleep that had come so suddenly on her drive from the airport. Unlike the ride to the airport, Lucas didn’t choose to join her. After their explosive conversation, he had avoided her all morning and although it hurt, she knew it was for the best. She had done what she told herself she would, it was good and now he was out of her system. The only problem was that she couldn’t get him out of her system. Images of them tangled together constantly flashed through her mind and drove her crazy. She hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before and so, instead of returning home relaxed and refreshed, she was tied in knots.

  Using the elevator, she made her way up to her apartment. As soon as the door opened, Logan came rushing for her. He threw himself into her arms and she slowly lowered herself to the ground, so she could be on his level.

  “Did someone miss me?” she asked

  He nodded furiously with his spiky hair waving with each movement.

  “Good because I got you something special.” She said pulling the little pouch she had been filling with rocks and shells from her bag.

  He clutched it and held it to his heart before rewarding her with a wide smile.

  “You remembered.” He said

  She allowed him to run away to his room where she knew he would be cataloging them with the other rocks and shells he had been collecting over the years. She walked into the apartment and saw her sister standing in the kitchen over the stove.

  “You learned to cook?” she teased

  “I have to take a course” her sister replied, “I’m experimenting with some new recipes on your son.”

  Scarlett chuckled and walked over to her. She gave her sister a hug knowing that it was more for her than it was for Cecile.

  “Did you have fun?” her sister asked

  “I did.” She replied,

  “And did you accomplish your mission?” Cecile asked.

  Scarlett chuckled.

  “It’ not a game or a spy ring.” She replied,

  “So you did.” Cecile insisted, “oh dear sister, I am the proudest baby sister you will ever know.”

  Scarlett laughed,

  “Don’t you have homework to do?” she asked

  “Nope” she replied, “in fact, I’m on a little break,”

  “A break?” Scarlet asked,

  “Okay, I finished all my items for exams and now I’m waiting for them to be graded so I decided I would stay here with you and Logan,” Cecile replied,

  “Aww,“ Scarlet said, “we would love that.”

  “I know you would.” Cecile replied, “I already moved into your bedroom.”

  “I hope you didn’t move any of my things,” Scarlet said kissing her sister on the forehead

  “Gross” Cecile said wiping it away

  Cecile followed her into her room where she threw down her suitcase and handbag.

  “What was he like after all these years?” Cecile asked

  “Phenomenal” Scarlet replied with a smile that was soon replaced by a frown.

  “That’s not good news is it?” Cecile asked,

  “It is not,” Scarlet said turning to look at her sister, “I don’t know how to feel. All this is new to me.”

  “Do you like him?” Cecile asked

  Scarlet let out a sigh and stood.

  “I don’t know how to feel,” she said looking down at Cecil, “I’m just very confused.”

  “What do you mean?” Cecile asked, “why would you be confused?”

when I’m with him all I can think about are the good times.” Scarlet said, “then I take a step back and then I remember and that’s all there is, pain and I, I can’t live like that.”

  Cecile was silent,

  “Do you still love him Scarlet?” her sister asked

  The question was so surprising that Scarlet gasped. She thought about it and slowly let out the air in her lungs. She still loved him. She had never stopped loving him although he had stomped on her heart and ruined her life. She had loved him all these years through their son and she had known it the very first time she saw him at that club. It was as If her heart had been dormant for years waiting for a trigger and seeing him reignited a flame within her, a flame that promised that she could love again, could dream again; could live.

  “I can’t” she replied, “I can’t love him, Cecile. It would be a tragic mistake.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Cecile asked, “what do you have to lose if you love this man?”


  Scarlet had never told her sister exactly what had happened. Cecile had been so young back then that to tell her would have been inappropriate. By the time she was old enough to hear the story, her parents had voluntarily forgotten and disowned her, and she had decided not to tell anyone for fear of having to relive the situation. The only thing her sister knew as that Lucas had broken her heart on her nineteenth birthday.

  “I can’t” Scarlet replied looking into her sister’s eyes and pleading with her for understanding.

  “Will you ever love anyone else?” Cecile asked standing and walking over to where she sat at the edge of her bed. They were so alike at this age that Scarlet could see her younger self in her sister. She could only pray her sister never experienced heartbreak like this.

  Scarlet looked at her and felt the single teardrop roll down her cheek. Cecile wiped it away and pulled her in for a hug.

  “I don’t think so” Scarlet replied thinking of the years she had spent looking for Lucas, the many men who never seemed to measure up and the wasted hours crying over a pain she didn’t understand.

  “I’ll be fine.” Scarlet said pulling away, “plus I think whatever you have on the stove may be burning.”

  Cecile glanced towards the kitchen and then back at Scarlet.

  “I’m the big sister remember,” Scarlet said, “I’ll be fine.”

  She waited until Lianne was gone before she threw herself unto her bed and wept silently. As she drifted off to sleep she felt when small hands smoothing her hair away from her face. She looked up to see Logan sitting on the bed beside her. He had a confused and sad look on his face and so she pulled him towards her.

  “It’s all right,” she said, “mommy’s just not feeling well”

  He didn’t respond, together, they fell asleep and she only dreamt of happier days, days with Lucas.

  Chapter 16

  Lucas ran his hand through his hair for the hundredth time that day. Noting was going right. He had been fully ready to go to work on arrival but as soon as the plane landed he got word that his mother had been rushed to the hospital. He had patiently waited for the jet to be fuelled and now he was eagerly waiting for it to touch down. His mind was racing with a million thoughts. He needed to first figure out what he could do for his mother and then he would deal with the other problems in his life. His mind instantly went to Scarlet and the look of pity she had given him when she walked away from the plane to the waiting car. Everyone knew his mother had been unwell, but she was the only one he would have looked to for comfort. Unfortunately, she had drawn the lines between them and he wouldn’t cross.

