It Started in Texas
Page 10
"Hey." I smirked at them knowingly.
"Hi. Where have you two been?" Matt asked, trying to deflect the attention away from him with a lecherous smile.
"Why are you wearing lip gloss, Matty?"
He wiped at his mouth while I laughed at him.
"I just put the others into a cab to my place and promised them we'd only be an hour," I said to Karina.
"Will that be long enough?" Matt echoed Jenny's question, looking from me to Gage and back again.
"So funny. You should be a comedian."
Matt and Gage stood up to go and get some more drinks since the bar was about to close. As soon as they were out of earshot, I turned to Karina. "Well?"
"Holy mother of fuck,” was all she needed to say.
"When's round two?" I asked as the guys re-joined us.
"Round two of what?" Gage looked at me, and I grinned at Karina, a silent understanding passing between us.
I was just about to reply when my phone began to ring. "That'll be the girls. Give me a sec." I wandered away from the table. "Hello?"
"It's me." Jo's voice was quiet against the background music. "Just wanted to let you know we got back. Listen, Jenny's just checked her emails, she's got an audition in London tomorrow so she's leaving in the morning with me, but said she'll be back with you by the evening if that's okay."
I assured her it was fine and told her we would be leaving shortly. "See you soon." I ended the call, and then told Karina that I was heading to the bathroom and would be back in a minute.
The moment I re-joined the others, Gage took hold of my hand and leaned over to speak in a low voice.
"Don't ever leave me alone with these two again."
I looked over at them. They were locked in their own little bubble of horniness.
"Sorry, but when you gotta go, you know." Leaning across the edge of the table, I gave him a gentle kiss. "I have to go home," I mumbled against his lips, and he groaned.
"Hey, Weston. You don't mind this crazy chick coming back with us, do you?" Matt interrupted us.
"Sure, not a problem." Gage dipped his head to my ear. "I share a room with him." He sounded scared.
I couldn't help but laugh, which soon turned into a squeal when he ran his tongue along the outer shell of my ear. I pulled away, wiping off my skin.
"Sucks to be you, but I've got to get home. My house is unlocked." Gathering my stuff, I shot off a quick text to Jo letting her know I was on my way. "Kar, I'll see you at some point tomorrow?"
She grinned at me, and I knew she’d text me and let me know when she was on her way.
"Matty. I will hurt you if you fuck her over." I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and then noticed that Drew, Eli, and Diamond were nowhere to be seen. “Wait . . . where did the others disappear to?”
“They went back to the hotel,” Matt explained while he played with a loose strand of Karina’s curly hair. I turned to Gage, who had stood up next to me.
"Where's your next gig?" I knew he wouldn't be staying in the area for long.
"It's in Manchester, day after tomorrow." He took my hand and led me outside. "Let's get you in a taxi."
We walked in companionable silence up to the main road.
"Will I be able to see you tomorrow, do you think?" he asked me.
"I don't know. The kids come back tomorrow at some point."
Gage brought his hand up to cup my cheek. "I'll call you.” He pressed his lips to mine, the kiss full of longing.
A taxi pulled up beside us, and I pulled open the door. I turned back to look at Gage.
"Speak to you tomorrow.” I gave him one last kiss, meaning for it to be a gentle, goodbye kiss, but he caught hold of my arm and crushed me against him, his tongue finding its way into my mouth. Pulling away from him in that moment was one of the hardest things I’d ever had to do. "I've got to go." I climbed into the cab and turned to watch out the window at him standing by the side of the road while I drove away.
The next morning was a flurry of movement as Jo gathered her stuff together, preparing for a long train ride back to Wales, while Jenny got herself sorted for her trip to London for her audition. I stayed out of the way, making hot drinks and something for them to eat.
"I'm gonna miss you guys,” I told them over tea and toast while they waited for their taxi to the train station.
"It's been a great weekend. We should definitely do it more often, especially if I get this job. It'll mean me getting to move over to the UK for at least a year.”
