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Interview With a Dom

Page 4

by Holla Dean

  Once she was back home she spent the rest of the day writing about her first experience in The Room; describing the sensations she felt throughout the session. Writing it down almost made it seem as though she was reliving it and her pussy became damp. She wished Alex was with her so he could do it all again to her.

  Friday morning arrived and Kylie took a long soak in the tub and then rinsed off with the shower. She packed a small bag with some comfortable clothing, silk pajamas, and a few changes of underwear. Surely she wasn’t going to be naked the entire weekend.

  Soon it was time to leave for the drive to Alex’s home and it was all she could do to keep calm and not worry about what new and strange things he would introduce her to over the next few days. Her biggest fear now was that she would not be able to avoid pain entirely.

  Get a grip, Kylie. It’s just one weekend. You can take a little pain; you know Alex isn’t going to do anything that will actually injure you. Just suck it up, girl! Think of what this research is going to do for your bank account after you get a few erotic books finished.

  The attendant at the gate to Alex’s community called for permission to let her through. When she pulled into his driveway, the garage door opened and Alex motioned her to drive her car in.

  When she got out he said, “It might be better if your car is in the garage rather than sitting in the driveway until Sunday evening.”

  “Good thought. Thank you, Sir.” Kylie replied.

  He led her into the house from the garage entrance. This entry took her through the large laundry room and into the kitchen where Alex had a light lunch ready on the breakfast bar.

  “I assumed you would not have eaten lunch yet so I’ve prepared a small salad and there’s some grilled salmon keeping warm in the oven.”

  She smiled at him and said, “Sounds delicious. I have not eaten lunch yet. Thank you, Sir. If you don’t mind, I’d like to use the restroom to wash my hands before we eat.”

  “Certainly, you may use the half bath next to the laundry room.” He pointed to where it was.

  Kylie put her purse and bag on the floor next to the kitchen table and went into the restroom. She washed her hands and took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm her nerves. The contract Alex had given her to look over the other day had said she was to go to The Room immediately on arrival. She was glad they would be eating lunch first; it would give her a chance to calm down and relax.

  Back in the kitchen she wondered if she first needed permission to sit at the breakfast bar. Rather than risk the possibility of doing something that would give him a reason to punish her, she remained standing and asked if there was anything she could do to help.

  “Just have a seat. Everything is ready; I’m just getting the salmon.”

  He brought the salmon over, got some salad dressing from the fridge and sat down next to her. They ate for several minutes without either one of them speaking. For Kylie the silence was beginning to cause her some tension, some apprehension. What would they speak about when they were not occupied in The Room?

  Alex broke the silence. “Talk to me, Kylie. Tell me how you’re feeling.”

  She didn’t have to think very long to respond. “I’m nervous and more than a little afraid.”

  “Tell me what you’re afraid of.”


  He nodded his head and then asked, “Are you under the impression that pain is a large part of this lifestyle?”

  “Well...yes. I mean, you have a whole rack of instruments in your room that are designed to cause pain. You have a contraption that you refer to as a pony, designed to tie someone to and spank or whip them. There’s that...that cross thing to secure someone to so you can beat them more easily. So yes, Sir. I do think pain is a big part of the lifestyle.”

  They were finished eating. Alex took the plates to the sink, rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher.

  “Come, we’ll sit in the living room where it’s more comfortable and talk.”

  “Okay. don’t want Room?”

  Alex smiled, raised an eyebrow and said, “We certainly can if that’s what you’d like. I had thought we’d spend the greater part of the afternoon with more talking, getting to know one another, maybe answering some of your questions if you have any. But if you’d like to jump right in, we can talk later.”

  “Uh, no...that’s all right. I’d like to talk in the living room now.”

  Kylie felt as though she’d been granted a small reprieve by delaying going into The Room. Alex poured some wine and they sat down across from each other.

  He began talking about her belief that pain was a major part of the lifestyle.

  “For some subs, pain is what they want and need. They feed on it and look for a Dom that is able and willing to give it to them. But for most subs it is more of being on the edge of pain; of a pleasure so intense that it is right on the line of real pain. It’s very difficult to describe and impossible to understand unless you’ve experienced it.”

  “Then why are all those different kinds of tools or whatever you call them in there? Can’t you do what you’re describing without them?”

  “Yes, one can do without them. But we find them interesting and want to know how they will feel. Because they all feel differently. Some have a slap to them, some a sharp sting, some feel like a bite, and some, like a paddle, are more like a thud.”

  “Well, they’re what I’m afraid of. All of them scare me. I don’t want to be beaten.”

  “I have no intention of beating you, Kylie.”

  “Really? Then you’re not going to use them?” She asked hopefully.

  Alex quirked one side of his mouth up in a half smile. “Not all of them. And they can be used without beating you.”

  So he was planning to use them. At least some of them. She tried another question.

  “You told me what happens in The Room is consensual. Does that mean that if I don’t want you to use those things, if I say no to them, then you will not use them?”