  The plane landed, and he was ushered to an awaiting car that would take him directly to the hospital. Before he died, his father had told him to take care of his mother but now she was in trouble and he didn’t know what to do. the drive to the airport passed in a blur and he kept himself focused by thinking of the ways he could care for his mother. At the hospital, he went straight to his mother’s room. She was laying on the bed with her eyes closed.

  He walked over to the bed and held her hand. They were ice cold.

  “Mom.” He whispered trying not to let the crack in his countenance show. He couldn’t lose his mother, not now.

  She turned and opened her eyes.

  “Are you here to take me home?” she asked with a feeble smile

  Lucas smiled and shook his head.

  “What happened?” he asked

  “I had a bad reaction to some new medication I’m taking.” She replied, “I’m fine you shouldn’t be worrying yourself about an old woman like me.”

  Lucas ignored her. His mother had always been a stubborn woman, but she had never looked this old or feeble before.

  “I want to help,” he said, “what can I do?”

  “Did you get that company your father told you to get?” she asked,

  He thought it was a weird question for her to ask but then again, she was always trying to distract him from her illness.

  “I’m tying,” he said, “I’ve almost got it.”

  He was sure of that. If Scarlet wanted to play hard, he would take them for everything they had and then he would show her who really had the power.

  “Good job.” She said with a smile. “now I’ve already got my caretaker coming here in a few hours, you should go home, I have enough help here.”

  Lucas shook his head. Leave it to his mother to chasten him while she was bedridden.

  “I’m going to my office nearby,” he said, “tell Danielle to call me when he arrives.”

  She nodded, and he took one more good look at her before standing and walking out the room. He looked around the hall and saw his sister Amy walking towards them. She looked sad and he opened his arms for a hug.

  “Where have you been?” she asked, “I’m afraid Lucas.”

  He knew exactly what she meant, he was just as afraid as she was, but he needed to be strong for her.

  “She’s going to be alright.” He said, “how are you?”

  He pulled back and looked down at her. there were circles under her eyes and she had gotten much paler. This wasn’t the sister he knew who had always been vibrant and full of life.

  “You should head home.” He said, “she’s going to be released in a few hours.”

  “I think I’ll wait until she leaves” she replied, “I’ll go home and spend some time with her.”

  Lucas was glad she decided to do it; their mother needed them right now.

  “I have to go now but I’ll call you to check in later,” he said

  “Thanks” she replied with a feeble smile.

  With one last kiss on her forehead, he left the hospital.

  He took his car and went to one of the offices on this side of town. As he stepped in, he suddenly regretted the decision; this was the office Angela ran and he needed to avoid her for at least another month. He avoided as many persons as possible and made his way to the elevator. He was relieved when Angela didn’t show up out of the blue; she had a knack for that. He managed to make it to his office without much uproar. He didn’t come here often, and the employees loved to have him around. As he sat down his short peace was interrupted by Angela. She walked in wearing a slick smile and he wondered what she was up to.

  “We should talk.” She said as she walked into his office.

  “What about?” he asked nonchalantly.

  “Your little pet.” She replied

  “Pet?” he asked, “are you talking about Scarlett?”

  “Yes” Angela replied

  It was then he noticed she held a folder in her hands. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her.

  “How much do you know about her?” she asked

  “I know she was once a friend of mine.” He replied

  He didn’t want to reveal anything else to Angela, she wasn’t the most confidential person.

  “Did you know she’s a mother?” Angela asked

  If his jaw was detachable, it would have
been on the floor at that moment.

  “A mother,” he said in confusion,

  “I bet she didn’t mention it.” Angela said, “why would she.”

  “What are you getting at?” he asked

  “She is the mother of a charming baby boy.” Angela said, “he’s so charming he almost reminds me of someone, plus he’s almost five years old.”

  Lucas’ blood went cold. She was a mother, a mother of a five-year-old. It didn’t take him long to do the maths. Unless she had gotten pregnant exactly after he left town, the baby, the baby had to be his.

  “I was even able to get some pictures of the munchkin.” She said laying the folder on his desk

  He lifted his hand to open it. He hadn’t realized that his hand was shaking and so he took a steadying breath. He opened the file and looked down at a little boy who looked like a clone of a younger him. The only distinguishable difference was the red in his hair. Lucas couldn’t breathe. He felt as if all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. He had a son, a son. She had kept this from him. Soon, his confusion was replaced by white-hot anger. She had kept him from his son. He looked up at Angela who was grinning triumphantly.

  “Leave” he bellowed.

  She didn’t hesitate, and he knew she was a wise woman in that instant. Picking up his phone he told his driver to take him back to his airstrip, he had to make a quick visit. He decided he would do some more investigating before he confronted her but he would confront her and she would tell him the truth.

  Chapter 17

  Scarlet laughed and threw another paper dart across the room at Logan who was catching them and storing them for a counter attack. She had taken the day off to rest and get her bearings after the long weekend. Cecile was in the kitchen preparing dinner and everything was in order.

  “I’m going to build an army,” Logan said triumphantly as he caught the last of her paper darts.

  She loved moments like these as she watched him plan and strategize. It was so interesting to watch such a tiny boy behave so much like his father; a man he had never met. As soon as her mind went to Lucas, she suddenly felt sad; she didn’t want to think about him. Ethan had notified her that his office called with an offer and that they made plans to negotiate a higher price. In the meantime, he had sent out an email to prepare the staff for the possibility of a buyout.


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