Hugs were given out, and tears threatened to fall.
“Besides, I'll be back this evening," Jenny told me when a car horn sounded outside. "I'll call you when I'm getting on the train back."
I pulled them both into more bear hugs at the front door. "You better. Good luck today." After waving them off, I walked back into the house and heard my phone ringing. "Hello?"
"Mornin', darlin'"
I smiled at the sound of Gage’s voice.
"Hey, you." The house was too quiet, and I pottered around picking up plates and cups and taking them into the kitchen.
"I hope you slept well, ‘cause I sure didn’t." His exhaustion was clear in his voice, yet I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of him being kept awake by Matt and Karina. "It's not funny. Did you know your friend’s a screamer?"
"Right, that's way too much information."
"And the pair of them have some serious stamina."
"Shut up."
"Yeah, I said that a lot last night. I think Callaghan's going to change his name to 'Oh, God'. I ended up spending the night in the bathtub. Not the most comfortable of places to sleep, I’ll have you know."
I couldn't help myself. I laughed out loud. "Oh, dear. At least they're happy." If I were honest with myself, I was a bit jealous.
Gage mumbled what sounded like, "At least someone's getting some."
I was really laughing hard now. "Don't be like that. Maybe you should have asked to join in, or stayed with Drew or Eli."
"Join in? Very funny, and I never even thought about bunking in with one of the other guys. It’s very quiet there."
I flicked on the kettle to boil, then opened the back door to let in some fresh air. "Yeah, the girls just left, and the kids haven't arrived to trash the place yet."
"When are you expecting the kids back?"
I shook my head to get rid of the weird feeling that was building up inside me. I’d never been shy around guys, but this whole situation didn’t come across as normal ‘guy-girl’ interaction.
"Sometime this afternoon, I think. I'm considering having a bit of a sleep before they arrive and run me ragged." The doorbell rang. "One second, I've got someone at the door." I walked through the house and pulled open the front door.
"Hey." Gage’s voice sounded in stereo while he smiled that beautiful smile at me, so I ended the call.
"Hey." I leaned up against the door frame, staring at him.
“This is a surprise.”
He looked tired around the eyes, evidence of the bad night’s sleep he’d been telling me about. “I thought so.”
Still not quite having processed that he was standing on my front doorstep, I struggled to think of what to say next.
"As nice as it is standing here with you, are you going to invite me in?"
Moving to one side to let him pass gave me the opportunity to check out his arse in his tight fit jeans while I closed the door behind me before following him into the front room. From his hat-clad head all the way down to the well-worn boots that I loved so much, he was a sight to behold.
"Back again?" I smiled and moved to finish straightening up the front room.
"I thought I'd take the chance see you before we have to go to Manchester this afternoon. Plus, I really needed to get away from those two back at the hotel." He shuddered.
"Any idea what time Karina will be back?" I asked him, but he jus
t shrugged.
"Wouldn’t have a clue. They were both fast asleep when I left."
Good for them. I made us both a drink and sat on the counter in the kitchen, feeling more than a little unsure.
There was a tension in the air that wasn't completely uncomfortable, but it made me nervous all the same. Gage put his cup down and walk towards me, manoevering himself between my legs. He wasn't too tall, but the chair I sat on put us face to face.
I was mesmerised by his eyes, unable to look away from them. They seemed to be so much more vivid when they were right in front of me rather than in a photo. My own eyes dropped down to his mouth when the tip of his tongue flicked over his lips, leaving a damp sheen behind. Pulling my eyes back to his was hard, but I soon forgot about my struggle when he leaned forward and kissed me. It was a soft and gentle kiss, in which I could taste the same blend of toothpaste, cigarettes, and coffee I remembered vividly from Texas.
It should be illegal for a man to have lips that soft. Women would spend a fortune on lip balm to get the same effect. His mouth grazed mine while he pulled himself closer to me, and I lifted my hands to his hair, twisting my fingers into the soft locks that curled slightly over his collar. His hair had grown since I’d been in the US.