  “That is correct. But if you don’t know what a flogger feels like, or how the leather belt feels, or how any of the other implements feel as they strike you, then how will you be able to describe it in your writing?”

  “I have a very vivid imagination. You know, an author can’t experience everything she might write about.”

  Alex made a suggestion. “Why don’t we do this? As we progress through our weekend together, I will choose various implements to use and we will begin very lightly and move on to more intensity until you say the safe word. And remember, you also have the yellow safe word. If you use yellow, I will step back down to the previous level of intensity that you found tolerable.”

  It sounded reasonable, but she was still afraid. She supposed the only way to get over the fear was to go along with Alex’s suggestion. After all, he had proved he could be trusted the other night. That was the night she had experienced the most intense orgasm of her life.

  “All right, I’ll agree,” she said.

  At about four o’clock the bottle of wine was empty, their glasses were empty. Alex looked at Kylie and said, “It’s time. You will to take your things into The Room now. You will find a small chest of drawers in the dressing room where you can put your clothes. You know what to do after that. I’ll be in shortly.”

  She felt a tightening in her abdomen but rose from her chair and went to the kitchen where she had left her things.

  “Kylie, when I give you an order, I expect a response.”

  Oh shit!

  “Yes Sir. I apologize, Sir.” She quickly responded before he might decide she needed to be punished.

  Kylie went to The Room and put her things away in the chest of drawers. She put her toiletries bag on the bathroom counter near one of the sinks and laid out her comb and hairbrush. Then she stripped, hung her blouse and slacks in the closet, and put her underclothes in her bag. She remembered to remove her watch and looked at the time. It was almost
half past four.

  She took a minute to take a few deep breaths and then went to kneel on the mat, making sure her gaze remained on the floor.

  Alex entered the room less than five minutes later. She was grateful for that; her knees had become quite tired the other night.

  Her gratefulness was short lived. Alex stood in front of her for at least ten minutes without saying a word. She wanted to shift a little to relieve the pressure on her knees but was afraid.

  Finally he spoke. “Stand up.”

  She stood and kept her head looking downward until he told her to look at him.

  “We’re going to begin as we did last time, but now you will wear an eye mask. You will not be able to see me.”

  Her eyes widened with just a hint of fear in them. Alex ignored the fear and said, “Lie down in the center of the bed.”

  Alex reached into the night table next to the bed and pulled out a black mask. He fastened it around her head, making sure her eyes were completely covered.

  Kylie told herself to be calm. This was really no different than the first time. She had kept her eyes closed throughout most of that session. Besides, there was always the safe word.

  She thought Alex was not quite as gentle with fastening her ankles and wrists to the bed posts. While he was in no way rough, she seemed to remember there had been more gentleness.

  Just as before, he began with trailing his fingers over her spread eagled body. He circled her nipples, tweaked them lightly, then moved on to her navel, her hips, thighs, and down to the cuff around her ankle. Then he went back up and slid his finger to the other leg and repeated the journey down to the cuff.

  He leaned over to take a nipple in his mouth. She moaned and her back arched slightly. He took the other nipple in his mouth, his fingers still trailing about and teasing her as they came close to her pussy and then wandered away again.

  Now he was doing the flicking thing again and Kylie couldn’t tell if he was doing it with his fingers or with the riding crop. The flicks were randomly timed and she never knew when or where the next one would be.

  After several minutes of that she felt something soft being brushed against her skin. It felt like strands of velvet and it was swirling around her breasts, over her belly, and then between her legs and up over her pussy and clit.

  Alex lifted it off her body and then brought it back down in what she thought was a strike, but the material was so soft there was no pain. Just what felt like a sudden touch.

  “This is a flogger with suede strips. Are you feeling any pain?”

  “No Sir, no pain.”

  “Do you feel pleasure?”

  “Yes Sir, I do.”

  The next thing she felt was similar but with thinner strips and not so soft. Alex followed the same path with this implement; around her breasts, over the belly, and between her legs. He struck her lightly with it and she felt a very slight stinging sensation. It made her pussy contract.

  Alex struck her again, a little less lightly this time. Kylie gasped.

  “Was that painful?” He asked.

  “No, Sir. Just unexpected; may I ask what it is?”

  “Another flogger, this time with thinner strips of leather. This one can cause pain, but you will not feel real pain with it during this session.”

  Thank god!

  He switched implements again and she knew right away this one was a leather strap or belt. She could feel it was much wider and heavier. Would he strike her with it?

  He did. Lightly at first, on her thighs; then a bit harder, and then harder still. Her belly tightened, her heels dug into the bed, but she could not say it was painful.

  Kylie had been concentrating so much on the implements he was using that she hadn’t paid much attention to what was happening with her pussy. She realized now that it was wet. She was becoming aroused and told herself to relax. Alex was not hurting her.

  She stopped thinking about what was coming next and let herself just feel the sensations. She had to admit they felt good. Now she felt something very soft, maybe a feathery boa? Alex swirled it around her body, skimming over her breasts, down her legs, along the inside of her thighs, and then brushing over her pussy. Another shiver raced through her body.