My grip tightened when the passion in the kiss increased, without my thinking about whether I was hurting him. I loved soft kisses, which were a huge turn-on for me, but I needed more from him. The tip of my tongue traced the outline of his top lip, and a shiver ran through his body. It didn’t take long for him to open his mouth, allowing me to caress his tongue.
The time for being gentle and romantic was over. I wasn't sure how much time we had together, so I decided to make the most of it.
"I've thought about doing this ever since Texas," he murmured against my lips while his hands played with the hem of my top, his warm fingertips gently stroking my stomach. "The bonus is the distinct lack of other people. That opens up endless possibilities."
"I do believe I noticed that, too." I ran my hands up the inside of his shirt. "We have the whole house to ourselves."
My thumbs stroked over his nipples, and he made a sound that was almost a growl before he wound my hair around one of his hands and pulled my head back, exposing my neck. Gage ran his tongue from the base of my throat up to just under my ear, where he nipped at my earlobe.
"I do believe you are wearing far too many clothes." He took hold of the hem of my top and pulled it over my head, revealing my bra. "Now, that's much better don't you think?" His eyes twinkled, and he smirked at me.
"Now it’s your turn." I grabbed the fedora off his head, placing it on my own at what I hoped was a jaunty angle.
When Gage removed his denim jacket, I pulled him back to me by his shirt and began to make quick work of his buttons. Once they were open, I marvelled at the muscular definition of his chest. "Purty." I whispered to myself and slid his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms.
His hands were stroking across my back while I drank him in, my attention momentarily distracted by the tattoo of a feather on his chest. There was other ink adorning his chest and back, but it was the feather I concentrated on. I bent my head to run my tongue over it before taking his nipple between my teeth.
"Oh, holy fuck. That feels so good, darlin’." The grip he had on my hair tightened, and he pulled my head up to bring his lips to mine in a mess of teeth and tongues.
The feeling of my bra being undone turned me on even more, and it was soon discarded onto the kitchen floor.
"How did I not know about this?"
Confused, I looked to see him palm my breast and run his thumb over my pierced nipple, shooting a jolt of electricity straight to my clit. Gage did it again, this time commanding my attention by keeping a gentle but firm hold on my chin with his other hand. The feel of the pad of his thumb rough against my nipple did things to my body that hadn't been done in years.
I hissed through my teeth, my head slipping from his grip and dropping back against the wall behind me. "Fuck." " Any other hidden gems I should know about?" he asked me while he ran his palms over both of my rock hard nipples.
"Isn't that the point of the word 'hidden’?” It was a struggle to reply with a coherent sentence. To move things along, I undid his belt and the button fly of his jeans.
"Do you really want to do this here?" He spoke against the tender skin just below my ear, his warm breath making it tingle.
"I don't care where this happens."
At my words, he picked me up by the waist and threw me over his shoulder, slapping my arse gently when I wriggled to get down. "Bedroom?"
"Upstairs, first door on the right."
Gage carried me upstairs and pushed the door open. "That is some bed, darlin'." He placed me on my back at the dead centre of my king size sleigh bed.
Sitting up on my elbows, I watched him pull his jeans and boxers down. Then he bent to remove his boots. "Nuh-uh."
Gage looked up at me.
"The boots stay on."
He grinned but left his jeans and underwear around his ankles.
"If you so wish, ma'am." Moving like a panther, he crawled up the bed until he reached my waist. He licked a ring around my belly button before taking the waistband of my leggings between his teeth and pulling them down to expose my underwear.
"Well, these are . . . um . . . interesting." Gage's voice was filled with amusement.
Looking down at what had caught his attention, I almost passed out from embarrassment. I was wearing a white ‘Proud Lyricist’ thong that a friend had printed for me as a joke Christmas present.
“I don’t remember these being available to buy.”
"Dear ground, please open up now. No love, me," I mumbled into my hands, which were covering my face. I hadn't even looked at what underwear I'd pulled on that morning.
Gage moved my hands away from my cheeks. "They should be such a turn off."
Gasping, I bucked my hips when he placed a kiss right over the red heart above the words.
"But, they aren't." He hooked his fingers into the waistband and pulled the thong down my legs.
I couldn't help myself. "Maybe you should sign them."
"I could, but maybe I could just keep them as a souvenir, so to speak."
I shivered while he traced his lips up the inside of my left leg. He stopped just before reaching where I wanted him to be.
"I’m kinda missing that table in Texas." Gage grinned at me. "But I wouldn't have been able to do this there."
I cried out with pleasure when he took my clit between his lips and swirled his tongue over its swollen tip. He licked, sucked, and teased me with his teeth while I arched my back in pleasure. Jesus, this was one talented man.
Moaning like a wild animal, I gripped the duvet underneath me when he slid two fingers inside me, teasing me slowly and tortuously. His fingers and mouth were working in tandem, and I could feel my orgasm building deep within me.
When he curled his fingers upwards and flicked my clit with the tip of his tongue, I screamed. "Oh, God!" The sensation of my muscles clenching around his fingers made me writhe while he coaxed me through my orgasm.
Once I’d quieted, Gage withdrew his fingers and rose up to kiss me, letting me taste myself on his tongue. I needed more of him, all of him.
My hands lifted to frame his face, and I looked into his eyes. "I missed you so fucking much." Then I rolled us over so that I was straddling him, and I took his cock in my hand and stroked him from base to tip.
"Forget that, I need more," he said with a grunt.
Without getting off him, I reached into my bedside drawer and pulled out a condom, tore open the foil, and rolled it onto him. Gage took hold of my hips, guiding me so that I was level with him, and looked me in the eyes while he pushed my hips down until he filled me. "That right there is perfection."
He gasped when I started to ride him, slow at first but soon gaining in pace. One of his hands rose to my chest, and Gage rolled my nipple be
tween his finger and thumb, sending shockwaves through my entire body. My hips increased in speed while I pressed myself harder onto him, trying to get more friction.
Gage tipped his head back into the sheets, so I leaned forward to kiss and suck at his exposed neck, placing all my weight onto my arms so I could continue to ride him harder and faster. Feeling his body begin to tense, I sat back up and rocked myself even rougher, bringing him to his climax.
"Holy fuck." Gage grunted and came with force, and I slowed and came to a stop, panting.
Gage wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me down to lie on his chest. We were both covered in a fine film of sweat, and while I rested on his chest, I could hear his heart pounding. ", darlin'."
"I ain't Jesus, honey. If I were, this would have ended a completely different way." I lifted my head to look at him with a stupid grin on my face.
"Oh, so funny." A finger poked me gently in the ribs, making me jump.
"I have my moments." Out of nowhere, my stomach rumbled, reminding me I hadn't eaten all morning. "You want something to eat?"
"Sure, I could eat, again."
Ignoring his crass humour, I climbed to my knees and sat on the edge of the bed to look for my clothes. I pulled on some fresh underwear and my leggings and grabbed a fresh top out of a drawer before I turned to look at Gage. He was still in the middle of the bed, watching me. He'd pulled on his jeans, but his shirt was nowhere to be seen.
"I'll go and get cooking." I leaned over to kiss him and then went down to the kitchen.
After deciding bacon sandwiches would be perfect, I took the bacon out of the fridge and placed some rashers into a frying pan. Gage came down, still without a top on, and stood behind me, wrapping his arms round me and pulling me against his chest, away from the hot oil.
"What time do you have to leave?" I asked, trying to keep the hint of disappointment out of my voice.
"In about two hours," he answered, sounding unhappy. "I think we're down in London after that, which is kind of great."
"Why's that?” Compelled to move away from the warmth of his body, I flipped the bacon over before it burnt and began buttering some bread.