  Alex put the implements away and caressed her with just his hands. He traced his fingers along her inner thighs and brushed her pussy lips. She moaned and squirmed, moved her hips as though searching for more of his caresses.

  “Be still. Do not move.” He ordered.

  Kylie’s pussy quivered as he ran his finger up her slit, bringing the moistness up to her clit as he circled it and pinched it lightly. She moaned again and her hips rose to press against his fingers.

  “Do not move again, Kylie.” There was almost a threat in his voice.

  She didn’t think she could just passively lay there while he was making her feel so good, so hot. His fingers entered her and began thrusting in and out. There was no way she could not move.

  She moaned louder, hoping he would hear the desperation. She had to move, she was going to come any second now and Kylie wondered if he would punish her for coming without permission. Oh god, she didn’t care.

  Her hips bucked, her heels dug hard into the bed, her arms pulled on the restraints as her head bent back and her pussy tightened with her orgasm, gripping his fingers inside her. She cried out with her release and then slowly her body relaxed again.

  Alex kissed her belly near her navel, causing another tremor to run through her. Then he took one nipple in his mouth and lightly bit it while pinching the other one with his fingers. She pulled on the restraints again.

  “You disobeyed.” He said. “I told you not to move and you did. You were told in our last session that to come without permission is not allowed, it is a punishable offense.”

  She pressed her lips together and wished that she could see his face. What would her punishment be? Would he spank her again? Would he tie her to that spanking pony and whip her ass?

  “What do you think your punishment should be?” He asked her.

  “I don’t know, Sir.” She whispered. Was he giving her a choice? A say in her punishment?

  He released her restraints and told her to roll over onto her stomach. Then he cuffed her ankles to the bedposts again, and then her wrists.

  Kylie was trembling in fear, afraid that he put her in this position so he could whip her ass.

  Alex selected an implement from the rack and said, “I’m going to spank you with a leather paddle. Ten strikes and you will count them out. Do you understand?”

  “Please, Sir. Don’t. I couldn’t help it.” She begged.

  “Ten strikes, Kylie. You will count them out.”

  The first one came down and smacked her ass. It wasn’t nearly as bad as she had expected.

  “One!” She called out.

  The second one was slightly harder. “Two!”

  The third, fourth, and fifth strike were about the same as the second one, but her ass was beginning to sting. She called out the numbers. Five more to go.

  The last five came in quick succession and were harder, causing her to yell out each number louder than the previous one.

  Alex put the paddle on its hook and sat down on the bed. He rubbed her warm red bottom, easing the pain somewhat. Then he released her from the restraints and took off the mask.

  Kylie didn’t want to look at him and thought it probably was not allowed anyway.

  “How do you feel?” Alex asked.

  “My ass hurts...Sir.” She replied in a somewhat surly manner which earned her a warning.

  “You will keep that tone out of your voice. Unless you’d like another punishment. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Sir.” She replied quickly.

  “Go take a shower and get dressed. We will go out for dinner tonight.”

  She looked up at him in surprise. She hadn’t expected to be taken out to dinner.

  “Did you think I would keep you locked up here for the en
tire weekend?” He asked with a smile.

  “I guess I didn’t think about it at all, Sir. I’ll go shower.”

  “Good, I’ll be waiting in the living room.”

  She got up and headed for the bathroom on slightly unsteady legs. She turned around in front of the mirror to see what her bottom looked like. It was pink, but not excessively so. Kylie knew he had not smacked her as hard as he could have with that leather paddle. It had not truly hurt, just stung a little and her ass had felt warm. Well, maybe a little more than warm.

  She showered, washed her hair and toweled off using one of the large, thick bath sheets. As she was drying her hair, it struck her that in both sessions with Alex, she had been the only one brought to orgasm. What about him? Didn’t he want to? Was it her fault? Was he waiting for her to make the first move? Was there some way she should indicate that she was willing to participate so they could both climax?

  She wasn’t sure what to make of this. He couldn’t be waiting for her to make the first move. He was all about taking charge, ordering her around. Besides, what could she do when she was restrained?

  At the restaurant, Alex ordered for both of them. While they waited for their dinner salads, Alex asked, “What did you think of our session today?”

  Kylie looked up at him and asked, “Can I be honest?

  “Of course, I want you to be completely honest with me at all times.”

  “All right then. I think the spanking was uncalled for and unfair.”

  “Why? You disobeyed twice. I couldn’t let that go.”

  “Yes, but it was your fault I disobeyed. I couldn’t keep from moving with what you were doing to me. And I can’t control when my body reacts to those things. It was completely your fault.”

  Alex shook his head. “You need to learn to control yourself.

  “I think you’re expecting too much under those conditions.”

  “It’s the way of this lifestyle. Subs and slaves are generally not allowed to come without permission.”

  They stopped talking when their food arrived. Once the server was out of hearing range, Kylie asked why subs and slaves needed permission to come.


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